Page name: Chapter Twenty of Violent Vibes [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-05-16 01:41:54
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Chapter Twenty

Stu became more scared than ever before. His heart was racing at an extremely high rate. His brow began to sweat. He stood up in flee but Hero held his hand down, shaking his head in disapproval. Stu looked at him with questioning eyes. Hero stood up and walked over to Glenn. He began waving his arms wildly in front of the old man's face: no reaction. Hero looked at Stu who was amazed. Stu poked Glenn: no reaction. He yelled in his ear: still nothing. Stu felt like he was in paradise. But he looked at Hero who was frowning.
“Soooo you want me to help those people?” He asked the boy. To his surprise, Hero shook his head and pointed to Glenn. “You want HIM to do it?” Stu asked in surprise: the boy nodded.
Stu wanted to laugh loudly: he stopped on doing it. Yet as long as he had known Glenn, he was always remembered as a heartless fool! When Stu had to live with him he-------------
He stopped: he didn't want to return to the past right now. But still he couldn't imagine Glenn caring about anyone except himself. 
He sat down back into the booth but Hero didn't join him. He walked over to a woman whom Stu hadn't noticed before. She was dressed in a black dress while her face was veiled. In her hand she held a chess buzzer. It had Stu's name on one side and Glenn's on the other. The lights dimmed: two spotlights were directed on Glenn and the old man. Glenn noticed the old man so he faced him. The man stuck out his hand, begging for money. Glenn just stared but then turned his face. A loud buzz sounded.
“Glenn 0.” The woman spoke. Her voice was full of sadness. “It is now Stu's turn.”
Stu pointed to himself then slowly got up. He approached the man who looked to see if Stu would give him something. Stu fumbled around in his pockets for some money. He eventually pulled out a five dollar bill and fifty cents.
“It's not much but it will get you a burger or something.” Stu handed the money to the man. He stared at the bill for quite sometime: then he smiled a nearly toothless grin. He began to laugh quietly that rose to a roaring laugh. Light began to burst from his sides until he was just a glowing light. Stu stared at the light until it floated over to the buzzer. A number one appeared under Stu's name.
“Stu 1, Glenn 0.” The veiled woman said. “It is Glenn's turn again.”
This time Glenn had been placed at a booth with steaming food in front of him. In an instant he began to devour it. He didn't notice the starving child standing beside him with her hand opened and her eyes big and wide. He just continued to stuff his face.
“Excuse me sir.” She said so faintly that Stu could hardly hear.
“No tips!” He said greedily.
“I'm hungry sir. Might I have a bite?”
“Over my dead body!” He snapped angrily. “Now be off with you!”
Stu felt anger sure through his veins. If Glenn wasn't his step dad, he would have given the man a well deserved thrashing. Stu transported so quickly that he hardly noticed the greasy, fattening fast food in front of him. It did look good: in fact it looked delectable. He was about to dig in when he heard the little girl's voice, “May I have a bite sir?”
Stu looked at the kid. Her hair was ratty, her face was dirty and she was exceedingly scrawny. But some how despite all those features she was adorable and something deep down within him wanted to give her all the food in the world. Knowing he couldn't do that he just decided to give up his meal: he wasn't as hungry as he thought.
He pushed the hot food in front of her. She sniffed it and then timidly began to eat. After finishing her meal, she smiled: not just any smile, a glowing, bright smile that nearly blinded him. In a whirl of light, she had disappeared and the buzzer sounded once more.
“The score is 2-0. Stu is winning. It is the last turn for both.” The woman said.
Then they were outside the diner. Hobbling on the sidewalk was the lame both with the girl in the wheelchair. Glenn was lazily sitting on a bench, just watching them passed. He yawned: he was bored. Stu was suddenly hit by surprise when he saw Glenn get up. Was he doing what he thought he was? In all of his life, Glenn had cared for only person: he and himself. He drew near the boy until he was in front of the child. He stared for a moment but then in one swift move, he knocked the crutch out from under the boy. He was sent falling, hitting the ground with a loud thud. Blood stained his face and tears filled his big eyes.
Stu wanted to strangle Glenn and he almost did until he felt the strong grip of the veiled lady. “It is still Glenn's turn. Yours will begin shortly.”
Stu's muscles tightened but he soon gave in and gave in to waiting. Glenn resumed his spot on the bench. The boy began to cry loudly: Stu's soul was aching. He looked back to the lady: she shook her head. He sighed: he felt as if he would explode. Glenn yawned again: still no movement! Stu looked pleadingly at the lady.
“Glenn's turn is over.” Her voice sounded.
Stu felt a huge wave of relief sweep past him as he got up. He quickly helped the young boy up and onto the bench. He noticed his step father still sitting there. Remembering Glenn couldn't see or hear him, he threw him down off the bench.
“What?” Glenn looked around wildly. Stu tried to hide his snickering. He then went behind the girl and pushed her chair to the bench. The buzzer sounded once more.
“The trial is over. Stu is victorious.” the lady said.
She gave the buzzer to Hero and walked towards Stu. She bent over and placed a kiss on his cheek. He blushed in an instant. 
“Thank you,” she whispered. “I am the one who looks after those who are disabled, hungry or poor. You are truly a hero among men!”
“Now I can talk again!” Stu heard Hero's voice for the very first time. He rushed toward Stu, embracing him in heart warming hug. “Thank you!”
Stu hugged back until he felt the woman's hand. She removed her veil, exposing her face. Her skin reminded him of cream: her blue eyes sparkled like stars in the night. Her hair was a shinning brown. Her dressed was no longer morbid but bright with color. 
“Thank you.” she whispered again.
Hero quickly joined her by her side. A sudden breeze picked up, making the leaves rustle. The leaves began to dance around the two mystical beings. Soon, it created a whirlwind around them both. When it ceased, they no longer stood there but someone had taken their place: Stacey Sue in a purple jumpsuit with matching antennas. Flapping behind her were lovely butterfly wings of violet.
“Thank you for helping. Listen and learn.”
She lifted her head towards the sky. She started floating up into the blue until she was covered by a purple could, vanishing mysteriously.

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2004-06-02 [mywolfalways]: This was a pretty good chapter. I little more description in the scenery would have been nice. All of the tests that he and Glenn had to do were excellent. I suggest that when it comes Stu's turn with the food that you describe what all was on his plate. I think this would get the reader more involved. Typo: dressed should be dress.

2004-07-18 [Blaze the Nameless]: Thanks! I think I will add more description on whats Stu's plate.

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