Diana Coccidius
Username: [
Gender: female
Age: 22
Descended from: Artemis
Hue: Sage Green
Abilities: Tracking, can talk to animals, very fast, archery and can connect mentally to animals.
Personality: Diana is practical in thinking, youthful, boyish, independent, strong, energetic, born with strong masculine qualities in her nature and1 an intense love of freedom. Prefers wilderness to any large city or town.
Distinguishing marks or traits: Cresent moon tattoo on her collar bone.
History:Diana has spent her life in the dark of who her mother was, her father refusing to talk about it. She has been surrounded by wilderness, hunting, and animals to to her fathers position as a Game Warden. Due to her father's generous nature and caring heart he knew she couldn't spend all her time alone in the forest with just him so he sent her away to multiple boarding schools in the city, none being much to her taste.
As she aged Diana had a hard time getting along with other people, and prefered to spend more of her time with animals. When she finally graduated from high school she enteried one of the best colleges avalable for Wildlife Biology and Zoology in the wilderness of Canada. She has spent her time tracking and researching the wolves domestic to the area. As she has worked on her degree she has worked dilagenly besides all of the wildlife wardens, veteriarians and biologist.

Artemis: Goddess of The Hunt, wilderness, moon and Archery.

Credit: http://emanuellakozas.deviantart.com/art/Hellenic-Mythology-Artemis-Goddess-of-the-Hunt-405001643
About: Artemis possesses an introverted and independent temperament . She represents the goddess of the hunt, and us concerned with matters of the outdoors, animals, environmental protection, women’s communities. She is practical, adventurous, athletic and preferring solitude.
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