Page name: Aarose [Logged in view] [RSS]
2012-09-20 19:58:36
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Erubeus
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Created by: [Erubeus]

Wolf appearance:




Name: Aarose
Age: 24 Months
Species: Tundra Wolf
Gender: Male
Height: Wolf: 3’7” ; Human: 5’9”
Weight: Wolf: 120; Human: 132
Rank: Hunter
Humanoid Appearance: Those that have seen his humanlike morph have either forgotten about it, or do not care to remember. I remember, however.
Slender, yet powerful. He is a vixen. His face alone could tempt even the most loyal of beings. Let’s start here.
Soft angles surround his features, paired with a couple of slightly pointed ears that tangle in his long silver tresses. In the tangle of bangs lie short, sculpted brows that accent his glazed baby-blues beautifully. A once broken nose, caused by his brother, trails between eyes and down to full lips. Supple, kissable lips. And yet, he has never been kissed. Smooth sun-tanned skin is pulled over face like a well-fitted, well-made mask. No blemishes, satin smooth, and lovely to look at.
Moving on. At a height of 5’9” and a weight of 132lbs, he is considered normal weight and not under like most would think. Well muscled yet not overly so. It is no surprise that he is able to lift a full-grown elk and hang him by his feet to a hook within his torture room deep within the Orinthos den. He likes to modify his body as unnaturally as possible. Tattoos, clothing he finds lying around abandoned 2-leg camps, etc. Stuff like that. The most recent addition to his smooth body is that of a pair of sleeves he cut from a shirt he found and bolted to his form via rectangular cloth at his back.
He likes to show off his beautiful tattoos, so all he wears are his sleeves, stockings, and a pair of form-fitting shorts to which he modified; A short side which is placed on his left leg, and an even shorter side, kind of like female underwear, to which covers the right half of his bum. Engulfing the small of his back is one of these tattoos he likes to show off. A Yin-yang sign with tear-drop attributes. At the back of his neck, a star with an angel wing and a bat wing. And on his right thumb and left middle finger, thick black bands are tattooed at the base.
On to his hair. It reaches about the small of his back, but he keeps it sectioned and in leather binds so that it does not get too tangled. He hates to brush his hair. It is a little darker than his snow fur, it being a light gray/dark silver hue. He does not enjoy having blood in it one bit.. Just more for him to clean up.
Weaponry: Claws, fangs, eyes, etc.
Personality: The embodiment of sadism. A fiend in every sense. He enjoys the torture of others. He and his brother are sometimes referred to as the Torture Brothers. He gets off on physical, emotional and psychological torture. He even enjoys the chase of tracking down his prey. But, ultimately, he is a loyal wolf. He is loyal to his clan, and to his alpha, Gurei. Since the break between his brother and himself, however, he has become a bit anti-social, though not so much that he does not show his face around camp.. Er, well, he stopped becoming human when his brother left him.
Likes: Torture; Running; Swimming; Being alone at the falls; Examining his appearance in the river; Stalking prey; War with Orinthos.
Dislikes: Pups nipping at his ankles; Oki, though is respectful towards her; Being away from his brother; The hole his brother left in his chest upon departing; Staying still for too long; Vatheris&&Tasem because he believes they coaxed his brother from him; The taste of Vegetation; Being sick; Not having a soft object to lie his head against while sleeping.
Love Interest: None 
History: Aarose, initially, was born without a heartbeat, meaning he could not breath, though his brain was functional making him aware of everything going on with him. He was aware he was dying, though he did not know what dying was, being only a few minutes old. He was aware of the lack of oxygen causing him to slip away. He was aware of a blackness taking hold of his mind that would normally take hold of a grown being’s vision, causing them to lose sight. Since his sight was gone from the get-go, he need not worry about images fleeting before him. All he could think coherently was that he couldn’t breath, couldn’t move, couldn’t cry for his Mama.
And then he could breath. He did not know why, but he could. The pounding in his chest started up again, though he was unaware of it pounding before within Mother’s womb. He just recognized the feel. He could breath, but it had been minutes since he could last get oxygen into his body. Brain damage was there, but no wolf would be able to tell how severe it was until he grew a little. If he was unable to function like a normal wolf, they would kill him. If he could function normally and had side-effects such as a case of short-term memory loss, they would kill him.
Needless to say, he survived. The extent of damage within his mind was that of his Amygdalae, being minor, and his sight. He is able to see now, but his eyes became a hazed blue and stayed such a color instead of changing golden or brown like other wolves. Due to the brain damage, his emotions were corrupted. He feels few emotions, which he considers normal, because he knows nothing else. Pleasure, happiness, sadness, aggression, anticipation and anger. Those are the emotions to which were uncompromised, and completely accessible. He can partially access emotions akin to the listed, but not fully. He cannot access the rest of his emotions like others, so it’s only logical that he would be one of the best hunters. So that is where he was assigned by his Alpha. First trained as a pup, then placed as an adult.
Constantly beaten as he grew for the simple fact that he could not comprehend submission within himself, which is an emotion forever lost within him, he has wound up with many wounds. He knows his place for the simple fact that he is smart, but he still submits to nobody. No fear, no submission, no surprise. An endless cycle.
Pleasure is another emotion of his, as said earlier. He feels pleasure when confronted with simple things, such as a cool breeze hitting hot profile. The chase. The kill. Warm blood running down throat. Sex. But none of those compare to the pleasure he gets from maiming a living, breathing creature, sad to say.
He came upon this discovery when he was ordered by the Alpha to extract information from a spy Elk retreating towards Niveus. He obeyed, and he has enjoyed the art of torture ever since.
He shows an emotion akin to contentment when he is around his brother, and his brother goes along with the torture of beings to make him continue to recognize the emotion. But one day, he couldn’t handle it anymore. A knife embedded in the side of the neck would do that to a person. Aarose tried to apologize, but he just couldn’t conjure up the feeling of remorse to apologize., because he did not love his brother, and he felt no disgust in the act. Sadness, sure, but no disgust. And you need both to feel remorse.
He awoke the next day to find his brother had left the den. And that was the first time he fell into a deep depression. He stopped morphing from humanoid to wolf and vise versa ever since. Now, he tortures in his wolven skin, and he enjoys every minute of it.

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