Page name: Chapter 5: Riddle For A Stranger [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-11-04 13:50:34
Last author: Sinchao
Owner: Sinchao
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Chapter 5: Riddle For A Stranger

When Limbed visited again the next day, Sinchao wanted to show him about the page he found, but he couldn’t find it anywhere. Instead, some weird link appeared on his laptop, providing them with some sort of riddle. Limbed read it out loud, trying to figure out what it all meant.

“The Legend Of Passing.

From Shadows to Death, From the Sun into Life.
Shadows shall overcome, as the Light shall revive.
The Path shall be in Darkness, let the Light be your guide.
The Path shall be in the Light, let it not fool your eyes.
Cover Light in Darkness, and Darkness in Light,
Be Death himself, and Revive your soul.
Thus foretells The Legend."

“Well, that won’t get us very far. We can think about that thing for years, but there are so many different path’s, not to mention the definitions of Light and Darkness”, Sinchao concluded. “You shouldn’t give up that easily, but let’s put the riddle aside for now. We need more info about the legend. Clear and understandable info, something we can use. My guess is, we won’t find it here.”

Around 3 o’clock, Sarah finally arrived the hospital, while Sinchao and Limbed were still discussing the riddle. Sarah’s sudden presence resulted in a lifted eyebrow and an awkward face, making Limbed and Sinchao silent within the second. They couldn’t discuss these things in front of an outsider, since Sarah still had no clue as of what was going on.

When Sinchao started the conversation about Creira, Sarah looked quite surprised as Limbed seemed to know as well, while he didn’t know anything a mere 24 hours ago. The longer the conversation took, the more annoyed Sarah became. “Enough of these jokes! If you think this is funny, you guys are wrong!”, she said. Sinchao looked at Limbed. They hadn’t prepared for this one. They had been expecting the same result as the day before, but Sarah seemed less affected by this tactic than Limbed was.

“Sarah… We aren’t joking. Creira really was at our school. She was. Everyone forgot, and Limbed as well. Yesterday, he managed to recover some of his memory, even though there were some odd appearances in it. We wanted to try to recover yours, as we did with Limbed’s, but apparently, this isn’t going to work”, Sinchao said with a soft, yet strong voice, in order to calm down his sister. Sarah wasn’t really sure whether this was just another trick, or if they were for real. With some time, Sinchao and Limbed convinced her they weren’t joking, and the talk continued.

It lasted for several hours, and the sun was already going down. Suddenly Sarah interfered the conversation; “Creira… Was she…. Clinging to your arm in the hallway? It feels like a bad dream, but I can still see it in my mind”. Sinchao jumped up, or so he tried, resulting in shout of pain. “What does she look like?! Is she walking? Has she got eyes?”. “What?! What a ridiculous question! Of course, she has… Wait. She is… Hovering, not walking, and her eyes are gone. What happened to her Sinchao?!”. “We don’t know yet”, Limbed replied for him, “But I saw the same girl, and that is Creira”.

With Sarah believing them, Limbed and Sinchao informed Sarah of Sinchao’s dream, the legend, and the riddle. Sarah started naming several Lights and Darkness’s, but she soon ran out of options, and looked at the other two. “I haven’t got a clue. Maybe Limbed and I should visit the library tomorrow, and bring some books. We could always use the extra info, and since that riddle looks rather old, we might be able to find more in books”. With that said, Sarah and Limbed left.

Sinchao sat on his bed, and peeked out the window. The sky was dark, and grey clouds were gathering underneath it. “It’s going to rain. I hope those two will be all right”, he whispered. After several; minutes, Sinchao’s prediction came true. Rain was falling from the skies, buckets at a time. Thunder stroke in the city, and wind raged through the trees.

“What are you looking at?”. Sinchao turned his head, with an amazing speed. He was breathing heavily because of the shock, and shouted out; ”Who is there?”. “What do you mean, ‘who is there’? I’ve been here all day. You guys must be up to some serious business, with that riddle and all”. Sinchao looked around the room, when he noticed the bed in the opposite corner of the room had the curtain shut. “Y-you overheard us talk, huh?”, Sinchao said, with a nervous voice. If this stranger told the nurses, he would have to stay for a long while, for insanity. “Yeah, but don’t worry. I’m not going to tell the nurses”. Sinchao looked at the curtain. Did this guy just read his mind, or was this coincidence? “Could you open up the curtain, please? I like to know who I am talking to”, he replied. The stranger opened the curtain with button, and it opened up nice and silent, making the perfect moment for a thunder stroke. It was a man, but Sinchao couldn’t really determine his age. He looked around his twenties, but talked as if he was a wise old man.
The man simply looked at Sinchao with a friendly face. “You might need some help with that riddle of yours…”, he said, as if he were suggesting something. “You know something we don’t?”, Sinchao asked. “No, not yet, but with those books your friends will bring tomorrow, I might be able to be of help. It doesn’t look like something serious to me, this legend of yours, but a good riddle is always nice”.

Sinchao was amazed. This man had been listening all day, not saying a word, nor caring for their mysterious business. All he wanted, was to solve their riddle?

“I’m a dying man, so I take any form of entertainment I can”, the man said.
Sinchao observed the man, looking for some sign that said he wasn’t human, but there were no inhumanities to be found. “I guess there’s no harm in it. You can help out, but I’ll have to tell Limbed and Sarah about you, and, I need your name”. “I cannot tell you my name, simply because I don’t know myself. I fell from the third story. It’s a miracle I’m still alive, but I won’t last long”. A stranger without a name. “I see. I can’t really trust you, if you don’t even have a name. From my position, I’d believe anything you say, but the fact you don’t have a name, isn’t really backing you up. I’m sorry, I cannot let you help me with the riddle. You might use it against us”. “Use it against you? This riddle can be used? Well, whatever. You must have your reasons not to trust me. As you wish, I’ll ask the nurses to put me in another room tomorrow, how’s that?”. “Thanks for understanding. If I figure this riddle out, and you’re still alive, I’ll make sure to stop by”. “Please do”, the stranger said, as he closed his curtains.

Several minutes passed, and the lights went out. The storm was still raging outside, as Sinchao turned on his side, looking at the thunder. Tomorrow, they would research the books, and try to solve the riddle. Sinchao shut his eyes, fell asleep.

Chapter 4: Legend Of Passing
Chapter 6: Weapons And Beings
Alpha And Omega

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