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Anakin 'Ani' Skywalker [Logged in view]
2006-08-08 04:54:05
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Anakin Skywalker
Username: [
dragon_master_25], [
Name: Anakin Skywalker
Sex: Male
Home Planet/Ethnicity: Tatooine - Human
Age: 23
Status: Jedi Knight. (Placed in master, for is a member of the council)
Hair Colour/Style: Short, dirty blonde. The style of all padawans.
Eye Colour: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Build: Muscular, and strong.
Clothing Style: The usual wearings of a Jedi Knight, but more casual when not on Duty, or when undercover.
Background: Anakin and his mother were slaves in the service of Watto, a junk dealer. A child prodigy, Anakin excels at engineering. Even in youth, he could build or repair nearly anything, and created C-3PO, and podracer, each from salvaged parts. He is also a remarkable pilot.
Anakin is found on Tatooine by Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, who is convinced that he is the Chosen One foretold by the Jedi prophecy to bring balance to the Force. His mother, Shmi, says that he has no father, and that she simply became pregnant with him. Qui-Gon discovers that Anakin has the highest known number of midi-chlorians
. He attributes Anakin's piloting talent to the Force, which he thinks allows Anakin "to see things before they happen." Anakin forms a strong bond with Queen Padmé Amidala, whom Qui-Gon and his padawan apprentice, Obi-Wan Kenobi, are guarding.
After winning Anakin's freedom, Qui-Gon brings the boy to Coruscant and requests that the Jedi Council allow him to train Anakin. Ultimately, Anakin helps to win the final battle against the Trade Federation in the Battle of Naboo. A dying Qui-Gon, slain in a fearsome duel with Darth Maul, urges Obi-Wan to train Anakin, and the Council reluctantly approves. Palpatine, the new Supreme Chancellor, befriends the boy, promising to "watch his career with great interest."
Because his natural abilities place him far above his peers, he has developed into an arrogant loner during his years of Jedi training. His relationship with his master is complicated; although he says Obi-Wan is like a father to him, he believes his teacher is holding him back and chafes against Kenobi's authority. Frustrated, Anakin turns to another teacher for advice: Palpatine, who feeds the young Padawan's fragile ego with assurances that he will one day be the greatest Jedi in the galaxy.
Anakin is assigned to guard Padmé, who is now a senator of her home planet, Naboo. His childhood fascination with her has now become a powerful infatuation, and the two ultimately fall in love, despite her many reservations; Jedi are forbidden to form emotional attachments. In conversation, he reveals his affection for her, as well as his distrust of the political process and the need he perceives for there to be one strong leader.
While guarding Padmé, Anakin senses that his mother is in danger. Upon returning to Tatooine, he finds his mother in a camp of Tusken Raiders, but arrives too late and she dies in his arms. Seized by a blind rage, he slaughters the entire tribe, even the women and children. Yoda and the deceased Qui-Gon feel Anakin's Force presence turn "dark" and fear that this marks the beginning of the end for Obi-Wan's young apprentice. Padmé is clearly troubled by what he has done, but, being in love with him, she is not truly repulsed, and instead tries to soothe him with sympathy.
Anakin and Padmé learn that Obi-Wan has been taken hostage by the Geonosian-engineered droid forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems, a faction of star systems that want to secede from the Republic. They rush to his rescue — where they are also captured. Faced with their impending demise in a gladiatorial arena, they profess their love to one another. Escaping the fray with the help of a cadre of Jedi and the clone army, Anakin engages Separatist leader and fallen Jedi Count Dooku in a lightsaber battle, but is easily defeated by the older, more experienced warrior, who severs his lower right arm. Back on Coruscant, his arm is replaced with a mechanical prosthetic, and he marries Padmé in a secret ceremony, with only C-3PO and his counterpart, R2-D2, there to witness.
Personality: He is very naive. He believes that his powers are so superior, nothing stands in his way, yet for the love of his wife, Padme, he remains in check. Very persistant.
Weapons: Blue lightsaber. Is able to use guns proficiently as well.
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