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2005-07-11 03:28:37
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If you've ever been hurt by the person you thought loved you the most or have been hurt by anything having to do with love. Then you've come to right place!

<img:>About Anti-Love<img:>

This wiki is meant for those who have become or are frustrated with anything having to do with love. Here you can brood(or whatever) about love and it's cruelty. And if your in love you can come to us with any of your love troubles and we'll try to give you enough possitve support! Please note that this isn't against love...just the pain and hurt that comes with it. Anyone is allowed to love whoever they matter what. But you must know...that there's some of us who wonder if there is such a thing as True Love....


<img:>Important(if somewhat): No need to ask anyone to join. Just edit the Anti-Love Members page and add your name. And feel free to put up the wiki's badge in your house...To create a link to this wiki just type in Anti-Love@wiki between this...-->[] And the result will be...-->Anti-Love<--


<img:>Founders of Anti-Love:[cvg54]-Came up with the idea. [Just another heartache on my lips.]-Helped make this wiki possible.

(And please note that all the dividers and other cool things here can be found at Elftown Graphics.)



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3.Mild swearing is allowed.
4.Feel free to make any suggestions for this wiki.(a suggesstion page will soon be made)
5.Last but not least! Have fun and enjoy yourself!


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Anti-Love Poetry

And this my friends is where all Anti-Love members can post up their poetry.


Love Problems

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2004-12-23 [Reject]: your lover should be your bestfriend

2004-12-24 [angrybuddhas.]: will somebody please give me some advice? it's been in love problems for quite a few weeks now, and nothing

2004-12-24 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: what do you need advice on??

2004-12-24 [random23423]: i gave my 3 cents worth....but feel free to add if you think you're smarter than me

2004-12-25 [sexy step 15]: Happy holidays

2004-12-26 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: who said they were smarter than you?? and you obviously believe that you are smarter than all of us...right??

2004-12-27 [random23423]: *looks around* did i ever say that i'm smarter than anyone else.......i may have implied it occasionally....but i just do that to overcompensate for one failed love after another =p

2004-12-29 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: i hate when love fails....and Im pretty sure that we have all been there.

2004-12-29 [sexy step 15]: Yeah...

2004-12-29 [random23423]: lets talk about my love life, its a tiny bit more complicated than your average love life...but someone might see something that i missed... allright, i'm living with my ex girlfriend of a year and a half, but am falling madly in love with someone else who is absolutely not like my x, she likes the same things i likes, likes the same music, etc....problem is she lives in sunny san diego, and she will be going back after new years, prolly not to return until next holiday break or summer break....long distance relationships suck! any comments on how dumb i am

2004-12-30 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: well i know that long distance things dont work (most of the time) but i wouldnt call you dumb. love is love right??

2004-12-30 [random23423]: lol....i guess you are right in that regard....but whats a guy to do?

2005-01-01 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: well i guess if you love her then you give it a shot and see where it goes

2005-01-03 [random23423]: thats the wierd thing.....i barely knew her until was one of those sorta things where you immediately connect.....and later on...(for me atleast) after she went back to san diego...we did a 4 hour fone convo where life story's were exchanged....its madness...i dont know....she said she will help me pay the way to san all i gotta do is find the means...then i will prolly spend as much time as i can before i need to come home...figure this thing out more

2005-01-04 [paige.ilien.]: hello

2005-01-04 [rinaweeena]: hi:)

2005-01-04 [Reject]: .mushroom.if you truly feel like you love this girl i would go for it

2005-01-05 [random23423]: well....if this whole thing works out...i might not be able to hang out here anymore....but this sorta thing is a super long term plan...since physical distance is such a big deal and she already has lots of plans for life...but luckily i i could follow her to the end of the earth(how romantic)

2005-01-05 [rinaweeena]: awww

2005-01-07 [Reject]: lol

2005-01-07 [random23423]: in life...she might be giving up on sunny san diego, her roommates hate her, she cant find a job, etc...but i dont want her to give up, cuz if she gets thru the hard parts she will be much happier there than in south dakota

2005-01-31 [DarkAngel3]: any where is better than south dakota

2005-02-01 [random23423]: hrm, well, i'm stuck in south dakota, and she loves me dearly, so she will prolly be back, its down right pathetic some of the things i've said lately to her, i dun know, i'm a poet, but some of the stuff i have said are just sappy

2005-02-01 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: people get that way when they love someone

2005-02-01 [sexy step 15]: aww

2005-02-02 [Reject]: yup

2005-02-02 [random23423]: lol......its annoying as hell, cuz i cant write any real poetry!

2005-02-06 [DarkAngel3]: any thing can be poetry

2005-02-06 [fjdka]: i've joined. im broken and torn apart. and i can't stop loving him..........even tho he's ripped me apart i can't hate him, i just can't move on. it's like my life is frozen and i can't move. help......

2005-02-06 [random23423]: well, miranda, that is all very poetic, specially like darkangel said, but, doesnt give any info that might bring light to your situation

2005-02-06 [random23423]: Oh, in other news, i might be able to see my neko-chan, all i need to do is find out how to go from vermillion sd, to san diego, cash is prolly the issue, donations?

2005-02-07 [fjdka]: wat information must u need to know?????????

2005-02-07 [random23423]: well, what problems you have, tell us what ya feel is the problem is, and we will try our best to help you

2005-02-09 [DarkAngel3]: what he said

2005-02-09 [sexy step 15]: yeah

2005-02-11 [fjdka]: i opened myself up to him. i let him in, sumthing i should have never done. and he broke up with me because: 'you deserve better' 'it's not fair that im not there for you' 'you'll be better off without me' and more bs. c, this is a long distance relationship. but, IT WAS PERFECT. and when i finally loved him, he rips out my heart, stabs it, and steps on it.

2005-02-11 [random23423]: allright, the belief that you shouldnt let another person in your life, thats bull, one of the happiest moments of a person's life is when they can share love with another person...the you deserve better stuff, i agree its a cop out, and it was prolly him feeling guilty, or caged in, and wanting to escape, i think what you need to do, if you care about the guy, try being friends, it works well, and in the future, dont set yourself up for failure, i mean, everyone fails in love, even me, who's tryin to give you advice....i'm doin the long distance thing, my paramour is hangin in sunny san diego, and i'm in snowy south i know how it feels, i'm setting myself up for a fall

2005-02-11 [random23423]: (sorry bout the 2 liner) a really bad fall, because she's 18, and i'm 23 (we turn 24 and 19 on the 10th and 12th of june respectively) she is sposed to be back in march, but thats over a month away, and she's partying every night, and meeting new people, and all i'm doing is getting drunk on whiskey and crying to my best friend about how alone i am....i'm afraid that this is just a passing fancy for her, and i'm sure she's perfect...

2005-02-12 [fjdka]: hmmm. well, thanx for the advice.


2005-02-12 [Reject]: it sucks my bf and i got into a fight

2005-02-12 [Rose Tinted Glasses]: Really? About what? (Mine just doesn't care anymore... ^^;; )

2005-02-12 [fjdka]: i don't want valentines day to come. im depressed and i want my ex back soooo fucking bad. valentines day is just another holiday that makes you waste your money on worthless things

2005-02-13 [sexy step 15]: And spend time with people who you think love you but would rather be out screwing somebody

2005-02-14 [fjdka]: exactly!!!!!

2005-02-14 [Rose Tinted Glasses]: I hate them people...they should all be casterated. >.<

2005-02-14 [random23423]: valentines day is a great day, theres a punk show goin on....but in other news, i'm experiencing huge jealousy problems with sheridan, she meets lotsa pplz out in san diego, and i've seen some of the stuff they've said, and it sounds like she's not givin em a clear enuf message that she loves me, and it makes me feel really shitty...

2005-02-14 [Cause of death *broken heart*]: dont worry im in the same bf says he loves me but talks to other girls like he wants to hook up with them....i think since it's V-day and I am pissed off I might go to wear he is at and kill jk

2005-02-14 [random23423]: lol, i trust sheridan to not do anything wrong, but it still injurs me to think that guys hit on her

2005-02-15 [fjdka]: it happens. that wazn't the way it waz when i waz with zach, he was perfect. everythin'll be ok for you guyz tho. if they truly DO care they are just testing you or some other bs.

2005-07-12 [sexy step 15]: people do that for some reason that annoys me

2005-07-19 [paige.ilien.]: what would u do if sumone you loved walked all over you and used you but u don't care and u just let them. i can't let her treat me this way, but i can't stand not being around her. what do i do?

2005-07-20 [random23423]: hrm...just because you love someone, doesnt necesitate that they love you, and to argue that they love you, but want to use you is kinda silly

2005-07-20 [peace4all_monkey]: love bites

2005-07-20 [paige.ilien.]: sure does...and maybe i should just get over it, right?

2005-07-21 [random23423]: umm, if the relationship is causing you pain, then you should

2005-07-21 [LaDy_DrAc]: it u!!!!!!!!!!

2005-07-21 [paige.ilien.]: yeah.....MY WIFE!!!!!!!! MY BEAUTIFUL WIFE!!!! oh, everyone, pandora ish meh wife! hehehe!

2005-07-22 [sexy step 15]: uhm?

2005-07-22 [peace4all_monkey]: yayzle for u

2005-07-23 [sexy step 15]: uh huh

2005-07-23 [paige.ilien.]: ~pandora~ ish meh wife. not really, but as a joke. hehehe.

2005-07-26 [LaDy_DrAc]: lol i love u my fsexy wife lol^.^

2005-07-26 [peace4all_monkey]: thats nice?

2005-07-26 [LaDy_DrAc]: lol i know

2005-07-26 [paige.ilien.]: mer!

2005-07-27 [LaDy_DrAc]: MER!!!!

2005-07-27 [sexy step 15]: uhm..k

2005-07-27 [paige.ilien.]: yeah....sry, we're a little, how about that mad cow disease? lol.

2005-07-29 [sexy step 15]: lol idk..

2005-07-31 [LaDy_DrAc]: lol i think we have

2005-08-01 [paige.ilien.]: have what? .....ish confuzed!

2005-08-02 [LaDy_DrAc]: mad cow

2005-08-02 [paige.ilien.]: mehr!

2005-08-04 [sexy step 15]: idk.

2005-08-04 [peace4all_monkey]: FUZZY WUZZY!!!!

2005-08-07 [paige.ilien.]: poopy

2005-08-07 [paige.ilien.]: you know you do, you kill me well. hehehe. good song.

2005-08-08 [LaDy_DrAc]: lol so u came o my house paige

2005-08-08 [paige.ilien.]: i did something very stupid and i feel like an object right now.

2005-08-08 [LaDy_DrAc]: no ur paige that all ur not a thing ur a person

2005-08-15 [paige.ilien.]: i know, just felt like a toy. rawr! i'm good now though.

2005-08-15 [LaDy_DrAc]: yay -does a happy dance-

2005-08-19 [paige.ilien.]: i have a b/f now....and i like him a lot.......but he only talks about bein naked and stuff, which doesn't really bother me, but it gets kind of tiring, what do i do?

2005-08-21 [Rose Tinted Glasses]: Tell him its uncomfortable/ tiring... be honest ^^; if he doesn't stop, then kick him in the nuts so he stops thinking about that stuff ^^;

2005-08-25 [paige.ilien.]: i broke up with him. just wanted to get into my pants...oh well. guys are poopy. there is one that i like a whole lotta bunch that just happens to com to this website a lot.....but you'll never know

2005-08-26 [random23423]: meh, i think you are a silly girl... but you love me right? my advice is thus, dont convince yourself that you can get a real relationship at your age, never believe that your young teenage relationships will be the one, because you have alot to learn about love (i have alot to learn about love), figure relationships now are practice, dont get bummed out when they dont work, and dont hesitate to get out of one that you are not happy in

2005-08-27 [paige.ilien.]: hehehe. i duno. maybe i just won't date for a while.....and yes, i love you....mehr! ish confusing!

2005-08-27 [random23423]: try to work on love on a level of loving another person as a human being....then you will understand what it means to love another person as a partner a lil better

2005-08-28 [paige.ilien.]: ok.

2005-09-06 [DarkAngel3]: WAH!...Mushroom is back...I've come here alot and haven't seen a comment by you

2005-09-07 [random23423]: lol, i come and go... right now actually i'm doing quite nicely in life, i kissed a girl today!

2005-09-10 [paige.ilien.]: yay! kissing ish good!

2005-09-16 [DarkAngel3]: WOO!...yayishness for Mushroom!

2005-09-17 [peace4all_monkey]: i wanna kiss some1.......possibly it will be soon........cuz im going to see a movie w/ my friend spencer.....and i like him....but my friend says i have a crush on just confused

2005-09-19 [DarkAngel3]: do you like him in more than a friend?

2005-09-24 [peace4all_monkey]: idk...its possible

2005-09-24 [DarkAngel3]: ...hmm.....

2005-09-25 [paige.ilien.]: need alcohol...

2005-09-26 [random23423]: alcohol???? that sounds sketchy... but, i plan on drinkin soon, so i wont really complain... i should figger out another day to go to pierre...then i can hang with the pretty kitties again

2005-09-27 [paige.ilien.]: woot...i need love...but that won't happen....even from the boyfriend i have. he does not know that emotion. nothing of the sort. i get more love from my razorblades. at least they seem more comforting....sorry, a little, how baout them yankees? lol.

2005-09-27 [DarkAngel3]: ....paigey...Cody is an idiot...I'm sorry but he know it too...

2005-10-05 [random23423]: agreed... whats the point of having a bf who doesnt care???? isnt that their primary role? and stop making comments about cutting, its too attention begging for my taste, if you are gonna do things like that, hide it, then everyone will think you're ok

2005-10-07 [DarkAngel3]: ....don't tell her that....she's been doing lots better....

2005-10-08 [peace4all_monkey]: how do you grab a guys attention without seeming desprite?

2005-10-08 [LaDy_DrAc]: @.@

2005-10-09 [DarkAngel3]: hmm

2005-10-11 [random23423]: peace4all, i reccomend parading around totally newd...that grabs guys attention...but it does seem pretty desperate....

2005-10-11 [random23423]: how about try talking to the guy like hes a human being, not like he's some guy you wanna date... i've found that making friends with people is much better than tricking ppl into dating you

2005-10-14 [paige.ilien.]: i'm free! no more dating! too damn confusing and i don't like it! no more! i'm free! i'm FREEEEEE!!!!!!!!!

2005-10-15 [random23423]: lol, too bad i'm dating =p meh, yer a bit young anyways... oh well, i can always be your harmless gay friend

2005-10-19 [DarkAngel3]: YAY!...wait a minute......

2005-10-20 [random23423]: erm....

2005-10-22 [DarkAngel3]: *eyes tristan*............I'm not going to say a word..............

2005-10-22 [paige.ilien.]: art thou gay-ith?

2005-10-25 [random23423]: what?

2005-10-28 [paige.ilien.]: you said you could be my harmless gay thou gay-ith?

2005-10-30 [random23423]: erm, no, but for some odd reason, all the lady-types treat me as such

2005-11-01 [paige.ilien.]: i treat you as though you're i? .....

2005-11-05 [random23423]: ummmm....everyone does!

2005-11-05 [paige.ilien.]: i'm sorry. i didn't think i did. i don't mean to......but i flirt with you whenever i is that treating you gay?

2005-11-09 [random23423]: not taking my flirting serous =p

2005-11-13 [DarkAngel3]: ......odd....I treated you like one of my other weird friends when we first met.........especially with the funky purple glasses..........

2005-11-26 [bluehaired007]: haha you guys silly ppl *giggles* jk jk

2005-11-27 [pixietrick55]: i find ignoring a guy attracks him, even the ones unwanted, but remember to be kind, also, BE YOURSELF!!!!

2005-11-27 [rinaweeena]: i hate love,it makes us so jello-e

2005-11-30 [DarkAngel3]: ....boys are least the ones around here.........

2005-11-30 [random23423]: i got dumped =[ and i didnt even do anything wrong.... i'm still trying to figger it out... i think its cuz she wanted to not be in a relationship, so she could be free to be bad

2005-12-03 [DarkAngel3]: .....That's kinda stupid....But I also know the feeling......My last boyfriend and I got in a fight about it in June...

2005-12-15 [DarkAngel3]: you remember Reed?

2005-12-16 [random23423]: yes, kinda...he emailed me bunches bout my poetry

2005-12-21 [DarkAngel3]: .....I dislike him greatly now.....but anywho....are you coming for the techno rave...even though we aren't supposed to call it a rave?

2005-12-21 [random23423]: what? a techno show? in pierre? when? where? and who's putting it on?

2005-12-22 [DarkAngel3]: Techno show...this friday...the 23rd....At the Oahe Inc. Place...8:00pm...Thomas....Teddy...and Alex is the D.J.

2005-12-24 [random23423]: was the show any good?

2005-12-24 [Scars of the Open Heart]: thank goth i found this wiki....i was praying an anti love wiki existed

2005-12-25 [random23423]: thank god this wiki doesnt attract posers...

2005-12-28 [DarkAngel3]: It was kinda fun....We got done at 3:00 am and went to Chickadily's and it was packed.....kinda sad....I went and stayed at Jessica's house....

2005-12-31 [random23423]: heh...awesome.... well, i'm luckily alive... i went on a drug binge... and feel really stupid for doing it

2005-12-31 [DarkAngel3]: Yay! least you are alive.........the show got canceled last night though........I was kinda bored.......I had to go to a hockey game......

2006-01-02 [random23423]: hockey eh.....well, thats fun yah, my life is goin pretty good, and i'm not as depressed as before

2006-01-02 [DarkAngel3]: That's a good thing....alot of people that were depressed a little while ago are getting better, too....I found that I kinda like hockey......people go squish...and boom....

2006-01-02 [random23423]: lol, well, i guess....

2006-01-03 [DarkAngel3]: Yeah!....It's very awesome...but any who.....lots of people are in trouble around here...

2006-01-05 [random23423]: how so?

2006-01-16 [DarkAngel3]: They went to a party at my friends house and then drove to another persons drunk...and went back to the other house......and got caught by Brewer...evil ass cop.....any one is in trouble anymore

2006-01-20 [spike rules]:

i love [teenage labotomy] to death

2006-01-29 [Vampyric Angel]: i am so alone

2006-01-29 [DarkAngel3]: .....

2006-01-30 [random23423]: angel, why do you feel alone?

2006-03-08 [paige.ilien.]: i am tired....goodnight...afternoon...whatever

2006-03-16 [DarkAngel3]: PAIGEY!!

2006-04-03 [paige.ilien.]: heh...

2006-04-04 [Light for the Darkness]: hey! I'm new here... or will be or whatever..

2006-04-11 [paige.ilien.]: yay! new peoples!

2006-04-11 [Light for the Darkness]: lol. whats up?

2006-04-12 [paige.ilien.]: the ceiling right now, but sometimes it's the sky. how about you? i'm a little wired right now. listening to eisley. they make paige a happy girl!

2006-04-12 [Light for the Darkness]: lol its no problem!! lol I'm alright.. the ceiling is up for me right now too... lol

2006-04-13 [paige.ilien.]: yeah. it tends to happen from time to time. so, what brings you to anti-love?

2006-04-13 [Light for the Darkness]: cause I never seem to be able to find it.. it annoys me...

2006-04-15 [DarkAngel3]: *huggles teh paigey* I luff you....

2006-04-15 [Light for the Darkness]: ^-^

2006-04-15 [DarkAngel3]: I missed her...I still haven't seen you and Kenzi gets to rubs it in my face that she saw you first....

2006-04-16 [Light for the Darkness]: lol poor you!!

2006-04-18 [paige.ilien.]: i luff you 2. kenzi will be randomly bitten the next time paige does see her...shh. don't peak of this to her. hey, i heard that a certain boy named collin is with meh kimmi. CUTNESS! anywho, i luurrve you all. and hey, K.o.B., she's not poor. she ish meh kimmi!

2006-04-28 [DarkAngel3]: Teh Rabbit ish wiff yous duckie.....*lurves teh paigy*

2006-05-02 [paige.ilien.]: *lurves the kimmi back* so, i am playing on friday at chris johnson's birthday show and you have to come see me play cuz you know you want to. PLEASE!!!!!!!!

2006-06-01 [DarkAngel3]: umm....i'm a little should have called me....

2006-06-01 [paige.ilien.]: sorry....but hey, i wasn't that great anywho, so maybe next time. and i'll be sure to call. i pprrroommmmmisssseee! i lurrve you so much kimmi! you rock my sox!

2006-06-01 [DarkAngel3]: WOOO!

2006-06-01 [Light for the Darkness]: -sighs-

2006-06-01 [DarkAngel3]: Yesh?

2006-06-01 [Light for the Darkness]: hiya

2006-06-05 [paige.ilien.]: hey kiss, are you sad?

2006-06-05 [Light for the Darkness]: umm.. at the moment I'm not but it depends.. sometimes I am and sometimes I'm not.. lol hey!!

2006-06-06 [paige.ilien.]: well, good. what brings you to anit-love?

2006-06-06 [Light for the Darkness]: lol I dont know.. at the moment I am feeling lots of love, especially for this one guy, but before, I didn't really feel it... but I want to stay though... in case something turns out wrong!! lol but sometimes I am... yea.. against love lol

2006-06-06 [paige.ilien.]: o i c.

2006-06-06 [paige.ilien.]: love is shit and isn't real and i wish someone agreed with me on that...

2006-06-06 [Light for the Darkness]: -nods- I see... so what turns you against it?

2006-06-09 [paige.ilien.]: because everyone who i've loved or has "loved" me has been an ass or turned out to be a fake and a liar. i used to love DarkAngel3, but now she's just my friend. so, kimmi, i just wanted you to know that i know i will never have you and i respect that and i am pretty much over you by now. i just thought you should know. but i couldn't tell you that to your face. i still love you, but it's different.

2006-06-09 [Light for the Darkness]: -nods- I know that feeling

2006-06-09 [paige.ilien.]: yeah...but this too shall pass and i guess she's better than me anyways. she's doin really good with her boyfriend, i guess. i love her still but not the same's all complicated.

2006-06-09 [Light for the Darkness]: like I said, I can understand.....

2006-06-09 [paige.ilien.]: how come you understand?

2006-06-09 [Light for the Darkness]: well, in a way, and completely.. I loved this one guy, but we weren't dating per say, actually we hardly talked so thats the in a way part, but... yea.. he was the reason I came here in the first place... but I can also understand things that I've never felt before..

2006-06-13 [paige.ilien.]: not really. you can be empathetic, but you still don't fully understand unless you've felt it.

2006-06-13 [paige.ilien.]: no offense.

2006-06-14 [Light for the Darkness]: no offense taken... its ify.. you kinda can and cant...

2006-06-17 [paige.ilien.]: yeah

2006-06-19 [Light for the Darkness]: -half smiles-

2006-06-21 [paige.ilien.]: so, how is the kiss person?

2006-06-22 [Light for the Darkness]: -laughs and smiles- meaning me? -cocks head-

2006-06-27 [paige.ilien.]: teehee...but of course...who else?

2006-06-27 [Light for the Darkness]: -laughs- I am well!! I have one of my sisters over and she has been toturing me all night but my german shepard got back at her for me so.. yea.. lol it was funny!!!

2006-06-27 [paige.ilien.]: NICE!!!! i got laid last night.

2006-06-28 [Light for the Darkness]: lol nice

2006-07-01 [paige.ilien.]: yeah. it wasn't all that and a bag of potato chips though. lol. i'm all worried though...heh...if i'm pregnant....shit!

2006-07-01 [Light for the Darkness]: heh... nice.....

2008-02-29 [sea nymph]: Yeah its better to be safe!!! Expecially with the prego. issue! Your health is most important!

Even though a lot of people get sex>confused with true undying love......condoms+other things shouldnt pose a un-romantic problem!

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