Page name: Chapter 7: The first fight [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 21:50:05
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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A wolf stood behind the barrier in Hiei's place. It was black with it's bottom half green. He took a few steps forward and passed through the barrier. "NO WAY!!! HOW DID YOU FIGER OUT HOW TO PASS THROUGH THE BARRIERS!?!" Atamis was shocked. Hiei (or the wolf) growled viciously. "Hiei?...." Rika whispered from the vat. Hiei ran and jumped at Atamis. He bit Atamis on the shoulder, though he was aiming for his neck, Atamis dodged a bit so Hiei only got his shoulder. Atamis hit him off and Hiei landed on his feet and growled. " figured out my secrete.....BUT THAT WON'T SAVE YOU!" Atamis charged at Hiei and aimed to punch him, Hiei charged back and bit Atamis' arm. Atamis threw him down, Hiei landed on his feet but Atamis kicked him. A yelp came from Hiei as he hit the wall. Atamis charged again and just as he almost hit Hiei, Hiei jumped to the side. The shockwave from Atamis attack cause Hiei to do a flip and he turned back into his normal form and charged and hit Atamis into the wall.
"He perfected the technique. He must've jump classes." Rika thought watching the fight. Then she tried pulling her shackled hands free. But no matter how hard she pulled they wouldn't break.
Hiei then jumped back as Atamis tried to hit him. Hiei kicked him. When Atamis recovered he ran at Hiei again and tried to punch him, though each time he failed. Then Atamis suddenly stopped. "ENOUGH WITH THIS!" He yelled. Then he threw his hands up in the air. A great deal of energy formed a big ball in his hands. Then he threw his hands in the direction of Hiei and yelled, "ORB OF DESTRUCTION!!" The ball flew at Hiei. Hiei dodged to the left, but got hit by the resulting shockwave of the blast and was thrown into the wall. He fell to the ground and knelt up. Then he grinned and his eyes began to glow. Then the ground in front of him lifted into the air rapidly and headed for Atamis. It hit him and Atamis flew into the back wall. He stood slightly, "I guess I should've expected that...." "And you should've expected this!" Hiei said as he clenched his hand into a fist and giant thorn vines rose from the ground, and ensnared Atamis. "You....bastard...." Atamis said gasping for air as a vine twisted around his neck. Hiei got up and started walking over to him, but stopped halfway there. "If I can kill you this easily, then I guess you haven't gotten much stronger at all." Hiei said. "Shut.....up...........I have........gotten stronger...and I'll prove it...." Atamis said, still gasping for air. Then a moment later, he burst out of Hiei's trap and hit him back into the wall. "Don't think you can defeat me that easily!" Atamis said. The lave rose like a volcano beneath Atamis. "He won't be back anytime soon." Hiei said rising. "What's that mean" Kuwabara asked as the bubble disappeared. "It means he isn't dead, but he won't attack again for a while. So that gives us some time." Hiei answered walking to Rika in the vat. He punched it and it broke open. Then broke her hands free and the make fell off her mouth. "Thanks..." She said. They headed back to the tower after that to plan out there strategy for when Atamis would return, but Rika and Hiei went to Rika's room to talk. Rika had already changed out of her wet clothes and cleaned herself up though. "So I see you've jumped a few classes." Rika said looking out her window. Hiei didn't answer. "I'm quite surprised you did it so fast." Rika said again, this time looking at Hiei who looked as though he was off in his own little world. Rika looked at him for a moment and sighed. "Do you wish to talk?" She asked looking at the ground. Hiei looked up at her. "I'm s-sorry I couldn't protect you...." Hiei said. He had never said anything like that before, so he stuttered a little. Rika looked up at him, as though surprised. Hiei was looking to the side. Rika didn't do anything for a moment, then she slightly smiled and threw her arms around Hiei. Hiei was a little shocked, but he enjoyed it a little. "Please don't worry about that. All that matters is that we're together now." She whispered. Then Rika pulled away and turned, but smiled at him. "Let's get started." She said. She opened a book and he walked over to see as she started explaining a plan spell. The rest of the group tried to figure out were he was thrown and where he'll probably be.

By dawn the next day, Rika and Hiei were gone, though the other didn't know were or why they went. The rest of the group continued to concoct a plan.

Rika and Hiei had a plan of there own. Rika showed him a book that she hadn't taken out for years. "This book is called, Sorceresses Myth. It tells some of the most powerful and dangerous spells to have ever been used. Though the spells are very complicated to perform, and usually take a while." Rika said. Hiei looked at it with fascination. "Now let's start with a locater spell." She continued. Through the rest of the day she showed him powerful spells, circles for performing them, charms, and enchantments. The spells were nothing like he had seen so far. After studying them, they were ready to perform them. They first tried a locater spell to try to find Atamis. After they found his location, they planed an attack on him. They went and studied the area where they would plan to fight him, and what advantages they could get. They went over the element spells and strategies. It took the whole day, and the next but they did it. By night, Atamis was about where they needed him. They took their potions and prepared for battle.

>> Chapter 8: Battle 2

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