Page name: cheese [Logged in view] [RSS]
2006-08-14 02:29:34
Last author: Jewl
Owner: BadCat
# of watchers: 21
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(Logo by the masterful [Gryph])

Nothing to do with cheese! It's just a tax dodge!

The entrance door is low and anyone much taller than a dwarf must stoop to get in. A fire is burning steadily on one wall, and it spreads a warm glow through the rest of the room. In front of the fire a chess set sits on a small table in between a couple of comfortable looking chairs.
There is a raised area that looks like it would be used as a stage (a fine harp is already set upon it welcoming anyone to play), and beside that is a closed door with a sign nailed to it that reads "Bugger Off!"
To the right of the room a half dozen stools are placed in front of a well polished bar. A wide selection of liquors and inebriating brews are visible on the shelved walls behind.
And to the left, tucked away in the shadows of the last corner is a table bordered by heavy wooden bench seats.
All in all it's a rather small room, but cosy and quite inviting. The proprietors, [Stormy] and [BadCat] are terribly proud of their little establishment.

For previous versions of The Cheese Shop, go to Dead_Cheese ....
Blimey, filling up fast here! Dead_Cheese2 for the next drunken episodes.
Dead_Cheese3 to reminisce about Oompa Loompas and Rocky Horror re-enactments, and something about druggy Elmos and eating sharks.
Bloody hell, Dead_Cheese4 for butterflies, "cookeys" (are nice), and bottled brain matter. Next up: Purple mead, cleaning fluid, and way too many "Oh gosh, I just woke up, how did I get here?"s.
Dead_Cheese5 for proof that Rana is evil, homemade tasers and giant thoughtbubbles.

[Arctik] hurls a screwdriver at Willow. "Don't think so loud, ye flamin' adjective! You don't know what you're musing about." The ceiling once again creaks, and a small plume of silvery, sparking dust trickles from an indeterminate location onto the floor. "Oh shit. Does anyone here know anything about fairies?"

"well they're supposed to die if u say u dont believe in them," suggests [dilandau].

"And their little bones get caught in your mouth," BC adds helpfully.

"And you can pick them up by the arms or legs and pull their wings off," Willow puts in with a devilish grin.

"Yes." Jewl answers from her spot on an unusually ugly purple and lime green cushion which she had been slowly tearing apart, thread by thread. "I know a bit. Why, pixie problems? You know it must have been the sparkly Furbies with the orange bald spots that made this cushion. I mean, come on, everyone knows you don't use Mauve thread in a cross-haired stitch. You use Grey-Pink LAVENDER thread."

Willow raises an incredulous eyebrow at Jewl's statement. "What's the world coming to these days?" she wonders, shaking her head. "You can't trust anyone to do anything right anymore. Nobody knows what the hell they're doing. Tsk."

For lack of anything better to do, Willow spontaneously combusts.

BC wakes up after centuries of slumber. "Ooowah. I feel like Sleeping," she muffles a yawn, "Beauty. My feet are numb, and my mouth tastes like moth balls. It itty bitty type." She stumbles over to the bar and scoops up some stale peanuts from the floor, stuffing them into her mouth. "Mmm, chewy. Who's up for a birthday?"

Willow, having decided to celebrate Halloween not only with sweets and, well, more sweets, but also with a trip to Elftown, stretches her cramped and charred limbs. "Eh, I just had one." She goes to brush a bit of burnt flesh off of her shoulder, and her entire arm collapses into a heap of ash. Her brow furrows curiously. "Well that can't be good."

"Here, have some stickytape. Stickytape will make it better," BC mumbles, handing over a small guinea pig. "If you put cheese with it, it will be even better. Kind of like capsicum sultanas." She dances a quick little jig to prove her point.

"i thought you guys didnt sell cheese," says [dilandau]. 

"We don't sell it, but we sure as hell eat a lot of it." BC jerks up the leg of her pants to reveal a pale oozing substance on her right shin. "Look! Part of me has turned to brie!" She dips a finger into the goop and slurps it off happily. "Absolutely divine. Anyone wanna taste of cat-brie?"

"Cat-brie? No thanks, I think Jewl-Gouda is better, but unfortunately I have none at the moment..." Jewl says, a small sprinkle of dust coming from the ceiling, where she had been tossed after Willow's explosion.

"just.....ew," [dilandau] says before running to the back to throw up.

"what's this I hear about Cat-Brie?" asks [fungi] curiously as he enters [BadCat]'s and [Stormy]'s fine establishment. I am the famed cheese conosouier, [fungi] (pardon the pun). does anyone want to try my mishcotta?

"I hate cheese," Willow says abruptly, nabbing the guinea pig from BC. She pockets it, just in case she finds a need for it in the future. "I think I'll call him Butter."

[LustForLike] orders pizza - with cheese: and all without making a sound. He gets the impression the person he ordered from was somewhat confused, but puts it down to them not being a pizza delivery company, rather than to his silent ordering; and so he has no reason to suspect his order will not arrive promptly. And with cheese.

Willow, having been resurrected from the dead for the evening for the occasion of possible pizza-eating, wanders around a little bit dazedly and pretends to be a martini.

[Jewl] immediately spots the Willtini, and leaps to the guzzle--- err, I mean, rescue, leaps to the rescue.

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2003-04-03 [SsrVoice]: lol don't worry badcat I don't have the energy. ..its all directed somewhere else at the time

2003-04-03 [dilandau]: u could make it a members only amusement park. that way u can choose who gets in. hehe

2003-04-03 [SsrVoice]: lol there will be a special part for just friends

2003-04-03 [dilandau]: hehe

2003-04-07 [Aristotle]: Whoo! Page version 900! I wonder if any other wiki can beat that...

2003-04-07 [LustForLike]: word by a considerable margin, and that's without even trying to look very hard ;)

2003-04-07 [BadCat]: Apart from word game wikis... the main street Tavern (last I checked) had a bit over a thousand...

2003-04-07 [Aristotle]: Well, we'll have to work harder, then! Come on, ya slackers, write! (That word game crap was the worst thing I've ever seen. And it can't really count. There's no effort in just writing a word)

2003-04-08 [LustForLike]: If there's no effort in just writing a word, then it takes no effort to write anything, no matter how many words it has. Therefore, the entire Cheese shop took no effort, and is just a waste of space.

2003-04-08 [dilandau]: no he said theres not effort in just writing a word. in other words as long as there is more than one there is an effort.

2003-04-08 [Surt]: int dilandau_is_right = (n * 0 != 0);

2003-04-08 [SsrVoice]: nu uh! Suzanne is always right! . . . . . wouldn't you agree dilandau??

2003-04-08 [LustForLike]: somebody's been coding too much...

2003-04-08 [Surt]: That previous statment assigns an allways false condition to the variable dilandau_is_right. Therefore dilandau_is_right is wrong.

2003-04-08 [BadCat]: Surtur... you're a strange one! I've noticed you've made changes to the wiki, but you've never really made yourself known... come on in, join the absurdity. It's stress relieving. Honest.

2003-04-08 [Surt]: I am not here. I do not exist. I am a figment of your collective imaginations.

2003-04-08 [BadCat]: Oh, well that's all right then!

2003-04-08 [SsrVoice]: right it's wrong it works, and u are too here I can see you. . .look! there you are -------><img:>

2003-04-08 [BadCat]: Mmm, mm! Kinky kitty!

2003-04-08 [Surt]: That's not me, that's my non-nonexistant (otherwise) identical twin.

2003-04-08 [LustForLike]: That's just creepy... *looks for the cricket that is still somewhere in the room*

2003-04-08 [SsrVoice]: oh ..right bad...-_^

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Bad Queenie! Bad!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: eh. ..biteme. .............

2003-04-11 [Surt]: No! You taste icky.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: *sniffle* well. . .*sniffle*. . .you didn't have to be *sniffle* ...mean about it. . ...-_-

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Sorry, Queenie. But the truth's the truth. No two ways about it.

2003-04-11 [LustForLike]: don't worry... chocolate sauce can fix any taste problem! Or vegemite, if you're particularly strange.

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Vegemite doesn't work on raw meat. It is good added to a meat soup though.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: I don't taste bad, not bad at all, in fact I'm quite delectable . . . ..I'm just too rich for your taste. . .:P

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Yes, I do prefer peasants. The lowliest of street urchins, slow-roasated over hot coals, with the lightest sprinkling of everglades seasoning. Truly heavenly!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: mmmmmmmm. . .... .invite me to your next bbq, I could really go for some slow roasted poeple and everglades seasoning. .yummy

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Not just any people, urchins! The grubby little things pickup all sorts of interesting flavours from the streets.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: mmmm streets

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Some even hunt in the sewers. Such intricacies for the palette to savour!

2003-04-11 [LustForLike]: So long as you have chocolate sauce, count me in too!

2003-04-11 [Surt]: No need for that. These urchins are self-saucing!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: mmm sauce. . .. bring that chocolate sauce anyhoo there maybe other uses for it. . . . .no. . not like that

2003-04-11 [Surt]: But how well will chocoloate sauce and everglades seasoning go together?

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: chocolate sauce I drink straight from the bottle....chocolate is good..

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Yes, yes Queenie. But what about when it's mixed with everglades seasoning?

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: hmmm. . ...that might be good. . . . .but I'm not so sure. .

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Well then test it and if you survive you can tell me if it works.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: yeah ok. .. . right away

2003-04-11 [Surt]: If EGS is so good why does it have such a crappy 1994-esqe website? Huh? You're probably just an MSG junkie!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: you weirdo

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Not much point telling me what I already know now is there. So, what's the verdict?

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: its nasty in a good way

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Yummy-nasty. Then so be it. Slow roasted urchins with everglades seasoning and chocolate sauce.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: yummmmm

2003-04-11 [Surt]: So we have the main part of the meal and the condiments. What about side dishes? How about sea urchin chowder to go with the street urchin?

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: mmm yum....and a side if fries with that

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Fries! Yueargh! You have some sicko tastes girly!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: be happy they aren't surtur fries boi

2003-04-11 [Surt]: Mmmm. Masochistic cannibalism. I like!

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: hehehehe as do I, as do I.....

2003-04-11 [Surt]: *starts gnawing on left forearm* Pass the everglades seasoning will you, girly.

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: ok but only if you plan to share that. . .

2003-04-11 [Surt]: This ones mine, but I suppose you can have the other wing and we'll have a drumstick each. Sound fair?

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: yeah that sounds fair *passes him the seasoning*

2003-04-11 [Surt]: *sprinkles the seasoning all over self and gets back to work gnawing the left "wing"* Nice. That MSG really hit's the spot. *gobbets of [Surtur] fly from his mouth from him speaking with his mouth full and splat [SsrVoice] in the face* Oh sorry, Queenie. *sprays yet more gobbets*

2003-04-11 [SsrVoice]: * pulls out her knife and spork * thats ok, I prefer a more civilized form in cannibalistic dinning, now be a dear and pass me your leg there. .. 

2003-04-11 [dilandau]: can i have saji's breast?

2003-04-11 [Gryph]: no. you can't have any of her. i think you need to fucking wake up to yourself dilandau. get over your stupid little crush and move on with your pathetic life.

2003-04-11 [dilandau]: y does everyone seem to take everything i say in here seriously?

2003-04-11 [Gryph]: perhaps it makes it easier for us to dislike you?

2003-04-11 [dilandau]: y do u insist on disliking me? ive very likable if u give me a chance

2003-04-12 [Gryph]: the thing is, your not likable.. your delusional. you show little maturity for someone who claims to be 20 years of age.. grow up!

2003-04-12 [dilandau]: obviously uve never been to america. compared to all the other 20 year olds, i act like a 30 yr old.

2003-04-12 [BadCat]: Children! Children! No fighting in the house! If you MUST be so uncouth, do it elsewhere! *titters like those guys from that movie.. what was it? oh nevermind, I think the main point has gotten across - except, no, it hasn't, because there never really WAS a main point, or even a minor point....*

2003-04-12 [dilandau]: but gryph started it  *crys like a baby*

2003-04-12 [BadCat]: Am I going to have to spank you both?

2003-04-12 [dilandau]: promises, promises

2003-04-13 [BadCat]: When I spank naughty boys, I always wear spiked gloves. You won't be sitting pretty for months, pet. *chuckles darkly, with a bloodlust glint in her eyes*

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: u mean i sit pretty now? man u really do learn something new every day

2003-04-13 [BadCat]: turn of phrase, my dear boy. Turn of phrase.

2003-04-13 [SsrVoice]: nah you never sat pretty. . . . .surtur did tho he sat real pretty in a real pretty dress. . . don't ask. . . .he he he

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: dress? what happened to the pink undies?

2003-04-13 [SsrVoice]: I said don't ask damnit!!! geeeeeze ur thick. . . .

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: sorry it was a reflex

2003-04-13 [Gryph]: now do you get what i'm talking about?

2003-04-13 [Stormy]: No one ever gets what you're talking about, Bro.

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: honestly i am mature. i just act immature with my friends and pple that dont know me. like u guys

2003-04-13 [BadCat]: ....right.... And what's more, that makes a WHOLE lot of sense...

2003-04-13 [Stormy]: Who cares... why do people have to be mature for every second of there lives?

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: yeah its not as fun if ur the same all the time

2003-04-13 [SsrVoice]: I get you perfectly Gryph, and dude dil you do realize that if you only act immature around friends and people you don't know that that covers pretty much. . . everyone. . .

2003-04-13 [Stormy]: It doesn't cover imaginary people... or Oopa Loompas. Well, it doesn't!

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: well theres the pple i know that arent my friends, like my teachers, coworkers, boss....etc.

2003-04-13 [Gryph]: me..

2003-04-13 [dilandau]: and parents, siblings, cousins, the list goes on and on.

2003-04-13 [SsrVoice]: . . . . . . say. . . . hows the weather over there Stormy?

2003-04-14 [Stormy]: Wha? Oh, it's nice... umm... why? Not planning a visit are we? :) Hey we're past page 1000! We should have a party!!!

2003-04-14 [dilandau]: what kinda party? this place is already kinda like a party

2003-04-14 [BadCat]: No, no, we should invade an island for a month, and party on there. Yup yup. Haha, natives. Oh, nevermind me.

2003-04-14 [SsrVoice]: invade the bahamas bahamas are fun yupyup

2003-04-16 [BadCat]: Ha, I'm out for you NOW, Surtur...

2003-04-16 [Surt]: Yipes!

2003-04-16 [BadCat]: Bastard, you got me. I'm mortally afraid of vomit!

2003-04-16 [Surt]: Huzzar! Now I have a lever to manipulate you to my will!

2003-04-16 [BadCat]: O wonderful, you can just throw up on me, whenever you so please! Fan-bloody-tastic (heehee! A tmesis! Again! yay!)

2003-04-16 [Surt]: Nay, I need not perform the act. The mere threat of such shall have you subservient.

2003-04-27 [Aristotle]: Hey Stormy! I think you made Version 1111! Hooray!

2003-04-30 [dilandau]: see! surtur thought it was flirty too!

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: one more word dil and I'm getting my base ball bat you crack whore

2003-05-01 [dilandau]: it wouldnt happen to be a nerf bat would it?

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: not unless nerf=metal in dil language . . .

2003-05-01 [dilandau]: well at least metal bats are hollow

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: yes but that doesn't make them any less metal

2003-05-01 [dilandau]: the metal wouldnt happen to be tin would it?

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: no its steel

2003-05-01 [dilandau]: and how hard would u be swinging?

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: I'd break ur head there'd be brain and blood splatter and they'd try to get me with 20 to life but I'd get off with nothing because I know all there is about forensic science and planning and commiting a murder would be easy as pie for me so don't f*ck with me, I'm already in a bad mood, now shut up

2003-05-01 [dilandau]: ok saji calm down. u know i dont mean any of this. im sorry

2003-05-01 [SsrVoice]: don't tell me to calm down just shut the hell up

2003-05-10 [Gryph]: actually.. there is atleast one rabbit who has carnivorous thoughts

2003-05-10 [BadCat]: The Rabbit of Caerr Bannog! (or however you spell it...)

2003-05-18 [SsrVoice]: Thats not how I remember it at all. . .as I remember it, it went something more like this. . . . .

2003-05-22 [Stormy]: *sigh*

2003-05-22 [BadCat]: Yeah, I agree. But, as they say, fireworks always make it better

2003-05-22 [Stormy]: and so much prettier

2003-05-22 [SsrVoice]: *smiles and nods her head*

2003-07-30 [Jewl]: no comment....

2003-08-06 [SsrVoice]: *dances*

2003-08-07 [dilandau]: *wonders what kind of dance it is*

2003-08-08 [SsrVoice]: oh, it's a bunny hop

2003-08-11 [dilandau]: yay!

2003-09-14 [BadCat]: I'ts just a bunny hop to the right, and one to the le-eeft! You put your hands on your big ole hips, and tape your knees together! But it's the cranium drill, that really drives you insayayayane! Let's do the whole damn thing again

2003-09-14 [BadCat]: I'ts just a bunny hop to the right, and one to the le-eeft! You put your hands on your big ole hips, and tape your knees together tight! But it's the cranium drill, that really drives you insayayayane! Let's do the whole damn thing again!

2003-09-15 [dilandau]: dont make me want to watch rocky horror picture show. my tape is messed up and i havent baught a new one yet.

2003-09-15 [SsrVoice]: aww man now I want to watch it. . ..damnit

2003-09-15 [BadCat]: Janet. (get it? Dammit, janet? Gawd, I'm funny! Haha! *wipes a tear from her eye*)

2003-09-16 [Stormy]: *blinks* Oh gosh... I'm alive!!! Haha! I'm ALIVE!!! And I'll be back here very soon.

2003-09-16 [BadCat]: Good! We missed you so... *wipes another tear from her eye* I seem to have a problem with my tear ducts at the moment, excuse me.

2003-09-16 [dilandau]: if you stop drinking liquids and u wont cry anymore

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: If I cut out my eyes I won't cry anymore... but I'll probably bleed and scream a lot...

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Why, you say that like it's a bad thing!

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: *throws an eyeball or three at GitFace*

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Keeping an eye on me huh?

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: Oooh, nice bad joke! (I should know, I'm something of a connoisseur when it comes to bad jokes, she says airily).

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Yes, well, I do my best. Good jokes are highly overrated.

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: I'd prefer to be eaten alive by diarrhetic killer rabbits than agree with you, Git-Face, but you've got a point. Anyway.... are you coming back into the Cheese Shop, or just utilising it's delightful comment facilities to irritate me? Yes, it's all about me. Gosh, I'm wonderful.

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Damn, that almost sounded like an invitation! Well, who am I to argue with another way to irritate you?

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: You're LustForLike to argue with another way to irriate me. Geez... your memory is worse than mine!

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: It is? How bad is my memory?

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: I mean, I forget my age and gender sometimes, but not my name. Nope, I always know my name. Uh-huh. (I have it tattooed on my hand for easy reference).

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Right... LustForLike... I've got it now. I think. Besides, my memory can't be as bad as yours, I never forget my age or gender. At least not both at once.

2003-09-17 [BadCat]: Not gender and age both at once, eh? Yeh know... I have just had a sudden desire to see you in drag. I don't suppose you'd accomodate that, would you...? For me and my personal amusement? *flutters her eyelashes as though she twere tryin' ta put out a fire with 'em*

2003-09-17 [LustForLike]: Oh yeah, like I'd show you those pictures.

2003-09-17 [dilandau]: talking about drag just makes me want to see rocky horror picture show more.

2003-09-17 [SsrVoice]: lmao now that was good dill

2003-10-03 [BadCat]: Okay, I'm at it again! Who's watchin' this page? There's ten of you weird beggards... fess up! I'm one, Stormy's two... who are the rest of you 8 wackos?

2003-10-04 [Jewl]: me

2003-10-04 [LustForLike]: me too!

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: Down to 6... come on, people! I DETEST not knowing... *twitches*

2003-10-05 [LustForLike]: What do you mean, down to 6? It's down to 5.

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: Wha...? No! There were TEN watchers just before! Some freak pulled out! Tzaid, why do they keep doin' it to me?

2003-10-05 [LustForLike]: What do you mean, there were ten watchers before? There are still ten watchers. What the hell are you going on about, BadCat?

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: Ha! I had a dream about you, Git-Face! Now, THAT'S scary... Stormy was there too, and some of her cousins, I think... we were all in this odd virtual reality type thing, which was good because you're head accidently fell off. I went and put it in the oven to heat it up a bit, because then we'd be able to re-attach it... but I forgot about it for a while and you ended up with this charred crumbling mess down one side of your face (I think it was too close to a heating rod or something... iunno). A bit after that (and rescuing the half-human peasants from this scary dude while trying to make sure our power cords didn't come unplugged) we all managed to get you a new head. Happy ending.

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: YOU BASTARD! Twas you, you freakin' bitch! I'm gonna put your head in the oven again!

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: YOU BASTARD! Twas you, you freakin' bitch! I'm gonna put your head in the oven again!

2003-10-05 [LustForLike]: Yay!

2003-10-05 [LustForLike]: *cracks up laughing* you're too easy, BadCat

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: I hate you.

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: I really, really hate you.

2003-10-05 [LustForLike]: *grins* aww,that's so sweet!

2003-10-05 [dilandau]: im watching this place.

2003-10-05 [BadCat]: Well, it's back to nine watchers, so we're up to four. And I still hate you, Gitface.

2003-10-06 [LustForLike]: I don't believe you, even I can hate better than that.

2003-10-06 [BadCat]: *kicks a rotten pineapple at the stupid git*

2003-10-07 [LustForLike]: Ooo pineaple! Aww, it's all rotten... hey, I take it you weren't calling someone who just outwitted you stupid. That would be... erm... self-defeating ;)

2003-10-07 [dilandau]: if its rotten wouldnt the little spikes on them be too little to hurt him?

2003-10-07 [LustForLike]: Probably... on the bright side, if it was rotten enough, it would just splatter upon being kicked. I'm sure BadCat in all her wisdom thought of that though, and only kicked a semi-rotten one.

2003-10-07 [BadCat]: *lurks, glaring at the Enemy*

2003-10-11 [Arctik]: Ve haff crushed ze enemy! We're even now... heh heh heh

2003-10-12 [BadCat]: Aww! That was so sweet of you! *sniggers*

2003-11-05 [Rana]: Bops everyone on the head and dissapears.

2003-11-05 [BadCat]: LustForLike = LFL = Ladylike Flying Lobster

2003-11-05 [BadCat]: I'm beating you, by the way, GitFace. I've got more words than you! Nya nya nya!

2003-11-09 [LustForLike]: Not anymore, by the way. Keep up.

2003-11-09 [Jewl]: lol. you ppl are really weird...

2003-11-10 [Stormy]: BC, LFL, I'm beating BOTH of you!!! Mwahahahaha! (sorry... don't mean to gloat)

2003-11-10 [LustForLike]: Yeah, well, I'm catching up on you too! Sort of. Maybe.

2003-11-10 [BadCat]: I'll beat you in the end, LFL. Never fear.

2003-11-10 [BadCat]: I need my "I Can't Believe It's Not Vodka"...

2003-11-16 [Rana]: YAY FOR LADYLIKE FLYING LOBSTERS!!!!!!!!

2003-11-22 [Rana]: cheese is cool

2003-12-03 [BadCat]: Stormy, get your purplish butt in here! I need some vodka, already!

2003-12-03 [BadCat]: Unalcoholic... unalcoholic... that's not a word, is it? It doesn't sound like a word... but then, neither does alfalfa...

2003-12-03 [LustForLike]: No, it's not a word. But then, neither is manouver, so why start paying attention to pesky things like spelling and language now?

2003-12-03 [BadCat]: What? How did I spell it? Aww... bugger.... Serves me right for being tired.

2003-12-03 [dilandau]: the word should be nonalcoholic

2003-12-06 [Rana]: Rana must be a curse. The elvish police show up here just cuz she came.

2003-12-06 [Jewl]: mmmm...

2003-12-09 [Arctik]: I think we should kill her... eh? Oh, um...

2003-12-09 [BadCat]: And eat her brains?

2003-12-10 [Arctik]: Yes, and eat her brains...     Of course not! I'd never eat a stinky Elf brain! Or a normal smelling one, either!

2003-12-13 [Rana]: Don't eat my character! *Hides Rana and huggles her tightly and snuggly*

2003-12-13 [BadCat]: *pulls out a knife and knife* Bring on the brains!! Arc, you eat whatever parts you're not so picky about.

2003-12-17 [Rana]: Er. . .er. . .stop it or I will make Rana dissapear all the alcohol again!

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