Page name: Disciples of Soth IX [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-08-25 01:22:37
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth VIII

The next morning Galin again had a meeting and left instructions that Sarah was to be given a light escort to the market on the east side. So, after seeing a picture of Lily, her escort took her to the market and let her look at her whim. It was a little freeing for Sarah as the escort stayed very far back and would only get involved if she were in danger. She had been told it was unlikely that Lily would be found in such a public place at this time of the day. For a second though she thought she saw Lily, but the hair and dress was wrong, people did say that everyone has a twin somewhere in the world.

Sarah was curious about this place and though she was used to getting into strange clothes and wandering around listening to strange languages this one was close enough that she could understand easily enough. She was browsing some local trinkets necklace and things. The next social party she would be dressed properly and have the appropriate accessories on as well. The people were exotic and they were all slow to move in the heat of the day which she clearly understood.

The girl she thought was Lily also was browsing at this vendors stall and was discussing a freshwater pearl bracelet with the vendor. "Two silver, three coppers." he declared the price to the young woman. Sarah happened to look around to see where her escort was and noted he had blended into the crowd, a sort of feeling of being adrift settled onto her. "What can I help you with mistress?" the vendor asked leaving the girl to browse some more. Sarah knew she had all the money she wanted to buy anything she thought Galin might like on her.

Lily scoffed at the price it was crazy, she'd seen bigger pearls for less price. Besides maybe she should get an anklet or something instead. Or something jingly not the pearls. She spent a few moments glancing at the stuff on the table and then at the woman.

"Oh I don't know... something elegant but draws the eyes... mmm perhaps this?" She pointed to a necklace with two pearls spaced wide and a piece of opalescent shell in the middle hanging just past the clavicle. It was clear she was wanting something Galin would like and he often liked simple things, and for her to feel like she stood on the same ground as the other women they often came around in the parties they went to. the young woman seemed like a working girl, like she had once been. Though she did seem very familiar facially. She spoke nothing like an Andorian and though she stood with better posture then most of those walking around she was pretty enough it could have been pride in herself.

The Vendor wound up making a deal with Sarah for the necklace she wanted & the bracelet both. It was apparent the girl's comment had made him fearful that he might lose a sale. He wrapped them in a velvet bag and handed it to Sarah and took the money smiling. He then turned his attention back to the girl, Sarah noted the city watch and was curious where her escort was. A man walked through the crowd and stopped near the pretty girl and began to talk low, enough so that Sarah could not hear.

Sarah wondered what their relationship might have been, he was awfully close to her though and they seemed close. She smiled at them and looked around for her own companion She was ready for a drink and to get out of this sun and this oppressive heat. She was getting a little soft from all her indoor work. All of the pampering she was getting from Galin. When she had turned though and looked for her companion she staggered a little.

Lily saw the woman stagger it looked like she had gotten dizzy or light headed, she had gone pale when she turned. Lily rushed forward and helped keep her upright. "Ma'am you alright? You okay?" Lily asked concerned and more then a little alarmed, not only that but she dropped her carefully constructed and practiced accent. She hadn't meant to of course. But this woman was obviously not used to being out in the sun for as long as she had been. She needed to get out of the sun and drink something cold. "Kar help me with her I think she might be ill." Lily said worriedly.

The girl's companion moved her off to a shady corner and set her beside a public fountain and dropped some coin to get her a cup to drink from. He then retreated to the girls side, "We have to go, or I have to." Something in his words and eyes said that something had happened while they were parted. "I would say she'll be fine but her escort tried to stick a blade in my stomach, so I believe we need to be gone before they track what happened to him." Already cries of 'Assassins' were going up in small pockets around the market.

"You go I won't leave her unattended, She's a Lady. I'll see you later for dinner. Go." Lily said not wanting him caught but not sure about how to deal with the woman. She did make sure she got a cold drink for her though and made her sip it. " You alright Lady?" Lily asked using her accent again.

Sarah sat and breathed for a moment and sipped the cold drink thankfully. "Yes I'm sorry your man seems to have left you is that alright?" Sarah asked in between sips of the cool drink. "I don't know why I've gotten so dizzy all of a sudden." Sarah said softly as she continued to drink the beverage they had gotten for her.

"Don't worry about me and him, we're capable of taking care of ourselves. But are you able to take care of yourself, Lady? The sun is hot today you look very pale still. Where is your home I can take you there, especially with all the guards running around it's no place for a woman of your standing." Lily said wanting the woman to be alright and out of Lily's hair now that her man was dead she needed someone to keep an eye on her.

Sarah could recall the way back to the house easily, but wondered if she should not inform Galin that something had happened to his escort. She did not want to bother him, but the absence was odd and a little frightening.

"Yes perhaps you are right... Thank you, but will you be able to get back on your own without your companion as well?" Sarah asked softly, She was glad Lily was helping her by giving her someone to lean on. With Lily's help they made it back to the house Sarah was currently living in with Galin. She made Lily come inside with her and had the maid bring tea for her.

Lily smiled and stayed but she was fidgeting visibly, not only that but her behavior was vastly different from how a young lady from Bearlon should act. She was even biting her bottom lip. "Thank you I will be able to make it home but I should be going, I have to work later today and I can't miss any of my work. After tea since you are cared for I'll go ma'am." Lily said nervous for some reason, she was getting a knot in her guts, something that told her she needed to leave.

As Lily stood to leave and turned for the door her blood ran cold, framed in the doorway was Galin Ravenwood. He blinked and looked hard, "Why Sarah, you found Lily in less than a day. You're mother will be happy to hear I've found you child." To Lily however as Alehial had shared her fears of Galin in the past, her uncle might have been twenty feet tall with four dragons heads and a huge eye in the center of his chest. She saw he had a pin different than the one the Disciple of Soth had worn the other night, but that made her fear none the less powerful.

"I don't know what your talkin' about sir. I just helped the Lady back from the market, She nearly fell down from the heat sir. I really have to go now." Lily said shrinking under his gaze and doing the very best of her accent she could. Go figure her uncle was cool and calm and collected and had a bedmate that looked just like her mother only was completely human. How was she going to get out of this one... man oh man if only Kar was here to pull her out.

"She was sweet enough to escort me home from the Market though I don't know what happened to the escort you sent with me. I'm afraid the heat did get to me while I was out." Sarah said softly, not standing from the couch, she was afraid she would get dizzy again. She wondered if he had been to vigorous in their love making before and that was why she was so weak to the sunlight today. Of course it was also the middle of the day when the sun was at it's peak and was the hottest.

"Nonsense, if you truly are not Lily Ravenwood then you should at least stay and have dinner with Sarah and myself. I insist." he said keeping his eyes locked on Lily's. Lily had only ever seen Galin once and that was the night he stabbed Darryl so viciously. "Perhaps I could tempt you to be my Sarah's help and guide while we are here in Valusia? I can pay very handsomely if you do your job well." he said not leaving the doorway. Lily might be trying to dupe him, but Galin knew her just like her mother and if she wasn't his niece than this life was a dream.

"I can't miss work or I'll get fired sir. Um thank you for the tea but I've gotta get back... I have work..." Lily said unable to concentrate on much else as an excuse. He didn't look like she remembered before, the armor the blood, the snarling face. Now he looked kind of like her dad... more like grandpa, but bigger and muscly. Calm and calculating. He looked like men in court did when they were talking about business. Like he was hunting for something. For her. She hoped she could make him believe her act of being a native.

"Well, I must say you do look an awful lot like my missing niece, her mother is frightfully worried about her and I fear the news she ran off might kill my poor brother. But, here miss have this with my thanks for helping Sarah." he said handing her a small pouch of coins. He then stepped aside and told the butler to escort the young lady to the door. She was Lily, Galin knew she was, but he'd play her game and perhaps bring her to his side first then enjoy watching the pain he'd cause her parents. Once she was gone he came to sit beside Sarah, "You little dove are most amazing and talented."

Lily had bolted and Sarah wondered if it really was Lily. She smiled at Galin though and blushed softly. She had thought he might be angry or upset with her and she was pleased he was happy. "I didn't do much... she came to the same stall as I was... the heat really did get to me and she was kind enough to help me return. I though you would be gone all day. I suppose I really am your lady of luck." Sarah smiled softly, she hoped she had pleased him.

"My only displeasure is with your escort and he had better be dead or dying." Galin said before giving her a kiss. "That was Lily, I know her all too well and I think it is time to adjust some of my plans. Dove, tonight we are going to eat closer to the waterfront it will be a surprise dinner." he informed her and stood to head to the study. Oh, yes tonight might be full of surprises for everyone, he sat and opened a scroll and began to look for names, this had to be done just so. Sarah was left to her own devices and shortly after the maid came to see her, "Is there anything you wish my'lady?"

"A bath, and lay out one of the less formal gowns, I will need you help getting my hair up in the local fashions as well." Sarah said standing up no longer feeing dizzy which was good, she headed for the bedroom to lay out her things for the evening. Galin was certainly in a good mood, he must be arranging all sorts of things and planning for his niece to join them. She was a wonderfully nice young girl, Sarah wouldn't mind her being around at all.

The maid laid out the gown Sarah had asked for and helped her with her hair. Galin met her at the stairs and smiled approvingly, "Truly beautiful my Sarah. If our night goes so well, I will be bedding you quite throughly tonight." He smiled and offered her his arm and they went out to the waiting carriage and headed off toward the docks. Galin put his hand in hers and squeezed lightly, "So, what tickles your fancy for dinner tonight my dear?"

"Something not spicy and not to sweet... maybe a little bland? Fish I think... not spiced." Sarah said, she hoped if she avoided most of the local food her constitution might get better. Feeling so faint after being in the sun for such a short time was unlike her. She wondered again about their earlier romp. But then nothing would be showing so soon it really must be from her being so pampered all the time.

Galin sat for a long second and concentrated, then directed the driver which way to go. A short while later they exited in front of a two story inn and tavern and walked inside. "Hello Lord and Lady, my name is Rosi if you'll follow me I will get you a seat." the bar girl said. She directed them to a seat near the fireplace and waited for them to get comfortable. Once seated she took a breath and began telling them the food and drink of the day.

Lily walked out of the kitchens and looked for Rosi, when she spotted her and the customers at the table she dropped her tray with two mugs of ale and a plate of whatever the local dish was called. She dropped to the floor and prayed they hadn't seen her. "Oh gods Oh gods! How did they know?!" She whispered to herself furiously, there was no way she could get out and make her way upstairs without them noticing, she could go back through the kitchens but she had people to serve and if she didn't work she didn't know what the owner was going to do to her. She still hadn't seen Kar either to know if he was mad at her. Oh well she would have to face the music. "Sorry... I tripped." She told the barman and took her tray back into the kitchen to redo the order. Which would have to be on her because of her stupidity. She simply had to do her best to act and speak and appear as a native. That was the only way. Since her hair was cut and dyed and Rosi said she was doing well she shouldn't have a problem. She took the tray out to her table apologizing that she dropped the first one and this one was on the house. She was so nervous that her uncle and his woman were here though.

Rosi had gotten drinks for them and passed Lily seeing there was some distress in her eyes she got concerned. "What is wrong hun?" she asked looking around for the cause of the problem. It seemed to her that the new customers might have something to do with it and she knew what best to do if that was the case. She had seen Da'Karis enter through the back most likely on his way to his rooms and she would send word up to him. All the serving girls and barmen understood the owner's rules, if there was a problem you could not handle and Da'Karis was around then let him handle it.

"No nothings wrong Rosi... I just... I fell in the market and fell again in here, just tripping over my own feet today and I hope the owner doesn't get mad at me again... That's all honest Rosi there ain't a thing wrong I'm okay and I should get the food for my orders you know? I'm okay honest just trying not to spill anything or break anything again. It's sure strange though having upper class people here isn't it?" Lily asked speaking quickly nervously to try and cover up her own timidity, she was scared but she kept her hard practiced accent even as she rambled on and when she asked the question she really needed the answer so she watched Rosi intently.

Rosi nodded and went back behind the bar and called for Philip and handed the young man something and he hurried into the kitchen. To Lily's dismay Galin and Sarah were seated in her section, probably by his asking. Even as she was working up the courage to wait on them the door from the stairway opened and Da'Karis entered the tavern heading to Galin. "Good evening sir, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but you and your party are asked to leave here, now." Galin looked almost shocked that he was apparently being bounced from the establishment.

Lily covered her mouth in horror. This was a complete and total nightmare! Her uncle was seriously bad, horribly seriously bad and they were trying to make him leave by asking with an unveiled threat beneath it? Lily couldn't watch she didn't want to see Kar run through like Darryl had been. She began to tremble softly, she was biting her lower lip so hard she was afraid she was going to bite through it. Not only that but what would happen to this place and to her once her Uncle was done. He wasn't a nice guy and he never followed the rules and he did anything he could to get what he wanted and he was super evil and Lily thought she might pass out.

Galin narrowed his eyes at Da'Karis, noting the young man was probably capable and this would not turn out well. "Young man I do not believe you have the right to refuse me service, as I have a full pouch of gold." he answered. Da'Karis met his gaze, "And you sir do not understand the ways of Valusia, as part owner of this place I can refuse service to anyone at anytime without reason." Galin sat for a second then nodded, "Very well, we will leave."

Sarah watched and she was worried, perhaps her choices weren't very good that night after all. Or her lucky streak was over. Either way she gathered herself up and didn't want to catch Galin's wrath. Even over anything small, Sarah was very good at being calm and staying out of the way when she had to be.

Lily ducked into the kitchen hoping her uncle hadn't seen her. He really would think her who she really was at this rate. She hid in the back of the kitchen, and when that didn't really make her feel better she hid back in the storage room and cried. With her back to some shelves and her arms wrapped around her knees. She was so terrified of what her uncle might do to her and what was going to happen and if Kar was mad too and if the owner found out and if she was told to leave and she was simply too afraid of everything that might happen.

Disciples of Soth X

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