Elftown Mall wiki-comments

2008-12-12 [Hedda]: A very small selection of shops so far, but I hope some more will parter up soon.

2008-12-12 [Hedda]: You can go to this page by clicking on "Shop" up to the right.

2008-12-12 [Linderel]: Play.com - http://www.play.com :3

2008-12-12 [arthemis_]: Does anyone know a good Dutch fantasy-store?

2008-12-12 [Hedda]: Play.com unfortunately uses https://www.affiliatewindow.com/ which demands £5 from me to try it, so I'll not try it unless I see that I really can sell anything here.

2008-12-12 [Linderel]: I schee.

2008-12-12 [JaeMarix]: Musn't forget about http://www.noblecollection.com/
Once upon a time long, long ago I bought a gold & silver laser inscribed One Ring..
I miss it :'(

2008-12-12 [Khronos Atmosphaera]: http://www.japanimation.com/ Is a great store in the US for Otaku... er... anime geeks! I've shopped there plenty of times! ^^

2008-12-12 [JaeMarix]: http://store.xkcd.com/
xkcd is one of the reasons i stay sane during one of these slow workdays.. ~.~

2008-12-12 [Anvikit]: Anything on www.etsy.com it's got a ton of little shops full of handmade items from all sorts of artisans. :)

2008-12-12 [Hedda]: I applied to http://www.noblecollection.com/ 's affiliate program, but they are at LinkShare which sucks.

I couldn't find a affiliate program for http://www.japanimation.com/

http://store.xkcd.com/ doesn't have any as far as I see.

Etsy doesn't have one either (yet):

Thanks for the tips!

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