Page name: Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.2 [Logged in view] [RSS]
2018-01-08 01:29:54
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.1

Edric was prepared the next morning, he had passed along his plan to his next commanding officer who arranged for some help to be waiting in a copse of trees not far from the hovels. Every man had a bow and several pitch covered arrows, hopefully this would push those in the hovels to accuse the crown of trying to remove them and start disorder in Baerlon. Sharixis was supposed to be here, but as usual the devil was either late or decided not to come. "We will wait a little longer then we will launch our arrows and be away." he explained.

Sharixis watched from on top of the wall, he had told Edric of course he would be there. Just not where specifically. The boorish human probably wanted Sharixis to plan every little aspect and do every little thing so he could take glory. Sharixis was wearing a large elk skin fur lined coat, he wore matching knee high boots, think woolen pants, and had his hair braided in an updo as merchants and travelers would often do to keep the long blonde hair from getting too dirty. He had shifted earlier in the day and bought everything he needed with a little money he 'borrowed' from his favorite little court strumpet, and others. He had a cart just down the road with trade goods from the North Lands, so he seemed like a merchant warrior. when the time was right... he would join the fracas, until he deemed it the right moment however he decided to stay out of the direct approach stuff.

Edric and his men lit their arrows and took aim, "Hit as many of the hovels as you can, make them burn like candles." They began to loose the arrows into the air many of which hit their marks lighting the hovels ablaze. It was then that Edric saw the two riders on the far side of the camp, "The worm's back where the hell is Sharixis!"

Sharixis grinned this was going very well along with his plans. He then moved from his position to get into the one he would need in twenty minutes or so? Edric could handle things fine. Sharixis had his own targets he was after. Even if Edric failed, Sharixis was in bargain with Soth. They would give him a new partner if necessary, Sharixis cared little for mortal problems that weren't really directly his as well.

"Something's wrong I see smoke. Hang back behind me Conner and I fucking mean it this time!" Vex snapped as she was getting worried. The color of the smoke was wrong for a normal fire and the amount was also very off. she kicked her horse into a gallop. It was only moments before she could see the havoc going on and the burning arrows on the hovels roof's. "Conner! Find the children and get them to the gate!" She ordered kicking her horse faster. Rescuing the people who lived there was the most important thing. While no one was truly immobile in the camp, it didn't mean they could all move fast enough to get out of harms way.

Conner followed Vex into the camp and dismounted quickly and began to gather children and anyone else as he could, but they still feared him. There would only be one chance, quickly he cast the spell and reached out to his mother, "Mother, someone has attacked the encampment and the hovels are on fire! I need you to either use my eyes to cast a spell to quench the fires or make it rain here." He quickly got as many as he could and started to move them towards the gate, but he was afraid what sort of welcome would be there. As they were moving he saw Moira and her husband trying to get her out of the way, Conner stopped and leaned down, "M'lady I think we need to move you a little quicker." then stood and whistled for Starheart who came to his master and accepted when COnner put Moira on his back.

Grell was carrying the two smallest children and Hurk was hanging from his back. The children were crying and terrified, the oldest boy who was also one of the smallest children was trying to lead the other children close to the wall and away from the fires but it was clear he couldn't run by his hobbled walk. Even if the guards didn't like them they were obligated to allow people into the city that were no harm. Likewise an attack this close to the wall was considered a threat and they would mobilize to deal with it.

Vex was In a hut and came out labored by the weight of a man on her back. Beside her was another male of mixed blood wearing armor, he was ushering two more adults out of a hut and guiding them toward the nearest gate.

The previous sunny clear sky above began to broil with dark clouds. It took some time but finally with a loud thunder clap and a strike of lightning hitting a rod on the wall of the city, torrential rain let loose upon the entire area. The fire's hissed viciously, the pitch not letting the fire go out but the mud of the huts became soaked quickly not letting the fire spread. Smoke filled the area where the huts were.

Then Vex cleared the huts and the smoke and there was a very tall blonde man wearing very thick layers before her. "Iz everything alright?" the stranger asked concerned, "Let me help!" He offered quickly taking the man from Vex's back, the wounded man looked to Vex "The children!" He urged her. Vex didn't trust this stranger but... it was clear from accent and clothing and massiveness he was from the North Lands. She saw a cart with trade goods near the road as well with a very nervous pair of North Horses standing still in the rain. "I've got 'im." Said the North Man in his thick accent nodding her to go onward. Vex nodded and dashed back into the huts. The smoke was being beaten down by the rain but it made things slick and hard to see as well. she heard screaming and crying it had to be the toddler who had once been burned in a house fire badly already. Vex searched almost frantically she had to save the children, and anyone else left behind.

Conner handed off the reins to Moira's husband, "Get them to the wall. If the guards block your way then move down alongside the wall and wait." As the storm started he thanked his mother and sprinted back toward the hovels seeing Grell and the children he moved quickly to his side, "Let me take one. Or point me in the direction of someone else I can help get to safety." He knew Grell didn't completely trust him, but in the situation better the man you don't trust than the enemy burning your house down.

"Take theesh! I will go back!" Grell growled urging Hurk to follow Conner and handing Conner the babe and a little half dwarf girl who was blind. Geoff Moira's husband hadn't said a word but took the reins and urged the three children forward as well as the horse silently. As they made the exchange they would notice the North Man carrying Tad, a mixed man who couldn't move one half of his body. Then Another male carrying a female on his back and leading another older female out of the huts made a slick and stumbling way toward this direction as well.

Conner began to walk talking to Hurk in such a way the boy would follow him and headed for the gates. He did heave a sigh of relief as Hurk began to follow him and the others forward toward the gate and of course Starheart with Moira and the others.

Hurk was hesitant but the two smallest were crying and he didn't like that so he followed Conner to stay with the girls. The North Man waited for Conner to catch up. "What 'appened 'ere?" He asked his accent thick, it was clear he was a merchant come with good's straight for the big city. It didn't happen often, but once in a while they would come with a big haul of things you couldn't find anywhere else in the world. He had startling blue eye's like all men from the North, golden blond hair in braids as long as Conner's mothers hair from time to time, past the rear, and his clothes though now soaked would be heavy but leather and fur.

Vex finally stumbled into a hut that was still smoking viciously and found a little boy. She grabbed a blanket and tossed it over his head, he was coughing and crying. "I've got you Mich!" She said urgently scooping him up and carrying him out into the rain, keeping his face pressed against her armored shoulder. They needed a head count... to know who was left behind. Asper slipped twice and fell into the bed, each time she shielded the boy in her arms from it. Finally she managed to keep her feet and that's when Grell grabbed her up. "Ish He all that'sh lepht?!" Grell demanded. "I- I think so! Oleg had Krissy and Carrie, Moira and Geoff are out, I was moving Tad. Conner had the other kids in hand. I didn't see everyone..."

Vex was cut off when they heard a shifting noise and then one of the hut's slowly collapsed, the torrential rain was too much for the temporary shelters to handle. They heard a cry muffled by the hut collapsing. "Someone's inside!" Vex wide eyed looked straight into Grell's face. "Take Mich! Go!" Grell ordered and released her gently and headed straight for the hut. It was their storehouse, it had weapons money and food, as well as their winter clothing, Grell reached the hut and began digging, it wasn't a full pile of mud because of the sticks and hay used in it's creation, but there were no windows and the door area had collapsed fully. Vex hurried out of the little houses and along the wall relieved when she saw the others almost to the gate.

Conner hadn't said anything to the man as he was concerned about the hovels and the ones at the wall, as he approached Geoff he handed over the children and Hurk. Then he did a fast headcount and looked back towards the hovels, "Geoff keep them here I will be back." He turned and sprinted back for the hovels, slowing long enough when he saw Vex to say, "I'm going back to see if their is anyone else!" And then he hurried on, only stopping when he found Grell digging into a fallen hut and stopping to help him dig.

Vex brought Mich to the others and did her own head count, all the children were accounted for. All the elders too. Only Drew, the man missing one arm, Grell and Conner remained at the huts. The children rushed around Vex once she had gotten back to them. Moira sat upon Conner's horse and Geoff held the reigns. Carrie one of the adults was holding the baby close, and was sitting on the North Man's cart. Vex looked over then to the North Man, He was covering some of them with blankets and fur's from his cart. "Do you have a shovel?" Vex asked urgently, giving the kids all hugs before pushing them toward the other adults and elders. "Who's left Vex?" Oleg the other adult male that didn't look harmed asked worried. "Drew, he was in the supply hut and it collapsed, Conner and Grell are digging." Vex said.

"I t'ink I 'ave something that can 'elp." The North Man said rummaging through his supplies until he found the shovel and pulled it out. "I will go 'elp, stay with them." He offered hurrying off into the huts himself. He quickly found the other two and offered the shovel to Grell, who took it and dug with more zeal. The North Man grabbed a stick and began to try and pry others out of the way. Without air the man inside would suffocate.

Conner got Grell to lift up part of the hut so he could try looking inside and when he spotted Drew he began to chant a spell. The G’elsewhere Chant would send Drew somewhere safe within one hundred feet, Conner rarely used the spell figuring one hundred feet wasn't far enough if engaged in battle. Drew vanished only to appear not far away from the three men, Conner hurried over and checked his vitals and if he needed healing.

The North man stopped digging and prying and looked over at Grell, Grell let go of the slick mud and hay and sticks he had managed to get a hold of to give them a small opening. Both looked toward Conner and Drew, Drew was the man with one arm missing and his face was ashen. He wasn't breathing, Conner could however still feel a heartbeat very faintly when he checked. Grell hurried over but didn't touch Drew, he was covered in mud and soot, and didn't want to hurt Drew more if he was too badly injured. The North man hung behind and around them in the pouring rain the fires were finally being quenched as the mud became too much for the pitch to stay alight.

Conner put everything into his next spell which should heal serious wounds and he felt the warmth from the spell pass from his hands into Drew and the man's pulse get stronger. He looked to Grell and nodded, "We can move him in a few seconds the healing spell is stabilizing him." Looking about for Vex her figured she must be up at the wall, "Grell we need to move him in case whoever fired on the hovels plans on coming in to look for those unable to escape."

"The Church of Pelor will 'arbor ush four a night or two." Grell said with a nod, he leaned down and gently picked up the now breathing man carefully. "Let'sh get to the schildren." Grell said with a nod at the direction the others were all in. While it was a shame, he could come back for their stuff later. For now he needed to see everyone somewhere safe for a while. He wasn't particularly devastated by what happened. In fact everyone had seemed more calm than panicked, as if it had happened before. Grell lead the way, The North Man dropped the stick and followed, he was drenched and his boots and leather and fur was muddy, but he followed behind Grell. "That was good, what you did." He said patting Conner on the shoulder.

"And what follows next is the definition of karma." Conner replied.

True to his words guardsman Karlson was blocking the people from entering the gates as Conner and the others, including Alehial by teleportation arrived, "No, I am not allowing you lot inside the city. Find somewhere else to go."

Conner turned his signet ring around and moved past everyone, even Vex until he stood in front of Karlson and quickly grabbed him by the tunic holding his hand with the ring so the man and the others could see. Then in a voice with a commanding tone much like his father said, "My name is Conner Ravenwood, son of Lord and Lady Ravenwood, second cousin of The King of Andor, The Blademaster is my uncle. And you and your men will not block the safe passage of these people, as they are under my family's protection. Now will you get out of our way or do I need to call on some of my family to influence you to move?"

"No. Not neccessary. If they cause issues though it will be on the Ravenwood name, boy." Karlson sneered at Conner and pushed him back and forcing his grip from his uniform. Karlson straightened himself and turned to motion to the others inside to raise the gate. It was always lowered in times of crises to keep the city safe.

Alehial had popped in on the road behind the group. She had been about to move forward when she saw Vex surrounded by children and holding a baby, and Conner getting in the guards face. She saw the half orc male, obviously the leader of the group, and the northman which was a little odd that he was coming from the west and not the north but it mattered little. She saw the huts however and decided to go investigate that while Conner took charge. He was handling things fine so far it seemed.

Vex watched Conner. Clearly the fracas from yesterday was still bothering him to go after the lieutenant like that. Once Karlson stepped away she moved forward, "Will your parents be alright with you using their name?" She asked softly carefully keeping her face neutral. She was holding the baby and rocking her gently to keep her calm and quiet. Some of the other women were holding the other youngest children. Two more were gripping Vexs pants tightly.

"It's my name too, and you've seen all the adopted brothers and sisters." Conner said without looking back. "And guardsmen, my name is not boy it's Conner or Master Ravenwood." As they began to filter in through the gates Conner made sure to be close enough to Grell, "You and I need to speak before we leave you with the Church of Pelor."

"Later." Grell said gruffly, he had found Hurk again, or more to the point Hurk had found him and was sitting in one of Grell's arms, a little half gnome boy was in his other arms. Moira had the toddler with old burn scars on the horse with herself, Geoff was leading the way and the horse. Tad was still on the North Man's cart as well as Drew and Carrie, Oleg was herding the remaining children after the cart. Vex also urged the children onward, Conner and Grell brought up the rear, Vex's horse had found them and wandered near and the North Man had tied him to the cart. He was leading his team and cart by hand rather than sitting in the cart. He ended up picking up the children close to Vex and putting them in the seats. "Are you well, M'lady?" He asked politely looking to her face and the babe's in her arm.

Vex had to admit it was a relief to have that cart, with the number of them and those that couldn't walk unaided it would make the walk to the church much easier on everyone. She ended up handing the baby to Carrie in the back of the cart and walked beside the North Man. She hadn't really met any before and she was sort of curious. He was very handsome, very tall too, he stood 6'4" at least, the long blonde hair and almost startling blue eyes. He was a little like Conner... but all male and less boy. "I'm fine... I'm just glad... nothing else happened." She sighed softly giving the man a rueful smile. she was wracking her brain over who would have fired arrows at the hovels.

Alehial investigated the treeline then as well, once she realized which direction the arrows had come from. But she found only trampled grounds and nothing definitive. she could speak to the tree's but they weren't usually overly helpful with things like this. All humans looked alike to them, orcs too for that matter. She ended up following the others from a further distance, She didn't speak to the lieutenant at the gate and he sneered at her, it wasn't anything she wasn't used to. she didn't want Conner to see her just yet and so she kept a good distance between them.

Conner didn't say anything else other than walk beside Grell all the way to the temple of Pelor and await entrance to ask for the clergy's comfort for a few days, then he'd speak to Grell and that would be it.

It didn't take terribly long but the entire city would be buzzing with the news in hours at least. They reached the church presently and Grell moved to the front to enter through the door. "Shtay whiff them Vexsh, I will be back." Grell said setting the little boy down and urging Hurk to go to Vex.

Vex smiled at Grell and Hurk and gave a smart ass salute that make Grell huff. With either annoyance or amusement was unclear, but he went inside the temple to speak to a priest. Vex hugged Hurk and Hurk hugged her tightly, he was almost as tall as she was, obviously the half orc in him helped with that. The North man looked between her and Conner then and then down at the boy. "Iz 'e well?" The North Man asked. Vex smiled "Hurk was injured when he was younger... as far as we can tell his mind was damaged as an infant. He'll probably always be like a child." Vex said raffling the boys hair.

Conner went to Moira, "I'm sorry about your chair, I might have a friend who can fix it." He watched the others and offered water and any help they might need before the clergy gave Grell an answer. Already he was planning on sending some friends to see what could be salvaged and a couple visits to some friendly merchants would replace what couldn't be fixed or found.

"Nothing we can't live without. Nothing that we haven't done without before." Moira smiled at Conner. The others nodded in agreement. Everyone was relatively calm now even most of the children had moved on. It seemed... what happened didn't faze them too much. "As long as we're okay... that's what matters." Said the little half halfing boy who had taken lead of the other children before. He was also handing water skins to the children.

"You zeem to be very close to these people, miss. It is good to 'ave such close friends, yes? I am envious. I traveled alone to trade here, you zeem to 'ave friends in many places." The Northman said to Vex softly. He too seemed surprisingly calm though the Northmen were reported to be quite the fighters and considering most of their land was uninhabitable thanks to the monster infestations, the cold and mountains, he probably was familiar with battles constantly.

Vex looked up at him and offered a small smile. "I don't have as many as some, but I like to think I have enough." She said taking one of the water skin's and holding it to Hurk. Hurk released her from the hug but held her hand and took it in his other hand to drink.

Across from the temple was a bakery and Conner heard a couple children say something about being hungry. He smiled at Moira, "I'll be back in a couple minutes." then trotted across to the shop and paid the bakery to get everyone waiting some food. Before he left he asked the baker, "How much would you charge to bring those people food tomorrow morning?"

"It does seem to me you 'ave one who zeems pretty earnest nearby?" The Northman said watching Conner running about for the group. Made him wonder if the two were closer than he was first led to believe. Until Vex rolled her eyes and sighed. "I suppose earnest is probably a good way to describe him. Not the words I would use though. Anyways... We shouldn't keep you. I imagine you have a lot that needs done in the city?" She offered with a look at his cart and good's that the children were sitting in. The younger ones especially liked the furs. Some Vex couldn't name the creatures they came from. "I zuppose I should find a place to stay and perhaps where I might sell my goods." the Northman laughed with a shrug. He didn't seem overly concerned. "Might you know of a place?" He then asked of Vex.

"Four Gold, tonight and tomorrow morn, for my meat rolls." The Baker said eyeing the group. The real interest was the very tall Northman with long hair and covered in furs. Northmen didn't often come to the capital, they were quite a rare sight. "The Church gives meals twice a day, boy, you sure you want to feed that lot?" He asked getting a clothe sack to shove some of his rolls and buns into. He wasn't questioning the money, but those who usually went to the church were well enough taken care of by given clothes and food at least. As well as a place to stay the night usually.

Conner fished out the coins and handed them over, "I'd rather them have the food and not need it than the alternative." He took the sack and headed over and handed it to Moira then took a seat and watched the people move about.

It wasn't long after that Grell came out the doors and nodded to the others. "They will let ush shtay for a few nightsh." No one rejoiced but, everyone did seem a little relieved,Moira had handed the rolls out and everyone was content for now. "They will take ush shomewhere to bathe in the back, then to the bedsh we will be shatyin in." Grell gestured for everyone to enter the temple as he held the door.

Conner looked around, they wouldn't let a horse into the temple so Moira would need some help. "M'lady Moira, can I offer my help in getting you inside?" Conner asked quietly. He intended in gathering some help and heading back to gather whatever could be salvaged from the camp. Talking to Grell could wait for a little while, and Vex seemed less concerned with him while the Northman was chatting away.

"I'll get her, you help Carrie." Grell said, waving his arm towards the adult woman holding the infant, in the back of wagon of the Northman's. Grell picked up Moira gently and tucked her against his side, with his enormous size and even with his strength, Moira was easily held by him. Geoff followed behind silently having not spoken once. Though he offered a tired smile to Conner.

Tad was being supported by Lili the elven half child, and Krissy and Drew were walking together into the temple. Oleg was waiting for all the children to enter and once again the half halfing boy was directing the children into the building, Vex still holding Hurk's hand led him forward as well, She also let the little half dwarven girl out of the back of the cart and led her by hand as well as it was clear she was blind. Another of the slightly older girls was carrying the little toddler girl who was happily eating her meat roll. It seemed there was a sort of order to it all that they were rehearsed in usually.

Conner walked up to the cart and smiled at Carrie, "So, how best can I help you into the temple m'lady?" While some might believe he was being mirthful, he remembered long ago his manners and Carrie was his elder and the little one's mother she deserved respect. Already he was thinking of a sling for the child so he could offer her his arm and help her inside. But, he wanted her to be comfortable and would follow her wishes.

"If you take the infant, and then let me lean on you. It might take us a minute but it's not too bad." Carrie said with a smile. "I'm afraid Grell hasn't quite given the little guy a name yet." Carrie laughed softly, the infant was clearly human, he had a reddish hue to his dark fuzz on his head. The North Man stepped forward then. "I could carry the child if it vould help?" He offered to both Conner and Carrie.

"That's alright I have it, thank you." Conner replied. He took the small one in his right arm and held him close, then offered his left to Carrie. This northman had just appeared out of nowhere and was hanging around mostly talking to Vex. It seemed strange, but he would give him the benefit of the doubt.

"Of course." The North Man said graciously. Once everyone was out of the cart he began to rearrange the items for evenly for weight. And he checked on his horses while everyone was busy.

Carrie thanked both men and hopped while leaning on Conners shoulders. "Thank you for the help young man. None of us move very quickly and with the children we know we are a burden." Carrie said with a smile.

Conner glanced at her, "You are never a burden, and if you like I will keep the little one company while you get a chance to get cleaned up and into dry clothes." He had seen Vex enter the temple with Hurk and he still needed to talk with Grell about his idea.

Just as they reached the steps to the doorway Grell came back through the doors. "You are the lasht Carrie, keep hold of the wee boy, boy." Grell said to Conner before stepping down and scooping Carrie up in his arms comfortably for them both. "Letsh get you inshide into warm clotshs." Grell said kindly to Carrie. Carrying her into the church.

"Young Lord? I vill take my leave, pleaze convey my good vishes for the group. And if you are not involved with the young woman from earlier... perhaps let her know I will be staying at a 'Finn's Tavern' while I am residing in town." The North man said then before Conner entered the church.

Conner didn't answer, he wasn't sure how to approach the subject. In one hand they weren't anything more than babysitter and babysittee, but something about this man pursuing Vex made him well, could the word be jealous? The possibility made Conner stop and look down at the little one in his arms, could it be?

The North man turned and climbed into his cart and rolled out. the infant in Conners arms cooed softly and smiled up at him. Reaching for his nose when he wiggled one hand free.

"Now, none of that squirt." Conner said chiding the child with a grin and soft words as they entered the house of Pelor. He took the child into one of the common rooms that were set aside for Grell's group. As more people came back from getting bath's Conner began to sing and tell stories to put their minds at ease. Still he wondered about what the Northerner had said and his reaction.

Once Grell had everyone situated out of the baths he grabbed Conner by the arm roughly and pulled him away from the others into the main hall. Vex was quickly to leave the children and follow behind. A little nervous Grell might try to rough up Conner. She wasn't really certain she could take Grell down in a serious fight.

Conner didn't struggle, instead he took a calming tone one that would hopefully keep Grell from doing anything rash. "Grell, let's not do anything too rash. The clergy might look unfavorably on violence in the temple, why don't we talk this out and solve this."

"Whve are talking, shorry 'bout being rough." Grell said letting Conners arm loose. Grell looked hard at Conner then and sighed wearily. "Whe think it besht you shtay away from us. The guardsh were not habby but they left ush alone, until you came Ravenwood." Grell said folding his arms over his chest. He turned and looked toward Vex then as well. "Thish is extended to you ash well, even though you came from ush." Grell said with a shake of his head.

"I don't think that's the case Grell, I think this was the next step in their plans. I think you and your people need a place inside the walls of Baerlon. If we work together, we can find a place for your people to be safe." Conner said extending his hand to Grell, "If you trust me."

"You ruin Hurk'sh progresh with the group and children... you fphlaunt your money and name, fphight the city guardsh and now whant my trusht?" Grell sums up all the things Conner had done soo far and simply continued his hard stare at the two of them. His arms were folded across his chest and he didn't seem at all inclined to shake Conners hand nor trust him with anything at this point.

Vex looked defeated, she had tried to help, both of them, clearly she had failed and should focus clearly on her mission and nothing else from now on. She had only wanted to help her friends and teach Conner humility and understanding, she should have left it alone. She touched Conners shoulder gently. "Let's return, we have done enough." She said softly.

Conner looked at Vex for a second then returned to look at Grell, "I will take responsibility for my mistake with Hurk. I should have asked or even offered before healing him, it never occured that helping him would be nothing of the sort. Using my family name was more getting those guards out of the way incase those who fired your huts were waiting to fire upon a cluster of people waiting to enter the city. As far as coin, flaunting it or spending it on people I believe deserve a chance to find a stable home and life, I won't apologize for. But, what I offer you and them is a place inside the city walls yet as safe and seperate as you decide to allow."

"Inshide or out, whe are treated the shame. You have done the damage, nothing hash changed for ush. Whe do not take pphity. Ash for you Vex, whe ashk you not to return again. It ish time you lepht ush." Grell said with a shake of his large head. His face was hard to read but there was a mix of emotions. The hurt that she would endanger them all however was one both Conner and Vex could make out.

Vex nodded her head in acceptance. "I understand... Thank you for many years of friendship Grell... May you all find warmth and shelter where ever your next stop may be." She then untied her purse string and offered it. "In payment for friendship rendered. And for damages made." Grell held out his hand slowly and accepted her offering, nodding his head in understanding. Clearly Vex was saying goodbye and she wouldn't be allowed to return again. "Conner it is getting late... we should depart." She said looking him in the eyes and seeming to beg him to drop the matter. This was painful for her. And he wouldn't know why... not really.

Conner said nothing else, he disagreed with Grell not wanting any help from anyone. But, he wouldn't upset Vex anymore than she already was. He nodded to her and headed for the door of the temple.

Vex didn't even pause, she was in stride basically even with him. He had requested she act more a companion less of a guard. Even if Vex had nothing else, her job and mission was enough. Commander Rand believed she was enough. She would follow through her mission to the best of her abilities. But she was dark of thought and silent on the way out of the temple.

Conner had seen Alehial when they had entered the temple and he figured she was somewhere around now. He was disappointed that Grell didn't take up his offer and moreso that Vex was not able to see her friends. "I'm sorry Vex, truly." he said.

"When given orders for a mission follow through as exact as you can unless the situation needs intervention." Vex quoted softly. "I should have left well enough alone... And now it doesn't matter." She shrugged roughly in her armor. She however did not look at Conner when she spoke.

Conner reached out and stopped her, "Vex, deep down what did you really want bringing me to the camp? I can't believe you wanted me to see people just to see them and not try to help." His tone was quiet and earnest to truly hear what she wanted by going to the camp.

"That's just it. That's exactly what I wanted you to do. They are happy together and content with their lives the way things are." Vex said shrugging off his arm. " You have this idea you need to save everyone, but not everyone wants some one else to save them. Sometimes... even though things aren't ideal, people are happy with the way they already are." Vex finished looking into his face and then cocking her hips putting her fist on her cocked hip. She sighed looking down a moment then back to Conner. "You have no concept of every one being content with who and what they are. I am a body guard, I enjoy this work. I am proud to be a Blade, I am not a companion I am an official. I am who I have made myself, nothing more or less. But you just don't care. Like your family you want to change everything... And most of it doesn't need changed just organized, Commander Rand understands and it often infuriates your mother the Duchess. But so what. She is one noble of many Conner."

Conner said nothing, he couldn't really think of anything to say if they really felt that way there was little he could do for them. They went home and he parted away from her and went to the tower room to think. He had also not told Vex that he had left magical coins so that he could keep an ear out for trouble. Looking out over Baerlon he wondered if everyone was happy with their lots in life like Vex had said. He was also still concerned about Grell's people and he looked up to the stars, "Grandfather, how do I truly know when someone needs help or is just wanting to do something to further our name?"

In a few days the rest of the family and the ships would return, perhaps he needed to speak with Lucas and Tani. They served Pelor and perhaps could give him another perspective on helping others.

Vex enjoyed the quiet days and practiced her training, she familiarize herself with the grounds better as well. As Conner kept to his room Vex gave him his space. Checking on him twice daily outside of meals, otherwise leaving him alone too.

While he waited he talked over a great many things with his father, Altair was a good father and a good noble. Conner would hate to admit it, but he wanted to be like his father a man many looked up to. Vex coming and checking on him just kept making him question how he handled everything with Grell and his people. However, it did not keep him from checking up on them with his magic coins. They no longer remained in the city and were making their way south along the coast road toward Stormhill.

Vex was coming around to check on him again for the day and knocked on the door politely. "Conner?" She called, still following his request to be more familiar and less formal all the time. She figured the better on terms they were with each other the less likely he would be to try and ditch her.

"damn!" he swore under his breath, the coins were spread out as he had been checking on the group. "One second Vex, I'm....using my wash basin." he said quickly putting everything away and undoing his shirt and grabbing a towel. It wasn't his best white lie, but saying he was using the chamber pot seemed over the top. After a couple splashes of water and drying off he opened the door then buttoned a couple buttons he smiled, "What can I do for you? Or just here making sure I've not fled?"

"I was seeing if you had plans to head into town today or were still content to stay home... but seeing as you are washing?" Vex raised an eyebrow. "You wish to go out?" She surmised giving him a once over critically. She herself was in pants and top of the blades uniform again. It was her go to clothing, at all times. She had only two outfits that were not Blade regimented. Of which neither had been seen by the family.

"I thought about seeing if the ships were back." he said buttoning his last and grabbing his sword belt. "Who knows what else it's been a slow week around here...." anything else he had to say was cut off as Linlesse sped past themm and down the stairs. Shaking his head Conner quipped, "Always in a rush that one."

"It happens when the younger are excited about things. Shall we armor up?" Vex asked dismissing Linlesse's excitement and energy, in favor of her job. Since Conner was interested in leaving the house now.

"I don't think that it will be needed." Conner said. "However, we should wear the other protective items. Just in case." he said turning to grab his ring and bracers.

"Very well. Shall we pass my rooms so I can grab my things?" Vex said trying to keep this civil and not try to make this seem like an assignment, keep their truce working.

"Sure, we can go that route." Conner said shutting his door behind him. It was only a short walk to her room and he leaned against the facing wall while she got her things.

Vex left the door open, she put her Badge on her lapel, and put her weapons belts on. She put grieves on and gauntlets and her own Ravenwood ring the duke and Duchess gave her. " Anything else you wanted to look at? While we are out and about?"

"None I can really think of, any place calling your name?" he said back peering around the doorframe. Conner didn't want to enter her room without permission.

"The Duke and Duchess see that my personal needs are met. I need nothing else." Vex shrugged her shoulders stepping out of the room. The room was kept entirely intact. Despite being told she could freely use it, the bed was made military regulation style. Her boots were by her bag, only her armor was out and on a stand she had asked for. There were no personal touches of her own.

Conner looked about and made a couple mental notes to himself, "Vex can I ask you a question? Other than that last one I mean." he said waiting for her to shut her door.

"You can ask me all the questions you want Conner. We are working together, so you say." Vex said closing the door behind her. She turned to Conner with a raised brow and curious look. She began to walk down the hallway towards the stairs.

He smiled a little, "I want to know more about Vex, since of course I'm entrusting my life in your hands. Where do you hail from, I know you where in Grell's group. But, where before and how did you get into The Blades?"

"I was an adventurer for hire, heard about the Blades becoming a thing... heard no woman could enter, I decided to. That's all." Vex said, not a lot of emotion in her voice. "Before Grell was a long time ago. No one cares about that anymore." Vex said walking down the stairs.

"I do, come on Vex I don't even know if you have a favorite color. What happens if you were to die in your service, how could I give you an honorable burial without information about you? Perhaps I sing the wrong hymns, would you want to be refused at your deity's gates because of me?"

"I don't have a deity, and say I served my job. My past isn't important. What I do as a Blade does. My favorite color... Conner, is silver if you must know." Vex said bemused as she opened the front door to let Conner through first.

"How about favorite smells or food and drink?" he asked stepping through and looking about the estate. It was a chilly morning and very few people were out and about.

"None of that matters. It's all nourishment in the end and waste after that." Vex sighed softly, she wasn't sure why Conner wanted to know answers to questions like these.

"You have got to be kidding?" Conner said looking at her. "You say you admire my uncle, but his biggest and most important thing is enjoying life when you can. How do you think he has five children and my aunt along with command of the blades? We are gonna work on this Vex, it will give you some depth and personality to you."

"When I've gone on to better jobs I'm sure I'll enjoy them more. For now, I'll enjoy bathing nightly and a more than comfortable bed." Vex said rolling her eyes and sighing dramatically. As she walked down the long drive from estate to the rest of the city. "I don't plan on having a husband or children either so I'm sure my life will be full of much more enjoyment for myself." Vex said with a snorted laugh.

Conner walked a little further into town than he orginally thought, these facts about Vex shocked him. They stopped at a little shop where teas and coffee were made and sold, he smirked and ordered a coffee infused with spices for himself and Vex. "Try this, I think you'll like this."

"What is it, Coffee? The nobles drink?" Vex asked raising a brow at Conner. She wondered why he wanted to come all this way into town. She still wondered if it was for this drink. Most commoners couldn't afford this drink on the regular, it was bought for the guard and nobles regularly though. Adventurers too would buy it, vex knew. Commander Rand didn't allow the Blades to touch the stuff while on duty.

"Don't question it, just try to enjoy it." Conner said pushing the cup to her and settling back in his chair with his cup. "Take a long inhale." it smelled to Vex of coffee, cloves and another spice she couldn't make out. Conner took a small sip and let out a contented sigh, "I don't make it down here enough so if I have the chance I treat myself to a cup and talk to Nawal, he owns and runs the establishment." Indeed the man behind the counter was not native to Andor, but his shop had a great many people enjoying many different types of beverages.

"I noticed your mother is still keeping her ban on coffee in the house, I did wonder where you got a supply for your stash." Vex said with a giggle. She sipped the coffee though and made a humming noise. It was surprisingly good, she did like an occasional cup of coffee in the mornings, in fact she was glad Conner had a secret stash but this stuff was better than any she had tried yet.

Conner smiled, "This is more decadent, the stuff I keep at the house is what most taverns carry. And yes my mother hates coffee, although I never truly found out why. My father however drinks it when he thinks she isn't looking or he'll get her cocoa and then she'll leave him alone to his coffee." Sitting back he looked out the window towards the docks, "I hope the ships come back today, the weather won't hold up much longer and they might get pushed further south if they delay much longer."

"So far so good, other than your request from your mother a couple of days ago." Vex offers in answer to his worries, though she too wondered just how much longer until the ships would reach harbor. "This is quite good..." she tilts her head looking at Conner for a moment before taking another liberal sip.

Conner smiled again, "Stick with me and I'll teach you about having a little fun. Or at least relaxing from time to time."

"I try not to relax when I'm on a job, people die when you don't pay attention." Vex said taking a sip and then looking in the direction of the harbor. While she couldn't see it, she figured a little teasing wouldn't hurt anything at this point. The only other stop was the docks anyways.

"At home at the estate is the perfect place to relax, with everyone being there and of course the spells protecting it." Conner said taking another sip. He finished his cup and refilled it from the small pot, "Care for another?"

"Might as well." Vex said watching Conner refill her glass as well. It was interesting how comfortable Conner felt even though his home was attacked semi successfully frequently.

"There are always off days." he said reading Vex's mind. His family wasn't perfect, sometimes they could screw up royaly. He took a small scroll out of his coat and cast the spell written on it. It allowed him to zero in on the ships and see how soon they would arrive.

"What did you just cast? What are you up to Conner?" Vex asks as she takes a liberal drink from her cup, she was always suspicious of what Conner was up to. But she was not magically inclined. She should however begin a study on his spells.

"Location spell, I left my belt onboard my ship. With this I can figure out where it is. And if my guess is correct it will be here about lunch time today." he looked at her and released the spell, the scroll turned to ash and he cast that into the small fireplace nearby.

"Left it... heh." Vex snickered into her cup, she drained it and set it onto the table gently. She leaned further back into the chair, and looked out of the window once more. "So we have some time then." She said after a few moments of quiet.

"We do at that, have something on your mind?" Conner asked. Vex rarely voiced a desire to do anything while on duty and the idea tickled him. Nawal approached the table and waited until Conner looked his way.

"Is everything acceptable Master Ravenwood?" he asked not wanting to clear away the empty dishes. Looking nervous and trying to keep his eyes down as he had never met Vex.

"Nawal, please have a seat. And it's Conner my father is Master Ravenwood." Conner said smiling at the man and motioning to the empty chair at the table. "I wanted to find out did Hazim get into the college of the bards? I hope my letter of introduction was enough. He has some amazing talent with his instrument."

"Yes, they agreed to let him play and then accepted him into the new class. I can never thank you enough Conner." Nawal said with a wide smile, obviously a proud parent.

"Don't mention it, I was happy to help." Conner said.

Vex watched silently setting her dishes further onto the table as she was finished. The drink was warming and she felt quite toasty. Especially close to the fireplace as they were, she watched the interaction between Conner and Nawal without too much interest and watched out the window again as they chatted. She had plenty she would like to do, but while on duty she refrained. Job First. Always.

Andor: All Over a Grell (or Conner & Vex) pt.3

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2017-11-21 [Sheamus Finn]: I need a little more info on Carrie

2017-11-23 [Nuktae-tal]: Female lol, but she is a mix of several different people and possibly some elf or something mixed in. She lost her left leg just above the knee. She usually has a crutch but not anymore. She is in her thirties. Dirty blonde, mixed color eyes. about 5'4".

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