Page name: Argo Rules [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-05-17 22:08:05
Last author: CuteCommander
Owner: CuteCommander
# of watchers: 3
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Aboard The Argo


1. No power-plays:
The usual rule for RPs - you only control the direct actions of your character. Also, please keep in mind that there are no immortal characters - some of them will get hurt. Nobody is invincible. Posts that appear to be power-played will be flagged as inappropriate.

2. Be polite to your fellow players:
This is a general rule for the site. Characters can be nasty to each other, but as players we should all be working towards an enjoyable experience. If you feel like you have an issue with a player, let [CuteCommander] know.

3. Try to post regularly:
We're not looking for plenty of your time - however, we expect a couple of posts a week minimum. If you can't meet this, let [CuteCommander] know.

4. If unsure of what is possible, ask:
This is a sci-fi RP, and as such it will involve technology not currently available. If you want a character to use some advanced tech but don't know if it's in fitting with the game, ask [CuteCommander].

5. All characters must be agreed before playing:
If you want to play, you'll need to fill in a character form (found at Argo Characters). This should then be submitted to [CuteCommander]. Any posts made by unaccepted characters will be deleted.

6. When posting, make your character's name bold:
This is a tip I've picked up from other RPs - it basically makes your character's actions easier to track. You only need to embolden your character's name once per post. e.g. 'Taking a drink from his mug, Justin sighed delightedly; fresh coffee was Justin's favourite.'

7. Never leave your character in limbo:
Yet again, another tip from another RP. If your character is moving from one room to another, please make sure that the character is posted leaving one location and arriving in the other.

8. Post in past tense:
I like to have some consistency in my RPs, and past tense is the easiest to write. Try to keep to this.

9. Give others a chance to post:
While I would like to see people post regularly, remember that we're all in different time zones. Give others a chance to react to your character's actions and speech - this will make the RP experience so much richer.

10. Have fun!

Don't worry if you forget any of these, the admin team will help you along

Aboard The Argo

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