This page describes all my characters for my story. Come here if you don't understand on of my chars too well.^^ Thank you.
OOC stands for
001: Please don't come here and clame any chars from the stories I've written. (or still writing that is...)
002: No fighting, WHAT SO EVER!
003: No crtisizing please.
004: Don't say that your chare is better the any of mine please.(I don't mean this like my chares are better then anyone elses)
005: Have fun!^^
Name:Rika (Re-ka)
Meaning: Plum blossom, Pear blossom.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blound and very long. Down past her knees.
Age: unknown, appears 14-15. Demon age is 5,000+ like her brother.
Gender: Female
Outfits: She weres a black dress, with a red jewel, on it that started around breast point. Long, black, sleeves that start between her shouldier and elbow. But end in a pointed tip at the back of her hand with a tequoise jewel on each one on the back of her hand, on the sleeves. With black high healed bots that you can't see because of her dress. She wears this whenever she isn't fighting.
Her secound outfit is her fighting outfit. A type of, black, tub top, but with one strap to her right shouldier. Black tight leather-like, but not real leather, pants. Black High healed boots.
Wepon of Choice: Double elbow swords.
Personality: Mostly like Hiei but more short tempered and not afraid to speak her mind. Mostly if it's insulting. She's rather anti-social and very dark. Hiei and Rika like each other because they feel like they can relate and talk to one another and understand each other.
• Claw of the Mortal Flame
• Bullet Nails
• Spells and postions
• Dragon of the Darkness Flame
• Snare of Torment
• Levite, Head Ack
• Claw of the Reaper
• Super Speed
Description: Rika's past is dark and haunts her continuosely. When she was a child, and still with her brother, who is Kurama, her powers were completely out of controle. Kurama couldn't deal with her for much longer and had to lock her away in a prison that could contain her. She was forced to work in an underground volcano, cole mine, day and night gathering cole. When she colaped of fainted she was beaten with whips or steal poles. Doing all this work built up her streanth and tolerance for her power. After many years there, she could finnally controle her powers and destroyed the place. She spent many years after that traing and learning spells. When she was done she set out to get revenge on her brother, only to learn that he was in the living world, and at the time she couldn't reach him. She became a theif for more years after that. She gathered many items and one day ran into a wizzard who gave her a jewel that gave her a body to go to the living world and go after her brother.
Demon Form:
•She had big blue pheonix wings.
•Kitsune ears and tail.
•Cat claws and blood red cat eyes.
•Wolf fangs.
Demons she controles/knows:
•A gient powerful darkness flam dragon witch she named, Saremu.
•A spirit wolf pack.
•A blue spirit kitsune named Karisto.
YYH: Rika
Spell Bound
Dark is Rising
• [Can nightmares come true?@w*iki]
and more.....
1. Too bad stupidity doesn't cause pain. Then maybe Kuwabara would be dead by now.
2. I don't follow the pathes of others, I make my own.
3. I don't need your help, I'm fine on my own!
4. You don't understand me and you never will, so stop trying.
5. I will have my revenge!
6. Why DO I keep searching for answeres I can't find?...Oh well, I don't care.
7. I....have failed.....

Konobi] did this for me.=^^= THANKS KONOBI!<3
Name:Yuniko (Yun-a-ko)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blue with one light blue streak. Her hair only goes just below her sholdiers.
Age:14 in human form, demon form is unknown.
Gender: Female
Outfit: A light blue shirt with big openings at the end of the waist point and end of her sleeves. Blue jeans with tan ties at the waist and end of the pant legs. The ties are too short to acctually be tied though, they're just for show. The finishing thouch are black high healed boots.
Demon forms:
• A blue spirit fox with white. Yellow wings with three black stripes. Her ears are kinda chopy at the ends.
• A mermaid with a green scally headband with a triangular type thing jutting out of the right side. She wears a strapless coconut bra with sea shells and star fish hanging from the wrap around string.
Personality: She is very smart and gets the best grades in school next to Kurama. She is also ver sweet and dosen't like to fight unless there is a reason to. Witch gets her into troble with bullies at school sometimes. But if she provocked enough, she'll fight, and she's no dainty little girl when it comes to fighting.
Powers: Her powers vary between Wind, Water, Plant, and Electricity. But that's only if she trades with her sister.
Description: Several centerise ago, Yuniko lived in the city of Atlantice with he parents and sister, Rena. At that time they were special spirit foxes. Then villian tried to take over Atlantice, but somehow ended up sinking it. Yuinko and Rena were fine, but didn't know what happened because all they can remeber is watching Atlantice sink from the shore on a nearby island. They meet up with the team and ask for help because the villans are still after a jewel the girls have.
Forces of Nature
1. Why can't you trust anyone, Rena!?
2. minos five, divided by 12 into pie, 2squared, and into the seventh quardrinth of the fith equation. (to teacher)
3. Wanna go for a swim?
4. Don't worry, Kurama. Everything will be alright....
5. They were a lot more beautiful when they weren't ruins.....

By [
Konobi] again.^^
Name:Rena (Ray-na)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blound with one red streak.
Age: 14 in human form, demon form an unknown age
Outfit: Pastel purple with big openings at the waist and end of sleeves. Regulat blue jeans. High healed boots.
Demon forms: Kitsune is the same type as Yuniko, but red, and the mermaid is the same.
Pesonality: Rena is kind of carefree and dosen't do as well as her sister when it comes to school, but still is able to keep her grades up. She loves to fight and gets into many street fights. For this, she hangs around Yusuke and Kuwabara when they aren't on a mission.
Description: Same as Yuniko.
Forces of Nature
1. Ya wanna pic a fight with me, buddy!?
2. Just TRY and hit me, I dout you will!
3. That B@$+@rd won't get away with it this time!
4. WOW! He's hot!
5. Homework and I, just don't mix.....
6. What's the point of learning this stuff if we're just going to forget it in a few years anyway!?

Thank u Konobi^^
Name:Mayumi (prenounced as spelt)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: White. Only reaches down past her shouldiers.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Outfit: Pastal purple shirt with wide openings at sleeves and waist. Blue jeans and black high healed boots.
Personality: Calm and lied back. Not necicarally cutesy-like. She CAN be sorta short-tempered and loves to fight demons.
Demon type: She is a half-wolf demon. She has brown wolf ears and tail, then claws and fangs.
• Speed
• And mostly just uses her claws and fangs in battle. Sometimes claw attacks like Inuyasha.
Description: Mayumi was born as a half demon wolf into a full fledged wolf demon tribe. She wasn't liked by any of the full fledged demons or and humans. So she went out on her ownl, or rather, ran away. That was when she met Miyuki and Kiyomi.
1. If you can't learn to like half-breeds, then I don't think I should associate with the likes of you.
2. You....bastard

Story: Mayumi & Miyuki

again by [Konobi]. <P
Name:Miyuki (Me-yuki)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blound, short.
Age: 14
Outfit: A purple tub top with blue jeans and black high healed boots. She wears her jewel shard as a bracelet. A black pendant necklace. A thick wooden braclet with colorful lines going around it.
Personality: Peppy and leid back. She can be sweet as well.
Demon Type: She's a half-dog demon. Black ears and tail, claws and fangs.
• She uses her claws and fangs in battle.
Description: Born as a half breed, she was accepted from neither full demons of humans. She ran away and joined Mayumi and Kiyomi.
Pic: N/A yet
Story: Mayumi & Miyuki
2. Waa....I'm being ignored again.......
Name:Lisa (Leigh)((Lee)) Leighanne Subaru
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blound, very short
Age: 14 in body, spirit is over 5,000 years.
Gender: Female
Outfit: White belly top with short sleeves. A white mini skirt. Almost kneehigh white high healed boots.
Personality: Fun, leid back. Cool and cute.
• She uses ancient Egypition spells...and a blue staff to beat the sh** outta peopel.....but without using spells most of the time.....
Description: She is the Egyption princess and has been waiting for Yami's return. She was the pricess 5,000 years ago, and Yami's girlfriend. After Yami left, she waited. She emplaced her soul in a special mysticle item so she could wait for him. When Yami was reserected in the mellenium pezzle when it was put together, she was releaced. Only now when he finally returns, he doesn't remeber her, so she tries to make him remeber. Her two friends, Talim and Xangua (yes from Soul Calliber 2) are by her side to help.
Pic: Going to draw a new, better, one.
Story: N/A
1. HIII YAMI!!!!
2. DON'T TOUCH MY HAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
3. Anyone wanna try my cooking? *everyone runs away*
Name:Tamika (Ta-me-ka)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: blound, medium length, about to shoulders in a pony tail, with bangs.
Age: 13
Gender: Female
Outfit: Turquoise T-shirt, blue jeans, and white sneakers.
Personality: Nice and kind. But kind of short tempered as well. She loves her friends and would hate to lose them. Since half of them fight to the death, practicly, she'll cry if they're close to death.
• Solitude
• Energy Wave
• Energy Blasts
Wepon of Choise: Sometimes a sword, or rarely a bow and arrow.
Description: She always hated her life as a child and threw her mind and focuse into fantasy. One day her parents died in a car crash and she was very upset. Before the foster care came to take her away she found a magic stone and she made a wish on it. That was for her to find a more peaceful life with many friends seeing how she had none to begin with. Her wish came true and she met all these 'anime and game' characters. (yes she is anime herself, but she didn't wish that...)
They converted her house into a home for all them. She was also given powers by the jewel.
Story: Cosmic Chaos! Heros of Anime
1. Fine, but I'm not paying for you this time.
2. You dare to attack MY house!

Name:Kiristo (Ka-ris-to)
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long, Blue
Other: Fox ears and tail in human form. Tail not in pics yet.
Age: 14
Gender: Female
• Longsleeved navy blue wool belly sweater
• Blue jeans with black belt and silver buckle.
• Elegant Blue Ribbon
• Navy Blue sneakers
• Navy Blue small back pack - not in pics, or will be....
• Black Silk sleevless top
• Gold neck ribbon
Personality: Shy and a bit of a loner. But otherwise nice.
• Mostly marshil arts.
• Claws
• Energy blasts and beams
Demon form: Fox ears and tail too, blood red eyes with cat-like blue pupols. Long claws and fangs.
Description: Born into a fox half demon family, she was an outcast, along with her family. Humans set her house a blaze and her mother, father, and sister were killed. She escaped, but it coast her her family. Now she wanders the world, searching for a better peace.
• Kiristo the odd one

This is her friend, 'Lady' Feonna. Or my friends avater,
, and her other friend,
Alaina. This is [Lady Alaina]'s avi for Gaia.
1. On to our paradice! All three of us!
2. Hurt my friends and I'll send you to a living hell!
1. Um...can't we just get along?
2. Where are we?....Kiristo....we're lost again...aren't we?
3. What did you say!?
1. Kiristo! Are we lost, AGAIN!?
2. Just ignore them. They're not worth it.
Name Cassandra, Kass Rockwaller
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Blound, kinda long
Age: 14 but 15 at end
Gender: Female
Outfits: A blue hooded sweat shirt with black slik pants and white sneakers. Also, a black silk tank top, black silk pants, and black high-healed boots. She has an automail arm.
Personality: Upbeat and fun, but sometimes shy and sensitive.
Powers: Alchemy
Description: She lost her arm when she was young in an explosion. Her frien died from the eplosion.
Story: The girl with the automail arm
This is basicly what she looks like. The hair, the shirt and pants and shoes. I haven't finished MY drawing yet.
1. Awww, give him a hug.
2. Don't talk to me about fair!
3. But you let me come. Let Winry come too....
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