Page name: Beginning-Stu's Anger [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 01:44:35
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It happened so fast, so very fast. He stormed out of that school, fuming with rage. Those children, those creatures he was suppose to call his students were stupid. That is right, stupid. He couldn't say it in front of them or the school board, but that's what they were; stupid.
Or were they?
He thought so. How wrong he was. He was just too angry to admit he was wrong. So angry, that he didn't noticed the light say Don't Walk. As he stepped out into that busy road, he saw a convertible heading right toward him. He could have ran, he could have moved, but he didn't. The car came in full contact with him. He felt he bone crushing, his mind spinning, his stomach caving in. Was he dying? No, not today, not now. This was no death experience, it was a wonderful one.
But there he lay, moaning and wishing he could just die right there. Life had other plans. This was just the start of this man's epic expedition, a journey that would change his life. Why him?  Why not, I ask you?
He was the perfect person who was in need of this magic. Him and only he was in need of this new view on life. Of course, his students, were the only ones who could help him.
No more delays, let us begin.

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2004-04-26 [mywolfalways]: The prologue is pretty good; it definitely gets a reader to wonder what is going on. I feel that if more detail were used here though it would be even more interesting. It’s very strong from the Stu’s point of view, so maybe Stu doesn’t mark all the things around him. My opinion is that it needs some more description though.

2004-04-27 [Blaze the Nameless]: Should have known that was coming! But can you tell me how I should be descriptive?

2005-02-05 [metallickittycat]: i think its fine now, if you have too much description. if you set just enough detail such as you have here, the readers can make up for the lack of backround with common sense and imagine what it probably looked like! you dont want to be as descriptive as that one guy...*cant remember his name,,,i think it steven king or something...* OH well.

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