Page name: yvresse 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2010-12-17 00:36:03
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 1
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Lirerial sighed and crossed her arms, "Really, the two of them act like children." She muttered under her breath as they argued.

Ullari smiled "Just don't bleed to death just yet. I still have a use for you" he turned and walked away

"Just one question" Kasser winced "Who told you we where marching on the old forest road? At least let me confront my betrayer"

Lirerial followed Ullari, her gaze thoughtful.

"Don't worry they are dead as well. That way i didn't have to pay them. Would you like to see the reprisal attack i'm going to launch on the farm villages? A little slash an burn is always good for moral and they could use it right now"

"The Southern provinces? They weren't even involved in the recent struggles, why lash out at them? They are unarmed, most of them are content to go about their lives" Kasser was now all ears

"All the better" Ullari shrugged

Lirerial frowned, "My lord... to lash out at neutral people will do nothing but weaken your power. Beings such as myself and Raina will be created if you follow such a path. It would be better to draw them to your side rather than destroy them completely."

He paused "That region though is also an ample recruiting ground" he circled back "Something better than. Conscripts, slaves and a supply train"

"A good plan." She agreed and sent a sly glance towards Kasser, "By the way..." She leaned up so she could whisper in Ullari's ear, "Can I have him? The general...? He'd make such a pretty pet!"

An invisible figure flew nearby and landed in the shadows watching and listening.

He nodded "Just make sure he's alive to see his men die, the city of ilithien fall, and the farm lands overrun"

The healers forced Kasser to stand. He hung his head in subdued rage.

The invisible figure stirred but remained silent.

Lirerial grinned and slipped up beside him, she touched his face gently, "I will take care of you... and don't worry about your men... I will do my best to save them." She whispered softly just so he could hear. "I will let you loose, free to roam the city and free of a cell... but if you run away then I will personally slaughter one man for each hour that you are missing and I will make Ullari's plans for them seem merciful." Her voice was deadly as she spoke, her gaze staring intently in the direction of the invisible figure as she delivered her warning.

The little book fairy shrank back into the shadows. She had hoped she would be overlooked the way she always had been.

Kasser nodded "To what end?"

"Don't be to hopeful... I am certainly not planning on betraying Ullari... I love a commander who is loyal to his troops." She answered, purposely not really answering his question. She looked back at Aisling, "Come out, little fairy... no one will hurt you here..."

"A loyal Siren? Now there's a novelty" he scoffed. Kasser stood, brushing the hair out of his eyes.

Ullari turned to Kasser "She is, and don't insult her by acting so surprised either" he growled

Lirerial smiled at Ullari, "Its fine... I don't blame him. Especially with my past." She chuckled and turned back to Kasser, "But I would watch my mouth if I were you... if memory serves me right, a Siren is currently serving your king. She patted his back, purposely letting her hand fall on his wound.

Kasser smarted before looking up at her "Yes, and i here you now have a dragon problem" he said pointedly at her.

Ullari shot him a glare

Amarlin continued to hide in the shadows, invisible to any normal sight. She wanted very much to help Kasser, but she wasn't able to do anything while the other's were watching.

Lirerial closed her eyes for several moments as she took a deep breath, hiding the grief that had momentarily flickered across her face. When she opened them again she smiled at him, "Toragon has a nasty temper... of course we have a dragon problem." She shot him a meaningful look as she glanced towards where his men were kept and then to Ullari.

Kasser smiled, he knew he had hit his mark "He's an Elder...something pissed him off enough to come out to war. Whatever it was though i can gurantee you now that he's going to maintain frontline status"

Lirerial met his gaze, "If he cannot accept the changes than it is no loss of mine. I was willing to be with him if he came with us but he chose to fight against me. I can not, I will not forgive the race that murdered my child!" She hissed, her composure slipping loose as her hatred resurfaced.

"So you chose one side of a Civil war between the two races? Neither of which seek the eradication of each other" Kasser said, slightly amazed.

Ullari turned to go, halting at what Kasser said momentarily before continuing to the rest of the prisoners.

Lirerial's gaze was hard, "I have my reasons." She stated, "Toragon's goals are different from my own, that is all you need to know. Just be happy you are alive." She snapped.

"If you wanted to see the entire High elf race razed to ruin i would have sided with the Liche Lords or united the were-creatures. And as to my life you think it matters to me?" he said bitterly "My life is that of a soldier, dying is a part of the job sooner or later"

Ullari looked at Gorthar who stood silently at attention "How many fighting men do you have at your command?"

Gorthar paused "Three thousand, half of which can march by morning"

"Exactly... I don't want the entire race dead. That is far to easy, and something that would bring me no relief. I want this race ruined, brought down from their high pedestal. What better way to bring down a mighty monster than from the inside." She smiled at him, "Dying is no longer part of your job. I have need of your assistance and I actually think you will enjoy your new job."

Kasser sighed "A void that a race more foolish will rise to fill" he shrugged "That remains to be determined"

Ullari thought for a moment "Get a long range Telepath over here. Lomien always keeps a cadre of telekinetics near by to keep in contact with his fleet"

Lirerial only smiled and stepped closer, she laid her hand gently on his wound and let her shadows soak into his skin, knitting together the damage caused by the crossbolt. "Now... come with me." She ordered as she turned and walked towards the infirmary.

Amarlin continued to follow invisibly behind them, hoping she could find some way to help Kasser.

Lirerial reached the infirmary, although she didn't know who was following her she could definately sense the person. She shook her head in annoyance as she shot a glare in Aisling's direction. Almost at that exact moment she reached the bed of the young soldier she'd rescued. She turned to him, her gaze gentle as she knelt beside him.

Kasser felt the shadows crawl over the wound, reviled and fascinated all at the same time.

Ullari shook his head as the two left for the infirmary, he turned back to Gorthar "Have the fifteen hundred ready, then move into the southern provinces. Anyone who resists kill them"

The Deamon elf bowed "As you wish"

Lirerial had heard Ullari's orders and she looked up and rushed to where Ullari stood, "Gorthar! Wait!" She called out as she confronted Ullari. "Ullari, this is wrong and you now it! Conquer them, yes, but don't slaughter them... right now we need their support, not their hate..." She whispered hurriedly, pleadingly.

He looked at her softly before turning to Gorthar "You heard her, see to it. Once at the town, depose any in authority. I want no bloodshed Gorthar, unless my brothers' army marches openly to reclaim the territory and then only any who fight"

He bowed politely "It will be as you ordered"

Lirerial turned to Gorthar, "Any who fight and those in position I want... No death in this conquering. I have a use for them." She said carefully and then turned to Ullari and hugged him, "Thank you..." She said as she smiled up at him.

Gorthar turned to the assembled band of men "Mount up! Do not fight unless attacked" the thunder of two hundred calvary sounded as they rode through the gate

Ullari nodded "You're welcome Lire"

She stood on her tiptoes as she kissed his cheek, "You never fail to impress me."

After Lirerial left Kasser, Amarlin flew up and landed on his shoulder. She remained invisible, but she spoke to him in a whisper. "Are you all right?"

Ullari sighed "well if that's a good thing then at least i'm doing something right"

Kasser was surprised at first "quite fine my little friend" he said so only Amarlin could here "And you?"

The little fairy had never learned to be dishonest, "I'm tired, and I'm worried. What can I do to help you?"

He pondered his answer "How far can you fly?"

Amarlin flapped her wings wearily and winced. "Not far. I live in a library remember? I don't get to exercize my wings that much."

He sighed "Yes, don't worry about it"

"I'm sorry." The fairy whispered sadly and curled up under Kasser's hair.

Lirerial smiled, "Of course, love..." She said, "I will do my best to help you win this war."

"Cheer up, you're doing just fine Amarlin" Kasser reassured "If it weren't for you i'd most likely have been killed already back in the woods"

"Winning? That will be a problem now with Areli now reappeared" Ullari looked on as Gorthar rode off

"Then we'll just have to make her disappear once more." Lirerial answered.

"My wings kind of hurt, and I'm scared of these people. They seem cold and heartless. And I haven't spotted any books anywhere." The little fairy was very tired to be whining like that.

"Easy" Kasser said gently "Yes they are, why do you think this war has gone on for so long?"

Ullari looked at her "And how do you propose we do that?"

"I don't know yet... but we can think of something." Lirerial chuckled.

The fairy shivered. "I don't like war... it's always so messy. So many wars..." Her words drifted off as she remembered all the histories about war that she had read. None of it had ever made much sense to her, but now even though she couldn't understand the reasons for it, some things were very much clearer.

"Let me know when you figure out how to get past the pissy Dragon, and the overprotective High Elf" Ullari said almost teasingly.

Kasser nodded "War is brutal, but in the end it has its' uses. However violent and savage they may seem"

"How can so much fighting and death and destruction be useful? That isn't logical at all!" The fairy protested, stiffening and then forcing herself to relax again.

"Because it is a means to an end when all other paths have failed. Lomien wants to preserve and if possible even reinstate the old Empire as it was. In order for that to happen now though the war needs to take place"

The fairy covered her face, though no one could see it. Her response came out slightly muffled. "Books are much more logical, I don't understand people at all."

Lirerial chuckled and pushed him playfully, "But why would I do that?" She asked playfully.

He shook his head at her antics "In case you've had your head in the clouds, the two aformentioned road blocks happen to be her entourage as of late"

Kasser looked up "That's because it's easier to write logically than to live so"

Lirerial only smiled, "There is a solution to any problem, one just has to go about finding it." She grabbed his hand and looked into his eyes, "You are to serious, Ullari, relax! War is deadly, but to be caught in its misery is worse."

"And how does one be an integral part of it and not get caught in its' misery?" she now had Ullari's attention "Oh the solution will come when i see Avalone burn, even if only in the same manner as this city was"

"True that would be a glorious sight, but just because that day has not arrived just yet does not mean you cannot enjoy yourself. Let us go for a ride through the forest." Her silver eyes were bright, she really did not seem much affected by the war happening around her.

Taken a back "Seriously?" he wondered "Yes it would be a sight to see, it's getting there that will take some time, but time is for the moment on our side and i'm willing to wait for the opportunity to present itself"

"Good. I will do my best to make it reality." She promised.

"I don't want you on or near that island" he said firmly "Now, i believe your new pet general is talking to himself in the infirmary" he teased

Lirerial grinned, "I guess I had better go and save his sanity then." she answered, not acknowledging his command as she turned and walked back to Kasser.

He turned to go, only to get startled by a tall black cloaked figure "One of these days i will kill you for doing that" he growled. The Dark herald waved his hand dismissivly "I met with Lomien" Ullari looked wary "You brought him the contagine?" A nodd sent a wave of panic through him "Relax, as of now your brother has a girl, i think Areli was her name? She i think is why he won't accept it" he vanished, leaving a troubled Ullari to continue his walk back to the armory.

"I'm sorry about that." Lirerial chucked as she came up beside Kasser. Her eyes narrowed as she sensed the book fairy on him but then smiled, "Its good for you to have someone to talk to... even if it is yourself."

He gave her a slightly glaze eyed look "Ooh am i talkin to my self? sorry"

"You have nothing to apologize for. I am the last person to judge." She chuckled, she knew who he had been talking to, she just chose not to say anything. "General... why are you loyal to your troops?"

"Well i guess i'm not loyal to them anymore seeing as they are all or soon will be dead right? But till then, because i led them, it was my duty to lead them in battle. They entrusted their lives to my command. Fighting and bleeding together tends to forge that sort of bond when you entrust your life to your comrades abilities"

Lirerial nodded thoughtfully, "I meant what I said... I will find a way to get your men out of this." She said softly.

"To what end? It would serve Ullari well to use them for his own means"

"Being fed to beasts is not a fitting end to a defeated opponent; not when they can be put to better use." Lirerial answered. She looked into his eyes and lifted her hand to carefully stroke his hair, "I am not completely heartless."

He looked at her for a moment then looked away "They would die with honor, at least they would die fighting. I can speak for them when i say they prefer that over slavery or merciless execution and interogation, but given the option they'd prefer to fight as soldiers and not gladiators"

"If you work with me, and my plan works than they will not have to deal with either." Lirerial said as she led him over to some chairs and sat down.

"And you have Ullari and his other darker minions wrapped around your finger to where that would happen?" he asked hesitantly.

"I have you, do I not?" Lirerial chuckled, keeping her feelings for Ullari hidden as she talked uncaringly. "You are the beginning of my plan, when I saw you I just knew that I wanted you."

He sighed "The grand dance begins"

"Yes, it does and you've landed right in the middle of it." She smiled and stretched. "How is your wound feeling?"

"I've experianced worse" he said slowly. He could feel the wound becoming infected.

"Thats not what I wanted to hear..." She frowned and suddenly stood up. "Come on... I will take you to the infirmary. You have to stay in top shape."

He followed her to the infirmary "I think the wound was either poisoned or is becoming infected"

"Infections I cannot handle but a poison should be easy." She glanced around and called the nearest healer. as the healer approached she laid her hand on his back, letting the coolness of her skin sooth his back.

He tensed at her touch before relaxing "It could be infection, i've been poisoned and wounded by poison weaponry and it doesn't carry the same feel, but that doesn't mean it could be one or the other or both"

"Don't move." She said as she let her shadows creep into his skin. Unlike when she was healing it didn;t really hurt, it just felt as if cool water was on his skin as they filtered into his body in search of the infect. Lirerial stayed quiet, searching for the problem.

"If it is infection then the wound should have a distinct odor to it, nothing strong as it is only in the preliminary stages. Poison on the other hand will no doubt be rampant"

Amarlin shivered and wrapped herself up more tightly as she hid under Kasser's hair. She didn't like the look of the shadows that Lirerial was using on Kasser, but she said she was trying to make him feel better. She watched quietly and invisibly and waited to see what would happen.

"There many different poisons... come can enter your body and work so slowly that it will be days if not weeks before you even notice something it wrong. Other poisons won't actually kill you but will cause an infection that can kill you." Lirerial answered, "I think that we are dealing with one of these."

Realization dawned on him "Lich poison perhaps? Gorthar's hired blades have been known to use it"

"I really hope it isn't... I simply don't have the ingredients I need to make an antidote and I can only get them by going to actual Lich territory." She said worriedly as her shadows probed deeper and then finally came returned. "Of course, thats just what is has to be."

"What? Please tell me i didn't get it right" Kasser smiled, only thinly hiding the worry behind his eyes.

"Just... relax." Lirerial snapped as she closed her eyes and took a deep breath. "We've caught it in time... my shadows can slow its progress and its a slow acting poison anyways. We'll have to leave soon though." She said tensely, more babbling than anything else.

"Easy does it i'm not panicking. Ullari will just let us leave the city?"

Lirerial glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, "I will ask to be polite but we're going regardless."

He looked surprised "And i suppose should he take enough offense to it you've taken into account the Deamonic soldiers that are not affected by a Sirens call?" he shook his head "That an you really think he cares? I'm a former commander of an army that has denied him access to a prize of his for nearly twelve years"

"He trusts me. He knows I will never betray his trust, even if it means killing you, even though I would like to avoid that." She said carefully, "As for your having been a pain to Ullari in the past... Ullari gave you to me, so now it falls upon me to keep you safe."

"Are we even talking about the same person? This being the same Ullari who razed entire refugee camps to the ground because their men sought armed assistance from us to keep the barbarians from ransacking their encampments..." he stopped himself "You know he keeps a Deamonic cadre of warriors that won't be swayed by your charm"

Lirerial glanced at Kasser with a small smile that pretty much said it all, she was in love with Ullari, "I know that... I live with him. Ullari fits me perfectly... He is not sickened by my being a Siren or all the lives I've taken." Here her voice was bitter as she remembered Toragon, her heart still partly belonged to the elder dragon.

He shook his head "Yeah that would be because he uses deamons and highly evolved apes to do his work. As a Siren i can imagine your like a breath of fresh air. Honestly i'm not surprised he doesn't care about what you've done. From what little Lomien told me about him that wouldn't be something Ullari would do"

She shrugged, "He is not as bad as Lomien would have you think. True he is ruthless and hard headed but in reality he is doing what he thinks is right."

"Forgive me if i take the side of someone who grew up with him, bled with him and practically raised him" Kasser countered pointedly "You're spot on about the hard headed bit though"

Lirerial grinned, "I can't blame you." She said with a chuckle, "But stay here I will go secure permission for the trip... oh and find out if the creature hidden in your hair is coming."

He laughed "well at least you don't think me insane" he turned in Amarlin's direction "You coming or staying?"

Amarlin was worried about what she was hearing, but still she carefully remained silent.

Lirerial crossed her arms impatiently, "Little fairy... you have been found out. Stop hiding." She said.

"Let her be, she's quite shy. I only found her myself by accident when i was trying to uncover a way to kill that damned black Dragon"

Lirerial glanced at sharply and her eyes glowed as she let her Siren call be released, "Never speak of killing a Dragon in my presence. I will not allow it." She hissed warningly before letting him loose. "but fine, keep her with you."

"And just how do intend to be rid of the Elder Dragon that has been such a thorn in your side?"

Lirerial looked at him in shock, "Are you implying that I will allow him to be killed?" She snorted in disbelief

"Are you suggesting Ullari will give you a choice?"

"You have very little faith in Toragon... Ullari will never even get the chance. Toragon will never be captured." She said softly, her voice carrying a hint of pride.

"You think i don't know that? He's an elder Dragon, i've never met him but the title would suggest someone who knows how to stay alive" he chuckled "And i also didn't say anything about Ullari capturing him. He'd kill him if he had the chance"

"He won't ever get the chance." Lirerial answered confidently. Her face was completely honest, it really had never occured to her for a second that Toragon might possibly be killed.

"If he doesn't then Lomiens' little Siren just might if she ever finds out about you two"

Lirerial's eyes shone with hurt and she looked away, "Why should she? There is nothing between us anymore. He hates me."

"Should Lomien consider the Dragons a threat, he won't hesitate to be rid of them or insure they are completely subdued. Either is achieved by Toragons' demise" he was enjoying his bating game

Lirerial shuddered and suddenly her hand lashed out and she slapped him across the face, "Shut up! Toragon will not die. If Lomien dares to do anything..." She couldn't even finish her sentence due to her rage. Suddenly she felt as young as the day she'd died, when she'd thought that Toragon had been killed along with herself.

"You would be unable to do anything" He finished as he stood unflinching.

Ullari turned his head as he heard her voice raise some pet he thought casually before turning back to the slaver "See to it they are well taken care of but also that the clean up continues unabated"

Lirerial trembled, "What can I do? Toragon will not allow me back at his side, and Ullari needs me here. My revenge is not complete... the death of my daughter must be repayed."

"Give it up" he said simply "Toragon will not die, that much is obvious unless he allows himself to be quartered. Revenge?" he laughed "Revenge is useless, it amounts to nothing more than spilt blood"

Lirerial didn't answer as her hand absently settled on her stomach.

"Sorry" he said honestly "I..never mind" he cut himself off

Amarlin shrank further back when Lirerial spoke to her directly, and was so surprized she was unable to say anything for a while after. But after calming down she let the invisibility spell fade, since it was of no use to her. She peered out from under Kasser's hair at the siren woman, and almost felt sorry for her. She didn't like the way she hurt Kasser when she got angry though. Amarlin drew a quick rune in the air which would cause any pain Kasser might be in to fade to almost nothing.

Lirerial glanced up at Kasser, "You what?" She asked as her eyes flickered over Amarlin then back to Kasser.

His features hardened "Since you have saved my life, i suppose i should at least share this caveat. Gorthar is my brother, sufice to say i envy you and your will see her again one day, and she didn't obliterate your home, town, and everyone you knew" he shuddered. 

Lirerial nodded slowly, "I am sorry. I can understand the pain you must feel."

He sighed "That was along time ago, but i can still here the cries and the screams....burnt flesh and dead loved ones doesn't lend to rest"

"No... it does not. I too live my death every time I close my eyes... but I also carry the scars." She said softly as she carefully lifted her black shirt so that her stomach could be seen. Her pale skin was completely shredded the massive scar curving around her sides and underneath her shirt.

His eyes widened "Toragons' revenge was legendary in the region i grew up in...then he was called something else, many would say that Gorthars' choosing to play host to a Deamon are still consequence of that"

Lirerial lowered her shirt and shook her head, "I never knew. I truly thought he was dead or had forgotten about me. I'm sorry... so much damage has happened."

"Ask anyone to this day about the wrath of the fire drake and they will tell you the price for harboring his enemies" he said softly "I do not know what really happened...the actual event took place i think in fact before i was even born, but move on. It won't do you any good to regret an dwell on it"

Lirerial smiled, "The Firedrake..." She chuckled softly and looked at him, "I will secure our permission to leave. But we have to go."

"Very well" he winced, placing his hand over the wound

Lirerial turned and walked away, she glanced around and then seeing Ullari came up to him. "Ullari..."

He turned from the group "What is it?"

"There are some herbs I need to gather from Lich Territory. I request a leave of absence for a few days while I gather what I need." Lirerial said with a smile.

"Very well, he stays here though" Ullari said absentmindedly as if he where reading off a list, mentally he was doing just that for the rebuilding an coming campaigns.

"I need him. He will act as my guard." Lirerial said with an eyebrow raised.

This got his attention "There are better suited for guard duty than a wounded soldier" he said slowly, trying not to forget everything else he was processing

"True, but none that I care to have around me. Anyways, some of the stuff I am gathering is for him."

Her argueing drew looks from the other guards. Ullari sighed "As you wish"

Lirerial met their stares with her own cold eyes before looking back to Ullari, "Thank you." She said and then hugged him, "Stay safe while I'm gone, and don't kill any of the prisoners just yet." She said softly only for him to hear as she hugged him tightly.

He held he tight "I was only kidding when i said they where all damned for the new pits...such a waste. Many of them have skills i can use" he said softly, releasing her "So no, none of them will die unless warrented"

She smiled at him, "I knew you weren't like that... Its the reason I love you."

He tilted her head an kissed her "Just get yourself back on your own two feet and in one piece"

"As long as I find you in the same condition." Lirerial said jokingly kissed him back quickly before turning to go back to Kasser.

Ullari smiled "Just hope a brick doesn't cut me in to then"

Kasser watched "You're serious about the Lich territory aren't you? So then, the shadow woods we go" he said cheerlessly "I wonder if the childhood stories have any merit in them"

"This will be fun! The shadow woods used to be my favorite place before I met Ullari!" Lirerial said cheerfully as a servant came up leading two horses.

"Lets' just avoid the northern most stint of those woods...the Lich lords have been increasingly more active"

"Very well." She agreed as she mounted her horse, "Can you ride?"

"Yes i can ride" he leapt up on the horse "Ready when you are"

She laughed as she kicked her horse into a gallop. "Race you!"

He whispered softly into the horses ear, causing it to explode into a rapid gallop. He took the reigns off, using his feet and hands to guide the horse "I think i'll take you up on! bet" he grunted as his wound became agitated by the movement "Though i'd wager you'd win"

Amarlin clung tight to Kasser's shoulder trying not to be left behind. Her wings went straight back and she was almost dragged off by their weight with the wind pulling them alone. Her antennai tossed across her face but she couldn't loosen her hold to brush them aside.

"You alright Amarlin?" he asked feeling the near indistinct pulling at her hand hold on him. He lead the way to The Shadow woods, not at all liking the idea of the place.

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