Asdroth Kane's home is constructed after the Roman style architecture. It is a two-story home built around an open courtyard in the center.
Asdroth walked the path to his home. Fires still bloomed up from the houses around city. As the man moved closer to his own home atop the hill the sounds of crying and screams could be herd the city over. Some one had attacked and that someone had used fire, and sword. The homes on the street leading to the top of the hill seemed to be mostly unburned until the group entered the court yard of Asrtod's home where waht must have been a beautiful garden had been burned to the ground and sections of wall were blow in. The building looked as if it had been the sight of a major war, or at least a very well planed attack that did not take the resistance into account. Asdroth stopped at his fountain were a young human girl sat her hands over her face, and crying. Her dress torn and burned in places. Asdroth knelt before her, and smell of burnt flesh filled the air now.
Rayne followed Asdroth, torn between her desire to lash out at him and her shock at what had happened, in the end the latter won out. She stood silently looking around herself, not sure what to do.
Sho leaned against the door frame, not wanting to intrude on what appeared to be a very tense moment. He was not phased much by the fire and destruction, having witnessed the ruin and war of kingdoms falling in the past. He sighed, shaking his head toward Nishe. "I wonder if the gods laugh at us, Nishe. When all the wonderful things we create to feel important are destroyed. Do they weep when a mortal heart is broken?" Sho closed his eyes, remembering all that he could from the first sixty years of his life, the time he spent with his parents, the people he called his parents. A tear found its way from his eyes to track gently down his cheek. He wiped it away and banished the memories from the fall of the human kingdom he had called home in those days from his mind. "My new task is to watch things play out here. Whether I like it or not, the petty squabbles in Kymar politics affect their subordinates. If the Kymar fall now, I fear anarchy will ensue. Nishe, remember those farmers and all the people who once served in Kymar households? There is much hatred for these people... If their reign ends the kingdoms will dissolve into one huge mass of war. Not that the Kymar ever consider the consequences of what they do. So it falls to me to protect the interest of the other races in these events. Nishe, I hope I am not asking too much of you." The wolf jumped on him and licked his face. "It's settled then, a Kymar I must be for the time being, Thank goodness for Master Koya teaching me to use my powers, even if they are a vile affront to the way of things, I fear I will be in mortal peril even more than usual very soon."
"I told you that you have one hour. Go to your room get your belongings, and sit here until i return."
Asdroth spoke over his shoulder to Rayne. Asdroth whispered in the girls ear. "come I have someone who will treat you with more respect than even I have, and he will watch over you while I am gone." The young girl with red hair stood and took Asdroth's hand, and walked behind him as they went to the door her things in a back pack and shoulder bag. "I will have your furniture brought to you shortly after I return here to put everything in order." Asdroth and the young girl walked past the wolf and the Kymar at the door, and went down the street.
Rayne stared after Asdroth, her other emotions drowned out by her rage. After he disappeared she turned and went up to her room. Nearly a half hour later she came down, she had washed her skin, rinsed out her long black hair, and changed into a black sleeveless shirt, black pants, and a red corset. She carried only the small bag that she had brought with her.
Humming quietly,
Dahlamah quickly stipped off her dress, in her shorts underneith it and some binding round her torso. Bathing in the fountain almost like a bird in a birdbath she flitted around and washed quickly before putting a larger pair of shorts on and a tank top. Standing and sitting ont he edge of the fountainshe quickly rubbed her hands through her hair. It puffing up and drying almost instantly as she pulled all of the water that was in her clothes off of it and droped it back into the fountain. Wrappign her dress up in the carf that was used to hold her hair which was also her usual bag. Tieign it to her side and the knife belt back round her hair she slipped her shoes on and stood up. "Well that was refreshing, Im set to go, I must inquire if Lord Kain has some clear line and maybe a medium fish hook." Talking more to herself than to anyone elce realy.
A tall Kymar with silver hair and blue eyes fairly floated into the courtyard and looked around for a moment. "Where is Lord Asdroth?"
Ninquelote asked, her voice gentle and almost musical.
Smiling and shaking off a little more water from her hair
Dahlamah placed her goggles back on her head and rubbed her face slowly. "Oh Lord Kain is down the street sorting helping a woman. Im sure he will be back when his buisness is done." spiking her hair up again and looking like an elletricuted cotton ball.
Sho continued in silence, contemplating the place he now found himself, completely surrounded by Kymar, planning to make a journey for the sake of a kingdom he despised, with a group far larger than was necessary. He felt there was something odd about the whole thing. Not only because he was getting himself and Nishe into more trouble than he usually did, but also because there was something completely off about everything that was happening. Certain elements on the High Council wanted war with the people they had banished long ago, because they could not win the war then. It seemed like these people wished the collapse of their empire, but that wasn't possible either. The Kymar, especially their politicians loved controlling what they would, even the forces of nature. So Why. And where was Phyrestorme in all of this. there were many stories and each more less credible for various reasons in various places. Sho cursed himself for being so thoroughly drawn in by Kymar politics, but he couldn't help himself, it was the most complicated thing he had ever seen, involving deviations within the Kymar race that he was only recently coming to notice. "Oh Nishe... I fear this trip is going to be hazardous to my very sanity." The wolf barked quizzically giving him one of her looks.
I wonder if my parents would think me crazy or evil for thinking a wolf gives me looks? Sho thought, stifling his own laughter at the prospect.
Nin nodded pleasantly in response to Dahlamah and found herself a seat.
Sitting next to the tall lady,
Dahlamah couldnt look any different, short, muscley, rather tan and with spiky white hair. Looking around quickly she tried to find something she could sharpen her knives on, it was a pass time of hers just to keep her intrested in something, she had the horrible tendensy to fidgit or humm when bored. Even sing sometimes, and that had some consiquences. "Hey, any of you got a sharpening stone?" Adressing the motly crue with a slight rich accent that was often linked to the firshing people. Sounding like thick water being poured out of her mouth.
Asdroth walked back into the courtyard, and looked up to see Ninquelote, and shaking his head as he walked toward the stair case exposed by a missing wall. "So this is my traveling group then?" He said over his shoulder as he went with a slow somber in his step.
Sho looked up. "Alright, I want to get a few things settled before we st art this little 'adventure.' first of all, I'm not doing this for the Kymar. This empire deserves to fall, however, I will protect it for the sake of all the non-Kymar who would be hurt in the ensuing power struggle. Second, I have been treated like cattle by the majority of Kymar, and even more have treated my Nishe poorly, I won't stand for it. Third and final, I am here mostly to observe, I will only intervene if I deem it necessary. I hope you lot here are better than most Kymar, because otherwise this is going to be a terribly uncomfortable vacation." Sho spoke as he usually did, with passion and little care as to whose toes he stepped on, or how badly he hurt peoples feelings. He gently scratched behind Nishe's ears, awaiting a reply from Asdroth, to see if the Journey would be bearable.
Ninquelote watched Sho interestedly. There was a passion about him that had not quite matured, but there was still a wisdom to his words. In a way he almost reminded her of her husband...
Asdroth shook his head to the comment, and walked up the stairs to retrieve his traveling gear that was already packed. Then came back down with his back pack on moments later.
Earoluim walked up to the unfamiliar house and knocked on the door.
Asdroth looked to the door. "enter. how can we help you?"
Dahlamah pouted slightly when no one responded pouring a little water on the side of the fountain and scraping her boning knife along the edge, sharpening the already razor sharp knife. Looking up breafly at the new person and raising an eye brow, her ears tinkling like wind chimes as her head moved.
FoalBerne bowed his head slowly and then spoke." My apologies, I was slow to follow, but I was instructed to come with you." He said softly, but with slight unwavering chant to his voice. He peered out through the thick curtain of hair that covered half his face to the Man whom had opened the door to him.
Asdroth chuckled to himself. "Well lets get going... Maybe we can hurry up and finish this task with in reason." Asdroth walked out the gate, and to a stable in front of his home.
FoalBerne followed quickly behind him out to the stables. Keeping his arms behind him.
Rayne's red eyes glared at Asdroth's back as she followed him rather sullenly.
Ninquelote rose gracefully from her seat and strode toward the stable, "And where is it that we are to meet with this Phyerstorme, young Lord Asdroth?" she asked in her soft voice.
"His palace where else?"
Asdroth answered sharply.
Berne kept silent as the others talked between themselves. He kept in pace with the one leading the group to the place where they were to meet.
Dahlamah quickly strode to the stables and kept quiet. Humming slightly as her hands twitched over her knives. Stroking a horse slowly and making a similar noise to it to try and sooth it and bond a little.
Sho followed the group at a distance. He didn't want his father's spirit to look upon him and think him too chummy with the heathen Kymar. Although he didn't mind Dahlamah so much. She was alright, for a Kymar. Nishe happily trotted along at his side, snuffling the ground and seeking out the mysterious scents of what she might.
If I could live as simply as my Nishe, I could finally be happy and know my parents are proud... Sho sighed, deciding to focus his attention on Dahlamah's beautiful but useful knives.
I suppose, if they must be that decorative she at least keeps them sharp and makes use of them.
Turning her head slightly as she nuzzled the horses nose.
Dahlamah gave Sho a half smile, her teath shining slightly and looking remarkably sharp, her eyes holding an almost mischevious quality to them. "Like 'em? They were my coming of age preasant. Decorative yet deadly, I use 'em almost every day with mah papa's buddies on the fishin' boats. I have to keep 'em sharp and clean or elce they could scratch or get messy, cause contamination and things between cuttin fish." smiling and closing her eyes as she stroked the horse, letting a hand trail down towords Nishe, leaving it out so the wold could choose to let Dahl pet her.
Nin smiled pleasantly at Sho and Nishe. She began to reach out to the wolf with her mind, but decided not to interrupt her interaction with the Seafarer. Instead she called over her snowy white horse and mounted, patting the sleek animal's neck as she quietly murmured to it with both voice and Spirit.
Sho cocked an eyebrow at Nishe as she rubbed her face affectionately against Dahlamah's hand. "She's a real softy at heart, don't tell anyone, but the girl's even afraid of mice!" Sho laughed at his own ill-humored joke. Nishe turned back and growled a little. "So your da gave you those knives?" Sho kept a careful eye on Nin, not trusting her in the slightest.
Grining happily,
Dahlamah stroked Nishe hapily, giggling and smiling at the joke. "Tell ya the truth, I wasnt too fond of them either. Octipi scare the bajesus out of me still!" climbing onto the back of the horse and offering her hand out to him. "Want to patner up? safty in numbers.Oh and my dad got me the boning knife, my brother got me the cleaver, my mother got the belt to hold it, my uncles got the; skinning, filleting, gutting and scaling knives." smiling at pointing at each one in turn, then hapily touchting the rather large (in comparrason) dagger at the end closest to her belt buckle. "And this my Grandbapi got me! it used to be my Grandma's then my mums but seen as she finished finishing to look after my brother and I, she gave it back to him. I got it when I turned 80!" pulling out a dager that looked likeit was made out of glass with a metal bone down back of it. All knives had their own sheith that matched the belt to prevent stabbing or cutting when she moved.
FoalBerne entered the stables last behind everyone, looking around at the stalls and the occupants of each he waited patiently as to what they were about to do.
Asdroth Looked back and noticed he had more than enough horses to go around. He began preparing his rig to ride for long distances, and placed a quiver of arrows on the horses saddle. "Pick a horse and saddle it. We have to go soon. I want to be there before the snow falls."
Rayne selected a black horse with a white blaze up its face, still obviously very angry, and completely ignoring everything around her. As she moved to take a saddle, she bumped into FoalBerne, "Watch it," she growled.
FoalBerne chuckled lightly before bowing his head in apologies to the young woman, himself choosing a horse of solid black, with not other distinct features rather than its great muscle tone and furred hooves.
Sho jumps onto the horse, accepting the offer. it was efficient, after all. Nishe runs off into the forest suddenly, to go hunting. Sho knows she'll find her way back, so he's not worried. "So What direction are we headed, Lord Kain?
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