Page name: Major houses [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2012-01-14 14:30:09
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
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This is a list of almost all major houses in the Kingdom Dultane along with a couple from Telsa and the surrounding countries.

House Bren- One of the five founding houses of Dultane and member of Academy. First Master Eliz Bren, a historian and tactician, formed this house along with the other four founding houses. House Bren handles the training of scholars, and as a member of Academy teaching pupils tactics.

House Birm- One of the five founding houses of Dultane and member of Academy. First Master Alander Birm, a celebrated warrior, formed this house along with the other four founding houses. House Birm is handles the training of cavalry as a member of Academy.

House Dultane- One of the five founding houses of Dultane and member of Academy. First Master Harol Dultane, also a celebrated warrior, formed this house along with the other four founding houses. House Dultane handles hand-to-hand combat training as a member of Academy and was once the Royal House of Dultane.

House Aknel- One of the five founding houses of Dultane and member of Academy. First Mistress Mara Aknel, a highly skilled ranger, formed this house along with the other four founding houses. House Aknel handles the training of archers as a member of Academy.

House Eyr- One of the five founding houses of Dultane and member of Academy. First Master Toril Eyr, a master swordsman, formed this house along with the other four founding houses. As a member of Academy House Eyr handles all manner of melee weapon training.

House Brevall of Dultane- Formed by Scinda Brevall, a noted mage. Scinda was given permission by King Lacion to become a noble after her skills with magic stopped a contingent of Telsan troops from taking a small port city. No house would accept her however because of the fact that she was a mage. Scinda was then granted permission to start her own house. House Brevall is currently the premier school of magicks and is petitioning for entry into Academy.

House Chambers of Dultane- Formed by Evrett Chambers, a skilled animal breeder. Evrett was given permission by King Lacion to become a noble after years of supplying horses to the Dultane army. He was not accepted to any other houses on the basis that he was a "simple horse farmer". After starting his own house however, he has proven to be a shrewd businessman. House Chambers recently began selling a new stock of horse, nearly twice as big as the normal stock and trained for war.

Royal House Moor of Dultane- House Moor is currently the ruling house of Dultane, its First Master being King Lacion.

House Telsa Of Telsana- Ruling House of Telsana. The Telsan Empire has been ruled by this house and family since its founding. Not much is known about its members, accept that the current emperor is old and will likely secede throne soon.

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