Page name: Avalone [Logged in view] [RSS]
2011-12-10 02:21:48
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 4
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Once a frontier and bulwark against the Drow, Avalone has seen better days. The Merchant and affluent portions of the city are as ever well maintained as they have been. The rest though is in disrepair. Amidst the ancient walls and buildings, the Noble houses, of which house Turumbar is one, each keep an estate here. All except house Turumbar have abandoned their holdings.

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2010-11-15 [Talos Cyrion]: we gonna continue the rp?

2010-11-15 [Lirerial]: I wanna continue, just waiting for Ullari to answer Lirerial in Yvresse

2010-11-15 [Talos Cyrion]: oh...uh, i must have missed that...sorry

2010-11-15 [Lirerial]: haha ur good ^_^

2010-11-15 [Talos Cyrion]: if you see me on and i log off without posting, chances are i looked over it and forgot. Sometimes i do that, thinking i'll get back to it

2010-11-23 [Talos Cyrion]: brb gotta change comps

2010-11-24 [Flisky]: ^_^

2010-11-30 [Flisky]: Moved things. It was starting to get confusing for me.

2010-11-30 [Talos Cyrion]: what was confusing?

2010-11-30 [Flisky]: Wait...were did it all go? I split up the conversations so that I would have to try to figure out who was talking to who.

2010-11-30 [Talos Cyrion]: i archived it. I'll pull Raina's an Toragon's bit out. Sorry.

2010-11-30 [Talos Cyrion]: i didn't know what you ment by moved things

2010-11-30 [Flisky]: ^_^

2010-12-13 [Talos Cyrion]: i actually like how this rp is shaping itself

2010-12-14 [Talos Cyrion]: hurray for less cluttered wikis! lol that was begining to bug me how big the pages where getting

2010-12-14 [Flisky]: ^_^

2010-12-17 [Flisky]: Waiting for an Obsidian post...

2010-12-17 [Talos Cyrion]: lol yup, Lire's back prolly hurts from getting bucked, seen my sister get bucked into a fence and ya...that will put you out

2010-12-18 [Lirerial]: Hey, sorry heh and yea you're right Talos, I cant sit down for long periods of time lol

2010-12-18 [Flisky]: Now waiting for Talos. ^_^

2010-12-20 [Flisky]: Sorry, having 'net issues. Office got flooded.

2010-12-20 [Lirerial]: heh its kk ^_^

2010-12-30 [Talos Cyrion]: what is Areli mad at?

2010-12-30 [Lirerial]: Obsidian being a spoiled bitch lol

2010-12-30 [Talos Cyrion]: lol

2011-01-03 [Flisky]: I'm gonna wait for Obsidian's post...

2011-01-03 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day

2011-01-06 [Talos Cyrion]: Let's wait for Flisky

2011-01-06 [Lirerial]: okey dokey ^_^

2011-01-07 [Flisky]: *raises hand* I'm confused about Lirerial's post!

2011-01-07 [Lirerial]: sry, damn keyboard >_> Lemme change that...

2011-01-07 [Flisky]: Okay, that makes sense now. ^_^

2011-01-07 [Lirerial]: yea haha sry my keyboard sometimes jumps ahead or behind me for some reason

2011-01-09 [Talos Cyrion]: should Toragon reveal to her that Lire is her mother or keep it a secret?

2011-01-09 [Lirerial]: tbh Idk.... either way I'm planning on her trying to kill Lire...

2011-01-09 [Talos Cyrion]: hmmm, sounds fun and i think i'm going to have at least Ullari moving along one of the border territories as he basically vents his anger on an unsuspecting kingdom. you know the good ole slash an burn, oh an don't forget the "Serve as a soldier or die" gimick lol

2011-01-20 [Flisky]: What happened to Lirerial?

2011-01-20 [Talos Cyrion]: The Char? or the rper?

The character died a brutal death at the hands of several elves and had her unborn child ripped from her who Stiro kept alive.

2011-01-20 [Flisky]: No, I know that. I meant the RPer. ^_^

2011-01-20 [Talos Cyrion]: ah, uh...your guess is as good as mine.

2011-01-20 [Flisky]: Huh...

2011-01-20 [Talos Cyrion]: kinda funny when one or two of us is on, the others aren't and then we have to pace around cyber space waiting for them to get on before getting to the juicy part lol

2011-01-20 [Flisky]: *paces around cyber space*

2011-01-22 [Talos Cyrion]: im with you on that flisk lol. Sorry Lirerial, but you did bring the hurassment on yourself ;p

2011-01-22 [Lirerial]: huh? I'm so confused.... lol

2011-01-24 [Lirerial]: Wow,.. i just read all that... i feel so stupid lol

2011-01-26 [Talos Cyrion]: eh no worries, we still love you :p

2011-01-26 [Lirerial]: lol hey is Nyren gonna die or does she live?

2011-01-27 [Talos Cyrion]: She'll live

2011-01-30 [Flisky]: What the...what did I miss?

2011-01-31 [Talos Cyrion]: Lomien got skewered by a Deamon and is currently being patched up by Obsidian and himself. Down below Toragon, Nyren and also Raina are stuck on clean up duty hunting all the Deamons down

2011-01-31 [Flisky]: Ah. Okay.

2011-02-09 [Talos Cyrion]: anyone home?

2011-02-09 [Flisky]: Sorry. It's my turn, ain't it?

2011-02-09 [Talos Cyrion]: no worries

2011-02-09 [Talos Cyrion]: don't forget Areli

2011-02-09 [Flisky]: Hmm...I did forget her.

2011-02-10 [Flisky]: Gotta remember to post when I get a chance.

2011-02-10 [Talos Cyrion]: okie day, an good luck on your long bus ride. Longest i drove was from Germany to would think being the only dude with 22 girls that wouldn't be so

2011-03-22 [Lirerial]: Don't forget Obsidian!!!! =) And Lirerial but thats on a diff page lol

2011-03-22 [Talos Cyrion]: i thought i posted for them? Hmmm okie day i'll go check

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