Page name: Chapter Twenty Six of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-30 17:16:03
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Chapter Twenty Six

Glenn reappeared suddenly. Cory and Carrie smiled mysteriously at each other. Glenn stared at all of them: each one smiling the same strange smile. He huffed and sat down. What trickery did these children play on him? He sniffed: if these were his children he would set them straight just like he done with Stu. He imaged Stu as a version as himself.
The door opened one lat time letting in the last student who had green rose in his hand. He was a rounded boy with a cheerful face and black hair. His eyes were a bright green. He sat down with his other classmates.
“This is it.” Stacey Sue said.
“The final test,” Johji added. “Do you think he'll pass?”
“He's gotten this far hasn't he?” Asked Cleo.
Who where they talking about, Glenn asked himself. Not Stu: he was in room 116, surely dying. The thought of his step son dying nearly sadden him but not much. He always thought Stu was a living breathing image of himself. He smiled at reflecting on his methods on how he raised children: no useless frolic, no futile reading such as comics, no mindless TV and especially no imaginary friends. But still who were these children talking about? 
He wasn't sure of anything anymore. The things that had happened to him in the past hour confused him so. He felt as if he had left the hospital yet he didn't at all. There was something strange about Stu's pupils: he was sure they were all into witchcraft of some sort. 
“Witchcraft?” Cory asked suddenly. “Who came up with such a notion?”
He turned to see every student staring at him: he turned quickly, his heart beating. Gaining his strength, he turned back to the children. “What ever trickery you plan to play on me it will not work! Glenn Saldivar shall never fall to witchcraft! Not know, not ever!”
Proud with himself, Glenn half excepted the kids to cower in fear. To his complete surprise, they all starting laughing uncontrollably
“What a funny man!” Laughed the newest student.
“Witches! Spawns of the devil!” Stu yelled, pointing an accusing finger. “I swear you are Satan's offspring! I swear.”
He stopped for a moment: he realized he was attracting a lot of attention to himself. All the doctors' eyes were on him, thinking he might be going insane. Marigold just stared in confusion while Hector and Myron resumed in their chat.
“I'm not crazy!” He suddenly shouted. “They're evil I tell you! I'm telling you I'm not mad!”
“That's right Mr. Saldivar,” A nearby doctor said. “You just keep telling yourself that.”

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2004-07-07 [mywolfalways]: There are a few typos. Where you have Glenn shouting, you accidently put in Stu's name.

2004-07-07 [mywolfalways]: Even though it is short, I think it was an interesting chapter.

2004-07-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks!

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