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LiL~HuNnIe~19875 (Sadly........GoNeothea name[~StreetZ*Wifey~]BYEUHHH)

Member #95996 created: 2004-11-15 05:46:17Simple URL:   




[PimpWhiteTiger]This dude right here has helped me though good times and bad he always has good advice and kno how to tell u tha advice U mexican il always be your home girl no MATTA WHAT PEOPLE!!!SAY Much Wuv too ya hun
[Mr.deleted]OOOOOOOOOOOONo its damien lol naaa he always been a good ass friend i kno him very well he like a bestfriend a girl could have and no his not gay he a good guy and kno how to make girls smile even when they do wanna LOve yahs damien~

Age: 18Year of birth: 1987Month of birth: 6Day of birth: 14

Gender: female

Fantasy race personality: Human
Elftownworldmap 44°1.722'N 86°5.466'W

Place of living: USA-Michigan


Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: fit

Height: 163

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