Page name: Dream [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 19:07:25
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 2
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Rika had been with the gang for about a month now. Hiei had really grown fond of her. She was just like him. They would always be together in the woods. Mostly just talking or wondering around. Yusuke, Kuwabara and Kurama were at Genkai's dojo. They were talking about a test for Rika on the night of the full moon. That was the night she would lose her powers. She would disappear for the night to escape from demons. They wanted to test her amount of courage and strength. Hiei passed on the idea. He didn't tell them, but he didn't want to plot against the one he was so found of. He just said it was a waste of his time and took off. "On the night we she loses her powers. We will test her then." Genkai said to the group. "Yeah, but what will we test her on?" Kuwabara asked. "Her skill of courage. As well as strength without her powers. And strength of her mind." She answered. "Yes, but afterwards, will we tell her? I know her more then anyone, and she isn't the type to take a joke. I don't think she'll enjoy being tested, she has great confidence in her strength, even without her powers. I fear she would stray from us." Kurama said worried. "A risk we will take." Genkai answered. Kurama closed his eyes. "Gee Kurama, when it comes to talking about your sister you get so serious......" Kuwabara blurted. "That's because her powers are great. I'd hate to think what she could do to us with them. Not to mention the living world." Kurama said looking at the ceiling. "She has gotten stronger.....since we first met her. I don't believe she used all her strength the first time we battled her either..." He continued. Everyone looked at him. "We will hid beneath cloaks, the weapon will be an axe." Genkai said. "HEY! I THOUGHT WE WERE JUST GIVING HER A TEST! NOT TRYING TO KILL HER!" Said Yusuke. "Dimwit, we won't kill her, the least she will get are some small wounds. At the end I will cast a spell that will put her to sleep." Genkai answered.
Genkai took everyone to a room in the back. There she gave them the cloaks and axes. The cloaks were black with a brown hood that shadowed there faces. The axes were huge and tips, sharp.
Rika was in a forest watching the sun set. It was beautiful. The formation of the clouds, how the setting sun made them look a beautiful pink color, with the shadowed areas in a dark blue color. The crystal blue sky up above her. And the sun itself in a beautiful golden orange color. Everything looked so peaceful. Rika felt so relaxed and calm. She remembered that Hiei had told her earlier to watch herself tonight, he wouldn't be there. He gave her his sword and took off. She kept thinking of it. She made a fire when night fell, she stared up at the stars. She heard a twig snap. There were no birds, crickets, frogs, nothing. It was so strange. She didn't have her powers so she couldn't sense anything. She needed to be alert at all times. She thought she saw something running, but it was shadowy and blurred. She stood up and looked around. Her hand on the sheath of the sword. Then something almost attacked her from behind. She jumped away. It was a cloaked person. She unsheathed the sword and held it up with both hands. "Who are you!? What do you want with me?!" Rika questioned angrily.

He attacked again. Rika ran into the woods. She knew what Hiei meant now. Then in front of her, another attacker striked, leaving her with a small cut on her cheek. She tried to hit him with the sword but he jumped and tried to hit her again. She dodged it and went for another hit. Someone tried to get her from behind, she jumped to the side. She couldn't see to well in the dark but she could make out two figures. She turned around in an attempt to run, but bumped into a third one. He raised the axe to attack her but hesitated, witch gave her a chance to dodge it and run. When the forth jumped in her path she slashed the sword at him, she cut his arm and ran. There weren't any attacks for a while. She didn't know but, they were getting into position. She lied to rest and think what to do. "What am I going to do? I've got none of my powers. All I have is Hiei's sword......Where did he go anyway? Did he know about this? But why would he give me his sword then? Does he have something to do with this?.....No, he would never betray me......would he?" Rika thought to herself.

Just then, a fifth one jumped from a tree and tried to slice her in half. She dodged and attacked back with the sword. This one was smaller then the others, about Genkai's size. She tried again and again with the sword but each attack failed. She managed to punch her and knocked her into a tree. She then ran. "WHAT'S GOING ON!?!? Rika thought.

She then bumped into something and fell to the ground. She was surrounded by all five of the cloaked people. She stood up and stabbed the sword into the ground. The then did a spin technique with the sword, rocks and dust flew everywhere toward the cloaked villains. She struck down one of them with her fist. Another snatched her sword. She ran but came to a cliff, it was a dead end. She turned around but no one was there. She looked back and forth for something to do she started to run back down the cliff, but the villains were right there. One tried to slice her in half , but she dodged it and cut her cheek again. She ran to the edge, but hesitated. She looked back at the villains who were coming at her. She looked down the cliff. The villains got close to her and one tried to slash her. She jumped down the high cliff into the water. She floated down to the bottom. Opened her eyes slowly. She looked at the top and tried to swim up but her foot was caught by some fishing line. The line was caught under a huge, heavy rock. She couldn't cut it lose, it was very thick. She couldn't hold her breath much longer. She was beginning to black out. But before she did she saw someone jump in head first and was swimming toward her. They were holding a sword and cut her lose, grabbed her and swam to the surface. She then thought she saw Hiei pulling her to shore, she then blacked out. When she awoke she was deep in the forest. Day hadn't come yet, but the sun would come up soon. Hiei's sword was on the ground next to her. She took several deep breaths and then sat up and looked at the sword. She remembered one of the villains taking the sword from her.
"How?........" Rika looked around. "Hiei!? Are you here!?............Guess not. Why bother? I've always been alone, that the way it is, that's the way it shall be. I need no one. And I never did. So I never will..........." Rika said. "So why do I feel like I want Hiei with me?" Rika thought. She stood up and looked at Hiei's sword. She picked it up. "This could be of some use to me. I have nothing to protect me."

She unsheathed to sword and swung it down, then held it up to the full moon, and looked at the blade. It shined in the light of the full moon. She then whispered under her voice, "Hiei.........." She sheathed the sword and walked off.
She was looking for the villains who kept attacking her. She didn't know why they were. She ignored that fact and lied down on the edge of the cliff to rest and think a bit. It felt good on her back to lay down. She looked up at the full moon. She closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. While she was asleep, one of the villains crept up next to her. He kicked her lightly to wake her up. She swatted hard at the thing that kicked her, not knowing she hit his ankles causing him to trip and fall into the water. She heard the sound and woke up. Rubbed her eyes and there was another villain coming at her. She quickly stood up, unsheathed the sword and slashed the villains leg. He fell down, another was coming at her. She slashed the sword again. But missed. Yet again she thought of jumping into the water to escape, but was afraid to if she were to get stuck again. She looked at the rushing waters. She then slashed one of the villains in the way. She hit his leg and she took off in the woods. She didn't stop running but deep in the woods she tripped over a root and fell to the ground. The sword got away from her. She couldn't move for vines and roots strapped her to the ground. She started to get scared for the villains might come after her, without a doubt. "...........damn.........."

Rika lay on the ground and closed her eyes. But something started moving very quickly around. It grabbed the sword and cut her free, but didn't leave the sword. She stood up and looked around for the thing which cut her free. She saw nothing, but a calming look came upon her face. She sighed and walked off to find a place to take cover till her powers were back so she could figer out who was trying to do her in.
She walked through the woods for what felt like forever. She came to dead ends at cliffs, never ending paths, and large meadows that seemed to go on forever. But came to no place to hid. There was nothing, not a ditch, no pits, no large bushes to hid under, nothing. And even more strange, the attacks seemed to stop again. Maybe she out ran them....maybe they gave up, she didn't know. "Seems like day won't came." She whispered to herself.

She wasn't paying attention. Just then something attacked her from behind. The attacker only hit to the side and cut her arm. She froze, she looked behind her, then started to run. The next thing she knew, she was surrounded again, with no escape. One started to walk to her very slowly. She couldn't run, she stood her ground. But something prevented her form moving, she was tied to the ground again. She then noticed a light on her. She looked to the side and the sun was just coming up. Once it was over the horizon her powers would return. She watched it coming, slowly, up with wide eyes. As if scared it wouldn't come up in time. The cloaked villain came closer and raised his axe. Rika still looking at the sun, closed her eyes bracing for the attack. She blacked out.



>> Heavan-Chapter 2
>> The Nightmare begins-Chapter 3
>> Building the raft-Chapter 4
>> Break the Barrier Hiei!-Chapter 5
>> Rescue Rika, Hiei!-Chapter 6

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2005-07-06 [big al 202]: geese

2005-09-05 [Kiristo]: lol

2009-09-05 [shadow_walker]: ok any one know is this still going and if it is how does one join it

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