Page name: Disciples of Soth XVI [Logged in view] [RSS]
2020-10-14 03:23:50
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth XV

Galin was waiting when Galadred arrived at their meeting point clad in his armor and very impatient. "Was your mission a success?" he asked the druid the second he changed back into his elven form.

"In as much that I'm insanely using the disciples as a means to an end to bring all elves under my banner and retake the land that is Andor for elvenkind." he said leaning against a tombstone. "Really is all this deception needed?" he asked with a heavy sigh.

Galin smiled, "If you think that was deception, just wait for what I have planned next. I'm sending word to The Circle to attack the tavern where Alehial is and set fire to the place killing whomever is there. While I am there and you will send some of Caliban's mind clouded Disciples to do the same. While I summon The GUild while helping Alehial fight them off."

A little while after Alehial, Lily and Rosi were teleported from the inn, the entire building collapsed. Moving about were soldiers of The Circle and of course The Disciples of Soth. A few had seen the figure fall from the window and hurried to the place where he had fallen. Getting to his feet was Galin Ravenwood and when he turned they could see the denting in his breastplate. However, neither of the men dared ask how it had happened nor how he had fallen from the window.

"Did anyone leave the structure?" he growled, not happy about how the young assassin had removed him from the building.

"No, sir." The Disciple answered, "What shall we do now?"

"Eliminate the soldiers of The Circle." he answered pulling his ring out. "Then have our people go to them and increase security for our Valsuian friends. Dismissed."

Once gone he turned and worked up what he would say and intoned the ring to Alehial's pin. "Alehial! Where are you, are all of you safe?" he added a slight panic and concern. None of this had went as planned, but hopefully he could salvage something from it all.

It was several hours later that he finally got a response from her own pin. Galin? I'm sorry it took me so long to respond... Darryl pulled Lily and I away, the house is in madness! We are fine, all healthy. I must take care of a few things and..." Alehial paused a moment in her response to him then before finishing what she was saying the regret and worry clearly coming through. " I am lying to Altair, to keep them all safe. They MUST stay together so you can help protect them all!" Alehials tone sounded weary as if she were now fighting her own family as well. "I may not be able to get away quickly, but I will call you to come get me the moment I can, you will still help me? Keep them all safe and hunt for my uncle won't you?" her hesitation and worry came through clearly once more.

Galin shifted in his seat and frowned for a second, "It is fine I was concerned for the both of you after my sudden departure from the building." Part of him raged at the fact a simple assassin like Da'Karis not only kicked him with enough force to send him through the window, but had simply disappeared and left disciple forces dead in his wake until the could only feel he had escaped. "My word is my bond to you Alehial, I will help you find him and keep your family safe. When shall I expect to her from you next, perhaps after court, it has come to my attention that Gaerth has rendered a verdict about Flint and his betrothal." Galin was in fact very interested in what the king had decided about his son, given recent events.

"I'm not certain how long this will take to deal with... but as soon as everything is safe again at home... Altair is... I'm not certain if he will want to come with me to court." Alehial replies hesitantly, clearly not wanting to discuss Altair with Galin. She made it clear they were at odds though and that that worried her too.

"It might show Gareth that the family is fully in agreement with Flint. I would make an appearance except for the agreement that I never set foot in Andor again." He set to her. All the while he was paying attention to what the disciples had brought him, a minor nobles daughter who was bound and gagged. There was going to be a experiment using bliss motes and how long the girl could handle them.

"I will be in touch perhaps in the morning." Alehial didn't comment of him being banished, he knew how she felt about it. She was done talking though and had many things to take care of here at home.

"I will await word from you then." he let her go after that, there was not much else to say. And he also study the girl who even now was trying her best no to react to the hundreds of little creatures covering her skin.

Sarah awoke the next morning to the realization that someone was in her room and it wasn't one of her new friends. She could smell freshly brewed tea and fresh bread and whoever was there was sitting patiently.

Sarah rose tempering a yawn, looking around the room for whoever it was watching her. She could feel it, after being with Galin it was an easy thing to know, when someone watched. But her stomach grumbled softly at the smell of tea and bread.

Sitting at the small table was the Matron quietly sipping from a cup of tea, "Good morning Emissary. Did you sleep well?" She was looking at Sarah sitting up in nothing but her sleeping shift. No wonder Galin fancied her, she looked like Alehial just with more humanly curves. No doubt the emissary graced his bed often and she guessed willingly.

"Matron! Good morning, I did sleep very well." Sarah at first a little surprised in expression quickly changes to a soft relaxed smile. "Thank you for asking, and yourself my lady? Well rested I hope, and seen to as needed?" Sarah asks as a hostess should. She wondered if that was enough for the Matron or if she required more than tea and bread, as she thinks on it she slips from the bed smoothly and comes to the table in her slip to join her guest.

The Matron poured her a cup of tea and indicated the sugar cubes and milk for her preference. Then motioned to the bread and fresh butter and preserves that sat between them. "Of course if you prefer something else we will have to summon the servants." she said casually. "Also, no word as of yet from our people pursuing the spies. Although I believe your guard detail are very capable of finding them." she took another sip from her cup and waited to see if Sarah would indulge in the breakfast offered.

"They are the best at what they do. Thank you very much, if I had known you were coming I would have prepared to receive you, I must admit being woken to this is a surprise!" Sarah giggle softly as she adds sugar and milk to her tea, she also slices some bread and applies butter. Here as well as at 'home' she was spoiled it seemed. She smiles pleasantly at the Matron, it was nice to have someone to talk to in the mornings. Often Galin was either already away or in a rush to begin working.

"From what I have heard they are best at many things. And you know that quite well." the matron answered. She wanted to see what this emissary could do, and equipped with the knowledge of the sexual romp with her guards she could see if this was a true servant of Soth or a little puppet Galin controlled.

"Indeed! They really surprised me too! Their skill with battle certainly not the most impressing thing about them I should think." Sarah let's a soft giggle escape as she continued to eat comfortable. It seemed like Kit was testing her, or perhaps was hoping to catch her embarrased perhaps, but after being with Galin Ravenwood and all he had done for her, well Sarah wasn't ashamed to be his courtesan in the least.

"Do you know what Galin sent you here for Sarah?" she asked looking over the rim of her cup. While the woman did not shy away from the fact that she had a spy in her house, it was impressive. "Where did you receive your training? May I ask." she said to Sarah, how much would the emissary reveal about herself she wondered.

"I have been sent my lady to collect something for Lord Galin, and to work with you on his behalf. He understands and respects your desire to hold onto your own, and merely wishes to get what he needs and leave you in peace." Sarah says smoothly and diplomatically. She didn't actually know what it was she was supposed to bring home but Galin had called it a relic. Sarah took a few moments to chew some food and then a drink of tea to cleanse her palate before smiling mysteriously at Kit. "I have been taught by Various teachers, masters if you will." She says, unwilling to name Galin, her Mentor or even admit she was self taught. Let this vague answer be enough for the Matron.

"The relic is a key to open a ruin. And the payment is that Galin leaves Pachcua alone, forever." the Matron said. "And I assume you learned well, as you serve Galin closely as emissary and...." she let the rest trail off so not to insult the woman. The Matron wondered what the guards who had a romp with her in the baths thought of their charge, or that they knew she so resembled Alehial Ravenwood a woman their master desired above all else.

Sarah smiles and offers some fruit to the Matron. Before taking some for herself as well. "As long as we are all willing to work together I believe Lord Galin will have no trouble keeping his word." Sarah says easily skipping over the unasked question of whether or not she slept with Galin. Until she could decide what Kit was going to do with that information Sarah would play the cat and mouse game about it. "Such interest in Lord Galin, is it because of the dragon wars?" Sarah asks conversationally.

"This Galin was from the first Dragon War, the second who I once graced his bed was from another version of our world. I guess I will ask the question then, do you serve Galin in all things? I would believe his desires and urges differ from the one called Emperor Galin." she poured a little more tea and offered Sarah some. "The Emperor enjoyed more than one woman at a time, and that was when I decided Pachuca would be controlled by women only. Sex is for procreation, love can be found with a man or a woman. But it is a decision only a woman can make."

"I serve Lord Galin in all things." Sarah nodded her head, she was aware that there had been two Galin's but she didn't particularly think either had been wrong. Though Emporer Galin had done things much harsher than needed she felt. Which explained Kit's behavior or so she thought. "Including the bedroom." She clarified for Kit, she was making an attempt to bond and Sarah was being careful but didn't mind. Besides this Galin had also enjoyed Sarah and her teacher together. "I don't fault your way of thinking my Lady. I don't doubt you must be feeling conflicted with things being the way they are now either." Sarah says gently, she personally had never dealt with things like other time lines and such things. She does accept the tea and drinks it.

After breakfast the Matron remained speaking with Sarah about Pachuca and the area around. It occurred to Sarah she was still in her slip. "Had you met our guards before coming here?" Kit asked Sarah interested if the dalliance in the baths had been a long time coming or a spur of the moment thing.

"I had not but I had heard the men often speak of Angahad. The red haired one. So I was aware generally speaking that she is... skillful and feared." Sarah said wondering if she should dress or perhaps the Matron preferred seeing her much as Galin did as well. "Shall I get dressed and we can retire elsewhere to continue speaking my lady?" Sarah offered politely. Thinking Kit might enjoy a cushioned seat to the hard chairs here in the bedroom.

"What do you normally do after waking and eating?" the matron asked, "I would hate to derail your usual schedule." She however made no movement to get up or leave the room, Sarah was intriguing and she was easily seen as a way for Galin to temper his lusts for Alehial so not to misstep into disaster.

"Honestly I spend my freetime studying mostly." Sarah shrugs her shoulders just slightly making it a more elegant movement than it typically was. "While I am here I was instructed to keep you happy and do as I wished. Lord Galin is earnest in his desire to get what he wants and to leave you alone. He only uses violence when he has to." Sarah says standing and walking over to her wardrobe, she would dress then regardless of Kit being here.

"Then what is it that you wish to do?" The matron asked her eyes watching Sarah's movements. "We can still discuss Galin or other forms of him and how he differs. Or we can find other things to do while we wait and see if your guards return." It occurred to Sarah, Kit had not said if she was getting the relic or not yet.

"Do you think the two Galins differ much?" Sarah asks over her should as she drops the slips straps over her shoulder and lets them fall to the floor. Usually she wore blue colors for Galin as it was his favorite color but while here she was leaning towards red while here and so pulls out a red outfit to begin dressing in.

The Matron stood up as the slip fell to the floor, "That depends Sarah, would you turn around?" She remembered the type of woman the Emperor liked and if Sarah's breasts and sex were the same then there was not much difference in them at all.

Sarah let go of the outfit she was pulling out and turned around to face Kit. Her breasts were on the fuller side and her waist narrow only to flare out again for her hips, she was fuller than Alehial, not as slight. But she was the same height and most features were similar enough if she attempted to look like the half elf she would make a decent facsimile of her. Sarah had her head tilted inquisitively, watching Kit come close and eye her body.

Kit reached out and took Sarah's left breast in her hand feeling it's weight, then she ran her thumb over the nipple to see if it would react. Her other hand slipped down over Sarah's stomach and down to her sex, kept clear of hair just like the emperor liked his women. "Be happy Sarah, you would have graced his bed no matter which Galin is using the name Soth. Gently she pressed her fingers against Sarah's sex wetting them, then smiled at the Emissary as she licked them clean.

Sarah bit her bottom lip, her eyes never leaving Kit's face, nor did she raise her arms or push away at all. Her nipple hardened under the other womans thumb, her stomach pulled in a little at the ticklish light touch. She grew wet a little at the Matrons attentions. "I'm not sure that is a comfort or not." She says softly watching Kit clean her Sarah wet fingers.

"Which part?" The Matron said dipping her finger back inside Sarah, "Knowing that no matter which Galin would now be running the Disciples either would have you grace their bed? or that if it was the emperor you would only be in his bed. I think you prefer your position with this Galin." The Matron pulled her skirt aside and exposed herself to the Emissary and waited to see what would happen.

"Mmm yes... yes exactly." Sarah moans softly, once Kit exposed herself as well Sarah looked at her face carefully before she gently removed Kit's hand and went to her knee's willingly. Leaning forward she used her hand to spread Kit's nether lips and licked along her slit giving extra pressure at her it. Just like Mazla taught her. But Sarah was and would always be the submissive partner.

Kit moaned as Sarah's tongue moved along her slit, she dropped her hand to the younger woman's scalp. "I think we should take this to your bed, I haven't had a decent dalliance for months and if you make this worth my time I will send you home with the relic." she groaned unpinning her vestment and letting them flutter to the floor.

"I will do my best Matron." Sarah says with a small smile getting to her feet. She walks to the bed and crawls on top patting it and smiling back at Kit. "Care to dally?" She asks with a giggle, as she lay on her side enticingly.

The Matron followed Sarah onto the bed and kissed her deeply, again her fingers played across her nipples. "I see your training has been truly all encompassing, I'd like you finish what you began." she whispered to Sarah.

"Yes ma'am. As you wish." Sarah said after the kiss. She kissed Kit's neck, then clavicle. Down to her breasts, spending several moments suckling at one while her fingers and hand caressed and played with the other. Her free hand teasingly tracing patterns on Kit's thigh. She had learned seduction and taking one's time to please from Galin. Her's, not the emperor.

The Matron stretched pushing her chest out for Sarah's attentions, Galin had chosen well in this one. She brought her had around and gently placed it behind Sarah's neck. "Wonderful my dear, you are making them tighten oh so well." she moaned.

Sarah switched breasts and bit down a little, while her fingers pinched the one she had abandoned with her mouth. The cool air and pressure made them hard and Sarah let the tracing hand cup Kit's mound, rubbing a finger along her slit and up to rub her clit hard then back down. Sarah was no master lover when it came to women but she was drawing on her teachings and often what Galin did to her.

Kit humped her sex against that wonderful finger and sighed as Sarah was doing a masterful job of turning her on. She did though make a mental note that in a very little bit she was going to be the one taking Sarah.

Sarah smiles and kisses back up to the matrons neck, before slipping two fingers into Kit's hot wet pussy. Her thumb every now and then rubbing her clit for added stimulation of the pumping fingers. Her other hand still cupping and plying the slightly older woman's breast.

The humping against those fingers got faster, she reached over and pulled Sarah's mouth to her's and kissing her deeply. Once she broke the kiss Kit whispered, "Whilst I enjoy you hands, it was your mouth I wanted between my thighs Emissary. Gain my climax and I will repay you in kind and in the relic you seek. Fail and I will keep you here as the next mother to my child." her words made Sarah remember the magical phallus Mazla had that became a living penis.

"Patience Matron, why settle for one orgasm when you could have more? You let Sarah handle your needs My lady, and you will not regret it." Sarah replys stroking the two fingers inside of Kit against her walls to stimulate her more roughly. The kiss had been nice and Sarah was well pleased with the responses she was getting from her until of course Kit threatened her. That put a little damper on the fun, and Sarah had warned the matron once already that Galin would not allow anything to happen to her. Sarah continues to use her fingers but repositions herself between Kit's legs and lowers her face to her legs, kissing lightly down her stomach before teasingly licking Kit's clit lightly.

There was a sharp intake of air as Sarah licked her, she was not disappointing her in the least. It had been some time since she graced another woman's bed and even longer since she sired her son and daughter. No man would make her bear children, she was the dominate one and the children were strong like her. Although she would have preferred two daughters, perhaps she would send the boy away to grow up somewhere else to have a chance to have a better life. But right now Sarah was doing a wonderful job of pleasing her.

Sarah spent some time using her tongue to tease Kit, before she continued with her thrusting fingers and suckled the older woman's clit. She should come very soon now that she was getting all this hard stimulation. Sarah wondered vaguely if Kit was actually a submissive lover like she was, or if perhaps Kit was just overwhelmed by Sarah's skill in the bedroom. Was Sarah so skilled? She hadn't thought so since she had had only her teacher Mazla and Galin as lover and teachers, but perhaps she knew more than she thought. She suckled Kit's clit using the tip of her tongue now and then.

Kit made some noises and arched her hips to Sarah's tongue she was enjoying the attention the emissary was giving her sex. Maybe she would keep her and Galin be damned, Sarah could be her consort and bear her a few more children. Her hands slipped down into Sarah's hair and held her still for a moment enjoying the spot where she was. Glancing over she noted her bag with the magical phallus wasn't far away and she could enjoy Sarah in a few moments if she wished to.

Sarah one she was stilled continued that stimulation and her fingers never ceased their rythem inside of Kit, Sarah hummed her eagerness as well before reaching up to lightly pinch and touch the Matron of Pachuca's nipple. Sarah knew the Matron was ever so close. Hands in her hair, hips trembling and tense, Sarah herself was often in a similar state for Galin.

A few seconds later the Matron gasped as her climax erupted within her, her hips bucked against Sarah. Her breathing was ragged as she began to come down from Sarah's talented mouth, "Wonderful Sarah, truly very talented my dear."

"Thank you Kit, I am glad to hear you are pleased." Sarah purred softly as she licked her lips and wiped her chin clean. She stayed laying languidly between the rulers leg's until directed otherwise. Her fingers still working in and out of Kit's body, Sarah's thumb rubbing her clit. More than prepared to force the other woman into yet another climax, even as she leaned down and kissed and even gently nibbled thigh's and taut stomach.

Kit felt the emissary continue to please her and smiled, "Have you ever had someone use a false phallus upon you? Because I wish to use one upon you for all the pleasure you have shown me." she purred looking down at her current bedmate.

"I have. But I have no contraception to use against it. So I must decline it's use, Galin would not be pleased were something to happen." Sarah said softly between some kisses as she slowly worked her way with kisses and nibbles up to Kit's breasts. "I don't need any special treatment my lady, only to please you. And fulfill my Lord's wishes." Sarah said softly her hand still pleasing Kit.

"I do have a draught to prevent pregnancy, and I would be a poor host if I didn't provide you with pleasure since you've done so much for me." she said a little more bluntly. She let her hand slowly part Sarah's sex and slipped two fingers inside the woman.

"If you insist, I will of course accept my Lady. Nnnh!" Sarah nodded her head before moaning as Kit's fingers slid into her wet warmth. She bit a little more excitedly at Kit's breast as well. Her hand faltering slightly on Kit.

"Enough then, let me go and get my bag. This little interlude will be much more fun once I'm enjoying your body." Kit said gently caressing Sarah's cheek as the woman suckled on her breast. Even though the older woman's fingers were still toying with Sarah's sex and especially her clit.

Sarah released Kit's body from her hand and mouth and instead shifted to lay on her back, all the while the Matron never removed her own fingers from sweetly torturing Sarah's own body. Sarah squirmed, "my! My lady!" She whined softly gasping and looking the other woman in the eyes, Sarah was sensitive and Kit was skilled at pleasing another as well. Sarah was blushing softly once more, a somewhat common occurance at new things happening.

Kit let her fingers out of Sarah long enough to get her bag and took out the phallus and draught. With the command word spoken and the phallus attached she brought the bottle back for Sarah. "Drink lovely and make it soon, because I long to thrust inside you." Kit said putting the bottle in her hand and then putting those fingers back inside her as she began to suckle on her clit.

Sarah took the potion and watched wide eyed as Kit made the phallus close to Galin's size and shape. She tipped the bottle and had to pause lest she choke when kit wasted no time and pushed those fingers back within her and attacked her clit. Sarah swallowed to contents of the bottle quickly and set it aside on the bed. "D-done my lady and I am ready for your manhood." Sarah said softly gently caressing Kit's cheek and forehead with one hand, the other at her breast pinching and gently twisting her nipple. She was wet and the Matron was hard and ready to take Sarah as she pleased.

Kit released her clit and began to push herself into Sarah claiming her as her hips made contact. What began next was a slow thrusting in and out and Kit groaned as she felt Sarah's body clutch her. "I see what Galin sees in you Sarah, tight and warm and so willing to do anything for him. Does he take you slowly or is he all power and fury?" she asked as her rhythm picked up.

Sarah arched as Kit pushed her magic manhood within her. "Ooohh!" She moaned beneath the older woman, her body clutching in time with the thrusts in and out. "It d-depends on his m-moods hah!" Sarah stuttered and moaned as kit began to increase her speed, Sarah squirmed beneath her, wrapping her legs around the other woman's sides to open her body fully to Kit and take her inside of herself. "Mm! Yes!" She moaned out encouragingly.

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