Page name: Chapter One - Introductions [Logged in view] [RSS]
2009-09-25 12:20:43
Last author: Rook.
Owner: Rook.
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Chapter One - Introductions

Collin Black picked his way through the woods, keeping an ear out for unusual sounds. He heard a twig snap, and he crouched, back against a tree. "Bobby! Keep it down!" He hissed at the boy with him, then turned his attention back to the woods.

Guardian stayed in the shadow, only his outline apparent. He seemed young and muscular, in dark colored suit pants and blazer. When he spoke his voice was ageless and thickly accented- maybe african. "Many approach, great mistress. I hear them." No name was fitted for this man, for his main purpose was to watch over the mistress and her living quarters. Maybe balance her checkbook every once in a while. He strode down the hall towards the very big oak door.

He zoomed towards Collin and tapped his shoulder as he past. 'Why? Ya scared of a few dead trees?!" He blurred out of the woods andlooked back, not seeing what was in front, he hit a large metal gate and slid down ina sitting position. 'I foundit...ughh.."

Collin rolled his eyes and scaled the gate like it was a pebble to step over. He flipped off the topand landed onteh other side, breaking the padlock with a swift jerk. He swung the door open casualy. "Oh, you did, did you? How did you plan on getting in?"

Bobby spat onto the small rocky road. "If I had known it was there.." He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. He stood and made sure he got a good look at collin as he did. Bobby twisted a neon strip of his hair as he walked past him. "We were ahead of the others." he said glancing back.

"No..." surmised Collin, sniffing the air. "Teddy followed us the entire way." Collin nodded and pointed to a barely visible patch of air that shimmered faintly.

Adrian approached Teddy and suppressed his powers with his own and he faded into appearance. "Don't use your powers in the open. Someone might see and cry witch."

Bobby sudenly appeared infront of adrian. "That was pretty hypocritical of you old man."

"Yea well when you're trying to keep a bunch teenage boys under control you'll know." Adrian replied with an embarassed face. 'And i'm not old..."

Collin watched Teddy closely, blushing when Teddy looked over. He cleared his throat and motioned towards the house.

Teddy ran to catch up with Collin, slipping an arm over his shoulders. "So, what are we looking for?"

Collin involuntarily shivered and he stopped, gazing up at the mansion. "Old Freddy Tate. Disapeared thirty years ago."

Bobby pulled adrian into the gate and walked behind Collin and Teddy. "We better find him then, and he better be cute."

Adrian smacked him in the back of the head. "Touch me and I squish your brain." He joked, pushing his hand away. "Does anyone know where the girls are?"

As if on cue Maria walked onto the scene, flicking her long brown hair and reapplying her bright red lipstick while holding a compact mirror, she looked over her stunning face in vainty. She never did grasp that make-up only makes you appear fakely beautiful and never naturally.

Collin looked back at Maria and rolled his eyes. "Come on MAria. Take your face out of the mirror. We're here."

Teddy looked back, and shimmered to invisibility, sneaking back to Maria.

Twoface smiled from the top window, then left it to walk over to a long clear box at the back of the room, drawing a smiley face on the ice encrusted on the glass. She wrote 'Fredrick Tate lies here', then walked back to the window to survey the scene.

"Ssshh..I'm near perfection". Maria stared as she finished her lipstick off with a slight shimmer.

Teddy lifted the mirror out of her hands and ran back to Collin, shimmering back to visibility, laughing.

Bobby zoomed up to the porch and looked into a small window on the door. He gasped and stepped back at what he saw, then stepped off the porch and appeared infront of collin, his neon hair flashing. "There is a man standing right behind the door." He smiled pleasantly, "And he's quite buff."

Adrian glanced at the door and concentrated on hooking up to the persons mind. "I cant get inside. He's blocking me."

"GIVE IT BACK TEDDY". Maria yelled and ran after him, flailing her hands.

Teddy just laughed and ran around in circles, sometimes in visible, sometimes not.

Collin stood lost in thought, then suddenly ran up to teh door, jumped, used the door knocker as a handhold, and launched himself up to hang on the ivy hanging off of the balcony above. He grunted and pulled himself up by his arms, then slid onto the balcony, looking down onthe group. He caught Teddy's attention and mouthed 'be right back', and let himself inside quietly.

TEddy nodded and looked around for Maria.

Suddenly the double doors opened with a blast of wind and a dark figure stood in the doorway shrouded in a black blanket of shadow.

Bobby was wide eyed and muttered. "Whoah." He stepped forward to go inside.

Adrian grabbed his shoulder ot hold him back. "We came here to look for someone, were wondering if anyone could tell us where to look or maybe where he is."

The black figure raised one hand and brought it back motioning for them to come. Then Guardian stepped backward, into the darkness again.

Teddy found Maria and gace her the mirror, walking inside after the guy. He worried about Collin. He hoped nothign happened to mar his beautiful face.

Twoface smiled and walked to her wardrobe, pulling out her favorite outfit, preparing to meet her guests.

Bobby stepped inside and Adrian followed.

Guardian led to them to a very large room with an equally large dinner table equipped with tall chairs and food.

Bobby looked at the other man. Even though the candles all along the wall completely lit the room the man still looked like a big walking shadow. He shook it out of his mind. After all there was food. His hair looked more fabulous outside in the dark where you can his long and neon locks.

Adrian sat down at one of the tall chairs around the table.

Bobby grabbed a plate of wings and sat dpown next to adrian.

Guardian left the room through another doorway and headed up the stairs until he came to one of the most extravagant rooms. "Mistress," he said with his calm voice. "I have brought them into the dining hall. You will meet them there?"

Twoface nodded, slidding on her boots. "Indeed I will, Guardian." She walked out of the room, following Guardian.

Collin started to walk out of a room, then jumped back in whenhe saw the two of them walking. "Whoah..." he whispered. THe guy was a hunk, and the lady wasn't too bad looking either.

Guardian entered the dining hall. "Attention!" he shouted not too loudly but the large room made it echo.

Bobby spat out the mouth full of spaghetti he was chewing and his head lashed towards the strange man. The man had spoken for the first time and Bobby loved his voice immediately. If only he could se his face.

"You mistress has arrived! Do not speak out of line. I warn you. Unless you'd like to eat your tongue." He said with blank white eyes.

Bobby gulped. Maybe he didn't like the man as much as he'd thought. He jumped out of his chair and ran towards the door.

Guardian glared and put his arm against the wall and it flattened, then extended like a shadow along the wall. It wrapped itself around him and dropped him in his chair. "Stay seated." He commanded.

Twoface smiled dangerously as she walked into the room, holding her head high. Her eyes flashed as she walked to the table and nodded for them to be seated.

Collin hurried in the oposite door and skidded to a stop, staring at her.

Twoface's mouth twitched upward in a knowing smiled, but otherwise ignored him.

Teddy motioned for him to join him, and Collin did.

Guardian melted into the floor and appeared upright on the right hand side of Twoface.

Adrian glanced around. "Where's Maria?"

Maria stumbeled in, her high heels clicking as she tried to catch up, she looked out of breath. "Geez you walk fast".

Collin rolled his eyes and put his head on his palm, staring at the food on the table as Maria was seated.

Twoface stood up at her place and lifted a goblet. "To visitors." she said, and drank.

Collin mummbled and sipped at his goblet.

Teddy rubbed collin's back and smiled. If only he had the nerve to tell him...

Twoface sat down and began to eat, motioning for everyone to do the same.

Maria looked at the food, she began to nibble it when the door to the dinning hall flung open.
A painfully thin and snaked around and opened it, in walked a skeleton of a man who walked hunched over."Two-Face". He walked closer to her until he was right by her.

Twoface didn't look up from her food, but leaned her head to the side. "Speak."

"I think...". Eugiene forgot to finish his sentence, he wobbeled and then leant down and crawled under the table. He realised there were other people there and got scare.
Maria stared thinking, what on earth.

Twoface just shrugged and continued eating, handing him down a plate of food after a bit.

Collin and Teddy stared at Twoface, the Guardian, and finally the foot of the manthey could see underneaththe table.

Eugiene took the food and began to eat it from under the table quite happily, he could be heard shifting every now and then.
Maria drank some of her water and ate a little bit more."This is wonderfull".

Bobby replied happily. "OH, yes it is! This food is the best!" He finished off his chicken leg and started on another plate of spaghetti.

Adrian lookedat him. "For a gay boy you sure do eat like a straight one."

Bobby looked at him, with spaghetti half way in. "What is that suppoised to mean?" He slirped up the apsghetti.

Adrian put a hand on his forehead. "Point."

Bobby would have felt a sudden tug on his leg, Eugiene had crawled over to him and held up his skeletol hand."Water...please". Was all he said, his entire body covered in a blanket, one eye visible.

Collin snickered and muched on some meat, sipping his own drink.

Teddy played with his food. He was a vegitarian, and there were no meat-less food at the table.

Bobby looked at him woith the same scrunched up face. "Sure, gramps.." He handed him an empty glass and a pitcher of water. He looked at the woman obviously heading the operation."Who are you anyway? I never knew anyone still lived in this old place."

"Factual error". Was all Eugiene said as he slumped back under the table.

A blade pinned Bobby's sleeve to the table. "He is not old." Twoface crooned in his ear, leaning close to him, hand on the blade handle. "Now apologize, or you'll make him cry."

Collin held his breath. she was fast.

Suddenly Bobby was pinned against his chair and a knife through his sleeve. He gasped, "That was chafon!!"

Eugiene started giggling under the table."ZOOM". He gave Two Face a wonderful sound effect to go with her speed.
"Just apologise Bobby". Maria was a little scared Two Face might just slice him up here and now.

Twoface took out another dagger and pressed it into the other sleeve, pinning his other arm. "Apologize."

He narrowed his eyes at Twoface. "Sorry! Now you have to buy me a new 250 dollar chafon shirt!!"

Guardian came over to Bobby and slapped his face. "Do not raise your voice!" He patted Twoface's shoulder. 'I think he has learned his lesson." He fixed his venomous eyes on Bobby and his face went blank.

Maria blinked as Bobby was slapped, she turned to the Gaurdian."He's dont know how sorry". She bowed her head and clapped her hands together.

Twoface shot a dark look at Guardian. "We do not hit guests, Guardian." She turned and walked back to her seat. she picked up her fork and resumed eating as if nothing had happened.

Teddy got up and ran from the room, his face white. Collin followed after, stammering an excuse. "Be... back.. in moments.."

The door to the room opened before Teddy or Collin could get out, Mikhail stood in the door way, dressed in a black suit, carrying a tray with more drinks on it."Please remain seated". he said in an emotionless manner.

Collin skidded to a stop, but not before crashing into TEddy. They fell into Mikhail, and he didn't budge. Colln's eyes got big, and he backed away from him, pulling Teddy with him.

Twoface smiled. "Ahh... Mikhail, dearest. Thank you for serving the drinks."

"Of course Miss". Mikhail walked in with the other drinks, placing them on the table slowly in turn, his movements mechanicle.

Bobby rubbed his cheek slumped over in his chair, solemnly biting at another chicken leg.

Guardian took his place beside twoface.

Then Adrian spoke up. "Uhhhmm, Mistress??"

Twoface shot her eyes over to Adrian. "Yes, Adrian?"

"Well," He took a sip of his water. "As much as we allll enjoy your food, we did not come here for such." He shifted his glasses up. "We came here regarding a disappearance of my father's friend from 30 years ago. Fredrick Tate."

Bobby nodded his compliance.

Twoface chewed thoughtfully. "How long ago was this.. Fredrick... supposedly have disapeared?"

"30 years ago.. No one knows exactly when anymore." He shifted his glasses again. "He was a good friend of my father's, also fellow scientist. In which there research was if you can give a peson supernatural abilities. I was their first success. Then he disappeared. But my father died many years ago and he wanted me to find Fredrick and I to continue their research. I did continue the research on these teenagers. You see, I now run an orphanage and these guys volunteered to let me do my experiments."

Twoface studied Adrian, her face emotionless. She finally swallowed and whispered something to Eugiene. "Make sure Adrian and atleast one brat makes it through the Labrynth. He would make a welcome addition to your lab crew with his research." she straightened and stood up, nodding at Guardian. "I did see him. I'll tell you more tomorrow." She smirked and stopped to speak quietly to Guardian.

Collin whispered to TEddy, and Teddy shimmered out of site, sneaking over to Twoface and guardian. He only caught 'release Tyran at about one o'clock.'

Guardian nodded and placed his hands behind his back and grasped them both. "I have been instructed to prepare rooms. You will know which is yours. go when you're ready." He said and walked off, with a different action in mind.

"Tomorrow? Rooms? This wasn't in our plan." He stood, and looked at the others who were pretty much finished eating.

Bobbylooked over his tall glass of rootbeer that that strange man had brought in. "Fine by me." He said into his glass still against his lips.

Teddy and Collin wriggled, and were finally released. collin brished himself off. "We might as well. It's pitch black out there." Teddy nodded. "We are going to find out rooms." he said, nudging Collin out the door. "You guys comming?"

Adrian pushed his chair back and stepped around it. "Then we'll stay the night. We probably couldn't find our way through the forest this late anyway." He reasoned. "Thank you for your hospitality -- What is your name?"

Bobby jumped up and zoomed passed collin and teddy. "I CALL THE BEST ROOM!"

Guardian had prepared the rooms in no time and was now in the labrynth making sure Tyran was nice and angry. More importantly hungry...

Twoface smiled. "Just call me mistress of Twoface." Seh left andhurried up the stairs, which shimmered and became invisible after she touched that step.

Teddy's jaw dropped. "Whoa..." Collin ignored it and pulled Teddy to the other staircase, cautiously walking up it.

Twoface watched the boys and decided to room them together, but give the others seperate rooms. It was always more fun with a couple involved.

Bobby skidded to a halt when he saw the largest room he had ever seen. "Whoah!" he entered the room. "This room SO reminds me of Belles room in beauty and the beast when she lived with him in the castle." He giggled. "I am so gay." He flopped down on the large canopy bed with shiny golden sheets. His long neon hair splayed out on the pillow. He sighed. "I could get used to this!"

Adrian nodded. "Twoface..." he murmered then looked at Maria still sitting at the table. "Come on Maria, you're getting a room right next to mine. I dont trust this place."

Collin scuffed his shoe on teh carpet of the hall and leaned against he wall, watching Teddy. "Ehm.. TEddy... You want te share a room?" She blushed lightly, but didn't drop his gaze.

Teddy walked over to him and pressed a kiss on Collin's lips. "I thought you'd never ask." he said, pushing apiece of hair out of his eyes. Collin Grinned and Teddy found a room with a huge bed. "Ohhh... very victorian gothic... very.. steam punk." collin looked at the room, then pushed Teddy into teh room, slamming the door behind them.

simotaniously, all four door's locks clicked shut silently.

BACK TO: Twoface Manor
OVER TO: Two Face

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