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Mixa C (, im no longer on here)
I'm a member to peace lovers!
Drawing missing.
Elftown titles and orders
Adventurer | Fastfood worker |
Welcome to my house and get in quickly, make yurself comfortable, for visit my polls and diaries, as i tell you good stories...
I'm worth exactly $1,117,000.00 on
I'm starting a new rap group with my friends called the A-state Jammers, representing Arkansas and Little Rock which is in Arkansas,lol. My sis is in it too, the beautiful tragedy i think her name is,anyway wanted to let you'll now!my name is Mixa C cuz i make the instrumentals and rap also, i just don't know where to perform!
Antonio Banderas and Robert Rodriguz are the best(makers of Spy Kids and One Upon a Time in Mexico and more)
My yahoo screenname-
And I got to make my shotout to my girl [Hp Lover 4 eva aka Freshman Gurl 08]! she my girl!
Here's my song "Like Whoa"
Like Whoa!
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, just jump everybody just jump
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, just jump ok
For all the fellas in da place just jump, for all the ladies in da place just rock
For all the fellas in da place just jump, for all the ladies in da place just rock
whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa, lets go
Ok everybody just rockin,them drnks tops be poppin', and on the mic the DJ is nonstop an
We got it going on, lights be just busy blurrin on, i think the beat is on, its time to show 'em on
Nobody is challenging me, i think its cuz im mixa c, im ready to bump the beat, comeon and jump to your feet,i think youll need to retreat and when yall see me yall like
Now I done got on stage, for some its an outrage, for others they just turned the page,for me i about to turn a new age
Now ppl just jumpin to this, i'm rockin on the mics like yikes,its time to call mmy homeboy sikes,frfom Atlanta to Little ROck,were cool off the block,hits all we drop,girls be lookin at me, guys hanging with me and then i noticed once guy just dancin with me
i was like whoa,whats this about, werent you the bully that knocked me out,
he was like no i was like whoa time to go!
Saint Louis,Birmingham,Louisville, Cincinnate,(all over)yall know what this is, like whoa
(Churos without beat)(when repeat churos beat comes back and regular music comes on,churos+3, then come off with instrumental)
My stories-
Well,I don't really know much about myself,really.But dude I guess I'm cool.I don't know,quit asking me!I'm not smart and I'm not dumb,I'm nothing,wait a minute i am something.Matter in air,o brother,why do i bother?
Plus check out the ever-so-cool diary of all elftown man!it's jamming like the arkansas jammerr and it's full of high-flying action in Blanchard Springs, computer explosions, big mistakes in plays in front of everyone, being a scret-agent and seeing Jim Carry making funny faces to my aunt letting a drunk man in while me,my cuz and my sis[BaBiiPhAtGrL09] play PS2. I call it "The Wierd Chronicles of the A-state Jammer" check it out!
My a few of my friendly elftown friends-
I copied and paste from my relation list so here it is though.I didnt feel like putting brackets on 70 names and if you have a problem just tell and ill do my best(sniffels)
#1//*** A-State Jammers
*Chelsea Sweetz420* talkin buddie
*Lil_Bit~897* family
*open for rent* friends
*Regina07* *~*~ET FRIEND~*~*
*sweet peace* peace friends
*~Fading Memories~* friend
+forgotten+ friends
azn_cutie716 friend
baba friends
baby-cakes friends
baby_gurl2007 friends
black:heart friends
blondgurl29 Arkansas friends
BuRnT FLashLIght friends
Buttercup? new friends
cakelover friends
chad the heartless friend
cheersweetie4 friends
cntrythang32 coolest friends
coolio friends
countrybebe69 friend
d train homies
Deirdre O'Kelly friends
fantasychick Democratic friends
Frosted_Flakes friend
Glamourgrl16 yo sista main!
heather17 friends
hick at heart ~luv ya sis~ the hick state jammers
hottie 69 friends
jake harris friends
james bourne is fit friends
Jasminestar friends
jesusfreak /bandgeek friends
JupiterStar friends
Kay La Bay La friends
lets-talk-about me04 friends
liljessi247 friends
mekura friends
missy123 cheetah chick member
Narie friends
Papita friends
player4u player4u
Poordementedsoul friends
Punk B friends
pyrochik friends
Queensbaby88 friends
QUEEN~*~LATINA friends
Rap 4ever hip hop friends
Red vs. Blue B-ball friends
Sabs friends
saxophone_chick saxophones rock!!
SBuffy I'm friends with a beautiful girl
SciFiWriter Friends
Sexy Rach friends
shortie04 friends
Singing Chick4 friends
sk8 or leave chick12345 friends
slipknotgurl121 friends
stl_gurl_07 friend
sweet kitten friends
sweetkiss friend
Tanto cool friends
tenorboy friends
The Maestro friends
true dude friend
Vampiric Redneck friends
vint Friends
Violently-Happy friends
WerewolfGirl89 Writer friends
xxEldarisxx Friends
zoombeanie friends
~Latina_girl~ friend
[~Mooney~] We're the coolest no matter what
My Name-Chris
Nickname- A-State Jammer
Where ya from?Lil'Rock, AR
I have to say my friends here are the best!i'll make sure to show the love and wooo pig souix!Arkansas Razorbacks!go!
Arkansas Rap-
Yo, I'm a A-State Jammer, basketball slammer,big wammer when you see the scoreboard,look forward to a 80 to 9 lost,im not the boss but i practice on my skills,thats fur real?yeah thats for real. Watch me shoot a three you'll be in shock ya see. I was the outliner still am but also the headliner. I'm a nice guy from Little Rock i be jammin' on ya block. I'll be rockin' ya round and round like I do right here on Elf town. Yea!
Merry Christmas-
Christmas is my favorite time of year feeled with the holiday cheer, day and night its on my mind in the songs i luv to rhyme. Sometimes we go from the real meaning of it though so I thought to bring to yall not just that I'm from Arkansas but its a time for giving and caring and loving that's what we need to do ...Merry Christmas from me to you
My favorite Holidays-
Fourth of July
My favorite bands-
Good Charollete
Simple Plan
Eveanscence(one reason is because they're from Arkansas)
Boys 2 Men
Chi-lites(they're okay.)
Earth Wind and Fire(they're okay.)
Linkin' Park
My favorite singers-
Aaron Carter
Justin Timberlake(one reason,only ONE out of a hundred,is because he is from Memphis TN,my fave city.)
Micheal Jackson
Stevie Brock
Jesse Mccartney
Remy Shand
Gavin Degraw
Scissor sisters
Raven Symone
Nick Carter
Craig David
Jimmy Wayne
Keith Urban
Savage Garden
Remy Shand
Alicia Keys
Tim Mgraw
Kenny Chestney
Favorite rappers-
Master P
Lil Romeo
50 Cent
Lil John
Bow Wow
Aaron Carter
Murph-dirt(Murphy Lee)
T.I(king of da south!)
Big Tymers
Kanye West(he's okay)
NB Ridaz
Favorite kind of music-everything except for Classical and Opera
Favorite Dish
Italian and Mexican
Favorite Foods
Favorite Desert
Turtle Pie
Ice Cream
Favorite Songs
Bottom of da map(by Lil'Wayne)
What's Happening(by Ying Yang Twins)
Jesse Mccartney's songs
Aaron Carter's songs
Dairy(by Alicia Keys)
I go back(Kenny Chestney)
Remy Shand's songs
Knuck if you buck
Air Force Ones
Montgomery Gentre
Dont talk to me
Get Back
Where is the love?
Welcome to My Life
Good Charollett's two new songs
Nelly's songs
Even More
What do you love to do?-I love to sing,rap,write,draw,computer,video games,sports,just go outside during the fall,dance,read,T.V,or play Checkers.
Favorite Movies
Spider Man2(the best!)
Agent Cody Banks2(the best!)
Inspector Gadget
Finding Nemo
School of Rock
Lion King
I liked the Passion of the Christ too
Favorite Books(I like and I write action/adventure stories,I also like fantasy stories.)
Alex Rider
Charley Bone
Favorite Actors
Antonio Banderaz
Matthew Broderick
Haley Osment
Favorite Director
Robert Rodriguez
Description-black hair,brown eyes,and how tall am I?I Don't Know feet high.I have a nice personality and have a couple of friends,hanging around little kids are cool(most of the time.)I love to travel and i'm interested in film and the movie business,plus music industry.If you want to check my writing out go to
I'm out on the weekend and get off around 4:30 so c ya lata ya hea?bye!
O!and I would like to say thanxs to vint,elf-town has many cool friends on here and I just listed some above,you can read the names,get to know them cuz they are the coolest!
C ya!
Hey,I'm a fastfood worker if i don't leave by 4:30 I don't get money!(I'm a fastfood worker for Elftown)
Favorite Channels
Cartoon Network
Places I would like to go
Europe,Asia,America,well everywhere!
What do i want to do when I get older?
Go to College
Music Producer
How Many Stories Do I have?
I won't tell your secrets
Your secrets are safe with me
I will keep your secrets
Just think of me as the pages of your diary.
-The coolest song out by Alicia Keys!check it out it's called Diary!Her new one is cool too!
Hottest Girls
A girl name Natalie
Alexsia Vega
Jessica Simpson
Cierre(Petey Pablo is in her new song)
Joss Stone
Anne Hathaway
My Fave City-Memphis
My Home-town-Lil'Rock
What College would you attend?Any college in Texas and Memphis,I want to go to Minneaopolis,Milwaukee also.
My Fave Hobbies
Go outside
Never will I like homework
Skyscrapers and skylines
Fave Magazine-Movie Magic
Favorite Show(s)-Spongebob,Drake And Josh,Romeo!,everything else on Nick and Disney
Fave Nationality-Everyone,Peace!
I'm from da south,other words da durrty and I hope the Memphis Grizzlies have a good NBA season
My Fave NBA team
Memphis Grizzlies
San Antonio Spurs
Colleges I want to go to now
UAB(University of Alabama at Birmingham)
University of Memphis
Texas at Austin
University of Wisconsin at Madison
Oh!and the Bill Clinton Presendital Library is opening This week!
Fave Dogs
Golden Retrievers
Border Collies
German Shephards
Fave Shows
Any Nick and Disney show(Drake and Josh and Spongebob are funny and good)
Fresh Prince of BelAir
Cosby Show
Some Cartoon Network shows
Sometimes MTV(just the music videos)
Justin Timberlake
A excerpt of my story I'm writing, a another story to the series of Agent Juan Vanzualis I've done.
It was a warm uncomfortable day as the family was walking in the dense forest trying to have an exciting adventure. They had their sprays, hats and gloves on with the right shoes, cameras with sun glasses, they were equipped and ready. They kept on, the further they got the further they headed from civilization. Everyone thought it was a bad idea but the father and son were excited, they kept going, once they heard a noise. It was nothing. They kept going and going until they heard more noises, they were getting close to some place but they thought they were away from civilization. A big bush was in front of them as drums get louder, the Dad push the bushes away and saw huts and everyone was amazed. Then there was some more noises behind them and they turned around slowly to see people...people! tribal people. The smile from the family dropped as the tribe came closer and then they put spears in the air. “Get...em!” one hollered. They couldn’t speak good English...
Juan was shooting hoops when his watch beeped-a new mission. He got the basketball as it came down and walked behind the house. He knew what this meant-a new mission. Just a couple of days ago he saved the whole continent of North America from a dangerous bomb and now he wondered what the problem could be. When was behind the house and looked at his watch and it was a man’s face instead of the time, the man was head of the whole secret-agency divisions and Juan was in a lower division because he was a teenager. “Sorry to disturb you from your doings Vanzualis but this is urgent. A family of tourists are captured by African tribes in the unknown lands, we have a locator device for you waiting in the jet plane, the jet plane have just been sent to the back of your house....I hope you have a good mission, bye,” the manager said. Juan looked up to see the jet plane waiting for him a couple of feet away. “Man are they fast,” Juan murmured slowly and quietly,
In a hour the plane was off into the sky. It was dusk and Juan looked out the window and could see the sun setting and the strips of colors twirling slowly in the sky, colors of red and orange and a little bit of purple, it was amazing, and Tim was really amazed. He only seen this from the ground but to be in the sky and seeing it right in front of him was beautiful. It was a 3-hour drive and when they finally arrived Tim awaken, (yeah he fell asleep along the way). Tim waved to the driver as he wished him good luck, he needed all the luck he could get because now it was dark and he was by himself in the unknown jungles of Africa, it was scary and he didn’t know why they didn’t send him a partner. Then as he walked further more from the plane he walked further into the jungles. By now the plane was gone and the only thing that could help now was him. He looked down at the locator device he took out and it showed that he needed to walk a little more ways to get to where the family was. He kept walking into he heard a sound and looked up, he saw fireworks, that helped him a little. He ran towards the display until he heard a sound behind was of rushing feet. Now he didn’t know what to do and his brain froze... a roar could be heard, a quiet roar and some more feet. It was dark so he could hide somewhere and he did, he jumped behind a tree. A person said something Juan could not understand and the feet got closer. “You can’t hide,” a man said and walked over and grabbed Juan. What they were going to do now he did not know.
An excerpt from London Threat another series of Juan Vanzualis!
It was a cold foggy day in London and cold, freezing. From the rich homes to the poor homes, from the yards to the cobble streets you could not escape this crisp cold, no ever better icy cold. Out from the city in the slums in a basement of a building a man had a plan and a bad one too and Juan had to stop it. The room was filled with jewels and he was fixing to get some more for the day. He got out his watch and talked in. “Okay start the setup,” he said in a British ascent and then gathered some gadgets on the table, he would probably need them, who knows? the man ran up the stairs and through hallways to the Victorian style living room, yeah this guy’s house was for the rich, he was rich but for some reason he wanted to steal...
A butler walked by. “I’ll be out for the evening.” “Doing what?” asked the butler politely, he should not of asked that. “Business,” he said and with that the man walked out quickly.
In London it was cold and foggy as some beggars walked on the cobble streets looking in trash cans for treasure while in San Antonio it was just the opposite- a nice beautiful day. Juan was reading a book when his watch beeped all of sudden which startled him. “”What now?” asked Juan to himself. Instead of the time appeared the man over the agency and over his division. “A new mission Juan, it is in London, robberies are happening all over the city of London.” “”Why is it important? we’re not the police,” Juan said. “It’s no ordinary robbery, we think it has a mastermind play behind it and we have to stop it!”
I'm a member of [Basketball United] [Hip Hop United] and of [Harry Potter], [Band Geeks], they're cool! Proud is my new one
Artistic!Yes A masterpiece!(oh boy)
Age: 17 | Year of birth: 1990 | Month of birth: 7 | Day of birth: 3 |
Gender: male
Fantasy race personality: Human

38°31.506'N 105°7.314'W
Place of living: USA-Arkansas
Town: Little Rock
Elfwood artist: No
Elfwood writer: Yes
Weblog URL: Who cares
Favorite URL:
Elftown crew wannabe: No
Computer interests
Basic | chat | email |
graphics | music |
country | hip hop | pop |
rap | reggae | rock |
techno |
Other interests
animals | books | cars |
crime stories | dancing | dogs |
eating | film | geography |
singing | sporting | travelling |
watching sport | writing |
Civil status: single
Sexual preference: opposite sex
Body shape: normal