Page name: Mayumi & Miyuki [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-13 06:58:16
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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This is an Inuyahsa fanfic of [Kiristo]'s.


Mayumi & Miyuki

Chapter 1: The greeting

It seemed as though an nice and peaceful day as Kagome, Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, and Shippo walked along a path in the woods. Then all of the sudden, Kagome stopped. "Something wroung Kagome?" Inuyasha asked. "I sence a Jewel Shard." She answered. "A Jewel Shard?" Inuyasha asked. "No.....two." She said. "Two!?" quetioned Sango. "There comming fast." Kagome said. "It sonds like Koga..." Sango said. "No, I smell two of them....and they're two differnt demons." Inuyasha said. "TWO!?" Shippo said scared. "One has the scent of a half-wolf demon and the other has the scent of a half-dog demon." Inuyasha said. "Great another dog demon..." Shippo said looking to the side. "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN!?" Inuyasha yelled. "Tisk, tisk, tisk. No respect these days for a half demon..." A voice said from the trees. "WHO'S THERE!?" Miroku asked getting in a fighting stance. "No need for caution monk" The vioce said again. Then a girl jump down onto a branch of a nearby tree. The girl was the half-wolf demon. She had light brown wolf ears and tail. Fangs and claws. Her hair was the lenth of Kagomes, but white like Inuyashas. Her eyes were a spakly purple. She had a light purple airy shirt on with blue jeans and black high healed boots. She wore a jewel shard around her neck from a black string. "A jewel shrad!" Inuyasha exclaimed. "Yes, a friend gave one to me and one to Miyuki before she was killed by that wretched demon, Karaku!" The girl said. "Naraku!?" Kagome shreeked. "Who's Miyuki?" Shippo said from behind Kagome. The girl blinked then looked around and yelled down the path, "MIYUKI! HURRY IT UP!!!" "I'm tring!" Another girl answered from down the path. This girl was the half-dog demon. She had black dog ears and a tail. Small fangs and claws. She wore a dark purple tub top with blue jeans and high healed boots. She had a jewel shard around her wrist that was held by a black string. She also wore a necklace with a black pendant and another braclet on her right hand that was wooden and had desines on it. Her hair was short and blound and she had blue eyes. "What took ya!?" Asked the girl in the tree. "Well sorry if I'm not a fast wolf like you!" Answered the other girl huffing. "You can still run fast!" Said the one in the tree. "I can't jump through trees!" The one on the ground said. "Umm.....excuse me....but who are you?" Kagome inturrupted. "Oh...I'm sorry, I'm Mayumi." Said the girl in the tree. "And I'm Miyuki." Said the one on the ground. "......who are you?" Asked Mayumi still in the tree. "OH! Um...I'm Kagome. This is Inuyasha, Miroku, Sango, Shippo and Kirara." Kagome answered pointing to each one of her friends. "OH WHAT A CUTE LITTLE FOX DEMON!" Miyuki said happily running over and hugging Shippo. Shippo laughed as she ticked and hugged him. Then she held him in the air. "Adn such a cute name, Shippo." She said. "It's nice to meet you." Mayumi said jumping down from the tree. "Two jewel shards!" Inyasha said happily. "Yes, and don't think about touching them!" Mayumi yelled. "Now that introdutions are hd mentioned a demon named Karaku before?" Miroku asked. "Yes....we're serching for him. We want revenge because he killed our friend." Said Mayumi. "But we can't find him. We had only recently found out that he's searching for the jewel shards, so if we keep collecting them he's bound to come for us. But we haven't had any luck." Said Miyuki still hugging Shippo. "I see..." Said Miroku. "What a coincidence......we're looking for Karaku as well." Kagome said. "You are? Why?" Mayumi asked. "It's a long story....why don't we go set up a camp and tell you." Kagome offered. "That'd be great." Miyuki said happily. "Well I guess so....doesn't look like you'll hand over the jewel shards." Inuyasha said walking down the path. the others followed. "Charming fellow, isn't he...." Mayumi said to Kagome. "Don't worry, he just needs some time to get used to you." Kagome answered. They walked a few miles up a mountain, then into a opening in a forest where they built a fire for the night. "So, why don't you tell us how you got involved with Karaku." Kagome asked. "Alright." Mayumi said.

>> Chapter 2: Kiyomi...
>> Mayumi's new crush
>> Visit from enemies

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