Page name: Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.1 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2017-09-28 06:34:14
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Racism is a refuge for the ignorant. It seeks to divide and to destroy. It is the enemy of freedom, and deserves to be met head-on and stamped out. - Pierre Berton

Here begins Conner and Vex's second story, one which alongside Andor: The moments Between and Glaeron chronicles other problems in the great city of Baerlin in the kingdom of Andor. Lord Soth has many weapons being put into place and his newest is starting to breed hatred and distrust amongst it's people. With perhaps only Conner and Vex able to do anything about it, if they can find a way to work together, and if they can keep the new enemies from targeting them.

Edric was very angry, almost so much so that he could not focus on what was happening as the tavern wench on her knees nursed his manhood. The Worm from this morning had broken his nose and he didn't have the coin for proper a curative spell, so it would have to heal on it's own. He sat upon her bed after drop two silver for her affections with his pants around his ankles as she bobbed her head in his lap. Only he was still so angry it was taking longer than normal and it was turning his mood fouler. Karlson could have ordered the bastard detained but let the female blade took him away, he also kept them from removing that stain of mud hovels from area because of the children, the soft headed ass, they were a threat to real Andorians.

Absently he reached into his sleeve and touched the pin of the disciple, a gift from Lord Soth to him and his partner Sharixis. They were supposed to be working on dividing the city and country so that The Guild would be brought in to keep the peace. But, Sharixis was taking too long and seemed more concerned with playing games with men and women than doing as the master commanded. "Oh, for fucks sake woman suck it. I don't pay you to lick it or use your hand either make me climax or I'm taking my money back!" he growled at the wench. It was a horrible day all around and he needed this climax, at least before going back to the gate and talking to some of the others about Karlson and the Worm.

"You hardly pay at all if it wasn't for a repeated attendance, it probably wouldn't be worth it." Sharixis's smooth voice rolled from the other side of the room. Standing at 6'4" was the most handsome devil, literally. For now he didn't bother hiding himself so his deep plum hair was pulled back into a braid the hung over one shoulder to match his purpler eyes. His wings folded over his bare chest showing his chocolate colored skin and dark nipples. He wore only a pair of tight leather pants and was barefoot. He was clearly in a huffy mood. He laid down on his stomach on the bed and watched the girl now slightly distracted by his presence attempt to do a better job.

Edric grunted, "I hope you have been busy, because this is what I got for my troubles." His frustration was growing with the wench who wasn't getting anywhere with his manhood. "Is there something you can do? She's been at this entirely too long." he asked Sharixis.

Sharixis rolled his eyes and did a little sexy push up, up off the bed. "Ugh fine!" He ran his fingers through his silken hair revealing dark blue horns twisted around the side of his head above his ears. He sauntered over to his 'partner' and then knelt just behind the girl. "I'm going to give you some tips, and then I'm going to reward you." He whispered into the nervous girls ear before licking the shell of it. "You! Pay attention to what she's doing this time. I swear this is the last time I'm helping!" He glared at Edric. his tail twitching angrily at the tip just like a cat's.

The girl was fairly common looking, she had light brunet hair with some light freckles over her cheeks and nose. Her brown eyes were wary and she had paused on her 'work' when the demon sat behind her. She could feel his erect member pressing against her rear and she shivered when he licked her ear. "S-sir?" She asked softly, she hadn't undressed as Edric just wanted pleased. But the feeling of this man behind her was quickly turning her on.

"Alright so now, cup his tiny balls in your soft little hand, and skim your fingers up the bottom of his meaty soft penis." Sharixis whispered into the girls ear as his own hands began to skim the hem of her skirt and the other began to pull open her bodice front with teasing fingers. Her breath hitched and she blushed, she hadn't been treated like this since she became a prostitute. Desired and teased as if what she had was special. But she did as he suggested and gently cupped Edric's balls and gently played with them. Her other hand she tried to make the touch as soft as she could while so distracted, she bit her bottom lip as her top came loose, not realizing that the image of her being undressed so slowly might be a whole lot more sexual for Edric.

As Sharixis exposed the girl to his eyes Edric managed to smile for the first time today, "Can you ignite emotions like this in everyone? Cause I have an idea to get that worm and the woman out of our hair with just a push like you do with these common girls." He was pretty sure if those two weren't roaming around they could dispose of the hovels and cause a great deal of outrage in the city, as they had been ordered. His manhood began to harden again under the girl's touch and he waited for her mouth to again touch him.

Sharixis ignored Edric's questions. They could discuss that afterword. Besides he had a fairly willing woman in his hands and he wasn't going to quit now that he had started. "Now gently wrap your fingers around his pole. But softly, gently." Sharixis's words were smooth and his voice deep, sort of compelling and yet not. As he said the words softly and gently he skimmed the pads of his fingers around the girls nipples. Not touching them yet but making her breath hitch in anticipation and her nipples to harden with want. the hand playing with her skirt began to slowly inch up her thigh, it had a firmer touch but only a little so it was harder for her to concentrate on which hand she was feeling the most.

The girl did as told though and while still gently cupping and teasing the ball sack she very gently wrapped the shaft in her hand once more. she was still worrying that bottom lip between her teeth and her cheeks were now spreading with a pink hue. Her breaths weren't quite so even now either. She had never been taught any tricks like this to please a man so she was relying on the demon to teach her everything now. she squirmed under his touch and fluttered her eyelashes at Edric.

"Lean forward a little, there, and now look up at him and lick the tip of his shaft with the tip of your tongue. Yes good girl." Sharixis rewarded her following his orders with a light pinch to her nipple making her moan softly. "Now take only the head into your pretty little mouth and use your tongue around the rim." Sharixis said as his lower hand finally reached her core rubbing gently outside of her panties. It gave Edric a clear view of her cleavage from above and just a flash of the panties where Sharixis's hand was rubbing.

Edric moaned, truly this devil knew how to motivate, although he wondered what would become of the girl. Devils relied on not being discovered and they sometimes resorted to drastic and wholly evil designs to achieve this. However, he cared very little, he wanted to get off and move on to their planning as Soth had ordered.

"Now you can take him fully into your mouth." Sharixis whispered into the girl's ear, he then began nibbling on her neck and shoulder. His fingers pleasing her making her either suck harder on Edric's manhood or moan around it. She lapped with her tongue as well. She was much more enthusiastic than she had been before. Sharixis pushed her panty aside and pressed his fingers into her. She would find her release when Edric did. Then they could discuss business.

Leaning back on his elbows Edric watched the girl's enthusiasm grow as she followed Sharixis's instructions, "So close...oh so close..." The more she moaned the closer he got, it wouldn't be long now and the Sharixis would give her reward. Only a minute more and he put his hand upon her head as he began to climax into her mouth.

The girl was quite the pro at this part and swallowed everything with ease, though her body spasmed and she had a little trouble as she also climaxed at the same time. Once he had finished Sharixis pulled her back a good foot or two away from Edric's seat position and pushed her forward and down onto the wooden floor. He bared her body, licked his lips and grinned before he positioned himself behind her. "Now it's time for your reward." He said with a little chuckle before thrusting into her fully in one smooth motion. He tried to hilt himself but... he was bigger than most humans, longer and thicker. The girl cried out sharply, it felt good but it also pained her to feel him hit her cervix so harshly. She panted and tightened around him. Sharixis didn't give her more than a few seconds to adjust to his intrusion before he reached down and tweaked her clit. with that stimulation he began to thrust quickly, she was already drenched and was plenty slick enough. He looked up at Edric and grinned a little like a lunatic, his eyes now slits like a demons.

Edric watched the devil take the girl, he was impressed that she didn't fight him. He had her once and she insisted on several gold and a birth shield but now as she pressed back against Sharixis and moaned he wondered what her fate would be. Would the devil sire a child inside her or did something more foul await her?

It didn't take long for the girl to climax, then when she was close a second time Sharixis too was ready. He pulled her up onto all fours properly and and whispered into her ear once more, though she couldn't see his smile nor his eyes. "Are you ready pet?" With her moans growing louder he took that as a yes and roughly brought them both to climax. The girl scratched her nails across the wooden floor and cried out, her head throwing back. Sharixis spilled his seed within her, her body pulled back against his as much as she could physically take. While she was still in the throes of her orgasm he slipped out still hard, he pulled her up on to her knees properly reached around to fondle her breast to keep her pleasure fiercely fresh before plunging his other hand into her chest.

She hadn't really caught her breath from before but the impact drove the rest of the air from her lungs quickly, her face full of shock and terror as she looked down at the clawed hand through her chest and the other still playing with her breast. She looked up at Edric and managed to breath is a raspy breath before opening her mouth, only to have the hand that was upon her breast cover her mouth and muffle her scream. tears streaming down her cheeks. Then... as suddenly as it had all happened she slumped over and her eyes closed. With no heart pumping blood to her brain, she slipped away as if to sleep. Sharixis pulled his hand out of her chest and laid her down on the floor gently. Shook his claw before licking his finger and shrugging. He stood and went to the basin in the room and cleaned himself and then his hand. Leaving the girl as she bled over the floor. "Now then Edric. I was rather busy in the courts before you summoned me. What in the hells is so important you have to disrupt my actions?" Sharixis said turning to regard his 'partner' who as of yet hadn't put himself away and was staring down at the dead wench. One of his favored girls even. Sharixis redid his own pants and lounged back on the bed.

"Those mixed bloods outside my gate, they had a visitor today and he confronted us about the harassment. He travels with a Blade, she flashed her badge at us during the fight. If we are going to use them as a spark to start a war inside the city, we will need to do something about them." Edric said taking back the coins he left on the girl's side table, he would need to slip out unseen. "I wondered if you might be able to use your abilities to distract them?" he said standing and pulling up his pants.

"What the cripples?! You want ME to distract who precisely? Last time you were upset about all the damn half elves, I have been sowing dissent among the nobles against mixing races for weeks now. Now you want me to solve your petty cripple problem?" Sharixis sighed and lay across the bed on his back. His tail wiggling. "why couldn't I have been given a partner who could solve his own problem I wonder." He mused out loud, absently rubbing a hand up and down his own toned bare chest.

"The mixed blood and The Blade, if they are too busy with whatever you can scare up then I can push the others at my gate to finally strike against the cripples. Then the other mixed bloods of the city will rise up in outrage that the cripples were cut down so badly. I plan on harassing them tomorrow with a couple flaming arrows maybe burn one or two of those hovels down." Edric said.

"I thought the Blade Commander had given strict commands to leave the cripples be? Why not entice some monsters to attack instead? Have the cripples be killed in the crossfire of you and your guard friends 'saving' them and the city." Sharixis said looking at Edric upside down now. "Want me to play with the Blade girl? She's been making waves in the court for a while now, and certainly now that she's with 'the mixed blood' Sharixis chuckled. While he had been given express commands not to harm any Ravenwood, he hadn't been told he couldn't mess with them. He was grinning at the thought of ruining one of the first female Blades and getting to mess with the Ravenwood's, something Soth wanted the privilege to do alone.

"Lord Soth instructed not to harm them, but perhaps a scandal? Commander Rand's female Blade and the Ravenwood brat found in a compromising position while the hovels burn from a mysterious enemy? Imagine the outrage and what will the king have to do? Dismiss the half blood elf, denounce the Ravenwoods?" the ideas had merit.

"Then I shall play with the Blade and you go play with the cripples outside the city." Sharixis said with a lazy smile on his lips. He had to think about what might entice this young Blade, he had seen her in the courts before as a body guard, before she was an actual Blade. Especially with Poppy, but she had never stopped his manipulating of the girl when she was her guard. He would go exotic he decided, and so while laying on the bed his body began to change. His deeply tanned normal skin turned pale and pink, his horns and tail shrank and disappeared. His hair turned from purple to platinum blonde and became much longer, reaching past his butt. His eyes too changed to a pale sky blue color. Now for all intents and purposes he looked as if he came from the North Lands. The largest continent, the climate was harsh and the people hardy but giant. He would have to find a wardrobe for this character change... but surely he could entice the Blade with something so unusual. "There... now if you'll excuse me, I have a Blade to run into and some things to get ready." Sharixis said with that same scary smile. His black leather pants seemed odd on his body as it looked now, but he grabbed a shirt from the woman's drawer and a cloak from her closet. He his himself well enough to not look out of place unless someone really looked. Then he slipped out the window and over the rooftops.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2

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2017-09-17 [Nuktae-tal]: did you want the list I have of all the guards?

2017-09-17 [Nuktae-tal]: also am I supposed to play the wench or what?

2017-09-17 [Sheamus Finn]: Not really, she's just in this part....Sharixis is the main part for you....

2017-09-21 [Sheamus Finn]: Not sure how I can add to still

2017-09-21 [Nuktae-tal]: ...okay lol

2017-09-26 [Sheamus Finn]: Acheron is the chinese want the Northland capital Tunkara....(I had to get my map

2017-09-26 [Nuktae-tal]: is it? whoops. lol my bad. I lost my list of what people were where on my map lol. I'll fix that real quick.

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