Page name: Chapter Twenty One of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 20:29:28
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Chapter Twenty One

It was queer, odd, random thought: Glenn had somehow disappeared after that tall girl had appeared. Marigold kept the thought to herself right now. Still it was another strange thing that had happened since Stu had been hit. She cringed at the memory of his body in the middle of the road. His breathing slow, his eyes drooping until he finally closed them. She tried to shake the vision away from her mind but it seemed hard. She just couldn't loose Stu: not now. The two of them were holding a secret. It wasn't a bad one, it was a good one but they hadn't told anyone yet. If he died, she wasn't going to be able to go on without him. This was her time of need: she needed him.
She felt two arms warmly embrace her. She looked up to see two smiling faces: one a boy, the other a girl whom both looked extremely alike.
“I'm Cory.” the boy said.
“And I'm Carrie.” the girl said. “Tell us, what are you----”
“Going to name your baby?” Cory finshed her sentence.
Marigold froze: they knew her secret. It had only been between her and Stu until now. Had Stu told them? No, he was too trustworthy. It wasn't them: these children knew a lot about Stu than she did. They were beyond special. 
“Don't worry,” Carrie squeezed her hand. “We won't tell a single soul!”

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2004-06-03 [mywolfalways]: Cute and sweet; that’s about it.

2004-06-05 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks, that was what I was going for. I might add this to another chapter though.

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