Page name: A note on Revival [Logged in view] [RSS]
2019-01-06 08:16:25
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
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There are three main revival processes. One is mainly used by Lych and sorcerers to reanimate dead corpses. Another is used by the healing magic school. The last is a mix of the two and can be used by nearly anyone by calling upon the deceased's god, called a blessed revival. The Process for a blessed revival differs according to which God is called upon.

Clean Revival- Clean Revival is the method used by healer type mages and involves mending physical damage while simultaneously opening the subjects spirit nodes, which all beings use to cast magics. This allows the spirit to re-enter the body and reconnect with it's physical self, bringing the subject back to life. There is a side effect of temporary amnesia for most races that can last anywhere from one to three days. Also, the revival process must be begun within ten minutes of death. Failure to wait longer could result in the creation of a Lych, an undead creature that retains it's memories and magical abilities, but is by definition an undead mage, capable of casting various fire and death based spells, and also raising the dead, using the "Unclean Method."

Unclean Revival- This method is used by the Lych and sorcerers of the world to raise undead troops by trapping the subjects soul, usually in some trinket or piece of jewelry, and using the energy they draw from them, along with the trapped souls rage to direct the soul's physical body in combat and servitude by manipulating the subjects spirit nodes. A very similar method, along with a contract, is also used by mages to recruit and control familiars, though in that case controlling the subjects spirit nodes directly is unnecessary.

Blessing Revival- A blessed revival is an attempt at revival using a mixture of processes from both a "clean revival" and an "unclean revival". To start the process, the caster must entreat the god of the deceased. Said God will either choose to ignore the plea, or will directly answer the caster in some fashion. Across history the method of contact has been varied, but usually involves some type of alter. The alter is then usually adorned with items requested by said god. Once the god is appeased, a prayer is said at the alter and the deceased will return to life. Because a God's energy is directly used for this revival method, the person being resurrected suffers no ill affects on their return to life.

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