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anarchybeyatch 3_0_3 (i love the rain)

Member #127489 created: 2005-04-01 16:23:38Simple URL:   

Name: charlene leejohnson


me again


Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkAdventurer

short dark brown hair blue eyes and kinky

Do I...?
-Smoke: no
-Do drugs: no
-Sleep with stuffed animals: yes
-Have a boyfriend/girlfriend: no
-Believe there is life on other planets: yeah
-Remember your first love: yes
-Like to Party: duh!
-Read the newspaper: no
-Have any gay or lesbian friends: yeah!
-Believe in miracles: sometimes
-Want to get married: psshhtt
-Want to travel: ofcourse
-Believe it's possible to remain faithful forever: dno
-Like music: DUH!
-Have a fav. movie: not really
-Have a fav. sport: yes
-Consider yourself tolerant of others: sometimes
-Consider love a mistake: yes
-Have a favorite candy: yeah
-Have a fav. food: yeah
-Believe in astrology: yes
-Believe in magic: yeah
-Believe in God: yes
-Pray: sometimes
-Go to church: yes
-Want a certain career: no
-Have any secrets: YES!!!!!!!!
-Have any pets: 3 dogs 1 cat 13 horses
-Do well in school: maybe
-Go to or plan to go to college: yeah
-Talk to strangers who email you:yes
-Wear hats: yeah
-Have any piercings: yeah
-Have any tattoos: no
-Hate yourself: ofcourse
-have an obsession: yeah
-Have a secret crush: no
-Do they know yet: no
-Collect anything: yes
-Have a best friend: yeah more than 1
-Wish on stars: sometimes
-Like your handwriting: yeah
-Have any bad habits: yeah
-Care about looks: yeah
-Believe in witches: i guess
-Believe in the devil: yeah
-Believe in ghosts: yeah



(Image deleted by the guards)


MY friends online

[juggalette kisses]- Kit Kat
[penguin jones]- Bradley
[Simply Shelby]- Shelby
[Ninjette420]- Holly
[incubus's victim 666]- Nicole
[Ice CK]- Chris
[total_k_o]- Jeffrey
[Sexy Beast 69]- Dustin(my boyfriend)
[Keyurg Kirosake]- Someone i met on here
[clownlove]- Neil

001: Name:
002: Nickname:
003: Country of living: Bushnell,Florida
004: Birth date:

005: Height: 5'2"
006: Eye color: Blue

007: Shoe size: 8
008: School/work: SSMS

009: You smoke: Never...
010: Hobby's: Music

011: Brothers/Sisters: 1 Sister
012: Relationship: YEAH

013: Piercing(s): 2 in each ear
014: Tattoo(s): Someday

015: Vacationland:
016: Are there people you wont reply to?:Nope

017: Nicest person you met this year:
018: Worst person you've met this year:

019: Who would you like to meet:
020: Who is it that you admire:

021: Most sexy person(s):
022: Favorite Pajamas(clothes to sleep in):

023: Favorite Car:
024: Favorite Movie(s):

025: Favorite Music: Metal, Death Metal, Black Metal,Rock Rap,Alternative
026: Favorite City(s):

027: Favorite Plush:
028: Favorite Perfume/au de toilette/aftershave:

029: Favorite Magazine:
030: Favorite sound: Walkin in snow

031: Favorite TV-series:American Chopper
032: Favorite Writer: Stephen King,

033: Favorite Nickname:
034: What is on your mouse pad: Sexy P.s.

035: What all is under your bed:
036: Favorite color:

037: Favorite Song ever:
038: Favorite song at this moment:

039: Favorite Food: C
040: Favorite class at school: PE

041: Favorite drink: coke
042: Lucky number:

043: What do you think that is greatest about yourself:
044: What deodorant do you use:

045: Favorite shoes:
046: What time do you go to bed on schooldays:10:00-11:00

047: What word do you use most:
048: Most romantic moment in your life: and

049: Most ashamed moment of your life:No
050: You spend your time rather inside or outside:Inside

051: What do you do in the weekends:
052: What class @ school do/did you dislike most: All of them really

053: Your Breakfast:
054: What do you really really dislike to eat:

55: Pets: Two Dogs
056: Laugh or dream: Both

057: Serious or funny: Both
058: Fast or slow: Both

059:Do you prefer being alone or in a relationship:i don know
060: Simple or Complicated: Simple

062: Sex or alcohol:Sex..
063: Stay up late or go to bed early: Stay Up

064: Light or dark?: Dark
065: Speak or Silence: Speak maybe

066: Tall or Small man/woman:
067: Newspaper:

068: Hug or kiss: kiss
069: Happy or sad: both

070: Life or Death: life.
071: Gig or Disco: neither

072: Left or Right: Right
073: Sausages on top, or on the side: Top

075: What would you ask god if you could ask him 1 single question: Dunno
076: Do you believe in reincarnation: Nope

077: Do you believe in Aliens?: Sure
078: When you die, what will be your last words:Damn, What a life

079: Does true love exist? : Yeah
080: How many kids would you like to have/if any?: 2
081: What is the thing you can't stand:Posers
082: Best feeling:

083: Worst feeling in the world: Hatred
084: What are you afraid of:Becoming old

085: Are you an emotional person: Not really
086: You cry while watching a movie?:Nope

087: Your goal in life: To live a happy life
088: What was the promise you made to yourself at New Years Eve:

089: Who is your favorite artist?: None
090: As what animal would you like to reincarnate:

091: What is the most beautiful part of the male body:
092: Most original place to ask your love to marry you:

093: What do you think of elf town? :
094: is there something u miss about elf town:

095: Where did you get this question list?:
096: Besides elf town, what do you do most on your PC:

097: Is there a question you missed in this:

101: What super power do you wish to have:
102: Your gender:

103: Straight/gay/BI: Straight

106: Age you act:How the fuck would i know?

110: The color of your hair: Black when wet....Dark brown when dry

111: Happy with it: Not really, it's to short

113 Your living arrangement: My Bedroom
114: What's your job: None right now

119: Do you have a Web Page: Nope
120: Do you live in the moment: No

122: Do you have any secrets: Yeah
123: Do you hate yourself: No.

124: Do you like your handwriting:

126: What is the compliment you get most from people: Sexy
127: If a movie were made about your life, what would it be called:

128: What's your biggest fear:Losing someone i love
129: Can you sing:kinda

130: Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool:

132: If you were another person, would you be friends with you: Yea
133: Are you a daredevil:

134: Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself:

137: What is your greatest strength and weakness: None

141: Do you think you are emotionally strong:Yeah
142: Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life: Lots of things

143: Do you think life has been good so far?: Yeah

145: What do you like the most about your body: My boobs
146: And least:

148: Are you confident:

150: Do people know how you feel:

152: Do drugs:
153: Read the newspaper:

154: Pray:
155: Go to church:

158: Take walks in the rain: Yeah
159: Talk to people even though you hate them: Yeah

163: Hurt yourself: A bunch of times
164: Been out of the country:

166: Burped: No shit
167: Been unfaithful: Yeah, Long time ago

169: Done drugs:
170: Gone skinny-dipping:

172: Ran away from home:
173: Played strip poker: 

174: Gotten beaten up:
175: Been picked on:

176: Been on stage:

178: Slept outdoors: Yeah
179: Thought about suicide:

180: Pulled an all-nighter:

182: Gone one day without food: Yea
183: Talked on the phone all night: Yeah

184: Slept together with the opposite sex without actually having sex?: Yes
185: Slept all day:

186:killed someone: Nope

190: Kissed the same sex: yes
191: Done anything sexual with the same sex: Nope

192: Been betrayed: All the time
193: Had a dream that came true: Yeah...Naughty dream too....

195: Met a famous person: Nope
196: Have you ever killed an animal by accident:

197: Stolen anything: Yeah...Your heart

199: Been in a mosh-pit: Yup
200: Had a nervous breakdown:

204: Had a dream?- Duh
205: Miracles: I do believe

208: God:Yes i do

210: Santa:
211: Ghosts: Sure

212: Luck: Yep
213: Love at first sight: yes

216: Easter bunny:

218: Believe there's a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow: 
219: Do you wish on stars?:

221: Still love him/her:

224: Turn-on:
225: Turn-off: Alot of those

226: Do you base your judgement on looks alone: Nope

231: Do you think the opposite sex finds you good lookin: How could they not?

233: What is the worst thing about the opposite sex: They can be assholes
234: What's the last present someone gave you:

237: Favorite weather:Storm

This is holly she adopted me (yay!!)

This is Holly u kno shes sex

This is Riley,Nicole,Brandon,Dustin


Age: 15Year of birth: 1992Month of birth: 2Day of birth: 8

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Dwarf
Elftownworldmap 27°11.652'N 82°17.028'W

Place of living: USA-Florida

Town: sumter

Known languages
Sign LanguageEnglish

Elfwood artist: No

Elfwood writer: No

Elfwood URL: i

Fanquarters URL: am

Wyvern URL: batman

Home-page URL: the

Weblog URL: ???????

Favorite URL: r u????

Elftown crew wannabe: No

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

no musicalternativegoth
heavy metalhip hopnew age
popprogressive metalpunk

Other interests
chasing the preferred sexdrinkswhisky

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: same sex

Body shape: normal

Height: 163

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