Page name: Chapter Twenty Four of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-19 20:50:45
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Chapter Twenty Four

Stu was shocked and extremely angered at the same time. Forgetting the girl on the floor, he ran over to where Acirfa was. When she saw him approach, she became frightened and started walking away briskly. He ran a bit faster: she picked up her pace. He ran even faster: she picked up ever more pace. He finally broke into a huge sprint that helped him reach her.
“How could you just stand there like that?” He asked. She stared, not answering. “Well? Tell me, how could you? She's your sister you should---
“So what if she's my sister?” She suddenly said. “Has she ever done anything for me?”
“Has she?”
The girl froze: everything froze except for Stu. The surroundings began to loose all color. Two black tears stained her face. He looked up to see a rain cloud form above the two of them. It floated above Acirfa, poring down rain on her. She didn't seem to mind let alone notice. Soon, you could barely see her at all yet you could see something. He leaned closer to see something a playing. He saw Acirfa and her two sisters but something was different: they were all children. It was a memory, playing like a movie. 
They were all in the garden, playing tag. Acirfa ran from her Japan Napaj who was “it.” She was giggling happily until she tripped on a rock. She fell flat on her face. She got up but began to bawl noisily. Her two sisters ran quickly to the scene where their sister had fallen. She held her knee, showing that it had been scrapped. Tpyge gets down on all fours: she crawls over to her crying sibling and kisses the wound. Napja also joined the two with a long leaf she grabbed. She also kissed the cut then wrapped it with the leaf.
“That will stop the bleeding.” She said sweetly.
The crying ceased and there was sweet silence at last. Stu smiled at this memory but he soon realized that it was fading away. The rain had returned but it was slowly dying. When it stopped, Acifra snapped too.
“You saw that didn't you?” She asked him. Stu nodded. “It was so long ago! They wouldn't dare help me now! Not even in my greatest time of need!”
“And you know all of this how?” He asked her. She opened her mouth to argue but she stopped. “You have no reason do you?”
She sighed sadly, shaking her head. She looked back at Tpyge, curled up in ball, weeping inaudibly. 
“Slave girl!” Glenn's harsh voice cut off her thinking. “Come here!”
Tpyge sniffed up her last few tears and shakily went to face Glenn once more. Stu watched her leave, then back at Acifra. She was motionless and quite: was she going to watch her sister suffer once more?
“Hold this,” She suddenly thrust the bundle of clothes she had held into Stu. “I'll be right back.”
She marched bravely out towards the garden. Forgetting her command, Stu dropped the clothes and ran to watch the battle.

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2004-06-03 [mywolfalways]: I enjoyed the rain cloud and the flashback. There was tense conflict throughout the flashback paragraph. There was present tense mixed in with the past tense.

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