Page name: Disciples of Soth V [Logged in view] [RSS]
2013-04-02 05:46:06
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth IV

Time had passed and Sarah found herself and Lord Soth stopping in several different cities where the guild was already building facilities. While Galin dealt with business sometimes Sarah was left with a trusted guard. Finally they arrived in Valusia and Galin was angry only several minutes after they arrived, his plans were being thwarted. He left her with the guard and a set amount of gold to shop at her whim while he handled the situation. "Little Dove I do not know when I will return, prepare for dinner, but do not be upset if I do not return until later." he told her before he left.

Sarah perused the shops and looked around taking in the sights, smells and differences of the place they were now, compared to her homeplace. She was a little saddened she would be without Galin but then again some time 'alone' was nice as well. She ended up buying a scarf to protect her face from the sun, and a nice cool drink to sip on while she took a break from looking around the busy market place. It was so loud and noisy here everything out in the open except for the more expensive shops that were located inside of the buildings. She also bought some exotic perfume and some oils for her skin. While she normally didn't indulge in silly things like that she knew that Galin liked them and for her to use them on herself. "have you been here before?" She asked the guard curiously, though she wasn't feeling the most at ease around the guards when she was alone because of what had happened to her before, she still excepted them around her and scared of what they might end up doing. But of course she should also be afraid of strangers knowing who's mistress she was and what they would do.

"I was born here in Valusia mistress, while I haven't been to this particular bazaar before." the guard replied. He was of average height and build for his age equipped with a longsword and leather armor. Galin had told Sarah that he hand picked this guard, Norlic from a short list of guards. A server returned to the table, "Miss would you like anything else, we have another wonderful wine available not to mention excellent local foods." Norlic was watching her closely and after deciding the girl was not a threat he went back to his drink as well.

"Just something light then... and perhaps one more glass of wine then I really must be on my way." Sarah told the serving girl softly, while she really didn't have to be anywhere she still wanted to see everything before heading to the rooms to occupy herself until Galin returned and had something for her to do... or not to do. Sometimes it was harder to be a lover then a servant Sarah had noted. At least you always had something to do as a servent and someone always told you exactly what that was. Trying to please another person and be the sole one responsile to do so and to simply know them was a lot harder. But then Sarah had a lot of practice from watching Galin as a servent. "What brought you to Lord Soth?" Sarah asked a little curiously.

"The Guild offers better opportunities then even the registered fighter's guild of Valusia. They take less of the treasure and offer a roof overhead when waiting for contracts without charging." Norlic had been cautioned about telling Sarah the truth about himself, he used to be guardsman that was discharged from his position because of corruption. Taking money to protect merchants or harm the competition and in some cases spending the night with said merchants wife to ruin a rival. "I like the idea even that you meet other 'like' minded indivduals who simply wish to make a little gold." he explained draining his cup.

"Lord Soth's vision is so wonderful... I can't beleive I ever got the good fortune to enter the services of his staff... I won't stay out too long, Lord Soth told me that sometimes watching those without training in harder to do then fight off attackers on your own." Sarah said smiling softly at Norlic, he seemed like a nice guy, much nicer then most of the guards Galin had. Though why men with such hard minds and souls were attracted to men like Galin was a mystery to Sarah after all Lord Galin was on a mission to make the world a better place.

Norlic said nothing else and when Sarah was ready he took her back to where they were staying. The butler offered to have a bath drawn for Sarah as Lord Soth had sent word they would be attending a society gathering this evening and needed Sarah to be ready to assist him in preparing when he returned. "Lady Craig is waiting in her chambers eagerly waiting to allow you access to some of her things." Lady Craig was about the physical same as as Sarah, but she had pale blonde hair and hazel eyes, and a entitled atitude. Her husband however seemed to fall all over himself to appease Lord Soth and stressed that to his wife as well.

"Thank you ever so much Lady Craig, I really do hate to put anyone out but Lord Soth demands things and who am I to deny him?" Sarah apologized after all she was a good Baerlon girl. She washed quickly but thoroughly, oiling her skin with scented oils and brushing her hair out until it shone. Then she dressed in the Lady's clothing. Having a hazelnut colored hair meant Sarah could wear almost anything and look good but she often felt less then others who were blonde or more exotic looking then her. But she forgot all about that when she put on a Valusion gown. It was so different then anything she had ever seen even from Lady Mara's clothing. Some kind of brazier thing that was not a corset, and slits that went all the way up to her belly button. The gown was flowy and left little to the imagination though it did keep it covered. Sarah found she couldn't wear anything underthings with it and she was worried she might accidently flash someone with it.

Galin arrived and smiled approvingly at her, "My, my little dove, I find the Valusian fashion fits you very agreeably." He walked to her and slipped his hand inside the slit and smiled as the pad of his finger rubbed her sex. "This means if the party is not very stimulating then I can collect you into my lap and indulge in you." he whispered before removing his hand. Crossing the room he removed his clothes and proceeded to wash himself before turning to see what Sarah thought he should wear tonight. Absently he thought about taking Sarah before they left for the party, but he wanted her smelling sweet and enticing all night.

Sarah blushed brightly at the though of him doing that in front of a large group of people. She had also learned she was not to speak until given permission from Galin, while she didn't understand why she understood to follow the rules. "Since it is a blue I picked your blue tunic with the gold embroidery." Sarah said softly trying to figure out a way to move unlike she normally did. she would have to be very careful all night, while she was sure it was Lady Craigs idea to embaress her it certainly pleased Galin and Sarah was happy for that. Embaressed of course but happy none the less. No sharp turning around otherwise the flowing fabric would fly open and reveal her to everyone. Yes she would have to be very careful. Though she used the gardenia scent and her hair was left down other then a braid holding the hair on top of her head out of her face. It was a simple enough hair style and it was different from Baerlons and a little different from Valusia who left their hair down but covered it. She did however have some see through material hanging over the braid and down her back.

He dried himself and dressed quickly, although from time to time he would pull the fabric aside and gaze upon Sarah's sex until she'd make him release it. If Lady Craig had given this dress to Sarah to embarase her then their hosts would pay dearly for it. "I believe the carriage should be here soon, my dear." he said opening the front of her dress to observe her breasts. Galin wondered often if Alehial's body looked like Sarah's and from time to time he also wondered if he truly cared anymore. Alehial on her knees as his sexual toy mattered less than just burning the half-elf's world to a cinder.

Sarah continually chased Galin away from the dress and her body. "Galin... do you think your brother might try and face you once the guild is accepted everywhere?" She asked softly not wanting to anger him but it was something she had been curious about for a while since everyone knew he coveted Alehial, Lady Ravenwood. The Duchess and princess of the elves.Sarah had never before attempted to ask Galin any questions bout his family before and she hoped she didn't anger him now with her questions.

Galin looked at her and again smiled at her, "I do not know what my brother might wish to do, and in truth do not care. My focus is on the guild and its mission and we will see what will happen." He again opened her dress and gently pinched her nipple between his finger and thumb. He held her eyes with his own, having such access to Sarah kept him smiling. When the knock at the door happened he closed up the dress and offered her his arm, "The carriage must be here."

"Mmmmm." Sarah said a soft blush over her cheeks. She put her arm in his and let him lead her out to the carriage. Then she settled in the carriage and tried to keep his hands off of her. She needed to keep herself centered and not blushing when she walked in making Galin look silly. If nothing else she wanted to make Galin look even better.

When they arrived most of the room took note of the new arrivals and were gracious. Galin met with several people and left Sarah to mingle with the womenfolk. One of the ladies smiled broadly at Sarah and took her aside, "Your dress is very nice, do you and Lord Soth enjoy meetings of a different nature?" Another lady looked at Sarah and made a comment to her friend who laughed in a manner that made Sarah a little self-conscious. Galin had noticed everything going on and was asking the man beside him for an expanation.

"With a man like Master Soth a woman must always be ready to make him happy. Not a job for the weak willed or weak constitution." Sarah replied holding her own after all being a servant was an occupation that taught you how to keep information close to your chest and to confuse the others who tried to get information out of you and use it against you it was good to give them a little conflicting energy every now and then. Even acting as a lady now she was able to hold her own pretty well. Though she wasn't rich or the better endowed like these women. She was low class born and bred and she was consious of that fact. But she had to protect Lord Galins image.

"I believe they are mocking the fact your dress is not the newest fashion, they barely are able to feed their household what with they spend on dresses. I understand Lord Soth is looking to bring his Guild here to our shores and I know a group that may wish to carry on some business with a man of vision." Her new friend handed a glass of wine to Sarah and turned her away from the gossiping women. Galin noticed the woman with Sarah and questioned the men near him on who she was, the answer was illuminating to say the least. The lady touched a servant, "Move the seating for Lord Soth and Lady Sarah to my table, it smells poor in this side of the room."

"I don't mind what kind of dress I wear as long as Lord Soth is happy with it and he seemed rather fond of this one." Sarah said with a soft blush on her face at having to be rescued from the other women. "My name is Sarah, Might I ask yours?" Sarah asked softly glad this new friend of hers was so accepting of Sarah already. After all she knew Galin needed all the supporter he could get and it was up to her to help him with such things.

"Where are my manners, I am Lady Sophia Endereedi, and I am very happy to make your acquaintice Sarah." Lady Sophia led her to a table closer to the head table and indicated the two people who were to be moved to the servant. "Lady Craig no doubt gave this dress from her collection, she's the type of woman who would politely shove you down the stairs then be put out. Tomorrow we should go and have several dresses made for you, perhaps even have some lunch." Lady Sophia tipped up her wine glass and smiled at Sarah before she took a sip and looked across to her husband who was speaking with Galin.

"That would be lovely, though I have to admit Master Soth is rather taken with this dress. As I am not his wife proper I really feal that wearing what pleases him matters more then what is in the current fashions." Sarah said softly sipping the wine before coughing. It was a much spicier wine then she was used to. Very tart even as well. This was the first time she had ever had wine so strong before. Strong of flavor or anything else.

"Of course, the dresses last year allowed for dalliances, but Craig was too prudish to partake. That is why I wondered if you and Lord Soth are more open relations." she whispered quietly to Sarah. Sophia was not herself overtly attracted to women, but Sarah was special and Lord Soth was quite the speciman. And The Circle was intirgued from what they had heard from their other sources. How nice it would be to get closer to the man who would have the largest private army spanning many nations all over the world.

"I am not his wife. But I do have his attentions. I do understand however why Lord Soth makes such a fuss over dressing me well and taking care of me. IT looks well upon him though I hardly thinks he needs it. He is an outstanding man on his own right." Sarah says softly taking a very small sip of wine. She wasn't used to it and she didn't want to choke on it at such a wonderful gathering such as this. It was rare for Sarah to go out and be shown off to others by Galin.

Dinner went well with Lady Sophia and her husband asking several questions and being very cordial. Sarah noticded that Lady Sophia dominated her husband as he spoke very little of business and she all but convinced Galin to let her warehouses supply his Guild in Valusia and possibly several other countries. Also Galin seemed less impressed with Lord and Lady Craig especially when they had both arrived dressed in higher fashion than what Sarah had been given. In his mind Lady Craig had insulted Sarah, and in that same respect did the same to himself. Galin had all but considered what the repercussions would be and now their fates were sealed.

Sarah was delightfully entertained the entire evening even if Lady Sophia and Lord Galin dominated the conversation at the table. Sarah simply enjoyed seeing things and being out and shown around. In her normal life she would never see any parties like this in her entire lifetime. Now with Galin she could experience things and see them and be part of them even and it was wonderful to be out and dressed up and together.

Lord Endereedi had asked if he might have a dance with Sarah and Galin said that it was up to her. While they were on the floor she saw Galin approach one of his men and send him away. Noting Galin looked infinetly pleased with himself when he returned and talked with Lady Sophia who was even happier then when he agreed to let her supply the Guild in Valusia. "I find that my wife has much more the head for business and the drive to make it successful. Do you find it difficult to stand beside one who is so driven to leave their mark upon the world?" he seemed almost relieved to let his wife handle the business.

"Truth be told my Lord, I find it comforting that he wishes to take care of me. I know at times it must be a hassle but I love him and should he ever ask I would do anything for him." Sarah said softly glancing over at Galin and blushing just looking at him. IT was wonderful being taken care of. An experience she'd never had before and while sometimes she was uncomfertable and didn't know what to do those moments where fleeting and didn't come too often.

The ride back to their hosts home was uneventful and when they arrived the steward handed a note to Galin. He read the noted quickly and then handed it back to the steward, "It seems little dove our hosts have decided to do some traveling and have instructed us to enjoy the house while they are gone. We shall head to our room for the night and tomorrow we will investigate the house fully." He took Sarah's arm and led her back to the bed chambers once away from the steward Galin's hand wormed into the bodice of her dress and began to knead her left breast. Once they were inside the room he undid the dress and let it flutter to the floor, "I must say this kind of fashion has its upside dove." he mused as he pulled her close to kiss.

"Yes it certainly does!" Sarah giggled mefore moaning into the kiss and giving her her full attentions. She didn't mind that she was naked and he was fully dressed. In fact this was happening more and more often and she was caring less and less about it all. She simply wanted to please him and he was spoiling her enough as it was.

Their sexual interlude was brief and exhausted Sarah fell asleep and Galin went to library. Operating his ring he called his two men to portal to him, "Report." The first man stepped forward, "My Lord, the man who may have had Lily Ravenwood is dead and his home was burned to the ground. Some say he might have been the victim of a local assassin." The second man had better information, "Lord and Lady Craig have been delivered to The Circle's people." They both were dismissed, Galin had to think this over, the Craigs would be used for whatever Lady Sophia wanted and they would have to find Lily.

Sarah slept peacefully, her dreams filled with exotic people and outlandish clothes. She slept all the night long and awoke early in the morning. She washed up quickly and freshened up before taking care of their things. She didn't worry about Galin being angry with her for doing these things. He liked Cleanliness.

Galin awoke and stretched before opening his eyes, he was alone in the bed and felt now would be a good time to request information from his guildsman. It did not take long and the news was indifferent, they had found that Lily Ravenwood was in Valusia most likely in this city as well and all that was needed was to find her. Rolling to his side he stretched out his mind to contact Alehial, "Alehial, my people are still searching and we have good authority that Lily crossed the sea with Gerard. We continue to look even now, she will be home with you soon." The months since Alehial asked for his help had been frought with her looking forward to his reports, this Gerard may survive since he had been so helpful in his little game.

Alehial didn't respond, but then she never did. But that didn't mean she wasn't relieved and wouldn't show that appreciation. But right now Sarah returned to the room with breakfast for them both on a tray. She had helped herself downstairs and wore a standard peasant dress from her home, at least to cook in she was more comfertable in this type of dress then any other. But compared to the elegance of Alehial Sarah couldn't match. Nor was she as close in elven quality as Alehial. But she was loyal to a falt and she did love Galin beyond what anyone ever had before. Of course she had no idea how many people he killed to get his way or the kinds of orders he gave either.

Disciples of Soth VI

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