WOOOOHOO!^^ Thank you [Konobi] for the UBER AWSOME SPRITE BANNERS!^^ HEY, if you want to request a banner/comic to be made for you, go to Konobi's Storyboard.
Reading from left to right: There's Tamika, Yuniko, Rika, Mayumi, and finally Rena, all sprite form!^^
This is were I will list ALL my fanfics I've written, I'm writing, and will write. The one I haven't written will be posted by the name and description, but remeber I haven't written them yet, so don't try to go to them. If some things don't have links, that means they're not ready to be exported or aren't even written. Oh, and throughtout my stories there will be 'red comments' in []. They're like authors comments. Sometimes I just pop in to laugh at something or say something. But half the time I help to describe something and try to make the scene clearer, or something a char might say.
Redoing: none so far
Stories that are finished:
YYH: Rika
Spell Bound
Dark is Rising
Forces of Nature
Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo
Lets get started:
Rika's OOC
Power Desription
Yuyu Hakusho
Rika Series
YYH: Rika
Description: This is simply, my char, Rika for Yuyu Hakusho meets the gang. But not as good, as evil. Her brother, Kurama betrayed her when she was a child and she was locked away, and ment to stay that way. But now she's back and seaking revenge.
Rating: PG13
Description: This story is basicly the sequil to
YYH: Rika so unless you've read that story, you won't want read this, more the less understand it much. Anyway, in this Rika loses her powers on the night of the full moon and the team, except Hiei, decid to put her through a test to study her strenth. At the end she's put through a sleeping spell so she isn't 'killed'. But while she's asleep, a demon comes and kidnapps her. Now the team has to save her before the demon uses Rika's power to destroy the world.
Rating: PG13
Spell Bound
Description: This is something for after my YYH sequil. In here, Rika teaches Hiei her spells. And if you read
Dream the villin from the story didn't die. So he's back and he wants revenge. This story is going to be increadibly long, though most of the chapters are short.
Rating: PG
Dark is Rising
Description: Dark clouds that can open demon portals have come to the living world. No one knows what caused the clouds, but the gauge has to figer out how to stop them. To a new twist, Rika brings out a new friend.
Rating: PG13
Description: Only a few days to a week after getting the orb and Rika is deeeeep into studying it. Until an old friend from Rika's past shows up and strange things start happening with the orb.
Rating: Teen
006: [Can Nightmares come true?@w*iki]
Description: Hiei had went away for a while, of course leaving Rika worried and waiting. But she starts having nightmares of Hiei's death. In more ways then one. More worried then ever, and having no idea where Hiei went, AND having no spells to trace him or any trace of him, she'll wait for eternity if she has to. When things start happening. Horrible and terrifying things.
This story mostly revolves around Rika's worst fears and feelings. It goes deep into Rika and Hiei's relationship, and deals with lots of love between them and her brother.[
(sib love.^^ ain't it sweet?)]
Rating: PG 13
[>>>Here!<<<@w*iki]-click here!<3
Yuniko & Rena series
Forces of Nature
Description: This is another Yuyu Hakusho story, but a differnt form. Rika is NOT in this one. instead, two girls from Atlantice need the help of the team to escape a villin after the power of Atlantice. Just wait till the end!^^
Rating: PG
002: [The jewel of Atlantic@w*iki]
Description: This is the sequil to Forces of Nature. I'm.....still kinda figering this one out.........-_
-' But pretty much have an idea. It's nore about the power of the jewel.
Rating: PG
001: Mayumi & Miyuki
Description: Two demon girls meet the group. They tell how they too are looking for Naraku. But during this time, they run into Kagura and Kanna and get into some trouble.
Rating: PG
Full Metal Alchemist
001: [Hunt of Black Arms@w*iki]
Description: Ed and Al meet a girl on a train ride who happenes to have an automail arm, hense the lousy title. Sorry 'bout the title, I was out of title ideas when I made it...Anyway, The girl's also looking for the stone, so she joins them in there quest to look for it when some disturbing things begin to rise up about the girl.
Rating: PG
Statuse: Remodling and Renaming.
Rurouni Kenshin
001: Ayane, a female samari?
Description: Kenshin meet a girl who is a wanderer and has a sword. She also knows the Hiten Misturugi style, although he doesn't know it at first. (Sorry for the spelling btw)........and it goes from there.....I just need to figer that part out still...........
Rating: PG
Teen Titans
001: Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo
Description: This story was writen by, not one!, but TWO fabulous writers!^^ Me and [Lady Alaina]. It's how Rika from YYH: Rika, Dream, and Spell Bound and her char, Kisara from The Odd Mission meet up! That's right, they meet! Though the team is NOT in the story is it still good, SO READ IT!
Rating: PG13
002: [Cosmic Chaos! Heros of Anime@*wiki]
Description: What would happen if a bunch of animes met.O.o Just read the title. Yu Yu Hakusho, Sonic X, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Teen Titens, Full Metal Alchemist, Yu-Gi-Oh, video game chars like Mario and Luigi, and any more I can think of. lol^^ Maybe Case Close...Not to meantion OOC('s). [Lady Alaina]'s char for Sonic will ve in it as well.^^ Some things relate to .hack//sing like some songs. Almost everything in the story is with me. The house, the town, Tamika, except for SOME traits like the shirt and bangs. That stuff, it's all were I live. No descriptions of the house though. Use your imagination.^^ MIGHT takes some pics and put them up.
Rating: PG
003: Phantom Thief
Description: Once upon a time, in an alternet world, the citizens of Gaia lived peacfully. But the peace didn't last long. One citizen found it boring and became Gaia's most wanted and notorious theif. She left a note to the public where and when she was going to strike again. Fans flocked from all over to see her in action.
Rating: PG13
Other cool places to go to:
Alaina's Fanfic - [Lady Alaina]'s Fanfics. Read them, they're cool!^^, and her ideas are amazing!
>> Lost Underground City(R)-It's her manga! GO SEE! I DEMAND IT!!XD
Inuyoukai's Fanfics - [Inuyoukai, Princess of Thieves]'s Fanfics. Her's are just as cool!^^
Sapphire's Fanfics + Mangas - [kaeKae.]'s Fanfics and mangas. There aren't much, but they're great!^^
White Phoenix's Corner - [White Phoenix aka Ryoko]'s Fanfics. These are TRUELY GREAT!^^
Nancy's page of stories - [Kelaria]'s Fanfics. These I haven't read yet, but REALLY am intrested, simply by reading the previews!^^
Konobi's Sprite Comics And awsome set of sprite comics that [Konobi] made, HIMSELF, and their totally cool and cute.^^ OH, look at the top of my page.^ WOHOO! Thankies Konobi!
And [Chi]'s manga, Moonlit Dream. It's VERY VERY GOOD! and the art is AWSOME!^^
If you'd like me to advertise your Fanfics then just comment!^^ Then I'll check it out and post it here if I like your fanfics.