Page name: AWL [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-07-31 03:23:32
Last author: Augury
Owner: Augury
# of watchers: 9
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[Shining light] - if you'd like this page back, you are welcome to it. You are now the owner, free to do with it as you please.


-Augury, with real live respect.

- Thank you, [Augury], for giving us this page back. Yes, us, because I consider all members and hangers-on of the Alternative Wiki League to be equal in all ways. You notice in the member lists i have myself, the official leader/reviver of AWL near the bottom, because that is wherer i am alphabetically.
as the phone company add goes: "It's what pulls us together, which sets us apart."(Yay Telstra!)
However, I would prefer we keep the page we have, as it is blossoming nicely. - [Shining light]

Alternative Wiki League

Username (or number or email):


2004-05-02 [windowframe]: ¬_¬ though it was pretty obviouse who I was talking to, being as I put iippo's username at the start n all, bweeeeeeeee!!!!!!! iippo!!!!!! XD *glomps*

2004-05-02 [iippo]: why are u not on messe?! or is mine screwed up agen?

2004-05-02 [sarah l b]: it was just that u answered my question matter .

2004-05-02 [windowframe]: no, i didn't tell you how I, or all was. ergo, didn't answr your question... // sorry iippo... >.< totally forgot to sign in... hang on a sec...

2004-05-02 [iippo]: O_O ack! but it's messe! u mustn't forget that! (altho when i sign in, my whole puter freezes for a while to wait it gets there so it can be quite pain-in-ze-ass sort of happening)

2004-05-02 [windowframe]: :-P it's cos i'm not on my normal compo, where it signs meh in auto, so i'm not used ot having to sign in

2004-05-02 [iippo]: ahhaa, that explains. arrite

2004-05-06 [O_O]: *is, once again, fantasticlaly confuzzled* wow..i haven't been back here in forever...*shakes fists at standardized testing*

2004-05-06 [sarah l b]: hello

2004-05-07 [O_O]: hallo ^_^

2004-05-08 [iippo]: AH! some one else uses word confuzzled!!! *ish shoo happy, not drunk*

2004-05-08 [Shining light]: confuzzled should be banned, and is considered swearing by the official Confused Club members. Therefore, as I am a member, i must stamp out all usage and user(s) of said...word. *commences stamping*

2004-05-08 [windowframe]: Paints confuzzled in ten foot high red letters everywhere

2004-05-08 [Shining light]: *stamps on Silverfire and pours remaining paint down her shirt*

2004-05-08 [sarah l b]: hello have you been?

2004-05-08 [windowframe]: *thwaps Shining w/ a kipper*

2004-05-09 [Shining light]: *cooks the kipper on a barbeque*

2004-05-09 [windowframe]: *thwaps Shining with the BBQ*

2004-05-09 [iippo]: *applaudes wildly* i am so confuzzled. confusiated. confuslemated. confusioned. fused.

2004-05-12 [O_O]: *rubs bruises from being stamped and grins* as am i, as am i. se la vivre, no?

2004-05-13 [Shining light]: *bandages burn on cheek where the barbeque hit him*

2004-05-13 [sarah l b]: hello all how r u?

2004-05-16 [iippo]: Barbecue? Long John Silver? Same man? ah, seeee laaaa viiii

2004-05-16 [Shining light]: *thwaps iippo with a rubber chicken*

2004-05-17 [sarah l b]: why is everyone ignoring me?this happens everytime i'm on this page

2004-05-17 [Angel Dreamer]: its cause they're all acting like nuts, [sarah l b]

2004-05-18 [sarah l b]: ok thanx.i always get ignored on this page.*goes 2 coffee bar instead and has a drink of tea*

2004-05-18 [windowframe]: ...*steals Shining's rubber chicken and attempts to force feed it to iippo* chicken ish for eating, not thwaping!

2004-05-18 [Angel Dreamer]: *eyes them all and makes a cookoo noise*

2004-05-18 [Shining light]: *attempt to grab his chicken back* my chicken!

2004-05-19 [Augury]: wow you guys know how to party... *dances*

2004-05-19 [Shining light]: my chicken! i'll hug it and squeeze it and call it George...

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: peh! *sulks* needed to to fried anyway... FRIED CHICKEN DUDES!!!! FRIED CHICKEN!!

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: lets see final check, job check, can relaxe check........... fried chicken? can i have some

2004-05-19 [sarah l b]: hello!!!!!

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: meh, IF you can steal George from Shining, and retrieve the BBQ from wherever it landed after being used as a thwaping implement AND you can get it to work, then yeah, feel free to help yourself, SilverBlue :-)

2004-05-19 [sarah l b]: hello

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: awwwwwww ill just go to KFC much quicker

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: n00bish... buuuuuuuuuuut, I am a deprived child, and I've only ever beent o KFC a grandios totale of...3 times... so yeah, you go fetch fried chicken :P

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: NOOBISH???? lmao damn you and you catching me in my state of lazyness

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: *L*... O_O meh, I just realised you filled one of my Criteria for noob anyways... buuuuuuuuuut the clear non n00bishness of you kinda makes up for it. so yeah :x

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: do share this criteria i filled up so quickly for me to merit such an insult

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: 'They have a number in their username'

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: Well if I didn’t that would destroy my whole rhyming scheme

2004-05-19 [sarah l b]: hello anyone that is actually interested

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: this is true, is that seriously the only reason it's there, because it rhyms?

2004-05-19 [sarah l b]: for fuck sake *storms out*

2004-05-19 [SilverBlue82]: In a way, I have three colors that I consider 'mine' and silver and blue are two of the three, so I am referred to often by those colors (especially on the internet), I also have two numbers that are important to me 82 being one of them, so my name is more like a school banner waving their colors *thinks* maybe I should add an animal into the mix and have a full fledged mascot, but the combination of the three were put together because it rhymes, its easier to remember someone’s name when it is catchy and I think my ET screen name is rather catchy.

2004-05-19 [windowframe]: yesh it is, ...btw... whats the third colour?

2004-05-23 [O_O]: octarine, of course. *is completely confused by the entire managerie*

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: ah, but octarine is green-ish purple. SilverBlue has more taste than that... I hope. O.o

2004-05-23 [Shining light]: octarine? the colour of magic, pigment of imagination? THAT colour? the twice-four colour of visible light? only visible to wizards and cats? of Terry Pratchett fame?

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: yup. that one.

2004-05-23 [Shining light]: cool~! not a very pretty colour, though...but still, it's interesting.

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: buh, has everyone suddenyl gone Prattchett aware or something? this is about the third page in as many days where his name has popped up, and i'm not exactly talking to the same people on each one. X_x

2004-05-23 [Shining light]: well, he is a popular and well known author...and O.o started it!! (on this page) *points accusingly at him*

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: actually is and underscore, not a full stop.

2004-05-23 [Shining light]: so it is. sorry, [O_O].

2004-05-23 [iippo]: and i though O_O was a girl. man, i always mistake (i thought hedda was girl). oh n silverblue it dont totally work always, the rhyming in your name... to me your SilverBlueKasiKaks... and that dont rhyme with anything - except maybe orange (porridge rhymes with orange)

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: just like turtle and purple.

2004-05-23 [sarah l b]: hello

2004-05-23 [iippo]: exactly

2004-05-23 [sarah l b]: ...

2004-05-23 [windowframe]: what were the other ones that nothing was meant to rhyme w/? stupid people just didn't look harder enough if ye' ask me. meh.

2004-05-23 [sarah l b]: was one silver...god knows where i got that idea from

2004-05-23 [iippo]: hmm

2004-05-23 [sarah l b]: .....yeah i'll just leave quietly......*leaves*

2004-05-24 [~Galadriel~]: I want to join /m\-.-/m\ RoCk On

2004-05-24 [Augury]: mighty.

2004-05-24 [SilverBlue82]: Might?

2004-05-24 [Augury]: no, mighty. as in powerful. cool. etc.

2004-05-24 [windowframe]: meh, these young people with their new spangled expression, when ah were a lass...*blah**blah**blah*

2004-05-24 [Augury]: *plugs ears and sings, 'peanut butter jelly time' loudly*

2004-05-24 [SilverBlue82]: OOO i havent watched PBJT in a long time *runs off to his favorite Flash web site*

2004-05-26 [iippo]: ze lass is here!

2004-05-26 [sarah l b]: .........

2004-05-26 [Shining light]: what happened to this place! and I thought *I* was strange... completely off-topic, considered rambling. Tangent remains on topic at all times, as pertaining to the topic in general.

2004-05-26 [sarah l b]: i dunno what the topic was so i just put dots

2004-05-26 [Shining light]: yes, but the topic was what it should be commenting about. this is the Alternative Wiki League, qwe should be ranting about how restricting the other group is and the merits of online wiki-roleplay versus or concurrent with real-lifechallenges, et cetera...sorry. I'm rambling. I'm doing a leadership and team building course, so I'm feeling kind of inspiring. yeah. I mean, Yeah!

2004-05-26 [sarah l b]: i g2g now ttfn

2004-05-26 [Shining light]: what's ttfn mean? i know ttyl and tty, but ttfn?

2004-05-26 [sarah l b]: ta ta for now

2004-05-27 [Shining light]: oh right thanks.

2004-05-27 [sarah l b]: no r u anywho?

2004-05-28 [xido]: This entire page saddens me deeply. I cannot believe how rude and hypocritical this has become for the owner of this page to 'Fight the Freaking Power'.... I can't believe that this page exists, let alone debilitates everything about the word Official that designated honor, courtesy, and sovereignty. This really does sadden me. Why, if you wanted to make a Wiki RP, would you go to all this trouble of mocking and debilitating your so-called competition?

2004-05-28 [xido]: You forget, Ms. CREATOR, that it is a moderator's job to not be an esteemed authority, but just another patron of a GAME-ing community on an online website. Do you see me posting comments on my page about 'those inferior' pages and RPs? No, I don't think you do.... It's called modesty and respect, and it is my opinion that you have learned neither in your time on this site.

2004-05-28 [windowframe]: dude... It seems to me, that you are having one major ass over reaction... [Shining light] wasn't serious with that one comment that didn't even mock your rpg, as you say it does... and... dude, your ranting seems kinda' pointless...aaaaand (lots of ands, here) [Augury] is the owner, and she's said nothing, so why are you bitching at her, may I ask? You sound like... some one who thinks they are better than the people they are talking to - emphasis on the 'sound like' i'm not assuming or implying anything... 

2004-05-29 [Shining light]: i'm not the one who 'debases and defames' (according to you) the other community, because I am a member of the Oficial Wiki rp guild, so i can;'t really say anything...but, speaking logically,I feel you are acting hypocrytically, for i think you shouldn't be 'dissing' a page that you claim is terrible because it 'disses' a page which it thinks is terrible...if that isn't hypocrasy, what is?

2004-05-29 [Augury]: ahem, you know what. closed.

2004-05-29 [Augury]: i do this crap cause i'm bored. end of story.

2004-05-29 [SilverBlue82]: WO what happened here?

2004-05-29 [Augury]: closed.

2004-05-29 [xido]: An overreaction would be running in here, crying out in protest. I expressed my opinion, and my discontent at the rude nature behind the words posted above. I don't consider myself 'better than everyone else', and to even mention that statement is an implication. Thanks for listening.....and being rude. As for my 'dissing', you have not a single clue what is coming out of your mouth. What's hypocritical is the claim that 'we are so much better because we said so, and they suck, and let's start a REVOLUTION.' In my opinion, that's rude and immature, and my stating an opinion is not. It's truthful and complete, and not meant to starts fights (which is the only effect caused here)

2004-05-29 [xido]: A better reaction would have been to edit out the attitude-infused fighting words from the above, and make this page a credible, courteous page that someone with some sense of dignity might actually WANT to join, out of the urge to want to roleplay with other 'cool people'. Not once did I say that you all were inferior and sucked big time. And trust me, this isn't even half of the 'ranting' that I could post on the subject of courtesy and respect.... Personally, if you wanted mine, the way in which to get it would not be to call my hard work (of nearly nine months worth of personal effort and gaining the respect of others) things like arrogant and ego-driven.

2004-05-29 [Shining light]: Augury, just because you're bored doesn't mean we all give up. i'm getting quite attatched to my end of the AWL. And, xidoraven, give it a rest, please? can't we all just get along?

2004-05-30 [iippo]: I believe - after knowing Augury fairly through rpg - the beginning words aren't to be taken all that seriously... I mean, everyone should realise it's a (fairly funny) joke to say "mine's better because it's mine"... i dunno, maybe i'm used to that sort of joking, where people make a joke about how good a job they're doing... or i could have a 'meaness-into-funniness" -filter in my brain... anyway, i'm having fun here, as promised. it's different sort of fun than in the Official Guild, for the word official makes it intimidating for me... *shuts up*

2004-05-30 [Augury]: yawn. sorry, shining light. you can continue your end, just, i'm sick of xido getting all mad at me cause of this crap i did, just out of fun, cause i like a more private, carefree rp environment (this was never meant to be big) just me and my little group of friends, and some new ones, hanging out and being odd. without people telling us we're arrogant because we don't like the word 'official' and of course, the obligatory stupid person in every wiki on elftown. would you like to know who that stupid person is, xido?

2004-05-30 [Augury]: thanks iippo. you really are cool.

2004-05-31 [jesska]: hey were did the page go?

2004-05-31 [Shining light]: ok people, go to Alternative Wiki League if you want to continue being a member of AWL.

2004-05-31 [iippo]: crap. thanks a million xido... boy [windowframe] is gonna be sooooo uberly pissed about this when she gets back from holiday...

2004-05-31 [xido]: oh, let's pit the blame on the guy with an open mouth, now. No, it's not at all Augury's decision, it's all that guy's fault. More reason to fight the power, right? That's so ridiculous. This is the SECOND time I've ever spoken of my view of this page, and now it's all my fault. That is so typically immature. I'm gone, goodbye, don't even answer this comment.

2004-05-31 [Shining light]: hey, i've got nothing against you, xido...oh well. If you went to the Alternative Wiki League you would see that I hgave nothing against the wfr.

2004-05-31 [SilverBlue82]: wow that guy sure was a spaz, now lets see if he is like every other Obnoxious person on ET, "i opened my mouth when i shouldnt have cause ive got a big nose like that, then i compalin when the people i just insulted yell at me, and now im going to claim to never come back here but oh wait ill be back anyways cause im just stubborn"

2004-05-31 [Augury]: and i'll return in a little while to laugh at how childish you are by lowering myself to the level just below yours.

2004-06-01 [Shining light]: sure, sure. what ever. Talk to the webserver, cause the user ain't listening! (just kidding)

2004-06-03 [Augury]: ha.

2004-06-05 [windowframe]: y'no... this comment section... is now full... of absolute crap there is no other word for it. Everyone is being hypocritical because everyone is being 1) over sensitive 2) immature 3) exactly what they've just told someone else off for. Seriously everyone. Grow up. Even you, [xido]

2004-06-05 [Augury]: cute.

2004-06-05 [windowframe]: I just can't believe how much stupid pointless shite happened whilst I was gone. -.-;;; all based on a misunderstanding - Xidoraven taking seriously what was not meant to be taken seriously... that was it. A mistake. one freaking mistake and all this happens.

2004-06-05 [Augury]: yeah. a shame too.

2004-06-05 [windowframe]: and whats even worse?? people let it happen!

2004-06-05 [Augury]: if you mean me, my apologies.

2004-06-05 [windowframe]: I mean everyone, really... *wry smile*

2004-06-05 [Augury]: ah. yes. everyone.

2004-06-06 [Shining light]: even me? I was trying to sort the messes out and find as middle ground where everyone was ok and happy...It didn't work...oh, I'm a failure... :'(

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: *pats Shining* when everyone is up in arms, the pacifists are always ignored, :\

2004-06-06 [Shining light]: i know...*sniff*... thanks.

2004-06-06 [iippo]: *grows up* happy now silvie? man, i didn't want to grow up *grows...down?!?!*

2004-06-06 [iippo]: but now this place is like emptiness or other useless empty pages with comment-discussion going on!

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: yeeees... *pats iippo too*

2004-06-06 [iippo]: and silence fell like a wet rat.

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: *L* wet rat?

2004-06-06 [iippo]: yeh. u know, the sort u use to dry dishes?

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: oooooooooooooooh, those ones, hte dishcloths :P

2004-06-06 [iippo]: man, i feel like Latka out here... which reminds me... man i LOVe latka!

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: *blinks blankly*

2004-06-06 [iippo]: *steal-protects latka* now you can't steal him. but u can steal boons

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: nah, i don wanna steal boons, i wanna steal...stuff X_o

2004-06-06 [iippo]: who punched your eye?

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: *points* it was him

2004-06-06 [iippo]: *punches him* no one may punch silvie!

2004-06-06 [windowframe]: ^_^ *glomps iipppo*

2004-06-11 [Shining light]: ow! not me, she was pointing at him! *rubs his shoulder, pointing to a random individual standing near the door*

2004-06-11 [SilverBlue82]: AH *steps away from the door*

2004-06-13 [iippo]: *laughs so very hard that... well, you know what happens to the sitting-part of a human when s/he laughs too much... yep. off it comes*

2004-06-13 [windowframe]: *L* :-P iippo-logic

2004-06-13 [Shining light]: *blink, blink* okay...

2004-06-13 [iippo]: come on! u'd never say those comments if i just typed lmao. but when i type it properly i get funny looks! geesh... *eye-rollery*

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: hello have u been resently and what have u lot been up 2?

2004-06-13 [Shining light]: well, AWL s closed, but the renovated, refurbished, verson is at Alternative Wiki League

2004-06-13 [iippo]: well my ass came off and they *points them* made fun of it.

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: so do i have 2 go 2 the other page instead of talking here?u ok iippo? *hugs 2 make u feel better*

2004-06-13 [Shining light]: what? is that what you wre going on about, iippo? sorry, i was confused. And sarah l b, you can keep talking here, or you could go to the new page, or you could make a character and actually participate in something...

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: i'll just stay here and do what i'm best at.....bugger all.thanx though

2004-06-13 [iippo]: like me. or wait... i dont have a character.... oops! ^^;;

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: oh well atleast i'm not the only one.thats ok.have u been up 2 anything interesting resently?

2004-06-13 [Shining light]: not really. just, taking complete an utter control of thew awl after augury destroyed the original. xidoraven didn't like the idea of us 'fighting the freaking power' so, decided to peform the el-beserko over a harmless comment not directed at anyone or anything in particular.

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: oh ok.sounds interesting.what happened after u want a drink by the way anyone *runs over 2 the coffee bar across the street*

2004-06-13 [iippo]: *speechless*

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: why r u speechless?whats wrong?

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: *passes drinks and donuts to iippo and shining light* hope thats ok.if not i'll go change them

2004-06-13 [Shining light]: thanks! *sips from his coffee, and takes a bite out of his doughnut*

2004-06-13 [sarah l b]: no prob.anything 4 a mate.*sips drink*

2004-06-15 [O_O]: *sniffle* i feel so out of the loop. *sob*

2004-06-15 [Augury]: HEY, it's phays. hi phays!

2004-06-17 [Shining light]: [sarah l b]: i'm adding you as an honorary member on our list, on Alternative Wiki League. Is this ok with you, even though you're not a real member? i'll add you as a 'hanger-on', ok?

2004-06-17 [sarah l b]: thanx mate.i appreciate it *hugs*

2004-06-18 [Shining light]: ^_^...are you certain you don't have a char, because i saw you in one of the character lists, i'm certain I did.

2004-06-19 [Augury]: what are you trying to say, S.L.?

2004-06-19 [Shining light]: trying to say? the members of AWLar all equal. there is no status amongst us. although there arecertainly an hiearchy of : Leader moderators, players, everyone is treated the same.

2004-06-19 [Augury]: no, about me being some kind of shiva, destroyer of worlds. or some crap.

2004-06-19 [Shining light]: well, you did! you go round creating wikis and destroying them when you get bored, no regard for anyone who's joined to the wiki, no regard for what they might be feeling...

2004-06-19 [Augury]: what wikis besides awl?

2004-06-19 [Shining light]: well, the dark ages one, i kiow i got a comment about something else as well...i'll have a look at my messages list...

2004-06-19 [Augury]: okay.

2004-06-19 [Augury]: by the way, congrats. on being sucessful and all.

2004-06-19 [Shining light]: successful at what?

2004-06-19 [Augury]: reviving the wiki. and have you found those 'numerous wikis' i've destroyed?

2004-06-20 [Shining light]: not yet...maybe my accusation was unfounded, except for the AWL, but knowing your attention span, i wouldn't count on it...

2004-06-20 [windowframe]: being as I'm watching practically every page the AWL has... even the ones Aug created for her area, and never used... and none of them have been on my edited list since she decided to close down the AWL (which, btw, if you think about it, she was perfectly w/i her rights to do, being as she started it :\) I don't think Aug deleted numerous pages at all. just one. which *was* hers to do what she wanted w/ anyway, no matter how unfair it may have been.

2004-06-20 [Augury]: thanks for the... help, silvie. yes, it was unfair for me to close this down. but you restarted it, and it's now prospering, and i'll do something else. by the way: this is the ONLY wiki i've ever closed, as all my other ones died quite naturally.

2004-06-20 [sarah l b]: hello have you all been?*hugs to whoever wants a hug*

2004-06-20 [LordYu]: You can't have a heirarchy where everyone is equal...(near top)

2004-06-20 [Augury]: this is true.

2004-06-20 [windowframe]: *nods* Yu has a point... I get Shining's drift, but the statement *is* contradictory

2004-06-23 [Shining light]: what is?

2004-06-27 [windowframe]: Shining light: trying to say? the members of AWLar all equal. there is no status amongst us. although there arecertainly an hiearchy of : Leader moderators, players, everyone is treated the same.

2004-06-28 [Shining light]: ah, yes. I believe that comment was written at approximately 12:20 on a friday night. I was most probably nearing the end of a sugar rush by then, as we had a class party which included lots a lots of sugar-laden lollies.

2004-07-04 [Augury]: lollies.

2004-07-04 [Shining light]: yes. i beleive that is the general term for them, although different cultures would have different names. for example, americans call them 'candy'. However, in Australia, the most common term for 'candy' is 'lollies'

2004-07-05 [Augury]: ohh. i like lollies and candy.

2004-07-06 [windowframe]: nu-uh, uber difference between candy and lollies... the way i understood it, candy was basically any sweet... lollies are specific sweets.

2004-07-06 [Augury]: lollies are candy on a stick.

2004-07-06 [windowframe]: yes, specific types of sweet... not just any candy, that was my point.

2004-07-06 [Augury]: right

2004-07-06 [windowframe]: left.

2004-07-06 [Augury]: ooh, clever clever, that silvie is.

2004-07-07 [Shining light]: well, as far as i know, there is no difference. that might be the way you non-australian people think...but here, 'lolly' has broadened to cover any type of sweet.

2004-07-07 [windowframe]: where I am, we think the way the road goes - we reacha roundabout and just do circles ^_^

2004-07-07 [Augury]: ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

2004-07-31 [Shining light]: I've seen that happen before...O.O

2004-07-31 [Augury]: strange

2004-08-21 [O_O]: (o)_(o) i haven't been here in FOREVER. god...*scratches head* sorry guys. it seems the AWL isn't developing terribly swiftly, correct?

2004-08-21 [windowframe]: it is - on the other page.

2004-08-21 [Augury]: my lord, it's Phays!

2004-08-22 [O_O]: lol--i see... yeh, i'm back..although i don't know for how long...i have no internet at my house!!! *sobs* i have to scrounge i-net time from my friends. *laughs* wait----what other page?

2004-09-02 [O_O]: ^_^ yeh, i found it like, right after i said that. *laughs* *bow* thankee!

2004-09-02 [O_O]: you guys really ought to take me off the member list, because i'm not on often enough to be of any real consequence...i'm more of like, a usually distant

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