Page name: •Heroes of Eralu• [Logged in view] [RSS]
2019-01-06 08:28:04
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
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•Heroes of Eralu•

Eralu, a world named after a forgotten god, has been at war for decades. However, due to a stalemate, most have stopped even referring to it as any kind of conflict, opting instead to treat it like it isn't happening.

On the border, called Tor's divide due to the river the border follows, this is impossible. Raiding parties strike at any moment, day or night, seemingly without rythm, at least not one the commoners can make out. Tall towers stand to either side of the river, sentries that stare murderously at one another, each one's eye forever burning, carefully tended by soldiers who have nothing better to do.

There are those, though, that are much more vigilant. Small bands of mercenaries, hired by townspeople to fill the gaps where the armies are spread thinnest can often be seen pacing, or not seen at all, sitting in the dark, bows and crossbows knocked, ready to send raiders to their graves, ready to make the money for a mercenaries next meal.

Then there are those of the armies that hold special interests close to the borders, like the vast training camp ran by Delayne the Red, one-time exile turned hero. Our story begins nearby his camp, in the dark of night in a small villge outside of the eastern of the twin cities, during that frame of time when one can hear shutters closing, doors latching, and can observe lamps being blown out. When mothers are just putting their children to bed, perhaps even telling them tales of heroes slaying dragons, or rescuing fair maidens.

-HoE Rules- Base set of rules. They are not negotiable and will be enforced.

-Eralu's Heroes- Character application and existing members.

-Major houses- A list of houses all characters need to become familiar with, at least on a basic level. (Watch this page as i'll likely be adding to it.)

-Eralu's General Lore- Some general information on the world. This is information most characters will have a basic understanding of.(Watch this page as i'll likely be adding to it.)

-Eralu's NPCs- A list of major non-playable characters, which I, [Tekkon KinKreet] will control. This page will be added to as needed.

-Eralu map- the horrid results of my first attempt at a map, but its better than nothing. (help with this would be appreciated)

-A note on Revival- As magic is a force in this world, Revival magic exists. These are the governing rules.

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2012-01-13 [Tekkon KinKreet]: its not lol
a couple people said they were interested but ive heard nothing back... i put it on the c.u.r.e. but waiting approval.

2012-01-13 [Flisky]: I was waiting until most of the pages were done to approve it.

2012-01-14 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ooooooh. the only one that needs work is the houses. ill get that done today

2012-03-02 [Tekkon KinKreet]: if your here becuase of an invite:
1)annoyed: please dont berate me, i had to get some publicity somehow.
2)interested: Send a character app!

2012-03-02 [Earoluim]: * looks around *

2012-03-02 [Tekkon KinKreet]: hi

2012-03-02 [Earoluim]: Hello there, thank you for the invitation. * Smiles and bows my head*

2012-03-03 [Tekkon KinKreet]: so are you interested in joining?

2012-03-04 [Earoluim]: * Smiles and nods *

2012-03-04 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok then Eralu's Heroes is the page you need to look at.

2012-03-04 [Earoluim]: If you could pm me first I havbe some questions that I would like to ask before I started to fill out my sheet.

2012-03-04 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok

2012-03-10 [Tekkon KinKreet]: thinking about shutting her down, had two people interested, asked their questions, but neither has made a character. I don't get it.

2012-03-26 [Earoluim]: all my electronics broke or got shut off but I am back now

2012-03-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok cool. buuut you're still the only person thats shown any real interest. lmao

2012-03-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: but maybe if you post an entrance more people will be interested.

2012-03-27 [Artsy]: I'd have to re-read, again, to see if I'm interested.

2012-03-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: ok. if you dont even get past the read, its still appreciated.

2012-03-27 [Tekkon KinKreet]: btw, i dont think i'm going to post in totocin. you guys basically post exclusively when i'm asleep or at work. lol

2012-03-28 [Artsy]: (that would have been nice to tell me over in totocin... or a message... then I could have already removed your chary...

2012-03-29 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i just thought of it, sorry.

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