Page name: colosseum [Logged in view] [RSS]
2004-02-09 14:29:05
Last author: test_drive
Owner: test_drive
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Within Rome, you have decided to come visit the...


As you enter, you see the post with the Colosseum activities
    The Colosseum is always busy, crowded with slaves, slave traders, aristocrats, senators, other politicians, and just regular everyday people. It smells of filth from the prisoners and slaves and the blood of the fresh show that has just been going on, but you are lost in the excitement of the Colosseum to notice it. You hear the roaring cheers of the crowds and the mighty cries of the gladiators...

Tai weaved his way through the thick crowds, the occasional beggar tugging roughly at his clothes, hoping for the coin he usually gave to them. But despite all of this, only one thought raged through his mind: 'I must warn Caesar of Rave's plans. But more importantly, I must find an ally, one who will assist me in my quest-Rome is too big for only I to search for Rave.' He scoped out the crowd one last time, than took a seat, hoping whoever he was looking for would eventrually pass by.
Bellona, disguised as a human sits in the rowdy crowd of the Colosseum.
"BEHIND YOU! BEHIND YOU! OHHHHHHH HIT 'EM BACK! GET EM BACK!!!! YOU LOUSY BAST-" she indulges herself in some dormice she had bought.

Voluptas appears beside Bellona. "Enjoying yourself, Bellona?" She turns to watch two mortals killing each other.

Bellona gulps down a few more mice, "Yeah, Why are you here?" then she sees one of the mortals fall. "GET 'EM! GET 'EM!"

"I'm just restless." Voluptas watches as one mortal drives a sword through the other's head. "Hmm. Do you know what's about to happen? There's a rebellion comming soon!"

"Rebellion?" Bellona asked excited.

"Yes! Rebellion! It's going to be good fun to watch these stupid mortals kill each other." Voluptas looks around menacingly. "Shall we have some fun?"

Lucifer appears as a handsome man behind Bellona and Voluptas. "Now now, ladies. Wouldn't want to stir up trouble. But, I'm sure you would want to, wouldn't you?"

"YES!" Bellona grins wickedly. She slaps the seat next to her, "Want a seat?"

Discordia appears in front of the group. Seeing Lucifer, such a higher god she hesitates a moment but makes up her mind to continue, "Now now, I believe I am the goddess of stirring things up am I not? What's going on that needs a little trouble?"

Lucifer laughs and jumps down next to Bellona, "Everything needs stirring up now and then...Hey Ms. Goddess of pleasure...I know something quite funny you could do to a few mortals..."

"Funny things to do to mortals? Oh fun!" Bellona says. "Hey get out of the way Discordia," she adds as she trys to view the bloody arena.

Discordia quickly stepped out of the way, noticing the fight going on behind her. "Ohh I love these." She joined the others in watching them... "It be so fun to go down there and mix things up a bit though. Watching can be quite boring."

"Well..", says Volupats, looking at Lucifer. "What are they?"

Lucifer laughs and turns a bit red, "Well...Pleasure and humans...Whats worse than them being embarassed in front of all whom they know?...If you catch my wind current...what if they were to get just a tad too 'rowdy'?" he nudged her in the side with his elbow, winking.

Voluptas got the message. "Lucifer! You're sick! Great idea! Who did you have in mind?"

Lucifer laughed a good laugh, his shoulders heaving and his eyes tearing,"Ohhh whoever! One of the gladiators would be quite hilarious...The lions would be a bit confused, though!"

"Right!" Voluptas closed her eyes and waved her hand. "It's done! This is just practice though. Next time it'll be one of the foolish politicians!" She pointed to the arena. "Watch!"

Lucifer turned his gaze to the arena and quickly noticed one of the gladiators, "Look at him...Oh yeah try to ignore that feeling insi-- OH DEAR ZEUS!" Lucifer fell back off of the bench, roaring with laughter.

Voluptas was doubled over, roaring with laughter. "These-mortals-are-so-" A new wave of laughter hits her.

Discordia was laughing so hard she couldn't breathe. "Things are... always... more... fun when... you mess... around with them." She wheezed out between laughs.

Bellona fell off her seat, screaming with mirth.

Voluptas recovers from her laughter, looks to the arena, and doubles over again. "These-mortals-are-too-easy!"

Lucifer stopped laughing and crying for a moment to notice that the entire arena had fallen silent and the gladiator they were picking on was standing crying in the middle of the arena. He looked around and slapped Bellona on the back of her head, "Look!"

"Wha-?" Bellona looks about wildly. "Whats happening?"

Voluptas notices no one is laughing and looks around. "What?"
Ikilios and Lucius exited their litters in front of the great Colosseum.
Lucius frowned. Why was it so quiet? The Colosseum was never quiet.

Ikilios entered the Colosseum to his usual box. He stared, aghast, at what was in the center of the Colosseum.
Leonor entered the Colosseum through the Caesar's box and to her relief, she saw Caesar well and alive, but she immediately tensed when she saw Lucius with him.

Lucius sensed Leonor's presence before he had to turn around. Perfect. "Caesar, it seems you have a visitor." Lucius said.
Trivia appeared on the battlefield. She was garbed in a flowing black dress with her hair pinned up. She walked around the Gladiator and inspected his armour and weapons. She looked up at the gang of immortals with a look of disgust. She maybe a minor goddess of the dark, but she wouldn't lower herself so much as to get amusement from mortals killing each other. "Pathetic..."
Voluptas notices someone new in the arena. Wonderful. She nudgges Bellona. "Look who just arrived."
Ikilios turned around and was surprised to find Leonor, her cheeks flushed and green eyes glittering with energy. "Leonor, what are you doing here?" Ikilios demanded. Even though many females came to watch teh games, he was not comfortable with leonor watching them. He stood before her, blocking her view of the arena with his build.
Bellona looks up and sees Triva and groans. "Great. The Spoiler, as always."
She begins booing loudly.

Voluptas laughs. "I wish we could have some 'fun' with her! But then Jupiter would srike us with lightining!"
"Caesar, i was only concerned with your welfare. I had not seen you since you went off to bed and i was worried." Leonor replied softly, concern glittering in her eyes.

Lucius frowned. She was wasting his time. If she was going to make herselfuseful, she'd better do it now. He had a meeting to plan. Lucius made a quick and urgent prayer. Voluptas, if you are crazed out of your mind with boredom, blind this fool of a Caesar with lust for her! Do it! I need time and i cannot afford to waste it listening to her concerns for him!

Leonor felt Lucius' chilling gaze and shuddered. She placed a hand on Ikilios' arm, but hesitantly, for she'd never touched him in her life. "Please, Caesar, i think it wise for you to rest back at the palace." Leonor urged, desperate to get Ikilios away from Lucius.
Volupats hears Lucius's prayer. Hmmmmm. This could be interesting! And a politician too! All right, Lucius, your prayer is answered. She closed her eyes and waved her hand. Voluptas nugged Bellona again. She pointed to Caesar's box saying, "Watch."

"What mischeif are you immature immortals up to?" Trivia says from behind them.
For the first time in his life, Ikilios noticed how beautiful and deep Leonor's emerald eyes were. They glittered like jewels from Egypt. Her creamy skin seemed to glow and an air of beauty surrounded her. Ikilios was in awe. This was the work of the goddess of beauty herseelf! Ikilios could not refuse. he placed a hand over hers, that was resting on his arm. "Then i shall go back to the palace with you, dear Leonor," he said softly, lifting her chin gently. ikilios turned to Lucius. "lucius, I hope you don't mind if we return to the palace before you." Ikilios added, his eyes not completely blinded by lust.
"What?" Bellona asks curiously. "Were doing nothing. Can't we just enjoy abit of fresh air and some fun?" She holds out a roasted dormouse by the tail to Trivia. "Want one?"

Voluptas tries to look innocent, but the mischevious gleam in her eyes can't disappear.

"Why do I even bother asking? I know your up to something." She took the offered dormouse and ate it. "Thanks." She looked toward the Caesar's box then to Voluptas and rolled her eyes. "No one will worship you if Rome falls..." She unfroze time with her magic.
Leonor's breathing grew faster and turned bright with blood. "Caesar," Leonor started hestitantly.

Lucius cut in before Leonor made Ikilios change his mind. This was perfect. "i have no complaints, Caesar. I shall return to you when I have stayed my time here." Lucius said with a grin.

leonor's stomach churned at the attention Ikilios suddenly began to give her and Lucius' grin. This was his doing!
"Mortals will never stop worshiping me!" laughs Voluptas. "They don't know how to have fun without me!"

"Or me. Fighting is fun! I mean look at why they built this place." Bellona gestures about beaming.
Ikilios and Leonor left the Colosseum and headed towards the palace.

Lucifer laughed and nudged the two godesses in the sides, "Hey if I weren't here theyd' all be wondering around in the dark bumping into eachother! Though, that would be quite funny to watch."
Lucius growled in frustration. With Ikilios gone and the threat of Leonor's interruptions also gone, Lucius was now free to plan his meeting with the others. Lucius only hoped that Caius was wise enough to go and inform the general in Spain, for he was a perfect and strong ally in this game. Lucius smiled to himself. Caius was a smart man...he could handle it. Lucius left the colosseum, heading to Latium.
"If only you weren't so narrow minded..." Trivia said as she transformed into a black crow. She cawed rather loudly and flew off.
Sarconia walked into the Colosseum, her nose wrinkling at the smell of blood. She looked around, interesting. she thought, if only I could find... She shook her head, trying to find the best way to start her weaving. She followed the crowd, walking towards a bright light. When she finally reached it, she looked into the heart of the Colosseum...
Lucifer rudely gestured to where Trivia had been, "Narrow minded, my achilles heal!" he sniffed and crossed his arms over his chest moodily. "Party pooper."
Sarconia bites her lip and walks out of the Colosseum towards the Pantheon.
Discordia who had been watching the fight, sighed. This was no fun anymore, where was Caisus? Or perhaps she should go mess with Lucius or the Caesar himself... Caisus was so boring sometimes too loyal to her. With that she dissappeared in a flash to go find someone better to play with.
Lucifer chewed on his bottom lip, thinking. he got an idea for a bit more fun while he was bored. He flicked his hand carelessly at the sun and for a brief millisecond the sun died,gave no light whatsoever. But in the blink of an eye, it was back. Lucifer smiled to himself mischeviously.

" Huh... the sun just flickered... is it a sign?" Kathryn said sitting many rows in front of the immortals, " Was i the only one who saw that?" Kathryn said placing a hand on her chin to ponder the matter.

Kathryn got bored after the man was killed and decided to head to the palace.

"Way to freak 'em out Lucifer." Bellona says grinning. "This should be intersting." she checks her pack of dormice. "Darn, I'm running out."
Cupid came flying up next to Bellona. He came right behind her, and got real close to her ear....BELLONA!! he siad loudly. She jumped and he burst out in laughter.

"THAT WAS NOT EVEN FUNNY!" Bellona yells angrily. "Jeez, what do you want from me anyways pesky flying annoying little-" she fades off cursing angrily.

Trivia flies up next to Cupid. "Good going..." she said as she transformed back into her original form.

"Trivie, do you really think I care if Bellona's mad at me or not? It's just a bit of fun, she didnt have to explode... but I guesss thats just Bellona... all work no play!" Cupid laughed... he wrinkled his nose as the crowd went wild as a man just got beheaded. "I hate the smell of blood. I like the smell of mischeif better." he said grinning.

Bellona snorts loudly. "Then why are you here?" she asks rudely still in a lousy mood from getting scared. "Go somewhere else for 'mischief'."

"Dear Bellona," Cupid said,"Wasnt it not that long ago that you Voluptas, Lucifer and Discordia were here creating
mischief?" He laughed, " You do forget sweet Bellona, that you're not the only one who can have a little fun too."
Cupid flys off toward Ikilios Palace..

Trivia simply disappears.
Voluptas whispers to Bellona, "Stupid little nymph. We should go tell his mother."

I thought you loved me Voluptas!! They heard Cupid say... Well atleast you might be proud of this, I shot Ikilios with one of my arrows!!

Too late, Cupid!, thinks Voluptas. I already worked my magic on him!

Come take a look for yourself Voluptas, Ikilios is pouring his sappy little heart out to some girl named Kathryn Cupid said.

Hmmmm. This could be fun! Voluptas stands up. "My good gods and goddessess, would you like to attend a show?"
Fortuna arrived at the Colosseum in a puff of shimmering smoke, making sure not to let any mortal see her. "Now where are those damned Servants..." She said as she squinted at the large crowd of people searching for the familiar faces of the servants of the Pantheon.
Lucifer got bored making the sun flicker after a while. He shrugged and pointed his hand at the sun but all of a sudden sneezed, making his powers go crazy. Result: the sun turned off for about half a minute. Lucifer giggled to himself in the pitch black.

In a haze of light Libitina appeared to tend to those dead within the Colosseum Unseen by mortal she moved like a whisper of wind accross the bloodied ground and took away the dying. She nodded in acknowledgment of her fellow and more powerful gods and then vanished as though she had never been there.
Fortuna had seen the servants of the Pantheon and moved slowely in their direction so as to give them a fright. "Hehe! This will be better then giving them bad luck in their gamblings!" She giggled as she neared one of the servants. Then all of a sudden it got really dark, as if the sun itself went out like a candle being blown out. "GAH! What in Pluto's Name is going on here!!" Then the lights were back on. Just like it had never turned off. "LUCIFER!!!" She turned around quickly looking for that brat. "If I ever get my hands on, you'll see!" She shook her fist in the air then turned back to where the closest servant was standing placing his bet. "Hey! Where did all those damned servants go?!" There were no Pantheon servants in sight. "They must have fled in the darkness..." She growled and plopped down on an empty bench to wait and see if they'd come back.

Lucifer appeared next to Fortuna on the bench, giggling. "That...that was fun."

"Yes, I suppose it was." She said with a slight smirk. Then her expression changed dramatically. "But you made me lose the damned servants! Maybe YOU don't care about the cleanliness of the Pantheon but I do..." She shifted in her seat a little.

Lucifer laughed and leaned back, wrapping an arm around Fortuna's shoulders, "Nope. Dont give a darn about the cleanliness anywhere, and you know that."

"OH GOODY! A show! Sounds fun! Will there be any fighting?" Bellona asks.
Lucifer yawns, bored. He squeezes Fortuna once around the shoulder and leaves her with a kiss on the cheek, going off to the Pantheon.
please continue at the Colosseum 2 due to the length of page.

You can leave the Colosseum for the Pantheon, Pantheon 2 where the gods dwell
or to Ikilios' Palace, Ikilios' Palace 2 to see Caesar Ikilios or his subjects, or Lucius
or to Latium, Latium 2 to hang around and see what's going on in Rome
back to the Powers of Old

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2004-02-07 [test_drive]: -_-......damien needs to sign on, that what r we gonna do next for rome? wat SHOULD we do next?

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: Drop an atomic bomb!

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: lol, y not nuclear...

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: i love crows/ravens

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: Heheeeheeee...

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: Caw!

2004-02-07 [test_drive]: i tell my friends that crows r my fave bird n they back away...crow haters....

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: I'm no crow hater...

2004-02-07 [cheesemonkey]: i love the crow impersonations, kaye...that was kool

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: Heehee.. Thanks...

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: crows rock...hehe \../ ^_^ \../

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: lol

2004-02-07 [Kaye]: Awww... Lucifer dosn't like me...

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: lol, no Lucifer is just....opinionated....LOOK I SPELLED IT RIGHT!!!....i think....

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: wait how do ya spell achealieawhooserwhatser...

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: achilles? as in achilles tendon?

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: YES!

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: i cant spell for a peanut...

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: lol is all good.neither can i ^.^

2004-02-07 [ShiftySkillet]: can i have a peanut now?

2004-02-07 [DeadHead]: haah shure *hands tazz a peanut*

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