Page name: Demetrius vs. Sensi [Logged in view] [RSS]
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2007-03-26 19:57:26
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Demetrius skipped two steps at a time as he hit the main floor of the chamber. He continued walking knowing what he had to do. Who ever travled with him got hurt and would not let it happen any longer. He was a loner by nature anyways. It showed all over the dhampirs face, he was leaving. His bag was slung over one shoulder as his hair swayed back and forth. He hadn't bothered to cut it again. "I am an avenger....I need to do this alone..."

Kendra regarded the dragon with a look of frustration, but she stopped. She took a seat, resting her head in her hands. The bloodlust was starting to fade, and the pain left her. Why hadn't she let this happen sooner? Why did she struggle so much? She couldn't figure out why she had been so aversed to vampirism. She had nothing against any of the others- Demetrius, Jewl, Zenith. Why did she so not want to be one?
   But that was past now. All that was left was waiting. Until Demetrius returned, looking less than happy. The new vampire stood and stepped in front of him. "Demetrius, what is wrong?"

Soon though Azrale went against his stelth and jumped one Demetrius' back. "You can't run away from your problems...which obviously my brother did," He said wickedly, almost like a whisper into Demetruis' ear. "You need to help me now, and get over your selfishness." He ment not to insult, only tell the truth, but sometimes the truth hurt, and Azrale very well didn't care. He needed help at this point, and also Demetrius had alot of growing up to do-- this is something he had been through meny a time and not only with his brother.

"You disregard someone who would do your clan good," Said the newcomer, now calmer. She bowed low, "What would you have me do, Or does no one acknowledge my prescence?"

With a tiny sigh of the wind, Jewl reappeared. She was dressed in all black, her skin was white, her hair black as her clothes, and her eyes were red. She looked around before sitting in a chair.

Zenith was startled when Demetrius reappared. She immediately moved towards him, her pale brow creasing into a frown of concern. "Demetrius?" She asked gently, placing herself subconsciously between him and the exit. "What happened..?" She looked sharply at Azrale. "Get off him!"

Azrale growld at Zenith,. "You will not tell me what to do girl," he spat. "The little brat half bread will not leave...he has to help me find Atti..." a sharp pain stabbed at hois side as a slight trickle of blood stained his shirt. Azrale gaspped lightly and clinched his hands on Demetrius' shoulders, his nails digging into the skin. "He has to help me find my brother," He spoke through clenched teeth.

Outside the Chamber...

Several things happened at once. These included several screams of panic and fright...things where heard such as "He's back, get the KING!" "He'll kill us all!" What do we do-....." When a very scary slience covered all. This was quickly shattered as an explosion accured, although it was not of fire and magic, but pure brute force. And by the mangled body that came in with the destroyed door pieces, some one used the body's as battering rams. The Dark Emporer and reemerged and was cutting his way through the halls of the Chamber heading for King Demetrius.

Inside, Jewl's eyes opened. She had been dozing. Her BloodLust had worn her body out, and she was still in it. Longer than she ever had before. It was not a matter of lack of satisfaction, but she was physically incapable of coming out of it. She stood up on slightly swaying feet. "Again?" She muttered, once more walking out to meet the force.

As Sensi forced his way through the walls of the castle another fight was brewing within Demetrius' soul. "Never Alucard...I'll not let you win...I am Demetrius and I am an Avenger!" Alucard laughed at the soul he was tring to contain. "Foolish don't know who you are." Demetrius growled his blade within his hands. "No Alucard. I am Demetrius and nothin you do will stop me. I will not be ruled by the taint within my blood!" As he spoke the outside version of Demetrius radiated a small field of energy that blasted off Azreal from his back.     
    "Alucard you will fall now!" Demetrius' eyes opened up to reveal that the pupils in his eyes were surrounded by three tomes instead of two. He ran forward knowing Alucard possesed all of his "former powers". "Take this!" Demetrius fell to the ground kicking Alucard into the air. He followed up with a flurry of pounches, kicks, and elbow and knee strikes. They appeared to be four moves, but instead were dozens. Demetrius launched his ax kick right on Alucards ribs. "Get out of my body!" He unsheathed his lade from the belt loop in mid air slicing into Alucard. As the battle eneded, Demetrius drove his blade into his heart.
    As the energy field lessend two figures stood in the place where Demetrius once stood. A more human looking Demetrius who was actually the young dhampir, and the more primal looking one who was Alucard. Demetrius looked mostly human and everyone could tell he was siginfacntly weaker than his prvious self. Alucard on the other hand was in tip top shape appearing as he did when he was just about to fight Sesni. Somehow Demetrius was able to beat him. 
    "Demetrius you may have one the battle within, but can you retain the clan?" He motioned his hand towards everyone else. "In one months time all of you will take part in a tornament for th right to rule the clan. Also the rest of the ?Lord's of Darkness will be there." He turned and looked at Demetrius. "As will Argosax." With an evil laugh Alucard vanished in a whirlwind of smoke and blood. He was the beast within Demetrius, or was. He was purged from the dhampi's soul.
    Demetrius was on his knees and watched as Alucard made his little speech. "Fine then...I am an avenger and the ones I want to kill will all be gathered in one place. Great." He then heard the twisting and turning stone and metal and knew who it was without a doubt. He turned and looked at his friends. "Azreal I will help you find your brother, that I promise you." Turning back at Zenith and Kendra, "I'll be fine, lets just worry aout whats coming in. We fight as one. I may like fighting on my own, but I understand we need to work as a team to beat this guy. Yo Newcomer you better help fight as well." He turned to Jewl. "If you want to sit this one out, no one will hold it against you." Demetrius readied his sword. "Hurry up you cocky shithead, I'm waiting for ya!"

Kendra nodded slowly, having watched the battle. Her hand went to her hip, where the sword she had borrowed from the Red Siren still rested. She didn't draw it, only held the hilt as if unsure how to use it. Yes, she had been taught, but would it be enough?

Jewl looked at Demetrius and blinked. "Sit it out? You must be joking." She retorted.

Demetrius laughed. "ood, you may be the only one here with enouh power to go aainst Sensi one on one and hold their own." He steadied his stance. "If anyone wants to get out of this battle, then et out, cause we don't need people gettin in the way and ettin others hurt or killed, as well as themselves."

Kendra narrowed her eyes. "Sensi? Why do we need to go against him?" Obviously she had missed something. Last she knew Sensi was an ally.

And he was in and there. Sensi's face carried a hellish malice that would make the strongest of warriors second think attacking. His eyes glew bright red and surged/sparked with purple and blue hued electricity. This same electric coursed around his body and scorched the objects it touches. He had no visible weapon in hand, but his hands where layered in thick crimson liquid that dripped to the floor. Suddenly something became visible in his hand, no not a weapon. A whiteish grey chain looking object. This too was also covered in blood. Only when he threw it at the floor infront of the three occupants did it become blatantly obvious it was a spinal cord, with the naked skull still attached. The top of the skull had a massive, rigid whole in it. Like it was struck vicously and collapsed inward. The jaw bone was locked in the postion of an eternal scream, and yes, the eyes where still in their sockets. Pale blue human eyes blood shot and rolled back slightly. Once the Dark Emporer was in the room with Jewl, Demetruis and some mortal girl, he had never seen nor met, The remaining guards charged forward, reguardles of their fear of this creature. They formed a wall of steel and flesh infront of the three innocents. "You will not pass" Came the shaken words of the apperent general of this group of 10 or so soldiers. Sensi's form was hunched over and breathing hard, like a hunched-back mad man, His hands where raised and his fingers curled, black nails pointing upward. He howled a fearsome warcry and attacked. THe first two gaurds fell with haste, as Sensi's claws ripped through skin and bone, removing thier faces completely in one right swing. Thier bodies dropped several seconds afterwards, twitching and spazing about. A lucky attack from one of the soldiers allowed blood to leave Sensi's side, as the warrior slammed his spear head into Sensi's ribs. Sen's head snapped to glare at the attacker and in a flash the soldiers head was being held in Sensi's massive hand. The thick muscle cords traveling all along Sensi's right arm flexed and bluged and the Warrior's head was crushed into a blob of bone and brain matter. Sensi grabbed the handle end of the spear and ripped it free and in the same pulling motion, released the spear, head first, pinning two soldiers together: one's back againast the other's stomach and then both connected bodies slam and pined themselves to the wall. The most disturbing about this one was that although their torso's where connected like such, the spear had went in one's right eye, and exited out the other's left eye. After a moment, the wooden handle snapped under the weight and the bodies collapsed to the floor with a thick wooden stick still through thier skulls.

Demetrius wasn't able to react in time to save his guards from the wrath of the fural Emporer. He brought his blade to his side beofre chargong straight at Sensi. Demetrius' eyes showed no fear as the young avenger disappeared right in front of Sensi only to reappear at his side swinging his blade at Sensi's left knee. Not even paying attention to see if he cuased any damae at all, Demetrius leapt back and onto the wall leaping off of it coming above the Dark Lord's head bring the Dragon Katana down for a skull spliting attack. At the last second though Demetrius thought better and changed direction in mid air flipping a round kick at the empoer's face before landing aain some distance away from Sensi. Demetrius was unsure if his attacks affected the damned so called "pure blood". His Hunter'sGaze watched Sensi's moves closely. He braced himself for Sensi's move.

Sensi simply stood there, in his malicous pose and did indeed watch Demetrius. Un-encouragingly though, As Demetrius struck him It seemed as though his attack came into contact with an invisible sheild around Sensi's person. A dull thump and a transperent red light sounded and illuminated as Deme's sword and feet struck. The area where his attacks hit and stopped was a good foot infront of Sensi. All the time this happened, the red gems on the wrist end of Sen's twin arm bands glew very brightly. No damage at all was inflicted onto the Dark Emporer. By the time Deme landed from his kick flip and faced Sensi' he was no longer there, but instead Sensi countered. He projected in his mind exactly where Deme would land after his final strike and once Deme was airborn, he moved with incredible speed. A force full elbow found itself the way to the back of Deme;s head just a second after landed. "Your power is two small to affect me King. And your land will surely be mine..."

Demetrius felt dazed as his body was lauched forward by the Empoere's elbow strike. His body flew straight into a nearby wall. At the last second he shock away the dizzyness of the atrack and bounced off the wall. Damn, need to find a way around that shield of his. Normal attacks won't do...wait thats it! "I'm shacking in my boots Sen." A smile grew on his face. He licked away some blood on his lip as the wound healed. "Come on you pure blood fuck. You think your so cool cause you are the most powerful person in this room. Now where did you get that power? By absorbing others and relying on their power istead of your own. I find that really funny actually." He pointed his blade at the Sensi laughing. He placed his blade in a belt loop and ran forward once more, this time consentrating his energy into his sword. Demetrius led off with his left leg and became a blur. "Dragon Slash!" Demetrius' left foot stopped two feet away from Sensi's own as he sliced his sword with wicked speed diagnally at Sensi's chest. Even if Sen blocked his first high speed strike which was the fangs of the draon there was no way he could escape the tail and claws. Much less its breath wich was reprsented by the arching shockwave sent at Sensi as it sliced through the colliding aura's of both Demetrius and Sensi.

Jewl's eyes closed and she smiled. The scent of adrenaline was strong, and she felt waves of anger washing from both Sensi and Demetrius. Her eyes opened, and flashed orange. Time for some real action. She thought to herself. She drew Deicide from its sheath. The wickedly sharp blade glittered in the light. "Demetrius is right." She called to Sensi. "If anyone can face you one-on-one, that would be me." Jewl grinned. Could Sensi sense her Bloodlust?

The counter on this was too easy for Sensi to believe. His two right first fingers lifted and made the "come here" motion as two of the remaining 5 body guards lifted into the air and replaced Sensi in his own location. So as a result, Demetrius slaughter two of his own guards instead of his target. Sensi appeared about 10 feet to the left of where he was standing. Again he moved his fingers and two more guards where telekineticlly lifted and flung at Demetrius, only this time Sensi followed them in a radical dash. He did this because he knew that Demetrius would either catch them or get out of the way. Either of those two options gave Sensi the upper hand and allowed a nasty attack to go through. The attack was simply this: Once Deme had prevented killing and/or allowing to be killed, the guards Sensi appeared not a foot infront of him, catching Deme off guard even more. His fingers wrapped tightly around Demetrius' throat and he lunged forward/downward and slammed Deme's body into the solid stone. He was not done however, he turned his body and then flung Deme the other way, again slamming him into the solid stone floor. Suddenly his grip on Deme's throat burned and vibrated at the same time as Sensi threw him upward and instantly released a massive energy wave. Deme's body was engulfed and sent flying. Suddenly Sensi felt a twinge in his senses as a decent power came into being. He turned his hellish mug and Saw a woman holding a sword out. But more he felt a burning lust inside her. A lust for blood. A sick and sadistic smile curled his pale, thin lips as he darted forward for an attack.

Demetrius Tepes saw the subtle movement of Sensi's moves and cursed his guards and for getting in the way. Sensi was one of two people that were able to counter his Dragon Slash. "Damn it..." His blade met his guards heads. When he turned and saw Sensi throw his guards at him, Demetrius saw the movement Sensi was about to make with his Hunter's Gaze, but couldn't react due to his overbearing will to save his clan mates. His sword vanished as he grabed both of them and told them to run. He raced himself as Sensi latched onto his throat. He saw it coming with his Hunter's Gaze, yet his body was too slow to react. He felt is back smash through stone and felt his neck burn and his body leave the ground as a massive wave of energy came his way. He put up his guard just in time as his body was engulfed by it. It went flying into more stone and he feighed a knockout.  He also blocked his mind to make the illusion seem more complete. How do I beat a titan? His body was drained from the split he from his inner beast that had only happend minutes before, and he felt a bloodlust in his gut. Wait thats it... As Sensi charged at Jewl, Demetrius rose to his feet his shirt hanging off one shoulder and his coat completly eradicated. His pants had holes and cuts from the energy attack and the stone shrapnel. His wounds were already healing, but he felt pain in his left arm and knew it was broken; and his neck was burnt, but yet his movement was a blur as he latched onto Sensi's back and dug his fangs into his neck before Sensi knew what was going on. He wouldn't do this at any other time other than this one time of desperation. He knew he was close to passing out from his injuries, but this had to be done he reassured himself as blood hit his lips.
    Demetrius was sucking on his neck like a new born would his mothers breast. He felt his body restoring himself and also saw in his mind flashes of Sensi's past. His training under Jyhad in hell, Margo, Kayin his son who hated him, the Demonic Guild, Rhydin, Onyx and his adopted son. He saw Sensi's past battles, the wins, and the loses. He felt all the pain within the Dark Lords soul. It was almost too much for Demetrius to handel, but his great spirit would not be broken by it. He continued to drink Sensi's tainted blood drawing on it. How much had he drunken. He didn't know, all he knew at this time was eternity. 
    Thump....thump....thump. He could feel Sensi's heart, the one organ that gave him his strength, his lifeline. He also felt his own heart beating. Demetrius was drawing Sensi's blood into himself. Knowlwdge of sorcery and combat passed into the dhampir's mind. Also the knowlede of Fuseing went straight to Demetrius' mind. So thats how you do it Tepes blood was mixing with Kindred blood. Both of their hearts were beating in sink as their minds connected. Demetrius spoke, I'm sorry for all the lose you have suffered in your lifetime... His voice echoed through both of their minds like a quiet whisper of empathy and sorrow. Demetrius had to have drank at least half of Sensi's blood by now...but thats not what he was after. He was going to attempt the one thing outlawed by all vampires. Demetrius was trying to drink Sensi's soul as well. Even if he failed, he would still be at somewhat of a leveled playing ground with Sensi and the emporer would be weakned y the bloodloss while he would be strengthend(sp) by it. Demetrius felt his fangs grow longer and push deeper into Sensi's neck.

Sensi was about half way to Jewl when he felt Deme's lifeforce and power dangerously close. He turned to meet him, in slight awe that he survived such an attack. But he was to late. Deme was attachted to him likie a leech. Once his fangs peirced his skin Sensi faltered. He felt the blood cousring through him leaving. ANd along with it his "titan" like power. Sensi's elbow blades, (Scimitar shaped black bone blades) shot outward and He brought his arms back, sliding the blades into Deme's sides. Sadly this was not enough. By the time he had pulled this off, a good portion of his blood had entered Deme, allowing his super healing abilites. With that in effect and Sensi's strength leaving him, he felt his blades being forced out and back into his elbows. This was indeed slightly painful. He reverted to finding a wall, and procceded to slam Deme's into it by throwing himself backward and into the wall several times. The wall being crushed inward more and more after each attempt. This too did not seem to resolve the issue at hand and Sensi suddnely lost the will to fight or even stand. Down he went to his knees first, and then face first intot he ground. By that time he felt Deme release with blood draining grapple. And Sensi's body began to shrivle up like and old man. It was again time for his exit. Butnot before grabbing a snack for later. His right arm extened outward and drawn to it was the last remaing guard, whom was screaming savagely in the proccess. Once the guard was in his grip, Sensi vanished leaving a small but potent puddle of blood where he once was.

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