Page name: 7. The return of Wit and Wisdom [Logged in view] [RSS]
2010-05-26 01:07:07
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6. The Unknown Universe

We suck at Life, but We’re Wicked Cool

.:Chapter 7:. Aaron
The return of Wit and Wisdom

“Sushi is so a legitimate food,” I argued with Gabriel and Erik. “It’s even healthy for you.”

“There is no way that raw fish can be good for you. It’s like chicken and beef; it needs to be cooked or you get salmonella or something like it,” Erik defended.

“Plus, it’s slimy. You aren’t supposed to eat things that slimy.” Gabriel said.

“Oh, please the two of you are being babies,” I said.

“JUST SHUT UP!” Eva finally screamed as the seat belt sign went off on the plane. “The three of you have been arguing about this since the start of this plane ride. I’ve had enough of your bickering” I shrugged as we stood up. Eva always forgot she had motion sickness on plane rides so she got a bit cranky without her pills.

“Sorry,” I said, but as son as she got off we started arguing again. “The two of you have no idea    what you are missing.” We continued to argue until we were off the plane and walking towards the luggage area, were Chrissy said she was going to met us. As I walked by the windows showing the land of Ireland, a melancholy feeling came over me. The last time I stepped foot on this land my brother had just died and my heart was torn out.

“Earth to Aaron,” Eva said as she waved a hand in my face, which caused me to blink and brought me back to the moment.

“What?” I said.

“Do you remember which luggage area Chrissy told us to go to? There’s four and have no idea which one is ours,” she exclaimed.

“Probably the east one since it leads to Northern America flights,” I said; however, I wasn’t watching where I was going and ran into someone.

“Aaron?” I heard the person say, causing me to look up at them as my eyes widened.

“Lily,” I said in awe. Her strawberry blonde hair remained the same, as did her green eyes, but she was now more toned and shapely.

“What are you doing here?” she asked awkwardly.

“Chrissy invited my friends and I to stay in Ireland for three weeks with her.” As I watched her, images of her tousled hair sleeping in Conner’s bed came to mind. I knew I was going to run into her sooner or later, but I had thought I was going to have time to prepare myself. I thought wrong. “What are you doing here? I mean why are you in the airport?”

“Don is coming back from a trip from Oxford. If you wait a few minutes I’m sure you could catch him and say hello.” I swallowed the lump in my throat.

“Thanks, but no thanks. Chrissy is waiting for us, and you know how she is.” I started to make my way to the others, who had stopped moving and were now watching us.

“Chrissy and I don’t really talk any more.” When I was close to Nate I grabbed his arm with a strong grip for support.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around,” I said as I waved and walked towards the gate.

“Who was that?” Eva asked. I took a breath to help my nerves and looked her in the eye.

“That was Lily O’Neil,” I said, and watched, with amusement, as the fury consumed her.

“Let me go back and kick her little but!” she exclaimed, as Gab and Erik held her back so she didn’t attempt a life wasting but kick.

“Just leave her be, Eva,” I said shaking my head. “You’ll get a chance to use your mighty soft not so frightening rage some time before we leave I’m sure.” She stopped trying to struggle in the boys’ arms, causing them to release her.

“Find, but that hamster hasn’t seen the end of Eva Demeter,” she said as she pumped her fist in the air. 

“Okay,” I retorted, loosening my grip on Nate’s upper arm. I didn’t totally let go because at the moment I was unbalanced and he was my anchor, just like the last time I was in Ireland.

“Are you all right?” Nate whispered in my ear, causing me to shiver.

“No.” It was simple, but true answer. I wasn’t all right because every were I looked I had flashbacks of William, Conner, my friends, and Nate holding me at William’s funereal.

“Come on, sis, it’s not that bad,” William said through his laughter.

“Not that bad!” I screeched. “The water is forty degrees!”

“Come on! Please, tell me that the little sis that I’m so proud of is scared of a little cold water.” I glared at him. “Aaron, just get in. I promise to make it worth your wild.” This peeked my interest.


“If you get in I’ll finally ask that girl out who works at the pub.” I agreed them jumped into the freezing lake.

“It’s cold! Will, you better keep that deal,” I said while my teeth chattered.

“Don’t worry I will.”

I shook my head, ridding myself of the image. He did ask her out, and it was on that date, on the drive home, William was killed in a car accident. The girl survived, but she was never the same after that, which was why I couldn’t be angry with her. Lily watched as the life drained from William as she waited for the ambulance to arrive. How was I suppose to remain angry at someone who held my brother as he died? And a big part of me knew she really cared about him.

“Hey isn’t that Chrissy down there?” Gabriel said, breaking me out of my memories.

“Ya, it is!” Eva squealed. “But who are the other people with her?”

“No way,” I said in shock. “I can’t believe this.”

“Aaron, breathe,” Nate said with a hand on my back.

“Gab,” I said as I looked at my brother, who was clenching his hands. “I swear I didn’t know that she was going to bring this any people or the banshee.” The banshee, i.e the woman of deathly charm, was Chrissy’s cousin, who had strange fetish for perfect eyebrows and an incredible flirting technique, which she used fully on Gab. Ironically he had a very hard time trying to resist her, even though he knew she made her way around the fish pool.

“Wait the Banshee, the one who….” I slapped my hand on Eva’s mouth before she had the chance to say anything more about her.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s just get through this circus so we can rest up at the house.” Gabriel said as he straightened his shoulders then made his way back to the mass mob; however, I swore he had a bit of a blush after Eva opened her mouth.

“Aaron, can I please run her over with a tractor?” Eva asked as Kathleen kept pressing up against Gab. I think she was even wearing a push up bra.

“I’m pretty sure that you would be put in prison. Plus, I am sure that it would cause the rest of us to be shipped back to America,” I said through my laughter. We all walked over to the front of the airport were Chrissy had several taxis waiting for us.

“I’m so glad that all of you are finally here. To celebrate I’m taking you all out to an Irish pub.” Chrissy shouted over the ruckus.

“A real Irish Pub!” Eva said in excitement.  

“Come on, let’s get going. I want to get rest before we have to face more of the masses,” Gab said, you could tell he was in a rotten mood, which got worse when he saw Eva goggling a guy with spiky red hair and gorgeous green eyes. Chrissy introduced him as Patrick, the local taxi driver’s son. There where three taxis over all; however, all the girls were trying to get into Patrick’s. In the end Chrissy was up front and Eva, Gab, Nate, and I had squished in the back. It was defiantly cramped, but we all managed to fit.

“So, Patrick, how old are you?” Eva asked, fluttering her eyelashes, which only Chrissy and I noticed. We both rolled our eyes at her flirting.

“I’m nineteen, lass.” He told her, which sent shivers down my spine because I have a HUGE thing for guys with an Irish accent. I blinked and really took a good look at him. He was super fantastic, almost better than chocolate cute.

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Eva and I asked at the same time, causing our heads to whip around and look at each other. However, Chrissy’s phone went off before either of us said anything.

“Hello,” Chrissy said.

“WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU LET AARON SIT IN A CAB WITH PATRICK MCGREGGOR?” Kathleen yelled, who didn’t know she was on speakerphone. “She all ready ruined any chances for girls to date Conner. She shouldn’t have the chance to get her hands on any of the other few hot guys we have.” Eva and I were really trying not to laugh out loud, but we were having some trouble. Even the guys seemed amused.

“What’s wrong with Aaron being in the car? It’s not like Conner is still dating her,” Chrissy replied. It was hard to believe that they were related.

“But he’s still in love with her,” Kathleen said with such belief and gall that I couldn’t breathe.

“That’s not possible!” I whispered out loud. “Chrissy tell her that’s impossible.” There was a begging quality to my voice. I saw the hesitation flicker across her face, and the pledging look she shot Eva and Gab. “No!” I whimpered as a state of shock came over me.

“So you’re the girl Conner McCoy is obsessed with,” Patrick said, causing my heart to miss a beat.

“This is not happening to me. My ex-boyfriend, the one who cheated, broke up with me, and broke my heart, cannot be obsessed with me. Eva hit me, or do something so I know I’m awake.” I was shaking her next to me. “Eva, please, I want to date pretty Irish guys, and I can’t do that if Conner is obsessed. The last thing he was obsessed with was a brown sharpie he named Fred and snuggled with at night.” Promoted by genetic craziness I was starting to fall apart, that was until Eva slapped me across the face, bringing tears to my eyes. 

“Earth to Aaron.” She waited till I was calm. “Just don’t give him the time of day.” I blinked.

“Okay,” I said and settled down in my seat. “So, Patrick, you never told us if you had a girlfriend or not.”

“I’ll crush you if it’s the last thing I do,” Kathleen said through gritted teeth, then slammed her phone shut. 

“She and Amber would really get along since they both want your demise,” Eva said, causing the car to break out in laughter. After that we invited Patrick to met us at the Pub latter, and everyone was sent home, which luckily counted Kathleen.

“So what do you think will happen tonight?” Eva asked, causing me to shrug my shoulders.

“I don’t have any idea. However, I get the feeling it’ll defiantly be interesting and entertaining.” I winked at Nate we passed each other, knowing that the next three weeks would be full of surprises.

.:Chapter 7:. Eva
The return of Wit and Wisdom

“Sushi is so a legitimate food,” Aaron argued with Gabriel and Erik. “It’s even healthy for you.”

“There is no way that raw fish can be good for you. It’s like chicken and beef; it needs to be cooked or you get salmonella or something like it,” Erik defended.

“Plus, it’s slimy. You aren’t supposed to eat things that slimy.” Gabriel said.

“Oh, please the two of you are being babies,” Aaron said.

“JUST SHUT UP!” I finally screamed as the seat belt sign went off on the plane. “The three of you have been arguing about this since the start of this plane ride. I’ve had enough of your bickering.” Aaron shrugged as we stood up. I have bad motion sickness on airplane rides and I had happened to forget my pills so I was very cranky. I had had enough of their bickering.

“Sorry,” Aaron said, but as soon as she got off they started arguing again. “The two of you have no idea what you are missing.” They continued to argue until we were off the plane and walking towards the luggage area, were Chrissy said she was going to met us. Aaron was staring out towards the window. She was probably remembering something.

“Earth to Aaron,” I said as I waved my hand in her face, causing her to blink and brought her back to the moment.

“What?” She said.

“Do you remember which luggage area Chrissy told us to go to? There’s four and have no idea which one is ours,” I exclaimed.

“Probably the east one since it leads to Northern America flights,” Aaron said as she ran into someone.

“Aaron?” the person said, as Aaron’s eyes widened.

“Lily,” she said in awe. The girl has strawberry blonde hair, and she was toned and shapely.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked awkwardly.

“Chrissy invited my friends and I to stay in Ireland for three weeks with her. What are you doing here? I mean why are you in the airport?”

“Don is coming back from a trip from Oxford. If you wait a few minutes I’m sure you could catch him and say hello,” Lily said.

“Thanks, but no thanks. Chrissy is waiting for us, and you know how she is.” Aaron started to make her way towards us because we had stopped moving and were watching her.

“Chrissy and I don’t really talk any more,” Lily sighed. Aaron grabbed Nathan’s arm as support. I knew something was up. Aaron never acted that way around people.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you around,” Aaron said as she waved and pulled Nathan towards the gate.

The rest of us followed her. “Who was that?” I asked.

Aaron sighed and looked me in the eyes. “That was Lily O’Neil,” she said. I couldn’t believe it. That wretch showing her face was an abomination.

“Let me go back and kick her little butt!” I exclaimed, as Gab and Erik held me back so I didn’t attempt a life wasting butt kick.

“Just leave her be, Eva,” Aaron said shaking her head. “You’ll get a chance to use your mighty soft not so frightening rage some time before we leave I’m sure.” I stopped trying to struggle in the boys’ arms, causing them to release me.

“Fine, but that hamster hasn’t seen the end of Eva Demeter,” I said as she pumped my fist in the air. 

“Okay,” Aaron retorted who was still hanging onto Nathan.

We continued to walk as Nathan whispered into Aaron’s ear. I could tell she was focused on something else. I let out a small breath. I wish I could have been there for her. At a time when she needed me most I was miles away. I hoped this trip would give her a chance to fully open up about what had happened back here, and already she’s already having flashbacks. “I feel like a terrible friend…” I thought to myself just as Gabriel said, “Hey, isn’t that Chrissy down there?”

“Ya, it is!” I squealed. “But who are the other people with her?”

“No way,” Aaron said in shock. “I can’t believe this.”

“Aaron, breathe,” Nate said.

“Gab,” Aaron said as she looked at her brother, who was clenching his hands. “I swear I didn’t know that she was going to bring this any people or the banshee.” The banshee, i.e the woman of deathly charm, was Chrissy’s cousin, who had strange fetish for perfect eyebrows and an incredible flirting technique, which she used fully on Gab. Ironically he had a very hard time trying to resist her, even though he knew she made her way around the fish pool.

“Wait the Banshee, the one who….” Aaron slapped her hand on my mouth before I had the chance to say anything more about her.”

“It doesn’t matter, let’s just get through this circus so we can rest up at the house,” Gabriel said as he straightened his shoulders then made his way back to the mass mob.

“Aaron, can I please run her over with a tractor?” I asked as Kathleen kept pressing up against Gab. I think she was even wearing a push up bra.

“I’m pretty sure that you would be put in prison. Plus, I am sure that it would cause the rest of us to be shipped back to America,” Aaron said through her laughter. We all walked over to the front of the airport were Chrissy had several taxis waiting for us.

“I’m so glad that all of you are finally here. To celebrate I’m taking you all out to an Irish pub.” Chrissy shouted over the ruckus.

“A real Irish Pub!” I said in excitement. I’ve always wanted to go to one before. It was on my list of “Things to do in My Life.” Check off number 4!

“Come on, let’s get going. I want to get rest before we have to face more of the masses,” Gab said. As I turned around there was a gorgeous guy with spikey red hair and green eyes. Red hair and green eyes were my downfall. It was my lucky day! An Irish pub and a gorgeous hot guy! I almost started to drool. Chrissy introduced him as Patrick, the local taxi driver’s son. There where three taxis over all; I shoved Kathleen out of Patrick’s taxi as all the other girls were fighting over it. I’m glad I am strong. In the end Chrissy was up front and Aaron, Gab, Nate, and I had squished in the back. It was definitely cramped, but we all managed to fit.

“So, Patrick, how old are you?” I asked, fluttering her eyelashes at him in a flirting way.

“I’m nineteen, lass,” he told me and I went weak at the knees. Now I know what it means when people use the phrase “Love at first sight.”

“Do you have a girlfriend?” Aaron and I asked at the same time, causing our heads to whip around and look at each other. However, Chrissy’s phone went off before either of us said anything.

“Hello,” Chrissy said.

“WHY IN THE HELL DID YOU LET AARON SIT IN A CAB WITH PATRICK MCGREGGOR?” Kathleen yelled, who didn’t know she was on speakerphone. “She all ready ruined any chances for girls to date Conner. She shouldn’t have the chance to get her hands on any of the other few hot guys we have.” Aaron and I were really trying not to laugh out loud, but we were having some trouble. Even the guys seemed amused.

“What’s wrong with Aaron being in the car? It’s not like Conner is still dating her,” Chrissy replied. It was hard to believe that they were related.

“But he’s still in love with her,” Kathleen said. My face paled. Aaron needs me more than anything if that’s true. I wasn’t going to let her be broken again.

“That’s not possible!” she whispered out loud. “Chrissy, tell her that’s impossible.” There was a begging quality to her voice. I saw the hesitation flicker across Chrissy’s face, and the pledging look she shot Gab and I. “No!” she whimpered as a state of shock came over her and I. I couldn’t believe it as much as she couldn’t.

“So you’re the girl Conner McCoy is obsessed with,” Patrick said. I sat there swished and as shocked as Aaron. This trip is going to me a nightmare.

“This is not happening to me. My ex-boyfriend, the one who cheated, broke up with me, and broke my heart, cannot be obsessed with me. Eva, hit me, or do something so I know I’m awake.” She was shaking me. “Eva, please, I want to date pretty Irish guys, and I can’t do that if Conner is obsessed. The last thing he was obsessed with was a brown sharpie he named Fred and snuggled with at night.” Promoted by genetic craziness, she was starting to fall apart, that was until I slapped her across the face, bringing tears to her eyes. 

“Earth to Aaron.” I waited until she was calm. We were going to get through this and I was going to be strong for her. “Just don’t give him the time of day.” She blinked at me.

“Okay,” she said and settled down in her seat. “So, Patrick, you never told us if you had a girlfriend or not.” I sighed. I wanted to figure this all out, but we were going to have to wait until we were alone.

“I’ll crush you if it’s the last thing I do,” Kathleen said through gritted teeth, then slammed her phone shut. 

“She and Amber would really get along since they both want your demise,” I said, causing the car to break out in laughter. After that we invited Patrick to met us at the Pub latter, and everyone was sent home, which luckily counted Kathleen.

“So what do you think will happen tonight?” I asked, causing me to shrug my shoulders.

“I don’t have any idea. However, I get the feeling it’ll defiantly be interesting and entertaining.” She winked at Nate they passed each other. I smiled. This trip is going to be crazy, and I am going to be a better friend to Aaron. I promised myself that.

Onto: 8. The Whole Story?


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