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XxCynical HeartxX (Phht. This is the storm people are panicking for?)

Member #119343 created: 2005-02-28 04:28:36Simple URL:   

Name: Jessi


Gone, but not forgotten, Birdie...(August 5th, 2006-November 20th, 2006.)


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Time for an overdue update!

I really don't know what to write. Some people say I'm a jerk. Some say that I'm too kind. And some others might even say that I'm nothing more than a klutz. Regardless of what others thing, I know only one thing: I'm just me. Love me or hate me, but at all I ask is that you get to know me first.

Reading and writing are two major parts of my life. I'm suffering from writers block at the moment, but that doesn't mean my mind ceases to imagine stories. Books are a must-have for me, even when I have no more room to store them. Music is my life. Without music, life isn't worth living. Hell, I don't think life is worth living without any of the arts!

What else is there to really say? I'm just an average girl in this world. I have my hopes and dreams of being a travel writer/journalist. To travel and see everything there is to see in this world is my dream. But being trapped here-for now-is my curse until I have the means to escape.

I can't think of anything else to say, really. If you want to try and get to know me, then good luck. I make no promises that I'll respond, unless I know you already. (Yes, Elfy, that means you...)

Ciao for now, my lovelies!

Age: 21Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 5

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Elf
Elftownworldmap 21°19.998'N 157°54.996'W

Place of living: USA-Hawaii

Town: Somewhere Upon A Hill...

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: Yes

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests
information seekingmusic

gothheavy metalprogressive metal

Other interests
gamblingpoetryrole playing

Civil status: single

Sexual preference: opposite sex

Body shape: normal

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