Page name: Orinthos [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-08-17 18:02:43
Last author: Erubeus
Owner: Vou
# of watchers: 5
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Orinthos, the opposite pack to Niveus. Gurei is it's Alpha, and leads it with pride.
He has only been Alpha for two and a half years, yet the rest of the pack have learned to follow his commands.
The pack is clean cut, and all of them work together as a team in the worst of situations.
But when Niveus are mentioned in just one sentence in a conversation..
each wolf changes. They loathe the other pack. They always have,
and always will. Perhaps. . .

Main Hierarchy
Alpha Male - Gurei
Alpha Female - Oki
Beta Male -
Beta Female -
Lead Hunter - Demona
Lead Healer - Oki
Pup Sitter -
Omega - 

Hunters and Warriors


Animal Spies/Comrades

Those without Rank

Back to The Wolves of Karn.

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2007-07-17 [silent_voice]: alright tomorrow I will write up a cool add ^_^

2007-07-17 [Lin-tastic]: Hurry and grab someone to play the Beta Male! V.V I wanna see what they come up with because then I'd have to add a little something to the whole idea...-thinks-...hold the phone...-wanders off-

2007-07-18 [Vou]: [Ikko] is joining. <3

2007-07-18 [Lin-tastic]: What's her character, then? I wanna see it! XD

2007-07-18 [Lin-tastic]: Hmm...I'm kinda...not happy with you, Athen...-ish taking this to messages so to spare the extra peoples-

2007-07-18 [Vou]: Alright... it's even on both sides. 5 and 5.
But, we need a Beta Male for Orinthos.. unless, you'd like to start without one Silent. It's your call. The Omega position is still open on both clans, but I'm not too worried about it.

2007-07-19 [silent_voice]: I'm working on it at the moment, If all is good Sharkey will be the beta male here.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: -pauses- What kind of character will that chika be playing?

2007-07-19 [silent_voice]: Sharkey is a girl. And Fluffy, calm down Jezus.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: -fixes- It's not uncommon to call a female a guy...I call a group of mostly girls guys...

2007-07-19 [silent_voice]: Fluffy, over reacting... just a little... Jeez.

Yeah good point candy, and I don't know the character yet, she hasn't made it

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: ^_^" But my friends know I love 'em and it's generally hard to tell who's what gender, especially if you're not one to read everyone's Some don't post that stuff, I've only seen one person do that and I can't even remember their username. XD

So, when will mister sharky be on?

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: -sighs- I'm sorry, just bitchy last night...worked up over stupid shit...^_^"

2007-07-19 [Vou]: ~.~ And now I am without an Alpha Female. :S

Look, just so everyone knows, I am not taking sides. I hate doing such and I will not start now.

.... So back to the fact Nieveus is without a Alpha.

2007-07-19 [Lin-tastic]: Hmm...I can totally make a second character if you're willing to allow people to do so...if not, I can ask around about people who aren't already in this thing and see what they say about joining...^_^

2007-07-19 [Vou]: You can make another character Candy. <3

2007-11-22 [Vou]: Same as for the members and Niveus page.

2007-12-27 [Erubeus]: -sighs-

This is getting old...

Just rping between the four of us...

We need new rpers, some who actually get on everyday to check their mail and wiki changes and shit. >>

2007-12-27 [Atayemi]: ._. Advertise perhaps?
[Swollenfish] is ill at the moment I think..

2007-12-27 [Vou]: AKLjdkjasdjdkjad.... xX;;;
Don't mind me.
that's just... 'cause. D:

2007-12-27 [Erubeus]: e.e

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