Page name: Chapter 3: The New Girl [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-10-12 07:50:39
Last author: Sinchao
Owner: Sinchao
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Chapter 3: The New Girl

The next day, Sinchao went by Limbed’s house to pick him up. It was small house, with a small garden in
front of it. There was a bike in the garden, and it was surrounded by a steel fence. Sinchao opened it,
and when he walked up to the door, he could hear a dog barking.
He heard an hysterical voice shouting: ”Billy, shut it!”.

When he knocked on the door, a woman opened. Sinchao figured this had to be Limbed’s mom,
though they didn’t look alike a all. She wasn’t very tall, and had long dark hair.
She had the body shape of fit woman, and Sinchao doubted if she was even old enough to have a kid of Limbed’s age.
“Is Limbed ready for school?”, Sinchao asked politely. “No, not yet. Come inside,
he should be done soon”, the woman replied with a soft and friendly voice.

Sinchao wanted to look around the house, but he couldn’t just barge in. The hall was very tidy,
and it looked as if it was properly cleaned, every day. But as soon as Sinchao walked inside,
Limbed came running down the stairs, and pulled Sinchao out by his arm. “Let’s go”.
Sinchao nearly tripped on the way. “Goodbye, Ma’am!”. Limbed looked very annoyed,
and Sinchao had no clue about what was going on.

The walk to school was awkward, or so it felt to Sinchao. “Your mom is very nice”,
he said, trying to break the silence. “That wasn’t my mom. My mom died 2 years ago,
along with my father”, Limbed replied with a cold-hearted voice. “Oh... Sorry”.
“That’s okay, it’s not like you could have know”.

After all this, the walk got a lot friendlier. Sinchao found out that Limbed is now living with his mom’s sister, who has no kids herself. Sinchao also told Limbed about his dad, who lives in another country for his work, and about his mom and Sarah. “Sarah is a very pretty girl”, Limbed said. “Don’t even think about it, Limbed!”.
“I’m just kidding, just kidding”. Sinchao looked at Limbed. He then realised he barely knew him, but already, it felt as if they had know each other for years. “Hmpf, I guess I’d rather have her dating you, than any other stranger”, Sinchao replied with some sound of relief in his voice.

When they arrived at school, the teacher praised Limbed a million times, because he had accomplished what no man could ever do before; get Sinchao to be there in time. They both quietly moved to their places, as the teacher had an announcement.

“We are going to have a new student as of today. This is Creira. Creira, this.. Well, everyone!”. Creira was a beautiful girl. She had long brown hair, and a cute face. She was average of height, and looked as if she had plans to take over the world… In a happy way, with flowers and kisses. “Hello everyone!”, she said to the class with a big smile on her face.

Sinchao immediately looked at Limbed, and he did the exact same thing. They looked amazed, and kept their fingers crossed when she had to pick her spot. Sinchao closed his eyes, and couldn’t look where should would sit down. For years Sinchao had been in the same class, without having anyone he actually liked in it.
Limbed was actually the first he liked, and this could very well become the second person. “This spot is free. Mister, can I sit here?”, but before the teacher could even reply, Sinchao jumped and shouted out of joy, resulting in awkward faces, all directed to him. He scratched the back of his head, and sat down in silence.

At lunch break, Creira tapped his shoulder. Sinchao turned, and as doing so, his nose touched Creira’s. He jumped back, surprised at how close she had been. “W-what is it you need?!”, he said with a nervous voice. 
“Hey, I was wondering. I’m new in this school so…. Can you show me around.... Ehhh, what’s your name??”. “S-Sinchao, it’s Sinchao. And yes, no problem”. Limbed wanted to ask Sinchao to eat together like the day before, but he overheard them talking, and didn’t even bother.

Sinchao got up, and put his backpack on his shoulder. “Where have you been already, and what haven’t you been?”, he asked Creira.
“Well…”, she started out, with an indecisive look at Sinchao, ”I haven’t seen the gym yet. And I was wondering if you could show me where it is..”.

Sinchao scratched the back of his head. “Sure, no problem, just follow me and we’ll… Huh?”. Sinchao suddenly stopped talking, as Creira clang onto his arm, and walked aside him, with a huge smile on her face. Sinchao’s face got a slight blush, and he forced himself to look in front of him.

Sinchao walked towards the Gym, facing all the consequences he could have. Everyone in school was giving them awkward looks, and the girls all started whispering the very minute they passed by. Sinchao couldn’t help but notice Sarah in the hallway, as she ‘accidentally’ dropped her books when they came by.

When they passed through the main hall, and left the building, Sinchao could spot the tips of Limbed’s shoes. Apparently, Limbed was sitting right around the corner. He really wanted to walk over, but when he tried, he found out that Creira was still clinging to his arm, and he would most certainly trip if he tried some more.

When they had crossed the athletics field, and they finally reached the gym, Sinchao sighed. “Phew, that was quite embarrassing. Would you mind letting go of my arm now, I’m getting rather warm…”.
Creira looked up at Sinchao, and quietly let go of his arm. “I still want to see the inside of the building though”, she responded with a soft voice. Sinchao put up a fake smile, and walked towards the building, with Creira right behind him.
When he tried to open the doors of the gym, he found out they were locked.

“Sorry, I don’t think we can enter right now. I can show you after class if you like…”. Sinchao looked at Creira, but when he turned, he saw her standing a about 10 metres behind him. She closed her eyes, and the big smile she used to wear, had gone, like snow in the sun.

She suddenly sprinted forward, and jumped. Sinchao dashed aside, and Creira’s foot barely missed his face. He could hear breaking wood, and bending metal right behind him, as Creira kicked the doors out of the wall. Sinchao fell down, and when he looked up, and stared at Creira, she already had her big smile back. “Oops”, she said, as if nothing had happened, “I guess there’s no harm in showing me around now, is there?”

Sinchao blinked. This was all way to weird for him. This happy girl just kicked in 2 massive iron-and-wood doors, without even losing her breath?!

As he moved his hand up to scratch the back of his head yet again, Creira quickly took a hold of it, and bowled him into the gym, right over the basketball field. Sinchao rolled over the floor, and bashed into the wall at the other side.

He moaned, and coughed, as he sled down against the wall. He was scratched all over, and when he took the trouble of opening his eyes, he could see a full-grown woman, standing right in front of him. “C-creira…?”, he startled.

The woman laughed. She reminded Sinchao of his dream, and he suddenly noticed this was all too much of a coincidence. “This is the end of the line for you, so-called Mr. Hero!”, the older Creira shouted out in hatred. Sinchao opened his mouth, wanting to ask her what happened, but before he was even able to do so,
her fist raged forward, and she punched him on the nose. “When I talk, you’re silent, or you’ll never speak again”. The voice of the woman was burning inside Sinchao’s head, as if he was being eaten. His view began to get a bit more blurry, as he noticed there weren’t only scratches on his body, but deeper wounds as well.

“It’s time for me to put your lights out. Or else, you’ll cause us a lot of trouble in the future, and I cannot let that happen”, she said with a dark voice. Sinchao wanted to back away from her, but with his back against the wall, there was nothing he could do. The woman raised her fist. “Let my voice be the last one you hear, SINCHAO!”, she spoke, as she started punching him. Sinchao couldn’t feel the punches, as his body was slowly going numb.

He felt his eyes get heavier, nevertheless, he did his best to keep them open. He could hear voices out side, but whenever he tried to shout out, a fist hit his face again. He could only hear the voices get louder. “Hey, someone broke the gym doors!”, was what they said. Creira didn’t seem to hear, as she was still bashing in on Sinchao with all the hatred inside of her.

Sinchao nearly shut his eyes, when Creira suddenly jumped away, looking over her shoulder. “Aaaah! This can’t be! How come you have to saved by luck, yet again?! I couldn’t catch you when you were a child, and now I’ve failed again!”. She jumped up in the air, and some sort of black vortex appeared behind her. “Keep this in mind, Sinchao. You won’t be this lucky next time we meet!”, then she vanished into the vortex, and it immediately disappeared.

Sinchao could barely see two shades coming up through the door. He shut his eyes, and led his head drop back. All he could hear was people running towards him, and Limbed’s voice, “Sinchao, what happened?!”, then it all went out.

Chapter 2: Sleepy Morning
Chapter 4: Legend Of Passing
Alpha And Omega

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