Thank [
Konobi] For this WONDERFUL sprite banner!

HI!^^ I'm Aurelie and here is where I put up all my drawing that I have made.

and this is the exteriour of my first sketchbook.

and this is my second one.

It's my char, Rika from my story
YYH: Rika holding Hiei's hand. Or rather, Hiei holding her hand. I don't have my scanner hooked up yet so the pic really sux. But they're in chibi form!^^

I drew Kagome and Kikyo fighting over Inuyasha!^^
Kagome: "MINE!!"
Kikyo: "MINE!!
Inuyasha: "maybe I can escape when they're not looking..."
This is Rika in her fighting outfit.

It's my wolf. Yet another crappy pic due to no scanner. It's Rika's wolf form.

It's a chibi Kurama. I know it suxs. It's my irst time drawing him and it didn't turn out to good.

This was a random drawing, But my best yet, according to my peers. She's supposed to be holding an orb in her hands.

Another random drawing.

This is how my heart feels.

Thoughs are my inistials. Notice how the other heart is empty? It means I dan't have a boy friend.

Another chibi Rika. She's sitting on a rock by the ocean, I just left out the ocean.

It's Rena from my other story,
Forces of Nature. She controles wind and plants.

This is her sister Yuniko. She controles water and electricity. I just didn't show it in the pic.

A better pic of Rika!^^

Here's a pic of her running. She's running through the forest, but I stink at drawing backgrounds, so I left that part out.

Just something I thought looked nice.

I drew hiei's eyes!^^ I'm going to add a black backround soon.

In my story
Spell Bound, Hiei turns into a wolf. This is how I imagined him to look. I didn't put in the part in my story where he transforms.

I drew this for a friend of mine, Katlyn. The chars name is Kira. Katlyn said I could draw what ever char I wanted, just as long as the name was Kira. She said she liked the name alot and wanted me to draw something for her.

This is Yuriko. She Kira's friend and partner.

This is the last friend of the group. Her name is Kyouji. She has rusty colored hair.
the last three chars are no longer in a story.]

YAY!^^ Christmas elf! I entered it in the Elftown Christmas Conpition!^^

This is Leigh. She's in
Yu-Gi-Oh: Leigh.

This banner advertises a story me AND [
Lady Alaina] are writing,
Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo. It's when my char Rika, from
YYH: Rika, the one sitting in the tree, and Kisara, from
The Odd Mission, the one looking at the pool of water, meet. Though the gaung is not in the story, it's still really good, so read it! The gray stuff behind Rika is the wall to a cave. Kisara is not leying on the ground, she's on her hands and knees looking at the reflction of the moon in the water. And the white things next to the pool are purple crystal quarts rocks sticking up from the ground. The grassy area looks as though it's sloped, it's not it's all flat land. And the white stuff where the waterfall ends is mist!

YAY!^^ Better pic I drew! And it has the title. Without the three dots though.....

It's Kisara. I drew this for [
Lady Alaina]. Kisara is from her story,
The Odd Mission a Yuyu Hakusho story. It's SOOOO GOOD! READ IT!

This is Rika's Dragon of the Darkness Flame. She calls him, Saremu. It's Salem in English.

Hiei gives Rika this at the end of
Spell Bound.

This is one of Rika's rare gems. As you know if you've read my stories, sha loves to steal rare things. This jewel doesn't have any power, but is worth a lot.

This is a scene from
Rika&Kisara...A Demon Duo.

It's me beating up the kids I hate. YAY!^^

This is Karisuto. She will be appering in
Dark is Rising. I spelt the name wroung!

These are a few things that Rika has stolen over the years. The peach is from the Mystic Meadow though.

This is for [
kaeKae.]. It's a chibi evil Youko Kurama with his full fox demon form in the background.

It's me destroying my computer!^^ YAY! With a baseball bat! WAHOO!^^

That is NOT Kurama's Rose Whip. I saw a sticker in a store that looked like this and drew it.

This is Rika as a child, working in the mines.

I drew this a few years ago. It's one of my prized pics, I don't care what you think of it. It's my prized pic.
>> Rika's Sketchbook 2
>> Rika's Sketchbook 3
>> Rika's Sketchbook 4
>> Rika's trades
>> Rika & Kisara art