Page name: Chapter Twenty Three of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-18 01:37:12
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Chapter Twenty Three

He ducked into a bush of violets when he just remembered something: Glenn couldn't see him! He sighed with relief. Yet he wondered why was Glen considered a special guest. Not wanting too be seen by Tpyge, he crawled through the massive shrubbery. Peeking through the flowers, he got a clear view of his step dad. 
He was laid out on a couch, eating his fill of the food that had been prepared. He was being quite rude to the young girl. He tore apart a chick leg then threw the bone, hitting her square in the head. He gulped down the wine to find he didn't like it. With out thinking of Tpyge, he spit it back out, right on her face. The poor girl looked as if she were about to cry but she held back her tears. 
Stu also held back a urge: an urge assault to his stepfather. He had been holding the urge for so long: he knew one day it would be let out. Sadly, he didn't know when.
“You're dismissed.” Glenn said ungratefully.
She bowed, still trying not to cry. When she entered back into the inn, she let out a piercing wail. The plate fell from her hands, sending bits of food everywhere. She fell to the floor where her cries echoed through out the halls. Her sprit had been crushed by such cruel treatment. Stu sighed: no one ever deserved such treatment. He couldn't bear to look at it any longer so he began to walk away when he noticed something. He turned back to see someone staring at Tpyge: Acirfa.

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2004-06-03 [mywolfalways]: Good point of view; realistic character interaction where in use. This chapter could use a little more description to lengthen it though, IMO.

2004-06-05 [Blaze the Nameless]: IMO?

2004-06-05 [mywolfalways]: In My Opinion. Capitalization to show the letters. ^_^

2004-07-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: Ohhhhhhhhhh!

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