Page name: Ashley Clarke [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-10-02 00:13:52
Last author: Roma
Owner: Priest Kel
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User Name: [Priest Kel]

Character Name: Ashley Clarke

Occupation: Student Console

Age: 16

Race/Talent: Mind-reader

Ashley is a very talented mind-reader. He has mastered the basic of mind reading: shutting it off. If he doesn't want to hear "the voices," he won't. Simple as that. However, he typically tries to keep it on with the "volume" turned down low so he still hears surface thoughts but not much else. Typically this manifests as a jumble of voices with the closest person having the loudest voice. However, he has learned that if he focuses on one person, he can drown the other thoughts out completely and hear only that person's thoughts. With concentration he can dig deeper than the surface and discover everyone's little secrets.

Gender: Male

Description: Ashley is a lean and fit young man that stands about 5'11 and weighs only 170 lbs. He wears oval glasses at all times as he has minor astigmatism in his eyes. He typically likes to remain well dressed with a slightly more casual look than a business man i.e. he will wear a very nice white collar button up shirt, but untucked. His hair is black and kept short. 

Additional description:

Medical History: Occasional headaches if he isn't careful or doesn't wear his glasses.

Personality: Ashley is exceptionally arrogant due to the fact that he can know everyone, inside and out, with very little effort. He typically figures out what buttons to push when and how to gain the effect that he wants. This manipulation works on humans to a great degree and he already has a decent amount of people working for him. However, as he is British and considers himself a gentleman he has his own little code of honor, which is still a bit of a mystery sometimes to everyone around him. 

Grades: A+, but no one can really tell whether his intelligence is his own, or just borrowed information from everyone else.

Relationship: Ashley has a pretty good relationship with the majority of people he comes into contact with. He typically ends up learning something about just about anyone that allows him to have the upper hand in the majority of cases. His parents love him dearly and see this as an opportunity for him to branch out and develop his talents and ready him for the real world.

Level: Junior

How long have they been in the school? Brand new

What they are wearing today: His glasses, a pair of black dress shoes, black slacks, and a long sleeved, button up, white shirt with a gray vest over top of it.

Family and History: Ashley was born in England and lived there with his family Alistair and Jeneine until he was around three years old. After that the family moved from their quaint little town of Ipswich to New York because of a job his father got. He earned a fair amount for the family, but when Ashley's powers manifested at the age of 8 his father really started making money. His father's boss was a warlock, and recognized Ashley for what he was. He convinced his father to home school Ashley when his headaches started, due to his lack of control. He even paid for a tutor so that Ashley could study while his father worked. Everything seemed fine and Mr. Briggs began to be like an uncle to young Ashley. He explained a lot of things about the world "behind the veil," as he referred to it, and the tutor taught Ashley to control his gifts. However, once he could control it Mr. Briggs had other ideas. He had Ashley sit in a closet in the board room and text him what others in the room were thinking. He made him sit in on company mergers and other such discussions as a young 'intern.'
Once, after four years of training to read minds, as well as reading beyond just the surface thoughts, and being used, Ashley refused because he knew what he was doing was wrong. Mr. Briggs told him to read his own mind and see what he would do to his family if he refused. It was then that Ashley first peered into the darkest parts of that man's soul and realized that true evil did exist. Ashley had to be free, but couldn't. His family needed him if his father was to continue earning the amount of money they were making, as well as to stay alive. He wasn't sure what to do.

Ashley continued to work for Mr. Briggs for two more years, patiently waiting for his time to strike. He had learned of all the different ins and outs of the company, including how to access Mr. Briggs money and attorney. He began to move things in his favor here and there all without Briggs knowing a thing. He had learned well. He even learned of a particular pack of werewolves in the area that may serve him well, if for only one job. But then again, Ashley had only one job that he couldn't attend to himself. He contacted a young man by the name of Sid Vitanza, who was the alpha wolf, and made arrangements for him and his fellows to pay Mr. Briggs a visit. Sid assured them that the two million Ashley offered, which was Mr. Briggs own money, would be more than enough to remove Briggs' hold on his life.

Soon after, it was broadcast over the news that Briggs had suddenly just vanished. Without a trace. Sid had done well, no one suspected Ashley or his family at all. However, Ashley was now 15, and without a proper tutor. He learned, through some contacts he had made on the other side of the veil, about a school that was for people like him. His parents loved him very much, and he knew this, but they agreed to grant him his request to attend. Once he was sixteen off he went, a dark stain on his soul so that he might be free.

Never Ending Nightmare

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2011-09-10 [Roma]: I'm almost certain he'll be accepted. Pass him to Luna/Flisk

2011-09-11 [Priest Kel]: Honest opinion?

2011-09-11 [Flisky]: He looks good to me.

2011-09-11 [Flisky]: Just one thing needs to be changed. Luna closed the sophomore class.

2011-09-11 [Roma]: Sorry Kel. When I was looking through it, the sophomore class was open. You can check out Never Ending Playing Characters to see what grades are currently open. Looks like they've done a bit of pruning.

2011-09-11 [La Luna]: Looks great, only what was already mentioned. I'm trying to encourage people not to all pile then in one grade.

2011-09-11 [Priest Kel]: There we go. He's a year older now

2011-09-11 [Flisky]: Okay, just change the class to Junior. XD

Already on the character list.

2011-09-20 [Priest Kel]: Adding a bit more to his background for flavor

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