Page name: Battle of the dragon's staffs [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-11-19 06:22:10
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 2
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Leigh ran fast into the woods, gripping her blue staff, "I'm sick of these attacks! And this time no one can say that I have to stand back! This time I will help and prove that I'm useful in battel!" she though, then stopped seeing a man in a black rob and holding a black staff in frount of her leaning against a tree. "My second encounter from the house of Miss. Tamika." he said. "Are you the one threatening my friends?" Leigh demanded. "Now why do you think that, my dear?" he asked. "You have that creepy ora to you for one thing." Leigh answered. The man smiled. "Who are you?" Leigh demanded as he bagan to take a step forward. "Me? Why I am Shado my dear." "DON'T call me your dear!" Leigh said. "Lisa, Lisa, Lisa-" "How do you know my name?" Leigh was shocked. "I know EVERYTHING my little Lisa." Shado said. Leigh looked shocked for a moment, but put a feirce face on and stood in a fighting stance. "A fight? Are you sure?" Shado asked. "Let's see if you can fight. Do more then talk and I might belive you know everything." Leigh scowled. "By what do you mean?" Shado seemed innocent. "If you know everything, than you must also know my fighting tecnique. Let's see if you can back up your mouth." Leigh smirked. "Very well." Shado stood in a fighting stance with his staff.

Leigh charged at him and swung her staff. It missed and he attacked back by swinging his at her. Leigh blocked with her staff. She broke away and the blue orb on her staff began to glow as she threwit back, then forward toward him. It shot out a blue beam of light. Shado countered with the same attack from his staff, only the beam was black. "The Dragon's Staffs. Interesting." Shado said as the two attacks battled it out. "What are you talking about?" Leigh asked, gripping her staff up, shooting out the beam. "The orbs on our staffs were created from the fangs of the same dragon. The staffs themselves were created from the dragon's claws." Shado answered. "So we're equilly matched." Leigh said. "That's correct," Shado stopped his attack, creating a chain reaction and Leigh's attack ceased, too, "So there's no point in continuing this. None of us will win." Shado said. "What the hell are you talking about!? Even if it seems there will be a tie, it won't." Leigh said with a sly grin. "What are you talking about?" Shado asked. "In reality, in a battle, only one person can win. It may seem there can be a tie, but one person losses more then the other. Therefore, the person who lost the most, losses the battle." Leigh grinned. "Hmm...True, but I'm afraid most people can't except that. So they declair it a tie. For now, our battle in a tie." Shado dissapeared. Leigh didn't look too happy. "LEIGH!!" A voice rang out, brecking her stare. "WAA! What!?-" she looked to her left, and her eyes twitched with a fake smile when she saw Yami, Robin, Inuyasha, and Talim standing there. "Leigh, where have you been?" Yami asked with his arms crossed. "I-w-was, I mean-well-uh-you see-there was-" "Lisa." Yami scolded as Leigh studdered. "Leigh, you know your not supposed to be out by yourself. Especially now." Robin said. "Y-Yeah-but-" "No buts! Now just get back to the house!" Inuyasha inturupted. Robin followed him. Talim shook her head, looking at Leigh, and walked away. Leigh stared at the ground. Yami walked up to her, "Look, Leigh. I'm sorry, but I just don't want you to fight by your-" "WHY!?" Leigh inturupted, her eyes were shadowed over by her bangs. "What?-" "WHY!? Why can't I fight? I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself! You've seen me fight!" Leigh argued, looking up at him. "Yes, but then you weren't alone." Yami pointed out. "SO!?" "So I just don't think-" "I'm outta here..." Leigh stormed away. Yami shook his head and followed.

Later that same nighy, Leigh sat on the porch rail with Rika leaning on it. A car pulled up in the driveway. The door opened and Goombella walked out, "Thanks for the ride!" She said, shut the door, the car pulled away, and Goombella walked up on the porch. "Hi, guys!" Goombella greeted. Leigh nor Rika said anything. "Nice to see you too............" Goombella stared, but then went inside where she met up with Vivian and Madam Flurrie. "Where have you been?" Viv asked. "On an achology trip, where else?" Goombell's voicefaded as she shut the door.
Leigh looked up at the sky, "I wounder....if I should Yami." "Why bother? You didn't do anything." Rika said, although she really didn't care. "OF COURCE I DID!! I yelled at him....and all he wanted to do was look out for my safty." Leigh responded and looked down with a pout in her voice. "Whatever, I don't care...s'not my problem..." Rika said. "Gee, your helpful." Leigh said, odveously sarcasticly. Vivian came out through the door and closed it behind her. Gliding over she said, "I never thought I'd see you two getting along." She hopped up onto the railing, "Finally there might be some peace in this house." Viv giggled. She looked up at the early night sky, although you couldn't see her eyes because their always hidden by her hat. She looked around, "Have any of you seen Raven?" Rika looked at her, "No. I've been wondering that, too." Then Starfire came out, "I belive she is at, the church." The others looked back at her. "Forgive me, I did not mean to listen in." Star finished. "Don't worry about it." Leigh winked. "Oh! I belive that Edward has also gone to, the church." Starfire said. Karisuto then came up on the railing next to Rika, "Shall we see?" she asked so Rika only heard. Rika nodded and they went up to her room. Lisa, Vivian, and Starfire stayed out to talk a bit.

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2005-06-13 [Lady Alaina]: lol

2005-06-13 [Kiristo]: <3

2005-06-15 [Kiristo]: this is a short chap.

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