Page name: Chapter 4: Legend Of Passing [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-13 14:38:12
Last author: Sinchao
Owner: Sinchao
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Chapter 4: Legend Of Passing

When Sinchao opened his eyes again, he found himself in a hospital. He was in a large room, with a broad door on one side, and a huge window on the other. There were twelve beds aligned in it, six on each side. Every bed had a small desk next to it, and a shelf on the other side. His bed was, fortunately, one of the two beds next to the window.

He tried to get up, but his body was heavily injured, so he couldn’t move around too much. When he looked at his desk, he spotted note on it.

“We’ll stop by around 3 o’clock – Limbed and Sarah”

Sinchao smiled. He looked at what other cards he had gotten, but there weren’t any useful ones. Ones that contained information about what happened. He sat back, and stared at the white ceiling. He thought of Creira, and how she had acted like a monster. He remembered something she said. It had something to do with his future. How he was going to cause trouble for her?

Sinchao couldn’t imagine him being trouble for such a powerful person, if Creira had even been a person. He couldn’t imagine someone being this powerful, and be human as well. She wanted to kill him, even though she had only known him for one day, and his future couldn’t possibly be as spectacular as she had implied.

“Well, whatever”, he said. He lifted his head, and looked at the clock. It was only 1 o’clock, so he had plenty of time left to think of what it could possibly be, what was worth killing him for.

After 5 minutes had passed, he had already run out of idea’s of how he’d be the hero of legends, and how he’d save the world, and run of with the new girl, who just happened to fall for him like a brick. He kept looking at the clock, but every time he did, time seemed to be passing slower and slower.

He looked at his clothes, which were lying at the end of his bed. His cell-phone was on top of it, but he couldn’t reach it because of his condition. He searched the buttons used for calling a nurse. By the time he had found them, the nurse was already walking in with a coffee-and-tea-cart, like the ones they normally use on airplanes. He asked her to hand him cell-phone.

He called Limbed, and asked him to go by his house, and pick up his laptop. If there was anything he could do right now, it would be research. He didn’t know where to look, nor what to look for, but if he would eventually be able to find something, it would surely be worth it. “Sure thing. I’ll ask your mom if I can bring it”, was his reply.

When Sarah and Limbed arrived at the hospital, they were accompanied by Sinchao’s mom, who seemed to be forcibly calm. She looked horrible. She was pale, and she seemed tired. “It must’ve been a shock, suddenly seeing me like this”, Sinchao thought. Limbed had brought his pc, like promised, and Sarah had more cards with her. There were several from his family, but he didn’t care that much. He was looking for something or someone he didn’t know, some sort of sign.

They all talked for a while, and when Sinchao asked them what had happened to Creira, Sarah looked at him with an unknowing face. “Creira? Who’s that?”, she replied. Apparently Creira had vanished from their memories. “They’re still investigating what happened at school, but there aren’t any results yet”.

Eventually, Sarah and Sinchao’s mom had to go. They had to go get groceries and such. Limbed stayed for a while, and the conversation was like nothing Sinchao had in mind. “This… Creira you mentioned earlier… Was she a pretty girl? With a constant smile on her face?”, Limbed asked, trying to remember her, with all of his efforts. “Yes, YES! That’s her! Can you remember her, Limbed?”. “I guess, but there isn’t much left. Plus, in all of my memories, she has no eyes, and she isn’t walking, she’s sliding over the floor. It’s like she’s some sort of ghost”. Sinchao stared at Limbed. Was this some sort of sick joke, or was Limbed telling the truth?

Sinchao told Limbed about his dream, and what had happened the day after they first met. Limbed remembered more and more, as Sinchao kept telling the story. When they reached the part where Limbed found Sinchao beaten to pulp in the gym, Limbed could remember everything about Creira, as if it had only been a day. It had only been a day, but to Limbed, it was as if he just remembered something that had happened in his childhood.

Limbed plugged in Sinchao’s laptop to the network of the hospital, and they started browsing the internet, looking for things such as “Legends”, “Myths”, and most of all, “Destiny” and “Fate”. They spent several hours searching for similarities to the past occurrences, but there was nothing to be found.

After 6 hours had past, and it was about 10 o’clock, Limbed had to go home. He had eaten in the hospital, but he couldn’t sleep there as well, because his aunt wouldn’t allow it, and neither did the staff. Limbed had just left, when Sinchao unplugged the laptop, and the lights were turned off.

When Sinchao shut his eyes, and was about to fall a sleep, a bright light shun in the room. He looked up, and noticed he his laptop was turned on, even though it wasn;t plugged. He opened the screen, and looked at what was still running. The only thing left was some weird page. But after taking a closer look, Sinchao couldn’t remember seeing this page before. It thoroughly described some myth, called the Legend Of Passing.

The legend was about someone who used to be able to see the future in his dreams, and could see his own death. This person used to be some sort of magician, according to the legend. Sinchao stared at the screen. This sounded a lot like what had happened to him, about his dream, and experiencing his own death. His dream did show the future, and it did show his death. Sinchao trembled with fear. “I-it can’t be… In my dream… I look exactly the same as I do now, which means my death won’t only be painful, and unstoppable, but soon as well”, he said softly. He slammed his laptop shut, and instantly, all the light vanished.

He dropped his head on his pillow. If he was the person in the legend, it would mean he was going to die, and that there was nothing that could be done about it. He estimated, he would have a maximum of 6 months left, before his appearance had changed that much, he wouldn’t look like his dream-self.

He looked at the dark ceiling. “I can’t freak out now, I’ve got to try and stop this”, he said, in order to keep it together. “I will find out everything there is about magic, the legend, and everything regarding fate”. He looked determined, unwilling to give up just yet. He would tell Limbed about the Legend Of Passing tomorrow, and try Sarah’s memory of Creira, and get her to help as well.

Chapter 3: The New Girl
Chapter 5: Riddle For A Stranger
Alpha And Omega

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