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~All the perfect words seem so wrong~ (Parinoid pictures)
Name: Tasha Lee
yup this is me ok bye
Tina and me im on the right
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Ok my names tasha and. So ya omm kewl shit lets see i have brown eyes and I skateboard bmx but i broke my bike i love dirt bikes with a passion and i will eventually have one or two i use to have a xr honda and i love music with a passion too. i like to snowboard even thugh im no good but i will learn that too eventually, i will learn how to play the eletric guitar soon enough and i love to sing and hopefully i will have a all girl band maybe. so ya wel theres a little about me if you want to talk then message me.
-- Played a game that required removal of clothing: sure thing buddy
-- Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: possibly maybe ok i have
-- Been caught doing something: noppers
-- Been called a tease: um.. no. wel.. no comment
-- Gotten beaten up: no well..let me think..ok ya by this mixed girls mom lol
-- Shoplifted: um.. yeah got caought well done yay me!!
-- Changed who you were to fit in: lol no..
-- Age you hope to be married: i dont know i havnt thought about that ok omm 22 or 23 or 24
-- Numbers and names of children: 2 so they can play with each other and leave me the fuck alone lol just KIDingggg (not really)
-- How do you want to die:i dont know
-- Where do you want to go to college: psht
-- What do you want to be when you grow up: when i grow up i wanna be a princess and live in a fairy palace and ride magic ponies ... lmao :D
-- What country would you most like to visit: alstrailia
-- Who is your most loved people: people who love me

this is amanda i love her with all that i have to offer her and without her everything falls apart shes my life and my world, I want to be with her for the rest of my life and i hope everything will work out the way i will hope it will..Im not looking for anyone else but her. I will never cheat on her so dont try coming in and ruiening everything.
*When ever you get lonely, just look at the spaces between your fingers, and remember that’s where mine will always fit perfectly.*
One More thing, Before you go.. Let me just give you a warning.. You see that link below here?? DO NOT CLICK IT!! If you click it you are a dumbass, But If your retarded like most people, Go ahead give it a click, and see how much of a moron you are.
Well... I hope you didn't click that link ^^, so.... yeah... heres the bottom.. So Boring.. Anways If you want to ask questions or just talk Messege me, Cya.
What you write down sometimes leaves you forever, like an old photogragh left in the bright sun, fading to nothing but white. I pray for that sort of release."
Yeah it goes like this....
"Dad I love you!! Can I
have some money for some
cocain and alcohol
and cheap strippers?!"
"Tasha, I love you too! You
are an amazing daughter,
who is very talented,
and a beautiful human-being.
Take the American Express
Age: 21 | Year of birth: 1990 | Month of birth: 10 | Day of birth: 30 |
Gender: female
Fantasy race personality: Halfling

43°22.872'N 86°9.354'W
Place of living: USA-Michigan
Town: if you know me then you know already if you dont know me then you dont need to know
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: Yes
Elfwood URL: i dotn thin kyou can right here but oh well i spelt right wrong and i did it again
Fanquarters URL: sometimes i act worse then a 5 year old on crack
Wyvern URL: well ok then i mean i am board and have nothing to say and i just want to keep typeing
Home-page URL: and these motherfuckes wont let me keep typing it stops and i have to move down a row :(
Weblog URL: haha well sure im almost done dont you think..i think so too i wish i knew
Favorite URL: i like music and i like to sing loud even thoughi dont know the words ~sings~
Elftown crew wannabe: No
alternative | heavy metal | pop |
progressive metal | punk | rock |
techno |
Other interests
animals | beer | cats |
chasing the preferred sex | dancing | dogs |
drinks | electronics | fashion |
motorcycles | party | poetry |
religion | singing | smoking |
shopping | writing |
Civil status: involved
Sexual preference: both sexes
Body shape: sumo
Height: 163