Page name: Chapter 2: Elemental Spells [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 20:37:07
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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At the time Hiei was training. She watched him for a bit. "Hiei!" She yelled. Hiei stopped, "Rika? Something wrong?" "No, I....wish to talk to you." Rika answered. "About what?" Hiei asked. "I've noticed you have an interest in my spells, correct?" She said. "Yes..." Hiei answered. "mmm....I've been considering teaching them to you." Rika said. "Why?" Hiei asked "Well......I've never.......really met anyone as..........well, anyone who was interested in my spells. It kind of intrigues me that you are interested. Also, I really wouldn't mind if someone were to carry on my spells." Rika answered. Hiei's eyebrows raised. "Come to my room in an hour." Rika said as she left the room. With that time Rika was going through some books and making separate pills of selected books. Hiei came in. "Good your here," She said looking at him with only her eyes, "I've selected a few spells to get started with. but first of all, using spells isn't like using your powers. Spells have their own type of energy, it's called Spell Energy. So far you have non, and it will take a bit before you start collecting that energy. So within this week we'll need to train quite a bit. I have techniques that will help you get enough spell energy for us to start practicing some spells." Rika explained. Hiei had an annoyed look on his face, he felt like he was being underestimated even though he wasn't. He didn't say anything knowing what she said was true. "But now I have quite a bit to do, so we'll begin the training tomorrow. I'll give you a few of these books to look through. They're just a few techniques to get you started. You can train in your room for the rest of the evening." Rika said as she took three books from a stack and handed them to Hiei. Hiei returned to his room for the evening as Rika did what she needed to do.
They spent the next 2 weeks training. They would do training before, during, and after missions. Night or day, rain or shine. It didn’t matter to Hiei, he was so determined. Rika started feeling differently around and not around Hiei. As though her heart yurned for him. Her mind was always on him, he was all she could think about. One day, Rika decided to give Hiei a break, but Hiei continued to train. Rika went to the cliff to watch the sun set. She stared at the beautiful scene and the suns rays glistened and sparkled on the water. "Why does my heart feel this way? It's as though it's being healed by heart yurns....why? " Rika thought to herself. "Something troubles you sister?" said Kurama who came up behind her. Rika turned to him. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I can see you feel troubled about something, and I can sense it. Even though you may not like it, I am your brother, and I can sense your feelings." Kurama answered. "There's nothing you need to know." Rika said angrily and she turned to the sea again. Kurama sighed and whispered to himself, "she can be so stubborn..." "I HEARD THAT!" yelled Rika. A nervous look came to his face when she said that. But Rika's face went from angry to what looked like concerned as she looked to the sea and the setting sun. "Your heart?" Kurama asked. "What?" "Your heart troubles you. You feel it repairing?" Kurama asked eagerly. "Just leave me be! This is none of your business!" She yelled. Kurama gave a smile and headed back to the tower. As night came it grew cold out, but Rika stayed where she was looking to the beautiful star filled sky. Rika put her hands to her shoulders because she was cold. Hiei had been watching from the tree for some time. Rika sat on the edge of the cliff. She hadn't noticed Hiei at all, she was too deep in thought. Hiei jumped down from the tree and put his jacket around Rika. She had a surprised look on her face as she looked to Hiei. "It's getting cold out. You might need this." He said as he sat next to her. Rika was blushing a little. "Thanks." She said to him. They sat talking for a while before returning to the tower. Hiei sat in the window sill in the living area as the rest of the gang played cards, talked, and ate. Rika was in her room. She was looking through book in the back of her room. She picked up one in particular. it had strange designs on it and a leather cover made from the skin of a dragon. She opened it. "The book of Charta..." She whispered to herself. "Once Hiei is strong enough I can show him these spells. But for now, his spell energy is too weak in power. He wouldn't be able to cast these." Rika thought to herself. "Elemental should be good for now. He seems strong enough to take these." She thought turning to a different book and elemental spell. "He might even get up to levitation and energy spells in less then a week if he's determined enough." She said to herself holding the element book in the air with one hand and her other on her chin. When morning rose the next day, Hiei had already left, Rika left an hour after him bring some books and her training Double Elbow Swords. (The training ones are much like her regular ones, but only a very hard wood and can't slice anything.) She met with Hiei as he was practicing a bit in a small meadow in the woods. "Elemental spells should be best for you at the moment." Rika said. Hiei nodded. "Ok, let's start since your a fire demon, this shouldn't be a problem." She continued.

Chapter 3: Let the spells begin!

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2004-11-23 [Lady Alaina]: AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! ME WOVEYS IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2004-11-23 [Kiristo]: i'm going to work on it now!^^

2004-11-23 [Lady Alaina]: YAY!!!!!!!!!!11

2004-11-23 [Kiristo]: lol^^

2004-11-24 [Lady Alaina]: Moving right along. ^^ I got to chapter two in A Sonic Adventure!! ^^

2004-11-24 [Kiristo]: yay!^^ but i thought it was Knuckles, not Danny?

2004-11-24 [Lady Alaina]: Wha-?

2004-11-24 [Kiristo]: *reads some of first chapter* oh wait. no, my bad!^^ i didn't read the entier first chapter so i thought.......that....but nevermid......dunno if i'll have alot of time to read it though.

2004-11-24 [Lady Alaina]: lol!

2004-11-24 [Kiristo]: haha....i'm going to work on this story now....

2004-11-24 [Lady Alaina]: YAY!!!!!!! XD

2004-11-24 [Kiristo]: ok i added some more.

2004-11-24 [Lady Alaina]: Yippee! ^^

2004-11-24 [Kiristo]: ok, chapter 3 exported!^^

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