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2017-08-24 [Synirria]: Just a heads up to everyone. Next week from the 31st to the 4th I will be in Tennessee with my mother in law and sister's in law for a girls weekend away. I HIGHLY doubt any of them are going to let me sit on my phone we'll be having too much fun around Gatlinburg.
2017-08-24 [ancienteye]: Cool! Have fun! :D
2017-08-24 [Synirria]: Thanks, we're hoping the Prima Donna of the family doesn't ruin it for all of us lol... this is supposed to be a relaxing trip away.
2018-12-27 [ancienteye]: http://erinnig
2020-08-25 [Painted Autumn]: ... I miss this. I'm gonna reread stuff!
2021-01-08 [Tekkon KinKreet]: i have a compy again and a stable schedule thats going nowhere so id be down for a restart
2021-01-16 [Painted Autumn]: Unfortunately Synirria never gets on anymore.
2021-04-27 [ancienteye]: I love rereading this RP...
2021-04-27 [Painted Autumn]: ANCIENT! I’VE MISSED YOU!!!
2021-04-27 [ancienteye]: I'VE MISSED YOU, TOO!
Everything here just...slowed down and one day I stopped checking in.
2021-04-27 [Painted Autumn]: I was so worried about you! You and Eyelash! (Who I still can’t contact...) I miss playing with you so much...
2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I'M ALIVE! I SWEAR! Honestly, I haven't really written anything narrative for a while aside from scraps of ideas here and there. I actually got around to trying my hand at fanfiction a while after falling out of the habit of checking Elftown...but fanfiction, like novels and webcomics, kind of require plot. So I fell into writer's block and learned the wonders of video games.
2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I feel like I'm learning pop culture out of order. I just learned this past year what game series the Fem!ShepXGarru
2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: I feel like I’m just living through the discoveries again. I’ve binged watched every long standing tv show I could...
2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: I haven't even gotten to TV shows. I have four different streaming services (two are bundled together and one is horror-exclusi
2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: I really should watch more YouTubers... I have... ah... 8? Streaming services? Plus Sling so lots of TV on demand. More content than I could ever watch...
2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: XD XD XD
If you love the horror genre, I recommend watching "3 games 1 video" letsplays. Both Markiplier and Jacksepticeye do them, and I wouldn't be surprised if other people do, too.
But if you want to watch a bibliophile slowly drive himself insane reading the most abhorrently written literature in modernity, I suggest KrimsonRogue's channel. He's done all of the Onision books and a multi-part EPIC of this one book called Empress Theresa that is just so wrong in so many ways you could teach a college course on what not to write based on this one book.
2021-04-28 [Painted Autumn]: Ah... maybe I’ll check out the former but maybe not the latter. I try to minimize further emotional trauma. Lol
2021-04-28 [ancienteye]: XD Fair enough.
2025-02-17 [ancienteye]: I've been listening to Epic. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW MUCH GOD GAMES MADE ME MISS THIS RP???
2025-02-18 [Painted Autumn]: Thanks Ancient for dragging me back into this. I’ve been eyeball deep rereading for the last 24 hours. I miss how achingly cute Luke and Haidee were!
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