Page name: b*i*t*c*h [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-01-08 19:45:27
Last author: draganfly
Owner: draganfly
# of watchers: 10
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Sorry everyone i do not know what happened to the picture but i will find out

This is a site for girls that know they are a bitches and proud of it!

M*A*K*E*R: aka QUEEN B*I*T*C*H [draganfly]

1.[Captain Speedy
4.[Queen of Hearts]
6.[Cati Stormweaver]
8.[Brick head]
13.[tears of the mist]
15.[lady nytmare]
16.[Can u see me]
20.[out of control]
22.[no hardcore dancing in the living room.]
23.[New Years Revolution]
25.[Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]
26.[Innocent as Sin]
27.[Light for the Darkness]

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2005-03-09 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: *hugs Sin* Yeah, just grab 'em and kiss 'em, some of them like that.

2005-03-09 [draganfly]: ya

2005-03-09 [Innocent as Sin]: I dont know. The ones I hang out with...lets just say I dont know where those lips have been.....if you get my drift...and thats putting it nicely.

2005-03-10 [draganfly]: lol ya no joke

2005-03-10 [WillowWeaver]: lol...tell them to brush their teeth...:P" j/p... well once experienced, you know you don't really worry about that...cause your lips would have been in some might ahem but it's always good to

2005-03-10 [draganfly]: lol

2005-03-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: So just kiss some random guy you run into, I didn't say it had to be a friend.

2005-03-10 [draganfly]: lol ya im sure they wont have a problem with it

2005-03-10 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Not many do

2005-03-10 [draganfly]: ya i know

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: It can be fun ^.~

2005-03-11 [Light for the Darkness]: hi all!!

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Hey

2005-03-11 [Light for the Darkness]: whats up?

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Not much, just surfin on

2005-03-11 [Light for the Darkness]: lol. thats nice

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: it's crazy

2005-03-11 [Light for the Darkness]: I bet it is!!

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: go check it out

2005-03-11 [Light for the Darkness]: I will soon.. p911

2005-03-11 [Innocent as Sin]: hey how many here are going to there high school prom?

2005-03-11 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: High school? Not there anymore

2005-03-11 [WillowWeaver]: i don't know...>_>

2005-03-12 [draganfly]: ill prob go not with a guy prob with a bunch of friends or something

2005-03-12 [WillowWeaver]: i'll go with your becca...^_^

2005-03-13 [Innocent as Sin]: i'm prob going to end up going by myself. like i did last year.

2005-03-13 [draganfly]: well thats no fun go with friends its better

2005-03-13 [WillowWeaver]: it is. that's why i want to go. but the only way i can go is with a date. cause my parents won't buy me a dress that i am only gonna wear once, unless i have a date.

2005-03-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: ugh that sux

2005-03-14 [WillowWeaver]: i know don't it?..@_@

2005-03-14 [Innocent as Sin]: Well, I have the dress. So, weather I have a date or not I am going.

2005-03-14 [WillowWeaver]: lol wish i could. i'd so borrow one of my friends. dresses but with me and the way i'm built and all my very small friends. there's no chance in fitting in

2005-03-15 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: What about getting a dress you could wear to other things but was still nice enough?

2005-03-15 [Innocent as Sin]: dont feel bad. the way I am built as well I have to special order mine. They so do not make dresses for "real" girls. Even the real skinny ones I say had trouble getting into dresses.

2005-03-15 [draganfly]: well im prob wearin the same dress i wear last year so its no biggie

2005-03-16 [Innocent as Sin]: i would but mine last year was plain. of course i got it like two weeks before prom too.

2005-03-16 [draganfly]: i like mine its purple and black

2005-03-16 [WillowWeaver]: it's purrty...^^

2005-03-16 [draganfly]: :^)

2005-03-16 [WillowWeaver]: lol

2005-03-17 [Innocent as Sin]: I GOT A DATE!!!! *dances around happily*

2005-03-17 [WillowWeaver]: *hugs Sin* and you were sayin' you couldn't..^^ CONGRATS! ^^ i tought thee well..:P" lol

2005-03-17 [draganfly]: i need a date now.....

2005-03-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: sorry can't help you

2005-03-17 [WillowWeaver]: i need one too...@_@

2005-03-17 [WillowWeaver]: hey becca if you get on anytime today before got fifteen bucks? call me!! we can go to the heritage festival!!..if me still!!!

2005-03-18 [draganfly]: oh darn how long is it goin for?

2005-03-18 [WillowWeaver]: it's over..@_@ well there's tomorrow but there's no bands..>_>

2005-03-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: sounds like it would have been fun

2005-03-18 [WillowWeaver]: yeah well a guy, didn't know who the hell he was, kicked me. he thought i was someone else. and i was really hyper so i bitched him out, even though he said sry. told him i didn't care, and to shut up and turn around. his friend was just standin' there listenin' and then i went off on him. he retaliated by callin' me pretty.....that shut me up...>_>

2005-03-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: I'd take 'im down.

2005-03-18 [WillowWeaver]: why?

2005-03-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Cuz I love wrestling guys

2005-03-18 [WillowWeaver]: lol yeah it's fun^^

2005-03-18 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: it's very fun

2005-03-18 [WillowWeaver]: yes it is..^^

2005-03-19 [Innocent as Sin]: *sighs and is deep in thought*

2005-03-19 [draganfly]: hiya yall! gosh today i had to work til close! its fun tho a really cute guy works there! and i think that he might be interested in me only prob is im 16 and hes 21 *crys* STUPID AGES!!!

2005-03-20 [WillowWeaver]: YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT!!!...O_O;

2005-03-20 [Innocent as Sin]: well everything would just depend on what would happen between you guys, though i hope it all works out for you.

2005-03-20 [draganfly]: OMG YALL GUESS WHAT!?!?!?!.....HE LIKES ME TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-20 [WillowWeaver]: so i've heard...-_-

2005-03-21 [jaderii]: Congrats! XD

2005-03-21 [WillowWeaver]: lol

2005-03-22 [Innocent as Sin]: I swear the parents of some of my friends!!! I could just.....beat something about now! 

2005-03-22 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Yikes, hun, be safe, don't get involved with him. Guys my age are nothing but trouble, esp if they are chasing after younger girls.

2005-03-22 [draganfly]: well i know and hes sweet and i know if he tryed anything i could kick his ass lol

2005-03-23 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: LOL we all would

2005-03-24 [WillowWeaver]: well i'm so gonna get involved with my joseph!!! ^^ he's so cute, and he's really sweet, and he's 16!! ^^

2005-03-24 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: that's good

2005-03-24 [draganfly]: its joesph not the other way me and my mom got into a fight about how u spell it lol

2005-03-24 [draganfly]: its funny how we both r crushin on a guy with the same name

2005-03-24 [draganfly]: I GOT MY TOOTH PULLED!!!! OUCH!!

2005-03-24 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ouch *hugs Dragan*  There are many ways to spell names, the Brazilians spell "Valedia" "Valeria"

2005-03-24 [WillowWeaver]: well mine spells it Joseph!!! ^^

2005-03-25 [Innocent as Sin]: *happiness totally deflates and flys away* shouldn't have gotten so happy.....oh well

2005-03-25 [WillowWeaver]: what happened?

2005-03-25 [draganfly]: aw whats wrong?

2005-03-25 [WillowWeaver]: are you on becca?

2005-03-25 [draganfly]: i am now r u?

2005-03-25 [WillowWeaver]: yeah

2005-03-26 [draganfly]: well thats kool

2005-03-26 [WillowWeaver]: yeah i know...YOU'VE GOT TO CALL ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!\

2005-03-27 [draganfly]: i did!!!

2005-03-28 [Innocent as Sin]: Okay happiness inflated a little bit. no i have some interesting mixed feelings from my prom date. OH!!! and for those who were telling me i needed to get a guy to kiss........I DID!!!!!! it was great *falls over grinning*

2005-03-28 [draganfly]: lol

2005-03-29 [WillowWeaver]: lol congrats!!.^^


2005-03-29 [draganfly]:  OK!!!

2005-03-29 [WillowWeaver]: can you believe it!?!?!?!?!

2005-03-29 [draganfly]: no lol daniel was bigger tho way bigger!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-29 [WillowWeaver]: for sure!!!!!!!!!!

2005-03-29 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Congrats! glad you had a good time.

2005-03-30 [Innocent as Sin]: *throws rubber chickens around* sorry random thought for today

2005-03-30 [draganfly]: lol rubber chickens r the lest of my worries i just did something stupid!

2005-03-31 [Innocent as Sin]: is there a rule about actually being happy? I mean it seems like when you finally get to the happy stage something comes along and busts the bubble......i complain too much. Though seriously? Is there a rule that certain people cannot be happy?

2005-03-31 [WillowWeaver]: i'm not too happens to me sometimes too. i guess you just got to grasp happiness when you get it and hold on as long as you can.

2005-04-01 [Innocent as Sin]: yeah then you hold on when it starts to float away and then you lose your grip and go.....SPLAT! ........atleast I am not the only one.

2005-04-01 [WillowWeaver]: yeah that's true..i've been there a lot and i know becca has too...

2005-04-02 [draganfly]: ...

2005-04-02 [WillowWeaver]: huh?

2005-04-03 [draganfly]: idk

2005-04-04 [WillowWeaver]: lol

2005-04-04 [Innocent as Sin]: *slams head on desk* like i usually say....story of my life

2005-04-04 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: it can always get worse, it can always get better

2005-04-04 [draganfly]: ya thats true

2005-04-05 [WillowWeaver]: true true very true...@_@

2005-04-05 [Innocent as Sin]: well i've hit bottom, and i think others have as well, its about time for the permanent happy things to start

2005-04-05 [WillowWeaver]: completely!!!!

2005-04-05 [draganfly]: well life have been really good right now!! its weird im almost daten my manager!!! is that a bad thing?!? i just feel happy with him and with all the other ppl ive been with ive never felt like this its crazy but i dont know.... hmmmm

2005-04-05 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Dating a MANAGER?! Oh Dragan, that is asking for SO much trouble, not only socially but for work as well!

2005-04-05 [WillowWeaver]: lol yeah she got a bigger paycheck this time....^-^ i'm just playin' it's cause the first ones never as big as the

2005-04-06 [draganfly]: ya i know all the stuff that would go with daten him but u dont understand the feelin i get when im with him its like i just want him to take me away from everything....i love it and believe me ive never felt like this with anyone else i mean he would do anything for me and thats hard to find in a guy and i dont think that im goin to let this one get away....!

2005-04-06 [WillowWeaver]: but i do understand what the feelin' you get when your with him. Don't you remember? i've found someone who's means to me as much as he means to you. and makes me feel the same way. and you deserve brian too, God only knows how many guys have hurt you. and how many guys i want to hurt...><

2005-04-07 [draganfly]: lol no joke im happy truely i am!

2005-04-07 [draganfly]: but dont u think he is just so cute!!!! guess i need to get a picture of him lol remind me to but a camra when we go to the mall on saturday! hehe

2005-04-07 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Dragan, if you REALLY want to date him, I'd find a job somewhere else.

2005-04-07 [draganfly]: im prob goin to

2005-04-07 [WillowWeaver]: where ya gonna work?

2005-04-09 [draganfly]: i dont know im confussed about everything right now

2005-04-09 [WillowWeaver]: it's not that him!! ^_^

2005-04-13 [draganfly]: omg i need to talk to u!!!! ^_^

2005-04-14 [WillowWeaver]: have you already told me?

2005-04-14 [draganfly]: ya

2005-04-21 [WillowWeaver]: oh ok

2005-04-21 [draganfly]: JACKIE DO THE HOTTIE!!! DAMN WOMEN!!!!

2005-04-22 [WillowWeaver]: NOT TILL SUNDAY!!!...and where were you after school?!

2005-04-24 [draganfly]: my dad was like make sure u hurry up outsite!

2005-04-24 [WillowWeaver]: oh ok...well I NEED TO TALK TO YOU!!!!!!!!!! I HAVE GOT TO!!! Your gonna freak...^^

2005-04-25 [Innocent as Sin]: hey everyone. just got back from a college visit. i dont know if i am ready for this or not. Though should be interesting since i know absolutly no one there.

2005-04-25 [WillowWeaver]: lol...i hate that...i couldn't do huh! ain't happnin'!!><'

2005-04-25 [Innocent as Sin]: lol thats what I said and look at me. Going to Kentucky to attend Murray State University

2005-04-25 [WillowWeaver]: Lamar! i'm freakin' goin' to Lamar!!..><

2005-04-25 [draganfly]: whats so bad about lamar? hmm thats where im goin!!!

2005-04-25 [WillowWeaver]: i know! that's what i'm sayin'!

2005-04-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Where's Lamar?

2005-04-26 [WillowWeaver]: in beaumont or port authur..@_@

2005-04-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Don't know them... But they sound English

2005-04-26 [WillowWeaver]: they're in texas. their just little collages in small towns

2005-04-26 [draganfly]: ya

2005-04-26 [WillowWeaver]: yeah i'm goin' there..*nods knowingly*

2005-04-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oh ok, I don't know them, I know the McKinney/Plano area cuz I grew up in Westminster and McKinney

2005-04-26 [WillowWeaver]: never heard of them...@.@

2005-04-26 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: ok,

2005-04-26 [draganfly]: me either

2005-05-01 [jaderii]: I am sooo lost. o.o;; XD

2005-05-01 [WillowWeaver]: lol it's ok Happy...^^

2005-05-02 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: happy is good

2005-05-02 [WillowWeaver]: huh?..'o_O

2005-05-02 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: oh nm, I'm lost myself :P

2005-05-02 [WillowWeaver]: lol...^^

2005-05-02 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: But there is no guy to make it fun :(

2005-05-02 [WillowWeaver]: i don't understand...:|

2005-05-02 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Never gotten lost with a guy??

2005-05-02 [WillowWeaver]: by lost you mean as in..?

2005-05-03 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: just the two of you

2005-05-03 [WillowWeaver]: lost as in like we're lost in the woods or, lost as in lost in each other persay?

2005-05-04 [draganfly]: yes jackie she means lost like in the woods, beach, ur blankets u know

2005-05-04 [WillowWeaver]: i don't think so...wait no! i was lost in the woods with Cory! ^^ well i was lost he wasn't. and his sister and mine were like 100 yds away...but i was close!! ^^

2005-05-04 [draganfly]: *shakes head* nevermind jackie

2005-05-04 [WillowWeaver]: oh ok....*lowers head*

2005-05-04 [draganfly]: lol

2005-05-04 [draganfly]: we love u even tho ur a lil slow

2005-05-04 [WillowWeaver]: i know...^^

2005-05-06 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: You're lost and you don't WANT to be found... hint hint....

2005-05-06 [draganfly]: ya hint hint!!!

2005-05-06 [WillowWeaver]: yeah becca i got that!! ><;;;..*kicks you*

2005-05-11 [draganfly]: ouch!! *kicks u back and takes off runnin*

2005-05-11 [WillowWeaver]: *runs after you and tackles you*. hey! that hurt! ><;; and you haven't been at school so you diserve it!! :P"""

2005-05-12 [draganfly]: *pushes u off of me* its not my fault i had to babysit jen yesterday cause she was sicka dn noone was home to watch her

2005-05-13 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Oh poor thing, what is she sick with?

2005-05-13 [WillowWeaver]: so! ><;..*gets up and walks away* i told you! You should have started earlier!! now we can't walk!! T_T

2005-05-14 [draganfly]: well i dont know what to tell u babe i tryed and there is nothing i can do u dont think that im upset about it?!?!

2005-05-15 [Innocent as Sin]: hey everyone. sorry i havent been on. been like realy busy. got back from senior trip on friday the 13th. though it was a lot of fun.

2005-05-15 [WillowWeaver]: i don't think that your upset about it? of course i don't! i know your not upset aobut it. hey you ain't gotta go to school, you get to stay home and sleep.

2005-05-16 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Hi Sin, how are you?

2005-05-16 [Innocent as Sin]: i'm doing pretty good. relationships have been interesting...going to be out of highschool on the 20th......graduate officially the 27th......and it goes on. Besides me how have you been?

2005-05-17 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: That's cool. It's always good to have High School finished. Not much with me, just working and preparing to announce an engagement to my mother. *cringes*

2005-05-18 [Innocent as Sin]: oooohhhh i hope all goes well. good luck. so that means tell me how it goes.

2005-05-20 [Lady Edana-Arianrhod Rós]: Ok, I will, don't worry

2005-06-19 [.rachel elaine.]: jus wan say im down fo dis shit

2005-11-20 [XosexyrichelleoX]: beccie i miss u!!!!!! sooo much!!!!!

2005-11-20 [draganfly]: miss u too ricci!

2005-11-22 [WillowWeaver]: what?!?! no love for jackie!?!?!

2005-11-22 [draganfly]: lots of love for jackie!!

2005-11-23 [WillowWeaver]: woot!!! ^_^ I'm loved!

2005-11-23 [draganfly]: yay

2006-02-15 [draganfly]: wow this wiki went to hell....

2006-02-16 [WillowWeaver]: You can say that again...@.@

2006-03-15 [Light for the Darkness]: I haven't been here in forever

2006-03-17 [draganfly]: no one has

2006-03-17 [Light for the Darkness]: wow....

2006-03-19 [WillowWeaver]: lol

2006-03-20 [draganfly]: hmmm

2006-03-20 [Light for the Darkness]: I am tired and I have to babysit tonight. I think two familys that pay five dollars per kid per hour plus one of the families pays extra for the extra housework you do so I should be getting sixty and probly more tonight!!

2006-03-23 [WillowWeaver]: nifty...@.@

2006-03-23 [Light for the Darkness]: well it was only one family but I still made 45 at least..

2006-03-24 [draganfly]: money is money lol

2006-03-26 [Light for the Darkness]: yea it is!!

2008-11-09 [psyco_gurl]: how did i get introduced here again?

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