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Rescue Rika, Hiei! [Logged in view]
2005-07-05 21:24:24
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It seemed like forever to Rika when she felt Hiei coming. He was still far away, but she knew he was coming. Atamis was still watching the continuing fight. Rika felt weaker and weaker. Soon she felt Hiei only a few...minuets.
Rika, then passed out. Atamis smiled wickedly and walked to the vat and looked at her. Just then Hiei appeared in the doorway. His expression went to a total and complete shock at the site of Rika. The room was dark with a bluish light to it, even though it glowed green around the vat. "Well, well, looks like you were jut a few seconds too late. Now that I have her power, I can carry out my plan." Atamis said. Hiei unsheathed his sword and charged at him. Atamis disappeared and knocked him to the floor. Hiei knelt up and she Rika in front of him. Her hands cuffed and in the air (or liquid). Her head hung down. Though her feet were free but down together. Hiei turned to Atamis, "How could you do that to her!?" "Simple. I want power!" He answered. Hiei then charged at him with rage. Each time Hiei swung his sword at him, he failed. Then Atamis punched him away. Hiei held his ground, sliding. Then he want in for another assault but with his fire sword. He managed to catch him off guard and when Hiei hit the ground, ruble bombarded Atamis. When the dust cleared, Atamis sat in the wall were he had been thrown too. Hiei stood, "Are you going to sit there? Or are we going to fight!?" Atamis then stood and charged Hiei and tried to punch him but failed as well. Hiei got the opportunity and kicked him in the stomach. Then Atamis shoot a ball of energy at Hiei. Hiei jumped up and dodged it, then went in for a type of air attack where he fell in on Atamis punching him. But it didn't work and Atamis dodged. Hiei went after him again and again. After the chaos of it all, Hiei back flipped to get some distance and they both stood eyeing one another. They had a few cuts and burses on them though. Hiei and Atamis breathed heavily. Then Hiei came in for another attack, but this time with his Fist of the Mortal Flame. He managed to burn Atamis's cheek, but missed pretty much since Atamis dodged to the side. Hiei was getting tired off all this dodging. But just as he was going to go in for another attack, the team came in through the door ad saw Rika, Hiei, and Atamis. "DON'T TAKE ANOTHER STEP!" He shouted waving his hand at them. As he did so an orange bubble formed around them. "What is this? Some kinda trick!?" Kuwabara questioned banging on the bubble. "It's a barrier!" Exclaimed Kurama. "Great, just what we need." Yusuke said sarcastically. Hiei had his eyes fixed on Atamis and charged in for an attack. Atamis dodged to the side and tried to hit Hiei, but he disappeared. Atamis looked around. Atamis didn't see, but Hiei hung from the ceiling from a stalagmite. Then he came down on Atamis quickly and tried to punch him. Atamis dodged but got pumbled by ruble. When the dust cleared, Hiei had made a huge crater in the floor. He stayed in his position, kneeling down, his right fist were he hit the floor, and the other resting on his knee. His head faced forward, but his eyes fixed to the side at Atamis. Then he stood and looked at him. Atamis backed away in fear. Hiei's eyes were filled with rage and power that it struck fear into Atamis's cold heart. Then Hiei's bandages came off from his arm. Dark fire surged around him and he started walking toward Atamis. Then he started into a fast charge. Atamis stood his ground as Hiei disappeared. He then reappeared and struck Atamis with a furry of strong darkness flame punches. Witch flung Atamis into the back wall. The others watched in aw. Atamis then disappeared himself, Hiei right after. "Hey! What happened? Where did they go?" Kuwabara questioned looking around. "Wait..."Kurama said. Them Hiei reappeared a moment after sliding backwards trying not to trip and fall. When he stopped, the others got a look at him. He had a lot of cuts on him, even his cheek. They gasped as Atamis reappeared as well with cuts. Though it was hard to notice them because he already had many deep scars. They both were trying to catch there breath. Then Hiei ran at him again but Atamis disappeared and then Hiei kicked to the back and hit Atamis, knocking him to the wall. Hiei sighed, "This is going to take longer then I thought." "No, kidding..." Atamis said. Then Hiei surrounded himself in darkness flames. "Then why don't we end it now!?" Hiei said. Just then Atamis's ora started surging around him, "I was thinking the same thing." Hiei's energy started growing and so did Atamis's. Hiei's energy seemed to grow faster though. Then the fire rose. He stared running toward Atamis and unleashed his Dragon of the Darkness flame. Atamis tried to put up a strong barrier, but to no avail. Atamis was dead. Hiei smiled intently a little bit when he stopped. But then the cave started to shake and rocks fell from the ceiling. The bubble holding the team vanished. Rika was still trapped though. "WHAT'S HAPPENING!?" Kuwabara questioned. "THE CAVE IS COLAPSING!!" Kurama said. Hiei immediately ran to Rika and broke the switch on the wall that kept her sealed. The glass started to crack, and in a minuet it broke. Hiei the broke the chains on her wrists and picked her up. They all ran out of the cave just in time as it collapsed. Rika stirred, "Hiei?" "She's awake." Kurama exclaimed happily. "Oh wonderous!" Yuniko said jumping up and down and clapping. Then she closed her eyes again to sleep. Hiei sighed to relief, though the others didn't hear. They returned to hotel that had the top destroyed and gathered what they could then when to a different one. "So she's going to ok, right? What about her powers?" Kuwabara questioned. "Yes she will, and her power returned to her when Atamis died." Kurama said. Hiei was making sure that no one would come bursting through the roof and take Rika again. He sat in the window sill watching her rest on the couch. Through the next day she was sleeping, and Hiei didn't let his eyes off her the whole time. Rika finally woke up that night. Everyone was relived. "She awake.....again" said Kuwabara. "Yay!" Yuniko said. Kurama sighed in relief, Yusuke and the others cheered. Hiei just smiled ever so slightly. Over the next few days Rika's power returned and Hiei stayed by her side until she was fully ok.
The End

"What the hell are you looking at!?"
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